506 Index Figures are indicated by italicized page numbers. a Africa Aberdeen Breviary 126, 127–128 decolonization and the export abolitionist movement 6, 246–250, 247, market 389 249 Heinemann’s African Writers academic market. See scholarly publishing Series 391, 425 and monographs; schoolbooks, Macmillan’s Pacesetters series or textbooks, primers paperback romances and thrillers The Academy 295 in 425 An Account of the Growth of Popery 170 OUP publishing in 390–391, 425 Ace Books 411 popularity of light fiction in interwar Achebe, Chinua 391 years (1920–1940) 367 Ackermann, Rudolph 258, 299 publishing exports to 361 Act Against Superstitious Books and textbook sales to 424 Images (1550) 102 Afrikaans 361, 390 Act for Preventing the frequent Ainsworth, Harrison Abuses in Printing (1662) Jack Sheppard 275 168–169, 171, 172 Old Court 315 Act for the Encouragement of Learning Ainsworth, Henry 132 (1710) 201–202 Ainsworth’s Magazine 296 Act of Six Articles (1539) 118 AK Press 450 Act of Supremacy (1534) 102 Alain de Lille: Anticlaudianus 53 Act of Union (1707) 126 Albatross Books 355, 356, 382 Adams, Alexander: RomanCOPYRIGHTED Aldington, MATERIAL Richard 330 Antiquities 239 Aldiss, Brian: The Brightfount Addison, Joseph 178, 181–183, 220 Diaries 395–396 Adult Education Committee 345–346 Aldred (provost of Chester‐le‐Street, adventure stories 367, 395 c. 970) 36, 37 Ælfric of Eynsham 70 Aldus Pagemaker 1.2 443–444, 444 Aelred of Rievaulx 52 Alfred the Great 14, 43, 90 The Book in Britain: A Historical Introduction, First Edition. Edited by Zachary Lesser. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2019 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 0004239427.INDD 506 11/29/2018 1:57:28 PM Index 507 Alkyn, Elizabeth 148 Anglican Church. See Church of England Allan, David 236 Anglo‐Norman French 45, 57 Allatini, Rose: Despised and Rejected 337 Holkham Bible 57, 58 Allde family of stationers 92 Anglo‐Saxons 14, 15, 16, 20, 23, 27, Alleine, Richard: Vindication of 29–30, 36, 42–43, 53. See also Old Godliness 168 English Allen, Emily Hope 96 Ann, Hayley 449 Allestree, Richard: The Whole Duty of Annales school 7 Man 201 Anne (Queen) 183, 200 Allfrey, Ellah 458 Anselm 104 Allison, Archibald: Essays on the Nature Answers to Correspondents 331, 335 and Principles of Taste 241 anthologies Alliterative Morte Arthure 66–67 Bell’s The Poets of Great Britain Allman’s 386 Complete from Chaucer to Ally Sloper’s Half Holiday 332, 335 Churchill 232–234 almanacs 90, 91, 121, 124, 162, 163–165, in eighteenth century 221 164, 222, 238 in fifteenth century 64–67 Almon, John 218 for school use 345 alphabets The Works of the English Poets 234 Roman 108 anthropomorphic initials 48–49 Runic 29–30 Anti‐Aulicus 148 Saxon 108 Anti‐Jacobin Review 245 Altick, Richard: The English Common antiphonaries 23 Reader 274, 306 anti‐Poor Law movement of 1830s 255 Amalgamated Press 336, 343, 344, 391 antiquarians and rare books 101–111, amateur publishing and periodicals 161, 240, 299–300, 331 440–443 obscenity charges avoided by publishing Amazon.com 326, 414, 452–456 rare book editions 352–353 American colonies Antonine Itinerary 106 bindings of books exported to 213 The Anvil 393 British papers in 180, 182 A.P. Watt 349 Franklin’s edition of Cicero’s Cato Major Applebee’s Journal 179 considered as most elegant book Applegarth & Cowper 261, 287 of 213, 214 Apple Mac 444, 444–445 importing books from England Apuleius: De Deo Socratis 51 130–132 Arbuthnot, Alexander 128 newspaper advertising for runaway slaves Arch, John and Arthur 299 and servants in 224 Archer, David 354, 358 Amory, Hugh 130–132, 198 Archimedes Palimpsest 22 The Amulet 258 Argosy & Sundial Libraries 347 Analytical Review 245, 250 Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics and Anderson, Benedict 335 Politics 53 Anderson, Patricia 269, 274 Armed Forces, publishing for 367, Anderton, William 170, 172 376–378 Andrews, William: News from the Armstrong, John: The Oeconomy of Stars 164–165 Love 206 Aneirin: Gododdin 15, 16 Army Welfare Department 377 0004239427.INDD 507 11/29/2018 1:57:28 PM 508 Index Arnold, Matthew 293, 332 author–publisher relations. See also Arthur (King) 52 copyright art nouveau 321, 323 advances for potential “big books” 413 The Art of Angling 157 agents and literary agencies, Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society 321 proliferation of 371–372 Arts Council of Great Britain 378, 396, author payments in Victorian 427, 451, 458 era 284–285 Ash, Francis 167 collective authorship for children’s Ashburnham House 15, 44, 45 series 438–439 Ashby, George 81 complexity in late nineteenth and early Asian languages, expansion into book twentieth century 325 market of 416 getting published 324–327 Asimov, Isaac 384 income drop of authors in digital Assael, Henry 382 age 456 Asser: Life of Alfred the Great 100 income sources for authors other than Associated Booksellers of Great Britain and from publishing 457 Ireland 327, 328 literary patronage arrangements 457 Astley, Neil 419 “on commission” publishing Astounding Science Fiction 286–287, 326 (magazine) 395 reserve agreements 325 astrology 164–165, 181 royalty contracts 325, 413 The Athenaeum 295, 313 selection of books for publication and use The Atlas 295 of publishers’ readers 287 Attalah, Naim 419 text sent from author in digital At the Villa Rose (film) 342 form 444 Atwood, Margaret 421 Victorian‐era contracting between Aubin, Penelope 197 publisher and author 284–285 Auchinleck manuscript 57, 64–65 in World War II 373 Augustine of Canterbury, Saint 36–37 autobiography. See also diaries Aulicus his Hue and Cry Sent forth after first in English 23 Britanicus 148–149 of former slaves 248–250 Austen, Jane Margery Kempe’s 96. See also Kempe, Bentley as copyright owner of works Margery of 267 reading choices mentioned in World War I Emma 267 and after 367–368 Northanger Abbey 236 Aylott & Jones 286 popularity in interwar years (1920–1940) 367 b Pride and Prejudice 283 Babbage, Charles 288, 289 Sense and Sensibility 283 Bacon, Francis 1 Simms & M’Intyre editions 281 Baden‐Powell, Robert: Quick Training “yellowback” editions of works For War 337 of 283 Bagnold, Enid 337 Australia Bahr, Arthur 81 as export market 231, 317, 360, 389 Bailey, Nathaniel: Universal Etymological popularity of light fiction in interwar English Dictionary 207 years (1920–1940) 367 Baker, Arthur 400 0004239427.INDD 508 11/29/2018 1:57:28 PM Index 509 Baker’s Descriptive Guide to the Best Bede, Cuthbert 303–304 Fiction 331 The Adventures of Mr. Verdant Baldwin, Stanley 344 Green 306 Baldwin & Cradock 299 Bedford Psalter and Hours 54, 56, 57 Bale, John: The laboryouse journey & Bédier, Joseph 63 serche … for Englandes antiquitees Begbie, Harold 324 102, 103 Belanger, Terry 241 ballads 89, 112, 121, 124, 254–255 Belgravia 279–280 Ballantyne, James and John 256 Bell, Edward 283 Ballard, J.G. 395–396 Bell, George 296 Banerji, Ken 419 Bell, Jane 92 Bantu Education Act (South Africa Bell, John 241 1953) 389 The Poets of Great Britain Complete from Banville, Scott 332 Chaucer to Churchill 232–234 Barclay, David and Frederick 448 Bell, Maureen 302 Barclay, Florence: The Rosary 324 Bell & Bradfute 232, 241 Barker, Christopher 126 Bell & Hyman 424 Barker, Martin 400 Benedictine religious order 22, 49, 51 Barker, Robert 119 Benedictional of St. Aethelwold 51 Barnard, John 163 Bennett, Arnold 325, 366 Barnes, Joseph 125 A Man From the North 323 Barrett, Frank: The Woman with the Iron Benn’s Sixpenny Library 346 Bracelets 343 Bentley, Richard 173, 197, 287 Barrie, J.M. 318 advertising and promotion budget Baskerville, John 219 of 295 Bassandyne, Thomas 128 “Colonial Library” series 318 Batman, Stephen 103 copyright agreements used by 285, 286 Baxter, Walter: The Image and the “Favourite Novels” series 286, 297, 315 Search 400 London bookshop of 299 Bay Psalm Book 128, 130, 131, 132, 143, pricing structure of 297 163 royalty and contract options to authors BBC. See British Broadcasting from 326 Corporation sales to circulating libraries 312–313 BBC Books 418 serialization published prior to Beach, Sylvia 353, 354 book 257 Beano comics 392–393 “Shilling Series” 281 Beard, Mary 432 “Standard Novels” series 267, 280, 281 Beaumont, Francis 93, 173 Bentley’s Miscellany 272 Beavan, Iain 336 Bent’s Monthly Literary Advertiser 296 Beaverbrook, Lord 344, 345 Beowulf 14–16, 43–44 Becket, Thomas 220–221 Berger, John 425 Bede 19, 27–28 Berkhout, Joop 389 Historia ecclesiastica gentis Bernard Babani Books 382 anglorum 11–13, 12, 14, 43, 44, 51 Bernard’s Publications Ltd. 382 Life of St. Cuthbert 104 Berne Convention (1886) 318 Lives of the Holy Abbots of Weremouth Berners‐Lee, Tim 451 and Jarrow 19 Bernstein, Sidney 410 0004239427.INDD 509 11/29/2018 1:57:28 PM 510 Index Bertelsmann 415 Bickford‐Smith, Coralie: The Fox and Berthelet, Thomas 79, 84, 85, 87, 112. the Star 457 See also Confessio Amantis billboards and bill‐stickers 309 Bertram’s 446 Bills of Mortality 6, 161–162, 187 Besant, Walter 325 binding Betjeman, John: “In Westminster bookcloth, replacing leather Abbey” 346 binding 290–292 Beves of Hampton 57, 129 Charles I’s Eikon Basilike 144 Bewick, Thomas 233 Coptic 26 Bezos, Jeff 452, 456 edition binding 292 Bible in eighteenth century 210–212, BFBS distribution network for 254 211–212 Bishops’ Bible 72, 113, 119 exports to American colonies 213 Black Letter 72, 119, 128 in medieval period and treasure controversy over translation into bindings 18, 26, 27, 36 vernacular 112–113 nineteenth‐century Coverdale Bible 113, 114, 116, 118 bookbinding 290–294 Doves Bible 321, 322 of novels after early 1800s 256, 258 exclusive license
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