12P/262/6 .(To Be Filled up by the Candidate Bv Blue/Black Bau-Point Pen!

12P/262/6 .(To Be Filled up by the Candidate Bv Blue/Black Bau-Point Pen!

meraresult.com Set No. 1 QU"!'tion Booklet No. .00061 12P/262/6 .(To be filled up by the candidate bv blue/black baU-point pen! Roll No. LI_..L_.L_L_L--l_-L_--L_...J Roll No. (Write the digits in words) .•.••••••••.•••• ~ .................................................................. ",... ,.,. .. " Serial No. of Answer Sheet .............................................. Day aod Date ..••••••••.••..••.••.., ••••.•••.•.•••••..••••.••••.•...••••..••..••.• ( Sig.ature of Invigilator ) INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES (Use only bluelblack ball-point pen in the space above and on both sides of the Answer Sheet) 1. Within 10 minutes of the issue of the Question Booklet, check the Question Booklet to elll>ure [hat ;+ contains all the pages in correct sequence and that no page/question is missing. In case of fuulty Question Booklet bring it to the notice of the SuperintendentlInvigilators immediately to ohtuin u fresh Question Booklet. 2. Do not bring any loose paper, written or blank, inside the Examination Hall except the Admit Oml witllout its envelope. 3. A sqNIIflU AIIJ'WB SlIut Is given. It should not be folded or mutilated. A second A",fwer SIIl!1!1 shall "ot be PI"OVided. 0,,1y the Answer Sheet will be evaluated. 4. Write your Roll Number and Serial Number of the Answer Sheet by pen in the space prvirlerl abow. S. 0" the front page ofthe Answer Sheel, w,ile by pen your RoO Number';" tire space provitl,J",1 ttl the top and by darkening the circles at the bo/iom. Also, wherever applicable. write Ihe QUl!stil)u Booklet Number and the Set Number in appropri4le places. 6. No overwriting is allowed In the entries of Roll No., Quatlon Booklet no. and S,t no. or anyJ on OMR sheet and Roll No. and OMR sht!et no. on. the Queston Booklet. 7. Any change in the aforesaid entries Is to be verifred by the inv/gilator, otherwise il w/U be 1,1Hen as unfairmeans. S. Each queslion illlhis Booklet isfollowed oy JOUl' altema/ive QllSwcrs. For eae" qlli!SJ;oll, y •.• ;./ are to record the correct option on the Answer Sheel by darkening Ihe appropriate dr("/c ill /h{! corre_fPonding row of II,e An.fwer Sheel, by pen as mellliolled III ti,e gllideline,,' ;':;"'_'11 {Ill 4,~f' first page ofthe Answer Sheet. 9. For each question, darken only one circle on the Answer Sheet. If you darken more than one- el'te 1~ or darken a circle partial1y, the answer will be treated as incorrect. 10. Note thai the answer once filled in ink cannot be changed. If you do not wish to aflflmpt r1... question. leave all the circies in the corresponding row blank (such question wiIJ he QII'(J':"/,,,.l zero marks). It. for rough work, use the inner back page of the title cover and the blank page at tho;; elld u'f: ~h e. Booklet. 12. Deposit only OMR Anl'wer Sheet at the end ofthc Test. 13. You are not pennitted to leave the Examination Hall until the end of the Test. 14. Ifa candidate attempts to use any fono of unfair means. he/she shall be liable to such puni:.hml:lll a$ the University may determine and impose on himlher. Total No. of Printed Pages: 28 [~f.$r ~ it a#f;z; JIIq{lTf 'f8" 'I< fi:iI '1". t~ meraresult.com 12P/262/6 No. of Questions: 100 '!lV'if .n'hl <$Ill : 100 Ttme : 2 Hours Full Marks: 300 WTl1: 2 wrZ- N:300 Note: (1) Attempt as many questions as you can. Each question carries 3 (Three) marks. One mark will be deducted/or each incorrect answer. Zero mark will be awarded for each unattempted question. 3lf~~ m Of;) 1R'f ~ 'itT 3i"!<'I 'li(1 mit'li Wo1 3 (<fR) aiq; 'itT il Jlr44i TfMif 'ffl< ~ fffir ~;;f;;; ~ .11<11/1, mit'li 3lj'ilR~ Wo1 'itT ~IOjiq; ~W1Tl (2) If more than one alternative answers seem to be approximate to the correct answer, choose the closest one. "'If<; 1I;'hIf~ ~q;r01q;<!"iI\ ~ <!"iI\ if; f.rq;c mlm tit, <it Rq;l~1l ~ OrR ~I 01. The original tune of Vande-Mataram is based on the Raga? (1) Desh (2) Sorath (3) Khamaj (4) MaJhar ~ %'W\ 'lit ~ !!"f ~ U'T <R ~ i ? (1) ~~T (2) >i'IT<o (3) ~""f (4) Il""" 02. How many Swaras were used in Sam-Sangeet ? (1) Two (2) Three (3) Four (4) Five m'! WlRr if ~ m <or 5f'iM l!>3TI i ? (1) <h (2) ffi;r (3) """' (4) q"fq 3 P.T.O. meraresult.com 12P/262/6 03. A famous lady musician who received the Bharatratna title? (1) R. Vedavalli (2) D.K. Pattammal (3) M.L. Vasanthakumari (4) M.S. Subhalakshmi foRT Ilffl'il! li'1~P.>;;<1'iIT1 "Nl,1$! Ofir 'l1{(1<M ;oqffi:r B f<l"i!'ict fon<rr 'f'IT i? (1) 0lRo tle:"lw11 (2) mo olJo q~i'O'1<1 (4) «'1"o<motl"'l<1'flft 04. Tagore composed "Janaganman" in the year: "1'1' I U I '1 'i <:Cl'lT <:'R '!it ~ 'f foRT ~. i'f '!it ? (1) 1900 (2) 190] (3) 1910 (4) 1911 05. Haveli Sangeet is accompanied vvith : (1) Dhol:lk (2) Tasha (3) Ghatam (4) Pakhawaj G40lttt:l <f olJ "ffi1'f foRT "lTE;[ 2fT tMRi "Tcfr i ? (1) it0'Fi (2) ClT~TT (3) ~ (4) Q@"101 06. In which chapter of Natya Shastra the subject of music has been dealt with ? "lR'1~TR'>f olJ foRT '3l'2lf'! i'f <Mtcr fcr<r:f CliT f<i Cj q 'i i ? ~ (1) 15 (2) 28 (3) 14 (4) 40 07. Total Margi Talas as per Sangita - Ratnakar : (1) Three (2) Four (3) Five (4) Six <Mtcr <M1'h< i'f qfQfc;- '11·fictl<1 '!it ~ i (1) cfr'f (2) 'qJ"\ (3) <ifq (4) U: 4 meraresult.com 12P/262/6 08. Which book has been called Saptadhyayi of music? (I) Brithaddeshi (2) Sangit Samayasar (3) Sangit Darpan (4) Sangit Ratnakar flR:r Wf 'lit Wfm 'Of "lit"''<1''''I'402l1'lI"O'tfi 'lim = ~ ? (1) ~'Ilt (2) Wfm lit'l'H1H (3) Wfm '*'r (4) Wfm <M1'h( 09. Which Gharana Bhimsen Josi belongs to ? (1) Kirana (2) Patiyala (3) Agra (4) Gwalior ill f'hl.I'11 (2) qfi':<t 1<'1 1 (3) -31T'T"U (4) 'ql~<t( 10. A Tala having two laghus : (1) Rupaka (2) Jhampa (3) Mathya (4) Triputa (1; ~ (2) W'l (3'I ~, (4) f,rgc 11. Kumbha Taal, Rudra Taal and chartal ki Sawari have equal ma,tras : (1) Correct (2) Wrong (3) Doubtful (4) Can't Say ~'lffi'(il", M(1)<il <I'll 'CI1@<'1 <tt <l<"lltl 1.1'1A 111m <tt ~ ~ (I) ~ (2) 'R'Rf (3) 1iie:i$If'l,"\ (4) 'lii$ 'itt ~ 5 P.T.O. meraresult.com 12P/262/6 12. Pt. Suresh Talwalker has been honoured with : (I) Padma-Bhushan (2) Sangeet Natak Academi Award (3) Padma - Vibhushan (4) Padma - Shree ~ ~ i:t <"1 q <"1 'Ii < qj'[ iii Ai 1f.'I i:t f'l;<:rr 7f"IT ~ (I) q<!J-~ -ft (2) WWr ~ '3i'li10:41 :F~I< -ft (3) q<!J - fcl '+J>~ 0 1 -ft .(4) q<!J -?1T -ft 13. Vstad Nathookhan was specially known for Playing: (I) Paran (2) Gat (3) Kayada (4) Vthan 0@0: '1"'i 1SiT fcr~ <'.'i<r -ft 5lfB'il "'t : (1) 'n:'1 "'f'IR <f; fW:1: (2) 'R'I "'f'IR <f; fW:1: (3) ~ "'f'IR <f; fW:1: (4) ;JOFf "'f'IR <f; fW:1: 14. Sam, Visham. Ateet, Angagat are the varieties of : (I) Jati (2) Yati (3) Gati (4) Graha wr, fcrofq, ~, '3i 'i I' 1<'1 i't ll"'IlR l! : ( I ) "l1ftt <f; (2) '1"f<r <f; (3) '1f<r <f; (4) lIi'i <f; 15. The Value of Drut and Viram is unchangeable in Karanatik taal system: (1) Correct (2) Doubtful (3) Wrong (4) Can't say . 'Ii'i\C'Ii i'!R'f q'ilRi if ~ ~ fcr<Jl1 'liT ''IT'1 'It! "I0:<"1i:t1 ~ : {I) mn (2) fi<\~lfqO: (3) 'T<'T<1' (4) ~ 'It! ~ 6 meraresult.com 12P/262/6 16. Who is the Author of "Tabla Kaumudi" : (1) Sudhir Saxena (2) Pagaldas (3) Bhagbat Sharan Sharma (4) Sataynarayan Vashisth '\'f<[ffi 'iii ~' ~ <il <Sl 'fi ~ ( 1 ) ~.m- l:i <ffi '"II (2) ql'I<'1~1l:i (3) "1'1"1<1 ~R"T ~l1'If (4) l:i «l '"II {I <I 0 I qf:/11!O 17. The Smallest unit of Taal is : (Ii Avartan (2) Matra (3) Vibhag (4) Sum (2) '1"lm (3) fcr"1I'1 (4) @I 18. Japtal belongs to : (1) Tistra Jati (2) Chatustra Jati (3) Mishra Jati (4) Khand Jati $1q<1I.1 ~ "llfu ~ (1) fu;r "llfu (2) "l"!f>I "ITfu (3) fl:m "ITfu 19. Tanpura is mostly tuned in : (1) Ga Pa Sa Sa (2) Pa Sa Sa Sa (3) Sa Ni Dha Pa (4) Ma Dha Sa Sa ctl'"l:!<1 ~ l\'l m if fi:I<'1I<lr "fRIT % : (1) 'f 'I mm (2) 'I "fIT "fIT m (3) m oft 'l" '1(4) ." 'l" ~1i "fir 7 P.T.O. meraresult.com 12P/262/6 20, Ustad Hazi Vilayat Ali is well known for his: (1) Peshkar (2) Kayada (3) Relas (4) Gat '3ffi I" N"fi F.f<l"'<'1"'lrTI<1"'(1 '3W!t ~ m'G: ~ : (I) i'tliT'fiT"{ <I> fW1: (2) '!>1<1<U <I> fW1: (3) tffi <I> fW1: (4) 'Tffi <I> fW't 21.

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