SEPTEMBER 2017 MORE THAN 100 CLASSIFIED ADS CANADIAN CUBS 2 OSH MARKING 80 YEARS OF LOW AND SLOW AWARDS OF MERIT COPA HONOURS ITS OWN NORSEMAN FESTIVAL A CANADIAN CELEBRATION FLY WITH PURPOSE PM#42583014 CASARA NEEDS MEMBERS WELCOME TO OUR WORLD AEROSPACE EVO Aviation_Aerospace_8.5x11-BR18477.indd 1 2017-05-01 10:19 PM COPAFLIGHT WELCOME TO OUR WORLD CONTENTS EDITOR Russ Niles [email protected] 250.546.6743 DISPLAY ADVERTISING SALES Katherine Kjaer 250.592.5331 [email protected] CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SALES AND PRODUCTION COORDINATOR Maureen Leigh 1.800.656.7598 [email protected] CIRCULATION Maureen Leigh AccOUNTING Anthea Williams ASSISTANT ADMIN Rajei Gill COPA BOARD Bernard Gervais, President and CEO Executive Committee 46 Jean Messier Chair, Quebec Director Bram Tilroe Feature Departments Western Vice-Chair, Alberta & NWT Director Brian Chappell Eastern Vice-Chair, Maritimes Director 46 AIRVENTURE 4 PRESIdent’s CORNER Jim Bell COPA at AirVenture Secretary, Manitoba & Nunavut Director ADVENTURE Jonathan Beauchesne Gerard Charlton knew there was a 8 MAILBOX Treasurer, Quebec Director good chance his 65-horsepower J-3 Drone Safety, ELT Failures Cub would have a hard time getting Elected Directors over the Rockies but it turns out 10 NEWSLINE AEROSPACE EVO Shane Armstrong, Saskatchewan that all his challenges lay on the COPA Awards, New BushCat Larry Biever, Alberta & NWT other side on an epic journey to 22 COLUMNS Joe Hessberger, BC & Yukon AirVenture 2017 from Delta Airpark New CASARA Column, Phil Englishman, Conrad Hatcher, near Vancouver. Dodging thun- Cheryl Marek, Southern Ontario Supplemental Oxygen derstorms and keeping his radios Ray Hawco, Newfoundland & Labrador working proved to be among the 30 ON THE HORIZON Brian Pound, Maritimes challenges as he slowly made his Mark Your Calendars Lloyd Richards, Northern Ontario way more than 1,500 across the Honorary Director continent to join Cubs2OSH, 33 NEWS BY REGION John Bogie marking the 80th birthday of the Events Across the Country venerable Cub. Canadian Owners and Pilots Association 75 Albert Street, Suite 903, CoVER ART: A fellow Cub pilot was Ottawa, ON K1P 5E7 perfectly framed during the mass arrival for 613-236-4901 | www.copanational.org Cubs2OSH during AirVenture 2017. Find us on Facebook COPA FLIGHT | SEPTEMBER 2017 3 Aviation_Aerospace_8.5x11-BR18477.indd 1 2017-05-01 10:19 PM FROM THE Top | President’s CORNER WITH BERNARD GERVAIS WE DESIGN AND& BUILD HANGARS Individual • Corporate • FBO’s • T-Hangars AIRVENTURE EDUCATION COPA on ATC Privatization Late July was the annual biggest gen- ality, since they had not consulted with Here’s wHAT WE CAN DO FOR YOU: eral aviation (GA) gathering in the us before citing Canadian opinions and Architectural & Engineered world, at Oshkosh Wisconsin. COPA Drawings mentioning our name. The errors were Municipal Applications & Permits was there at EAA’s Air Venture and like corrected. Needless to say in their quest Airport Applications & Approvals the two previous years, held an event for disgruntled Canadian pilots, they Transport Canada & NavCan Applications for all Canadian pilots to sit down were met with raised eyebrows and not Complete Construction and meet over some food and drinks. raised hands. Thanks to our partners Magnes, AIG Questions? Phone 519.857.7639 and McLarens, almost 300 enjoyed coPa @ Work or visit www.secandco.com the cool break during the scorching Some interesting activities for us this fall. If you already have a design or summer heat. We plan to host a simi- As mentioned last month in this column drawings, send it along for a free estimate. lar event next year and for those who and on our website, COPA will be con- BAS Inc. FE 2011 Email (CAD or PDF) to [email protected] BASBAS Inc. Inc. FE FE 2011 2011 or fax 519.679.2200 attended, please feel free to send us tinuing to work with Transport Canada BAS Inc. FE 2011 your comments and suggestions. on the 10 year propeller overhaul. We BASBAS Inc.Inc. FEFE 20112011 will also be working on COPA’s com- U S C O M B E • • L C E S S ATC PRIVATIZATION IN THE F T N ments to the proposed Unmanned Air- A A R • C H P I C P United StateS — alternate craft Systems (UAS) regulations changes E E E N2849A R B FactS alSo coming to GA? that were proposed in Canada Gazette A I R C S R E But while at Oshkosh, it was the big 1 on July 15 (http://www.gazette.gc.ca/rp- A I R F INC O T BAS S S S AF CE ETY AC moment for the GA groups down south pr/p1/2017/2017-07-15/pdf/g1-15128.pdf), HARNESSES AND (AOPA, EAA, NBAA) to push their with some of our subject matter experts. BEECHCRAFT • LUSCOMBE • [email protected] • PIPER initiative against the privatization of Feel free to send us your comments or air navigation services (ANS), some- opinions on any of this work here: bger- [email protected] N2849A thing quite similar to Nav Canada. At [email protected]. N2849A [email protected]@[email protected]@basinc-aeromod.com some point, AOPA media were at the Oshkosh International Tent looking for coPa FlightS conSUltation BAS INC AIRCRAFT SAFETY HARNESSES AND ACCESSORIES Canadian pilots who can attest to the In keeping with the ongoing work to decline of GA that ANS privatization empower and involve the local COPA has brought to our country. They point Flights as the focal point for our mem- the finger at potential privatization for bers around the country, we will be the landing fees at larger airports, safe- holding several COPA Flights consul- ty threats to busy airspace, the lack of tations starting with the Maritimes in smaller airport funding, death of GA, Moncton (NB) on September 16th, then more taxes for the general public and possibly Kitchener (ON) in October, fol- many other issues that depend almost lowed by Moose Jaw (SK) November entirely on the individual political sys- 3rd. The goal of these meetings is really tems in place, not on ANS privatization. to “consult”, to listen to you, hear back Since they often cite what happened in from you, share our principles and see Canada as the reference NOT to follow, how we can build a stronger, more cohe- it was an opportunity for me to talk sive organization around the country, all with AOPA senior officials and set some the while acting for what’s best for our facts straight and inform them of our re- members in every corner of the land. www.basinc-aeromod.com 4 COPA FLIGHT | SEPTEMBER 2017 LE Mot DU PRÉSIDENT | BERNARD GERVAIS Oshawa Airport Hangarminiums INC. EST. 2009 HANGARMINIUMHangarminium UNITS Units AVAILABLE available for purchase or rent: • T-Hangars Oshawa Airport • C-Unit Attached Box Hangars RÉCOLTE HangarminiumsFOR PURCHASE OR RENT: INC. • T-Hangars• 65’ x 50’ Twin Hangar Units EST. 2009• C-Unit Attached• Box 50’ Hangarsx 45’ Twin Hangar Units • 65’ x 50’ Twin Hangar Units d’été •All 50’ units x 45’ are Twin Steel Hangar Pre-Engineered Units Buildings with insulated walls Oshkosh 2017 Hangarminium Units availableand roofs foras wellpurchase as Electric or rent: Bi-Fold Doors. All units are Steel• T-Hangars Pre-Engineered Buildings with •insulated C-Unit AttachedConveniently walls and Box roofslocated Hangars as at wellthe Oshawa as Executive Airport, just 60 km from Toronto City Airport • 65’Electric x 50’ Twin Bi-Fold Hangar441 Doors.Aviator Units Lane, Oshawa, Ontario • 50’ x 45’ Twin Hangar Units Conveniently located at the Oshawa Executive Airport, just 60 km fromFor moreToronto information, City Airport specs and photos, visit All units are Steel Pre-Engineered441www.oshawaairporthangarminiums.com Aviator Lane, Oshawa, Buildings Ontario with insulated walls or call À 905-436-2600 la fin juillet se tenait le plus grand es pour les contribuables et plusieurs and roofs as well as Electric Bi-Fold Doors. For more information, specs and photos, visit rassemblement de l’aviation générale autres enjeux qui relèvent bien plus Conveniently located at the Oshawa Executive Airport, www.oshawaairporthangarminiums.comjust 60 km from Toronto City Airport (AG) au monde à Oshkosh, au Wiscon- des systèmes politiques en place que de 441 Aviator Lane, Oshawa, Ontario sin. Poursuivant la tradition amorcée la privatisation des SNA. Puisque ces Call For more information, specs and photos, visit il y a deux ans, COPA a pris part au Air associations citent souvent le Canada 905-436-2600Oshawa Airport www.oshawaairporthangarminiums.comHangarminiums or call 905-436-2600 INC. Venture de EAA et a convié tous les comme l’exemple à NE PAS suivre, il EST. 2009 pilotes canadiens à son événement s’agissait d’une occasion pour moi de où chacun pouvait échanger autour discuter avec les dirigeants de AOPA Hangarminium Units available for purchase or rent: • T-Hangars d’une bonne bouffe ou simplement et mettre des faits au clair sur notre • C-Unit Attached Box Hangars prendre un verre. Grâce à nos com- réalité, puisqu’ils ne nous avaient pas • 65’ x 50’ Twin Hangar Units • 50’ x 45’ Twin Hangar Units manditaires Magnes, AIG et McLar- consultés avant de citer des opinions de All units are Steel Pre-Engineered Buildings with insulated walls ens, près de 300 personnes assises Canadiens et de mentionner COPA. Les and roofs as well as Electric Bi-Fold Doors. au frais ont pu prendre un répit de la corrections ont été apportées. Il va sans Conveniently located at the Oshawa Executive Airport, just 60 km from Toronto City Airport chaleur intense de l’été. Nous plani- dire que les recherches de pilotes cana- 441 Aviator Lane, Oshawa, Ontario fions un événement similaire l’an pro- diens outrés ont été vaines, faisant plus For more information, specs and photos, visit chain.
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