John Carroll University Carroll Collected The aC rroll News Student 4-28-1961 The aC rroll News- Vol. 43, No. 13 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "The aC rroll News- Vol. 43, No. 13" (1961). The Carroll News. 237. http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews/237 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aC rroll News by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The (;arroll jNew degree programs NEWS feature 'Classical' A.B. Representing John Carroll University Two new A.B. degree pro- ment of Latin or Greek. language requirement by the elec­ The Very Rev. Hugh E. Dunn, tion of a single language, modern University Heights 18, Ohio gramR will eventually replace S.J., President of the Univer11ity, or classical. In e.!fect, the language the present A.B. and B.S. in announced, that "the new program t·cquirement of the current B.S. in Vol. XLIII, No. 13 Friday, April 28, 1961 S.S. degrees, it was announce(! will strengthen the Bachelor of S.S. program has been extended in from the President's office Arts degree and at the same time this respect to the A.B. The A.B. provide opportunities for students Classics program, however, retains ~·esterday. seeking a classical background." the two-language requirement as One program has the title "A.D. Effective this September, Carroll formerly, except for an upgrading Pellegrino reigns IClassics" in distinction to the "A. v.;u begin the de-emphasis of the of the Latin requirement to a total B." of the other program. The Col- degree of B:1chelor of Science in So­ of four upper-division courses. lege of Arts and Sciences will offer cilll Science for the Bachelor of Arts 0! major interest. is the general over annual Prom the "classical Bachelor of Arts de- degree. The B.S. in S.S. degree will revision of the quantitative require­ gree" to students who favor pro- be closed to students as a rule be- ment in modern foreign lanb"Uage n.> JAMES :\fL RR \ Y gratm in classical literature and ginning in September, 1961, except courses. ln lhe A.D. program, where . • d languages surh as French, German, for approved education majors. (Turn to Page 6, Col. 4) Saturday mght, .May 6, wJll fmd Carroll students anc-ISpanish, Italian, and Russian, the For the first time at the Univer- ing to the music of Richard Maltby at the annual junior- latter with the approval of the sity the new "A.B." permits the :-;enior Prom. The formal dance ":ill be reigned over by • Dean's office, without the require- student to fulfill the A.B. foreign Philip Pellegrino and hi~ queen, PAtricia Carroll. In Fi d . Senior Pellegrino was elected fir::t two \'{'!It'S. king by the juniors and seniors in • . anna u n gz ves an l'lection held ('arlicr this week. Th~ Prom Queen, 1\hss Pntrtcta lle is majoring in sociology, and Carroll, is a senior from Notre $50 000 L •b while here at Carroll he ht1~ parti- D~~e Colle~e.. - to l ra ry cipatcd verv actin~ly in the intra- Present mdtcat1ons are that th1s ' mural !'ports program. He wa~ also year's Prom will surpass all tl'ea~urcr of his freshman clasl; By S'I'EPHE-:\ WIXCHELL and played on the football team in his freshman and sophomore yeat·s. The building fund for the new John Carroll Library was lie hn!< appeared in Stunt Night in recently augmented by a gift of $50,000 from the Leonard all of hi~ four years, and was a C. Hanna, Jr., Fund. Harold T. Clark, president of the Fund, I mt!mlwr of the Spanish club in his in announcing the gift to the University on Tuesday, Apr. 25, said it is the first time John Carroll has been the recipi- ent of a Hanna Fund grant. Student Unio~ I This Fund was founded by )£r. Hanna, Jr., who served as vice- Chesterton collection in the world. president and lrustee of the J..'und In discussing the latest physi­ sponsors class until his death in 1967. Hanna's cal addition to the campus, The I life-time intttl'e~>t in philanthropic (Turn to Page 6, Col. 3) office elections endeavor:! is reflected in the Fund's :-------- l generou~ support of the .!inc arts Mi Sh h The John Carroll Student in Cleveland.) The Fund has en- ss OS an Union will hold the elections abled the city to acquire many art for sophomore, junior. and treasure!. and to develop outstand- appears here ing m us I! u m s, hospitals, and scnicw cl:ts~ officer~ besrinning schools. next week. Primat·ies are The nearly completed Library is Shoshana Shoshan, l he scheduled for l\fondny and scheduled to be occupied by June leading soprano of the Israeli Tue~day. j\lay 1 and 2, finals 15, and a formal dedication ih set National Opera in Tel Aviv Philip Pellegrino for late September. for Monday and Tuesdar. other-s.'' states Richard ~lurrav. until she came to America Ma\' 8 and 9 1 · 1 ._. · The new Library, the con.,truc- several vears ago, appears in • • • 1gen ernl chairman. On y 17 uld' re- tion of which is part of John Car- J Juniors running for the various main to. he ~old. The decorations roll's long range development plan a bonus edition of the Univer­ sc•nior cln~~ offire>~ nn~ : ~a~iel l are commg along v~ry neatly .and that has added six new building:, sity Series on Sunday, Apr. Donnhue, Mtrhacl )frlJall', Wllham mo>~t P1·om-goers w11l be surprtsed to the Univer.'!ity plant since 1951 130, at 8:30 p.m. in the Audi­ Mooncy, lllld Jame$ ~tullen, presi- at the .ru?ical :hange which the is a $l,i50,000 structure that witi dent; l•'tank Cumberland. ;\ltchael SAC butldmg Wlll undergo. Along provide much needed facilities for tori urn. Evans, Eugt>ne :\1cEnro~, .r..awre!lce w1th. Maltby's popular.bnnd. '~ill be the students and faculty and will "The reason for the bonus pro­ Turton. end Theodore Untus, v1ce- Arnte Lanza and hts DDncland 1 house the University's fine book gram," said Rev. Herman S. presirlcnt: .James Bolnml, Neil Bos- band. I.anzu was a big succl!ss at collertion including the rare G. K. Hughes, SJ., director of cultural ~ard, Michael Leonard, Charles Me- last year's Prom and will again Chesterton first editions and manu- acti'v;ties, was to insure the con­ Kcon, and Chalmer:- Ombcrg, sec- entertain this year. scripts. This collection was once r e.. tinuity of the Ser1es and the pat- Miss Shoshana Shoshan in an retary: and Jamel> Dcvinl', Charles 1'hc dttan of men's office has is- I ferred to by Chesterton's biogra- ronage of our subscribers." operatic pose. (Turn 1o Page 10. Col. 1) (Turn to f'>age 7, Col. 2) pher, Maisie Ward, as the finest (Tum to Page 10, Col. 5) President appoints nine upperclassmen to ASN 8) KAJLASH U.U.,\RL\ bers of Alpha Sigma Nu nominate Sigma Nu, remarked, "Member- Rosecrans High School in Zanes­ Abraham Nomura is a resident Very Rev. Hugh E. Dunn, outstanding Carroll men on the ship in the society is a smgular ville, Ohio, his hometown. His major of Honolulu, Hawaii, where he at­ basi:; of their scholarship, loyalty, honor. Alpha Sigma Nu is the Phi is Philosophy, and he has a 3.37 tended St. Louis High. Abe has S.J., President of the Univer­ and service to the university. Betta Kappa of a Jesuit university. average. Dave is a member of the Pre-Med for his major and a 3.64 sity. announced lhe appoint­ The nominations are then sub­ It gives due recognition to the Band and the Glee Club. for his point aveJ"age. He is the ment of nine juniorR lo Al­ mitted to the deans oi the College university's leading men on cam- From Altoona, Pa., Donald Me- treasurer of the junior class and pha Sigma Nu, Jesuit na­ of Art<> and Sciences and the pus." Cabe is a graduate of Altoona a member of the University Club. tional honor society, Wednes­ School o! Ru:;iness for review. The Richard Albanese, a graduate of Catholic High. He maintains a A graduate of Loyola Academy final nominations are then con­ St. Edward High School of Lake- 3.2 average in a History major. in Chicago, J ohn M. Scott has an day, Apr. 26. sidered by the President of the wood, Ohio, is a local Clevelander. Besides being president of the Industrial Relations major. He has About the end of every year, University, who makes the final He holds a 3..14 average in an Dorm Council, Don is also vice­ a 2.98 average and is president of the society acce}>b second-semester selection. Economics major. president of the Glee Club and Alpha Kappa Psi and a member juniors a!< new members. The mem- Edward Parks, president of Alpha J. David Korn comes from Bishop Spanish Club. ('furn to Page 7, Col. l) Albanese Kom Wanamaker Nomura Scott McCabe Uritus Wagner Turton Page 2 THE CARROll NEWS Friday, April 28, 1961 maturity? Is he willing and able to give his In my opinion hest effort to the office for which he is run­ Apathetic profs? ning? Or would his interests be so divided In lhe past, the ~ews has continually lam­ that the class office becomes second to other Big Brother goes to school basted Carroll students for a lethargic or actiYities? by James Wagner apathetic attitude towards campus, national, Find out more about the candidates.
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