UNITED NATIONS ws Distr. GENERAL UNITED NATIONS LOS/PCN/INF/6 CONVENTION ON THE 3 September 1984 LAW OF THE SEA ORIGINAL: ARABIC/CHINESE/ENGLISH/ FRENCH/RUSSIAN/SPANISH t' 11~ .1.llü..l.JJ~l¡,;~1 J i.....i1 ,;¡,.; 5J ~ .t.114 <. !~ J 1....JI 111 ~~ Jlf~J¡~ !lilij";-~j!j!J! #f.*Ji4t PRlPARA'l'ORY CClo!>llSSIOtl POR THE INTERNATIONAL SEA-BED AUTHORlrY A!ID POR TH! INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNA!. POR TI!!: LAW OF TRI SEA COMMISSION PREPARATOIRE DE L'AU'l'ORITE INTERNATIONA!.E DES FONDS MARINS ET DIJ TRIBUNAL INTERNATIONAL DU DROIT DE LAMER nO.aroTOBWI'EJ!bHA'I KOMi!Ccm .ltlH lr!Ell(,WHAPQ,¡¡¡mro OPI'A!!A no MOPCKOl.tl' JIBY 11 MElKJlYHAPO.llBoro 'l'PHSYRAJIA no , VOPCKOl\tY l'!PARY C0KISI011 PREPARATORIA DE LA AUTORIDAD INTERNACIONAL DE LOS FONDOS MARINOS Y DEL TRIBUNAL INTERNACIONAL DEL DERECHO DEL MAR ~~.. ~1 ~1 ¿~1 ~1 ..1,_9~1:.. l~At ~/J,_l,,Í lo -~ÍJ;/._,,í lí, ~ !llfll\ 1984.ff. 8 JJ 1 3 8 $: 9 JJ 5 8 tEB l*J]CiFfié\J • ~~~Di %%i5l é\1{-1(.;&ffi~ if!. Delegations to the Meeting of the Preparatory Commission, Geneva, 13 August - 5 September 1984 Délégations présentes a la Réunion de la Commission préparatoire, Gene ve , 1 3 ao1l. t - 5 septembre 1984 ~e~erru:i;HH, rrpHHH:M:aBmne yqacTHe B pa6oTe coBe~aHHH Ilo~rOTOBHT8~bHO~ KOMHCCHH ~eHeBa, 13 aBrycTa - 5 ceHTH6pH 1984 ro~a Delegaciones a la reunión de la Comisión Preparatoria, Ginebra, 13 de agosto a 5 de septiembre de 1984 - 2 - AFGHANISTAN Représentant Dr. M.A. Kherad, Chargé d'affaires, mission permanente, Geneve ALGERIA Représentants M. Amar Dahmouche, ministre plénipotentiaire (chef de la délégationJ M. Boudjemaa Delmi, premier secrétaire, mission permanente, Geneve M. Abdallah Baali, premier secrétaire, mission permanente, New York M. Tewfik Abada, secrétaire, Ministere des affaires étrangeres ANGOLA Représentants S.E. Dr. Fernando José de Franca Dias Van-Dúnem, ambassadeur extraordinaire et plénipotentiaire, representant permanent au Portugal (chef de la délégationJ Mme Paulette Maria Morais Lepes, conseiller juridique, Ministere des relations extérieures Mme Ana Maria Carreira, conseiller, Ministere des relations extérieures M. Carlos Alberto Saraiva de Carvalho Fonseca, juriste, Ministere des relations extérieures AUSTRALIA Representative Mr. David Colin Goss, Senior Adviser, Economic Organizations Branch, Department of Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the delegationJ Alternate Representatives Mr. Gerard A. Brennan, Legal Adviser, Department of Foreign Affaire Mr. Gary Francia Quinlan, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, New York Mr. Noel Donald Campbell, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva Adviser Mr. Kenneth G.W. MacKenzie, Acting Solicitor-General for the ' State of Queensland - 3 - AUSTRIA Representative H.E. Dr. Karl Wolf, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Norway (Chairman of the delegationl Adviser Krs. Elizabeth Kann-Borgese BAHRAIN Representatives H.E. Dr. Hussain Al-Baharna, Kinister of State for Legal Affairs (Chairman of the delegation) H.E. Kr. Karim Al-Shakar, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative to the Office of the United Nations Kr. Ebrahim Al-Kajed, First Secretary, Permanent Kission, Geneva BANGLADESH Representatives H.E. Kr. A.K.H. Korshed, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representativa to the Office of the United Nations (Chairman of the delegation) Kr. Habibur Rahman, Economic Kinister, Permanent Kission, Geneva Kr. Syed Noor Hossain, Counsellor, Permanent Kission, Geneva Kr. Liaquat Ali Choudhury, Second Secretary, Permanent Kission, Geneva Advisers Kr. Abm Abdul Kannan Kr. Golam Koula BENIN Représentant K.Théodore Aissi, conseiller technique juridique a la Présidence de la République BRAZIL Representativas Kr. Luis Filipe de Kacedo Soares Guimaraes, Counsellor, Kinistry for Externa! Affairs (Chairman of the delegation) Kr. Roberto Torres, Counsellor, Permanent Kission, Geneva Kr. Enio Cordeiro, First Secretary, Permanent Kission, Geneva ~dvisers Prof. Vicente Karotta Rangel, University of the State of Sao Paulo Dr. Alfredo José da Silva Netto, Petrobrás, S.A. Cdr. Edson de Almeida Pedrosa. Kinistrv of the Nevv - 4 - BULGARIA Representatives Mr. Iliya Koltchakov, Counsellor, Deputy Head, Legal and Treaty Department (Chairman of the delegation) Mr. Ivan Koulov, Third Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs BURMA Representatives H.E. U Maung Maung Gyi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative to the Office of the United Nations (Chairman of the delegation) U Aye Lwin, Director, International Law and Treaties Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Alternate-Chairman of the Delegation) U Pe Thein Tin, Deputy Permanent Representative to the Office of the United Nations U Than Tun, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva (Secretary of the delegation) BYELORUSSIAN SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLIC Representative Mr. V. Fissenko, Deputy Head of Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs CAMEROON Representatives H.E. Mr. Paul Bamela Engo, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative to the United Nations (Chairman of the delegation) Mr. Remy Mbaya, Magistrate, Technical Adviser to the Minister of Justice Mr. Samuel Sona Betah, Sub-Director, Ministry of Mines and Powers Mr. Lazare Mpouel Bala, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, New York Mr. Emmanuel Aloa Eteme, chargé d'études (C.N.C.Cl, Ministry of Transport Mr. W.C.M. Etinge, Jurist, Maritime Legal Service, Ministry of Transport CANADA Representative Mr. Philippe Kirsch, Director, Legal Operations Division, Department of External Affairs (Chairman of the delegation) Advisers J!r. P.E. McRae, Head, Law of the Sea Section, Legal Operations Division, Department of External Affairs Mr. W.H. Jackson, Mineral Policy Sector, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources Mr. Terence Winsor, International Economic Relations, Department of Finance - s - CAPE VERDE Representa ti ve Mr. Jase Luis Jesus, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, New York CHILE Representantes Sr. Cristián Yiaquieira, Consejero, Misio'n Pennanente, Nueva York (Jefe de la delegación) Sr. Pedro,óYirce, Primer Secretario, Misioh Permanente, Nueva York Srta. Maria Teresa Infante, Asesora, Profesora de la Universidad de Chile Sr. Rodrigo Espinosa, Tercer Secretario, Mision Pennanente, Ginebra CHINA Representatives kr. Yan Hongmo, Deputy-Director-General, National Bureau of Oceanography (Chairman of the delegation) Mr. Ouyang Chuping, Counsellor, Department of Treaties and Law, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Vice-Chairman of the delegation) Mr. Zhang Hongzeng, Counsellor, Legal Adviser, Department of Treaties and Law, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Legal Adviser) Ms. Zou Deci, Associate Professor, Policy Researcher, Office of Marine Policy Study, National Bureau of Oceanography Mr. Du Zhongying, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva Alternate Representatives Mr. Yu Yuancheng, Deputy-Chief, Foreign Affairs Office, National Bureau of Oceanography Mr. Xiao Hanqiang, Marine Geologist, Bureau of Petroleum and Marine Geology, Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources Adviser Mr. Li Haiqing, Secretary, Office of Foreign Affairs, National Bureau of Oceanography COLOMBIA Representantes S.E. Sr. Héctor Charry Samper, Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario, Representante Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas (Jefe de la Delegación) S.E. Sr. Antonio-José Uribe-Portocarrero, Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario (Jefe-Alterno de la delegación) Dr. Alfonso Lopez-Reina, Mínistro-Consejero, Director General del Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Geológico Mineras "INGEOMINAS" Srta. Irma Botero Caicedo, Primer Secretario, Misión Permanente, Ginebra Sr. Ernesto Cajiao Gómez, Capitan de Fragata Sr. Lu·is Fernando Paredes, Segundo Secretario, Misión Permanente, Ginebra - 6 - CONGO Représentants M. Paulin Mongo, counseiller aux b;rdrocarbures et a.>.IX mines au cabinet du chef de l'état (chef de la déléga.tion) M. André Massengo, secrétaire ~n6ral du Ministere des mines et de l'énergie M. Gabriel Silou, directeur de la coopération multilaterale, Ministere de la coopération M. Antonio Malekama, chef de division des organizatlons gouvernementales et non-gouvernementales, Ministere des affaires étrangl!res COSTA RICA Representante S.E. Lic. Elías Soley Soler, Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario, Representante Permanente ante la Oficina de las Náciones Unidas (Jefe de la delegación) Lic. Jorge Rhenán Sugura, Consejero, Misión Permanente, Ginebra CUBA Representantes S.E. Sr. Pelegrin Torras de la Luz, Viceministro, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores (Jefe de la delegación) S.E. Sr. Carlos Lechuga Hevia, Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario Representante Permanente ante los Organismos Internacionales con sede en Suiza (Jefe Alterno de la delegación) Sr. José Antonio Rabaza Vázquez, Especialista en Soberanéa Marítima y Aérea, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. Luis Giotto Preval Páez, Ingeniero Especialista, Ministerio de la Industria Básica Sr. Faustino Cruz Avila, Funcionario del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Srta. Amelia Muñoz Gracia, Jefa de Despacho d9l Viceministro de Relaciones Exteriores CYPRUS Representatives Mr. Andreas Pirishis, Deputy Permanent Representative to the Office of the United Nations (Chairman of the delegation) Mr. Christophoros Yiangou, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva CZECHOSLOVAKIA Representatives Dr. Zdenek Pisk, Head of Department for Legal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs <Chairman of the delegation) - 7 - DEMOCRATIC KAl!PUCHEA Représentants S.E. M. Ngo Pin, ambassadeur,
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