APPLICATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CLEARANCE (FORM – I, FORM – IA & CONCEPTUAL PLAN) FOR THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF ADDITIONAL 432 SLUM TENEMENTS PROJECT AT S.F. NO. 166, 167/2, NARASINGANALLUR VILLAGE, TIRUNELVELI TALUK, TIRUNELVELI DISTRICT TAMILNADU SLUM CLEARANCE BOARD NGO “B” COLONY EXTN, PERUMALPURAM, TIRUNELVELI – 627007. Prepared by JUNE 2015 INDEX S. NO. CONTENTS PAGE NO I INDEX i II FORM – 1 1 III FORM – 1A 14 IV CONCEPTUAL PLAN 26 1.0 INTRODUCTION 27 1.1 Background of the project 27 1.2 Objectives of Tamilnadu Slum Clearance Board 27 1.3 RAY Scheme 27 2.0 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT 29 2.1 Project Location 29 2.2 Environmental Sensitivity of the project site 29 2.3 Site Connectivity 34 2.4 Topography & Drainage 34 3.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 37 3.1 Over view of the project 37 3.2 Population details 39 3.3 Project cost 39 3.4 Construction materials 39 3.5 Water requirement 41 3.6 Wastewater Generation, Treatment & Disposal 41 3.7 Solid Waste Generation, Collection, Transport and Disposal 46 3.8 Rainwater Harvesting & Storm Water Drain 47 3.9 Power details 49 3.10 Fire fighting system 49 3.11 Project Schedule 50 4.0 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN 51 4.1 Disaster Management Plan 54 4.2 Energy Conservation Measures 55 4.3 Green Belt Development 56 4.4 Environmental Monitoring Plan 58 4.5 EMP Budget Provisions 59 4.6 Environmental Management Cell 59 i | P a g e Form - I Form – 1 to get Environmental Clearance for the proposed construction of Additional Slum Tenements at VOC Nagar, Narasinganallur village, Tirunelveli Taluk,Tirunelveli District by Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board. FORM ‐ 1 I. Basic Information S.No. Item Details 1 Name of the project/s Proposed construction of additional 432 slum tenements at VOC Nagar, Narasinganallur Village, Tirunelveli Taluk, Tirunelveli District under RAY Scheme by Tamilnadu Slum Clearance Board. 2 S.No. in the schedule 8(a) 3 Proposed capacity / area / length / Total Built up Area – 21,044.22 sq. m. tonnage to be handled / command area / lease area / number of wells to be drilled 4 New/Expansion/Modernization New 5 Existing Capacity/ Area etc. Existing ‐ 5223.42 sq. m. 6 Category of Project i.e. ‘A’ or ‘B’ Category B 7 Dose it attract the general No condition? If yes, please specify. 8 Dose it attract the specific No condition?If yes, please specify. 9 Location Plot/survey/ Khasra.No S.F. No.166,167/2 Village Narasinganallur Tehsil Tirunelveli District Tirunelveli State Tamil Nadu 10 Nearest railway station/airport Pettai Railway Station – 0.75 km, NE along with distance in Km. Tuticorin Airport – 42 km, E 11 Nearest Village, city, district Tirunelveli –5.7 km, NE headquarters along with distance in Km. 12 Village panchayats, Zillaparished, Tirunelveli Corporation, municipal corporation, local Tirunelveli Taluk, body(complete postal address with Tirunelveli dist ‐ 627006. telephone nos. to be given) Ph: 0462 ‐ 2336633 13 Name of the applicant Tamilnadu Slum Clearance Board 14 Registered address Tamil Nadu Slum Control Board, Tirunelveli Division, NGO ‘B’ Colony Extension, P e r u m a l p u r a m , Tirunelveli ‐ 627 007. June 2015 1 Form – 1 to get Environmental Clearance for the proposed construction of AdditionalSlumTenementsatVOCNagar,Narasinganallurvillage,Tirunelveli Taluk,TirunelveliDistrictbyTamilNaduSlumClearanceBoard. 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