DOMINI CRITICA E LETTERATURA 127 Collana diretta da Laura Di Michele TRANSNATIONAL SUBJECTS LINGUISTIC ENCOUNTERS Selected papers from XXVII AIA Conference edited by Liliana Landolfi, Eleonora Federici, Flavia Cavaliere VOLUME II Liguori Editore Comitato scientifico Laura Di Michele, Rossella Ciocca (Università di Napoli ‘L’Orientale’), Claudia Corti (Università di Firenze), Maria Del Sapio (Università di Roma Tre), Bruna Di Sabato (Università di Napoli ‘Suor Orsola Benincasa’), Gabriele Frasca (Università di Salerno), Massimo Fusillo (Università dell’Aquila). I volumi pubblicati in questa collana sono preventivamente sottoposti a una doppia procedura di “peer review”. Publication partly funded by: Associazione Italiana di Anglistica; Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici and Centro Linguistico di Ateneo (University of Naples “Federico II”); Dipartimento di Studi Letterari, Lin- guistici e Comparati (University of Naples “L’Orientale”); Ordine degli Ingegneri Napoli. Questa opera è protetta dalla Legge sul diritto d’autore (http://www.liguori.it/areadownload/LeggeDirittoAutore.pdf). Tutti i diritti, in particolare quelli relativi alla traduzione, alla citazione, alla riproduzione in qualsiasi forma, all’uso delle illustrazioni, delle tabelle e del materiale software a corredo, alla trasmissione radi- ofonica o televisiva, alla registrazione analogica o digitale, alla pubblicazione e diffusione attraverso la rete Internet sono riservati. La riproduzione di questa opera, anche se parziale o in copia digitale, fatte salve le eccezioni di legge, è vietata senza l’autorizzazione scritta dell’Editore. Il regolamento per l’uso dei contenuti e dei servizi presenti sul sito della Casa editrice Liguori è disponibile all’indirizzo http://www.liguori.it/politiche_contatti/default.asp?c=contatta#Politiche Liguori Editore Via Posillipo 394 - I 80123 Napoli NA http://www.liguori.it/ © 2017 by Liguori Editore, S.r.l. Tutti i diritti sono riservati Prima edizione italiana Novembre 2017 Stampato in Italia da Globalprint, Gorgonzola (MI) Landolfi, Liliana(a cura di) : Transnational Subjects. Linguistic Encounters. Selected papers from XXVII AIA Conference. Vol II/Liliana Landolfi, Eleonora Federici, Flavia Cavaliere (a cura di) Critica e Letteratura Napoli : Liguori, 2017 ISBN 978 - 88 - 207 - 6740 - 2 (a stampa) eISBN 978 - 88 - 207 - 6741 - 9 (eBook) ISSN 1972-0645 1. ????????? 2. ????????? I. Titolo II. Collana III. Serie Ristampe: 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 La carta utilizzata per la stampa di questo volume è inalterabile, priva di acidi, a ph neutro, conforme alle norme UNI EN Iso 9706 ∞, realizzata con materie prime fibrose vergini provenienti da pianta- gioni rinnovabili e prodotti ausiliari assolutamente naturali, non inquinanti e totalmente biodegradabili (FSC, PEFC, ISO 14001, Paper Profile, EMAS) TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction XI Transnational Subjects and Linguistic Encounters Liliana Landolfi XIX Shakespeare and Translation Susan Bassnett PART ONE ENGLISH AND INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION 3 Fatal Racial Encounters in the US in the Media Representation Lucia Abbamonte 17 Investigating the Coverage of American and British Cultural Information in Three Italian–English Bilingual Dictionaries Laura Pinnavaia 32 Spontaneous vs. Self–monitored? Language Variation in Malala’s Blog and Memoir Maria Grazia Sindoni 43 Bringing the Story Together: Text Organisation in ELF Creative Writing Valeria Franceschi PART TWO ENGLISH AND SOCIAL CHANGE 55 Hinglish, Blinglish: How London’s Ethnic Minorities are Influencing the English of the Capital City Steve Buckledee 66 False Gallicisms in the English Language Cristiano Furiassi viii TABLE OF CONTENTS 78 Spelling and the Construction of Identity in Non–Standard Languages: The Case of Written British Creole Liis Kollamagi 91 English in the Traditional Media: The Case of Colloquialisation between Original Films and Remakes Raffaele Zago PART THREE ENGLISH THROUGH INTERTEXTUAL INVESTIGATIONS 107 Sustainable Corpora for Transnational Subjects: Methods and Tools Maristella Gatto 122 Addressing Interpersonal Needs in Oral Interaction: The Case of Apology Responses Sara Gesuato 134 Obama’s Winning ‘Change’ Strategy: Translation, Rhetoric and Intertextual- ity in the 2008 Presidential Campaign Giusy Piatto PART FOUR ENGLISH AND TRANSLATION 147 Translating Tourism, Translating Tourist Memory Mirella Agorni 158 Constructing Transcultural Identities: The Case of Gomorrah — The Series Antonio Fruttaldo 171 Heterolingualism and Transculturality in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s Tender is the Night and its Italian Translations Elisa Aurora Pantaleo 179 Gomorrah — The Series Flies to the UK: How is Gomorrah’s World Rendered in English Subtitles? Francesca Raffi TABLE OF CONTENTS ix PART FIVE ENGLISH IN THE DIGITAL AGE 197 Dealing with Deals: A Comparative Study of the Promotional Discourse in Online Coupon Advertising Maria Cristina Aiezza 211 Language, Mind and Culture in the Online Global Context: An Inquiry of Psycholinguistic Blogs Roxanne Barbara Doerr 223 Interpersonal Meaning in a Corpus of Students–Teachers Computer Mediated Communication Sabrina Fusari, Antonella Luporini 235 A Landscape of Innovations in ELT: Blending ELF and Intercultural Telecol- laboration Enrico Grazzi PART SIX ABSTRACTS INTRODUCTION TRANSNATIONAL SUBJECTS AND LINGUISTIC ENCOUNTERS Liliana Landolfi 1 University of Naples “L’Orientale” Framing the Conference The international scientific XXVII AIA Conference on Transnational Subjects: Linguistic, Literary and Cultural Encounters took place at the University of Naples “Federico II” (UNINA) and at the University of Naples “L’Orientale” (UNIOR) on 10–12 September 2015. The event lasted three full days and was hosted in two prestigious buildings. The workshops devoted to literary and cultural investigations were held at the Centro Con- gressi in Via Partenope 26, Naples and the Linguistic workshops, on which the present volume focuses, were delivered at Palazzo du Mesnil, the historic building of UNIOR, in Via Chiatamone 60–62, Naples. The conference was supported by several grants received by the Department of Human Studies and the Department of Economics at UNINA, the Department of Literary, Linguistic and Comparative Studies at UNIOR, and the Associazione Italiana di Anglistica (AIA). Language Workshops Contemporary national/transnational language–related realities are reflected in the use of English as a subject of investigation for, from and through linguistic, social, pragmatic and methodological perspectives. They deserve deep examination and sound analyses 1 The present volume has been jointly structured by the three editors who, however, have specifi- cally edited different sections. In particular, Liliana Landolfi is the author of the initial chapter and has edited the sections English and Intercultural Communication (Part One) and English in the Digital Age (Part Five). Eleonora Federici has edited the section dedicated to English and Translation (Part Four) and Flavia Cavaliere has edited the section English and Social Change (Part Two). The three editors have jointly co-edited (Part Three): Liliana Landolfi (pp. 165-179), Eleonora Federici (pp.145-164) and Flavia Cavaliere (pp. 180-192). xii TRANSNATIONAL SUBJECTS AND LINGUISTIC ENCOUNTERS particularly today, when fast transformations in a variety of areas (e.g., technology, sci- ence, politics) affect language use and its interpretation. The present volume clusters and presents some such inquiries. The focus is specifically given to five major areas of investigation, each of which will be dealt with in a topic–specific section (Part One–Five). Globalisation and present forms of migration across national boundaries, as it is well known, have changed our perception of self, identity, mother tongue and intercultural communication. Encounters with other languages and cultures have become the norm and have irrevocably altered previously stable and unified notions of identity, language and culture. Multifaceted intercultural and socio–cultural phenomena (see Part One) have given birth to new discourses both on the significance of belonging to a linguistic community and on the nature of English as the contemporary medium of global commu- nication (see Part Two). Cross–cultural movements, through travel, tourism, and global communication have further facilitated the interaction between one’s own and others’ language and culture (see Part Three) and have generated new needs and engendered in- novative considerations in translation (see Part Four). Web–wired transnational audiences and socially–dedicated technologies have further contributed to shaping unprecedented scenarios and shown new forms of linguistic and socio–cultural entanglements as well as interpersonal uses of meaning (see Part Five). Within these embedding national and transnational language–related realities in constant transformation and evolution, scholars and researchers are required to: a) re– discuss the notions of globalisation and transculturality in English, so that concepts such as language use, identity, ethnicity, translingualism and transculturalism may acquire contemporary, functional and efficient definitions; b) examine the impact that the present global scenario has on English and on English–related phenomena in real or mediated contexts; c) redefine aspects of translation and translation practices in today’s contem- porary world, and 4) identify features of English use, abuse and/or misuse through the digital tools that have been offered by
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