2 Table – Catalogue of the prone burials in Scandinavia from Roman Iron Age to Viking Age Nr Grave field Region Country Period AD Grave Sex Age Grave goods Deviancy Orientation Remarks Literature Bannerslund 1 mark Nordjylland DK RIA ♂ maturus none W/E Sellevold et al. 1984, s. 40 Grøn et al. 1994, s. 14–15; Gardeła 2013a, s. 115–117; 2013b, adultus s. 131 2 Bogøvej Langeland DK VA P ♂ (30-40) knife stoning? E/W Toplak 2016a, s. 190 3 Græsbjerg Zealand DK RIA K ♀ adultus none Ne/Sw Sellevold et al. 1984, s. 55 Kjær Kristensen & Bennike 2001a; 2001b decapitation; double burial; decapitated male in prone Thäte 2007, s. 268 4 Kumle Høje Langeland DK VA F ♂ restraining? position above a supine burial Gardeła 2013a, s. 112; 2013b, s. 113 Sellevold et al. 1984, s. 76–77 Andersen 1993 Grøn et al. 1994, s. 151 Thäte 2007, s. 268 decapitation; double burial; decapitated male in prone Gardeła 2013a, s. 111; 2013b, s. 5 Lejre Zealand DK VA 55 ♂ maturus none restraining? W/E position above a supine burial 111–112 6 Lyregård Zealand DK RIA ♂ senilis none N/S Sellevold et al. 1984, s. 83 7 Maglebjerghøj Zealand DK MP 495 B ♂ maturus amber bead Ne/Sw Sellevold et al. 1984, s. 84 early 8 Masede Fort Zealand DK RIA Ø ? maturus none N/S Sellevold et al. 1984, s. 86 early adultus/ 9 Masede Fort Zealand DK RIA CC ? maturus none Ene/Wsw Sellevold et al. 1984, s. 86 early adultus/ 10 Masede Fort Zealand DK RIA HH ? maturus none Ene/Wsw Sellevold et al. 1984, s. 86 early 11 Masede Fort Zealand DK RIA MM ♂ maturus none Ne/Sw Sellevold et al. 1984, s. 86 early 12 Masede Fort Zealand DK RIA Ii ♂ maturus none N/S Sellevold et al. 1984, s. 88 13 Muldbjerg Zealand DK VA 900 ♂ maturus knife Nw/Se Sellevold et al. 1984, s. 88–89 14 Regnemark Zealand DK RIA 2 ♂? adultus none Sellevold et al. 1984, s. 95 early glass bead, razor, two decapitation; double burial; only one skeleton 15 Slusegård Bornholm DK RIA 309 ♂ adultus knives, awl, pottery restraining? S/N preserved Sellevold et al. 1984, s. 107 two bronze brooches, bronze hooks, glass early beads, knife, spindle 16 Slusegård Bornholm DK RIA 328 ? maturus whorl, pottery Nne/Ssw Sellevold et al. 1984, s. 107 double burial; male in prone position above a decapitated male in supine 17 Slusegård Bornholm DK RIA 989 ♂ maturus two knives, two iron awls Sse/Nnw position Sellevold et al. 1984, s. 114 18 Slusegård Bornholm DK RIA 996 ♀? juvenilis none Nne/Ssw Sellevold et al. 1984, s. 114 Sellevold et al. 1984, s. 131 19 Trelleborg Zealand DK VA 132 ? adultus none W/E Müller-Wille 1987, s. 77–82 3 late infans I 20 Tveje Merløse Zealand DK RIA 5 ? (4-5) none S/N face down contracted position Sellevold et al. 1984, s. 132 adultus/ late 900- maturus 21 Haug, Hadseløya Vesterålen N VA 1100 D1 ♀ (35-55) none Nw/Se Sellevold 1989 Blindheim & Heyerdahl-Larsen 1995, Nordre twisted posture; s. 130–132 22 Bikjholberget Kaupang N VA 274 ♂? none restraining? twisted or prone position? Stylegar 2007, s. 90–91 Blindheim & Heyerdahl-Larsen 1995, Nordre twisted posture; s. 130–132 23 Bikjholberget Kaupang N VA 275 ♂? none restraining? twisted or prone position? Stylegar 2007, s. 90–91 Blindheim & Heyerdahl-Larsen 1995, Nordre twisted posture; s. 130–132 24 Bikjholberget Kaupang N VA 276 ♂? none restraining? twisted or prone position? Stylegar 2007, s. 90–91 Albäcksbacken, 25 Maglarp Skåne S RIA no further information given Jacobsson 1984 sekundary stone cist burial in stone- 26 Algutsrum Öland S RIA A32:e none N/S layered pit Hagberg et al. 1991, s. 169–170 double burial; man (B 129) with weapons decapitation?; and moose antlers ('älgmannen') in Holmquist Olausson 1990 Adelsö parish, late adultus restraining?; supine position and decapitated(?) man Kjellström 2014, s. 48 27 Birka Uppland S VP/VA A 129 ♂ (20-30) none twisted posture ? (A 129) in prone position Toplak 2016a, s. 189 arabic coins (fragments), Arbman 1940, 1943, s. 251 Birka Adelsö parish, knife, leather pouche, Gräslund 1980, s. 26 28 Hemlanden 1C Uppland S VA Bj 724 ♀ bronze button W/E Toplak 2016a, s. 188 careless burial in small pit; three penannular dislocation of the skull (no Vallstena brooches, knives, signs of decapitation); parish, senilis whetstone, comb, key, iron objects (knives) across torso leaned against the wall, skull lying 29 Bjärge Gotland S VA 52/1992 ♂ (~63) padlock, 47 arabic coins the back Ne/Sw on legs Thunmark-Nylén 2000, s. 772 Vallstena parish, adultus 30 Bjärge Gotland S VA 112/1992 ♀ (~27) bead set, knife S/N Thunmark-Nylén 2000, s. 773 sword, knife, axe, belt Hejnum buckle, comb, bronze and stoning?; parish, iron objects, bridle, bones sword and knife across the 31 Bjärs Gotland S VP 18 ♂ (horse/dog?) back N/S Nordin 1891, s. 19–21 Hejnum parish, 32 Bjärs Gotland S VA 67 ♂? bangle, glass bead, knife S/N Thunmark-Nylén 2000, p. 381 Hejnum parish, 33 Bjärs Gotland S VA 78 ? knife E/W Thunmark-Nylén 2000, s. 382 adultus Hårding 1977, s. 11 34 Björkå Ångermanland S VA 34 (F) ♂ (25-35) none left hand and left foot missing ? Toplak 2016a, s. 189 Hemmendorff 1984 Kjellström 2014 late 765 +/- adultus decapitation; triple burial; cremation burial, two Zachrisson 2014, s. 78 35 Bollstanäs Uppland S VP/VA 100 A29F58 ♂ (17-22) none restraining? ? decapitated men in prone position above Toplak 2016a, s. 189 Hemmendorff 1984 triple burial; cremation burial, two Kjellström 2014 late 765 +/- adultus decapitation decapitated men in prone position above; Zachrisson 2014, s. 78 36 Bollstanäs Uppland S VP/VA 100 A29F59 ♂ (20-40) none restraining? ? teeth modifications Toplak 2016a, s. 189 Fröjel, adultus Carlsson 1999b, s. 128 37 Bottarve Gotland S VA 12/88 ♀ (23-40) none N/S Toplak 2016a, s. 222–223 4 adultus/ Fröjel, maturus brooch set, arabic coins, arrow head/dress pin at the double burial (?); man (25A) in lateral and Carlsson 1999b, s. 146–151 38 Bottarve Gotland S VA 25B/89 ♀ (35-45) arrow head/dress pin? neck Wsw/Ene woman (25B) in prone position Toplak 2016a, s. 222–223 900- maturus Helgesson 1990 39 Fjälkinge Skåne S VA 1000 363 ♂ (45-50) none Nnw/Sse Svanberg 2003, s. 102–107 Ganthem parish, 40 Gardese Gotland S RIA no further information given personal communication C. Arcini Fleringe penannular brooch, parish, balance weights, arabic 41 Grodde Gotland S VA 17 ♂ coins Ssw/Nne Thunmark-Nylén 2000, s. 184 Hammarsnäs, in the northern area of the cemetery, 42 Halör Skåne S RIA 6 ♂ adultus none N/S between the regular graves Hansen 1936, s. 23 Hammarsnäs, in the northern area of the cemetery, 43 Halör Skåne S RIA 27 ♂ adultus none N/S between the regular graves Hansen 1936, s. 30 Hammarsnäs, in the northern area of the cemetery, 44 Halör Skåne S RIA 33 ♂ adultus none disturbed burial? Ne/Sw between the regular graves Hansen 1936, s. 33 Hammarsnäs, in the northern area of the cemetery, 45 Halör Skåne S RIA 42 ♂ adultus none Wnw/Ese between the regular graves Hansen 1936, s. 39 Hammarsnäs, in the northern area of the cemetery, 46 Halör Skåne S RIA 52 ♀ adultus none Ne/Sw between the regular graves Hansen 1936, s. 42 Hammarsnäs, in the northern area of the cemetery, 47 Halör Skåne S RIA 57 ♂ adultus knife, scissors S/N between the regular graves Hansen 1936, s. 43 Hablingbo parish, 48 Havor Gotland S VA 1000 34 ? pennanular brooch S/N Thunmark-Nylén 2000, p. 294 little elaborate secondary Hablingbo burial in an older cremation parish, grave, brooch possible 49 Havor Gotland S VA 1000 77 ♀ [animal-head brooch] belonging to older burial N/S Thunmark-Nylén 2000, p. 296 grave pit aside the burial ground; maturus/ fixation of the lower limbs?; early 125 +/- senilis twisted posture; good health status, according to Sr- 50 Hulterstad Öland S RIA 62 1094 ♀ (+ 60) belt mount multiple blunt force traumatas N/S analysis local Wilhelmson 2017, s. 182 three penannular brooches, belt buckle, Hellvi parish, three strapends, knife, 51 Ire Gotland S VA 226 ♂ ? axe, spear head Wnw/Ese Thunmark-Nylén 2000, s. 412–413 Lummelunda parish, 52 Kambs Gotland S VA k. N. ♂ ? penannular brooch, knife Sw/Ne Thunmark-Nylén 2000, s. 532 980- 53 Kopparsvik Visby, Gotland S VA 1020 8 ♀ brooch set, jewellery Ssw/Nne Toplak 2016b, s. 11 900- knife with broken tip behind 54 Kopparsvik Visby, Gotland S VA 1050 12 ♂ knife the neck Ssw/Nne Toplak 2016b, s. 15 double burial; two men in lateral (25) and 900- prone (26) position in close proximity to 55 Kopparsvik Visby, Gotland S VA 1050 26 ♂ none Ssw/Nne each other Toplak 2016b, s. 31 950- filed teeth; 56 Kopparsvik Visby, Gotland S VA 1050 39 ♂ penannular brooch Nnw/Sse burial in a shroud? Toplak 2016b, s. 44 980- 57 Kopparsvik Visby, Gotland S VA 1050 42 ♂ belt buckle, strapend Sw/Ne Toplak 2016b, s. 47 5 900- twisted posture; 58 Kopparsvik Visby, Gotland S VA 1050 48 ♂ knife restraining? Nne/Ssw Toplak 2016b, s. 53 900- 59 Kopparsvik Visby, Gotland S VA 1050 58 ♂ knife Ssw/Nne Toplak 2016b, s. 64 900- 60 Kopparsvik Visby, Gotland S VA 1050 59 ♂ none skull missing Nne/Ssw Toplak 2016b, s. 65 900- penannular brooch, belt filed teeth; 61 Kopparsvik Visby, Gotland S VA 1020 60 ♂ buckle, strapend Ssw/Nne burial in a shroud? Toplak 2016b, s. 66 970- 62 Kopparsvik Visby, Gotland S VA 1050 62 ♂ arm ring Nne/Ssw filed teeth Toplak 2016b, s.
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