The official journal of the European Weightlifting Federation - N° 1 / April-July 2015 SUMMARY Over the years a number of papers have been devoted to the weightlifter’s warm up for competition. Some of this information is more than 50 years old. However, in the interim there have been a number of changes to the technical rules of weightlifting competitions. 56 2 EDITORIAL by Antonio Urso 4 MYTH OF STRENGTH by Livio Toschi 10 SOLAR ENERGY AND MUSCLE STRENGTH by Menotti Calvani 22 KINEMATIC ANALYSIS OF THE SNATCH LIFT WITH ELITE FEMALE WEIGHTLIFTERS DURING THE 2010 WORLD WEIGHTLIFTING CHAMPIONSHIP by Hasan Akkus 36 THE EFFECTS OF TRAINING VOLUME AND COMPETITION ON THE SALIVARY CORTISOL CONCENTRATIONS OF OLYMPIC WEIGHTLIFTERS by Blair T. Crewther, Taati HeKe, e Justin W. L. Keogh 36 46 WEIGHTLIFTING AND THE KNEE by Antonio Urso, Nicola Voglino Competition can influence the hormonal and performance outcomes in weightlifters. For instance, the salivary C (Sal-C) 56 COMPARISON OF WARM UP PROTOCOLS OF HIGH CLASS concentrations of Olympic weightlifters MALE AND FEMALE WEIGHTLIFTERS were found to be more than twofold higher by Andrew Charniga, Jr during actual competition, than a simulated event. 72 WHAT THE BUSINESS WORLD CAN TEACH A COACH ABOUT RESOURCE MANAGEMENT by Ann Swisher Rivista_EWF_N°1.indd 1 06/03/15 17:41 2 EDITORIAL The official journal of the European Weightlifting Federation Weightlifting European of official the journal The Why a new magazine? In this era of excessive information, do we wanted to publish a magazine that contai- really need to put pen to paper again? A ned all the knowledge and information that series of words generally makes up a mes- we had always hoped to find in other ma- sage; who is the message in this magazine gazines or, more pretentiously, in library for? Is it a magazine about sport? And why books and in literature. And this was no the continuous focus on strength? marketing blitz either; albeit a legitimate idea, it never crossed our minds, because These were just some of the questions if that were the case perspective, it would that the EWF, along with the support of have been much simpler to produce a news its distinguished friends of the Editor’s bulletin rather than a magazine. Scientific Committee, deliberated on befo- re going ahead with this magazine, which We wanted to focus on a quality journal, a I can assure you, was no easy task: lots of prestigious publication that could, in some questions and plenty of answers, many of way, convey to a wide readership our point them exciting and stimulating; some gave of view on the evolution of training, and, rise to more questions and new doubts; in in particular, on the evolution of strength the end, the moment we are living in, our training applied to weightlifting. passion and a host of right ideas led us to believe that this magazine was necessary, Strength. That wonderful magic which and this is not just our biased opinion. We mankind throughout the ages has used Rivista_EWF_N°1.indd 2 06/03/15 17:41 3 N° 1 / April-July 2015 N° 1 / April-July to defend himself, to hunt, find we needed to dedicate a space that they are called movement food, reproduce and reach higher that dealt primarily with scientific therapists; just as “tout court” goals; the force with which hu- reasoning for those who strive to therapists treat health problems, man beings have competed (with obtain physical advantages from movement therapists are capable themselves and with others) to the development of strength (ar- of “healing” sports performance, win, to rejoice, to lose and so be- rogance excluded). together they must return athle- come stronger, but above all, it has tes to play following injuries or pa- allowed mankind to evolve from It was necessary to understand thological situations. a quadruped to Homo erectus. how strength can influence a Strength was a major element in performance model or if getting This magazine, therefore, is aimed standing up to observe and do- stronger is enough to win a com- at professionals with a capital P. minate the surrounding area and petition. For all of the above reasons, with beyond: slowly and steadily or with this new cultural vehicle we want bursts of strength, mankind has Of course, answering these que- to create an exchange of experti- come a long way. Strength was stions alone is a truly difficult task se and find in our area of compe- also paramount to the develop- and, conscious and aware of this, tence, which is already so vast, a ment of man’s cognitive abilities, we need to find as many travel non-static response to the needs the ability to move in his immedia- companions as possible along the of both amateur and professional te surroundings, to interact with way. sport. the environment and to process the ensuing stimuli. We must invest in culture, the We truly hope to gather as many vehicle with which we can spread illustrious authors as possible so Evolving through strength has in- knowledge and experience. The that this new-born magazine can deed been a beautiful journey, and world of sport needs to reflect on spread the culture of the science to thank nature for this gift and the importance of culture and we of training. Sincere thanks to all pay homage to her, man has cre- feel it is our duty to set the ball rol- those who are already part of this ated styles of movement: sport. ling and continue on this journey. initiative and to those who will be Man discovered, invented, explo- involved in the near future. red sport. No sport can express its Training centres, gyms and any style without resorting to stren- place where physical activity is car- gth, no coach can encourage his ried out, are vital spaces, along the Antonio Urso athlete to perform without calling same lines as a doctor’s surgery EWF President on his strength. Not a minute of where health issues are treated the day or night goes by when we with medicine, because a strong are not forced to fight against and man is a healthy man. For this re- win over the force that dominates ason, training professionals, co- our planet and the system we orbit aches and personal trainers are in: gravity. Even when we must con- not figures that can be improvi- vince somebody of something, we sed, nor must they be lacking in use strength of words and mind. If scientific knowledge and practi- all this is true, then it is clear that cal expertise. It’s no coincidence Rivista_EWF_N°1.indd 3 06/03/15 17:41 4 The official journal of the European Weightlifting Federation Weightlifting European of official the journal The MYTH OF STRENGTH If it is true that from the dawn of time man has raced and fought either out of need or for sport, it is equally true that he has always taken pride in his own strength, displaying it in all kinds of tests, at times extravagant: lifting and bearing weights, throwing, stretching, bending, breaking, tackling, pushing and pulling were just some of the exercises they engaged it. In addition, «until the appearance of firearms, physical strength was the main resource of fighters, who relied on it for their survival» (Georges Lambert). BY LIVIO TOSCHI Rivista_EWF_N°1.indd 4 06/03/15 17:41 5 N° 1 / April-July 2015 N° 1 / April-July Rivista_EWF_N°1.indd 5 06/03/15 17:41 6 MYTH OF STRENGTH At a later stage, when men began Hoards of giants fills the pages competing in sports contests, they of novels and the world of fables, realised that in order to win they such as Gargantua and his son would have to train methodically, Pantagruel, sprung from the ima- drawing, perhaps, on the expe- gination of François Rabelais, and rience of famous physicians. To in- Gulliver, the main character in Jo- crease their strength they did the nathan Swift’s novel. appropriate exercises, amongst which - obviously - weightlifting, In our time, other strength heroes by ingeniously using what they have been created by the fertile had at hand, such as boulders, imagination of writers and illu- logs and halteres, a type of metal strators. In the marvellous world or stone dumbbell, in the quest of comics how could we forget, for maximum functionality. Natu- among others, Popeye and Obelix, The official journal of the European Weightlifting Federation Weightlifting European of official the journal The rally, without today’s extremely Il Grande Blek and Lothar (Mandra- accurate barbells, it was a difficult ke’s crime-fighting companion) task to measure one’s strength and of course, Walt Disney’s Her- and impossible to compete at a cules? distance. And yet, at the dawn of civilisation, there were plenty of Poland’s Henryk Sienkiewicz, No- contests which became more and bel Prize winner for Literature Gilgamesh strangles a lion - relief on Khorsabad Palace more frequent thanks to the use in 1905, at the end of the 1800s (VII century B.C.) Louvre, Paris of special equipment, such as the wrote the novel Quo vadis?, brou- “yardstick”. ght to the big screen in 1913 by Enrico Guazzoni for the Cines di The idea of a big, strong man has Roma, which gave life to the super In the film, L’uomo della foresta always incurred fear and comman- strong Ursus, interpreted by Ro- (1922), he played a sort of Tarzan ded respect. We need only think of man weightlifter Bruto Castellani.
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