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Chariots in the late bonze age eastern Mediterranean and Near East — H. Genz & al.: A middle bronze age burial from Tell Fadous- Kfarabida, Lebanon — A. Hassler: Mykenische Keramik aus verlorenen Kontexten – die Grabung L. Loats in Gurob — C. Jurman: Ein Siegelring mit kryptographischer Inschrift in Bonn — C. Knoblauch: Preliminary report on the early bronze age III pottery from contexts of the 6th dynasty in the Abydos middle cemetery — L. Morgan: A pride of leopards: a unique aspect of the Hunt frieze from Tell el-Dabca — L. Morgan: An aegean griffin in Egypt: the Hunt frieze al Tell el-Dabca — N. Marinatos: Lions from Tell el Dabca — T. Mühlenbruch: Eine mykenische Bügelkanne aus Ägypten in Marburg und ihre Implikationen für den Handel zwischen Sügelkanne und dem östlichen Mittelmeerraum in SH III B2 — J. Mynárová: Tradition or innovation? The ugaritic-egyptian correspondence — T. Schneider: Contributions to the chronology of the new kingdom and the third intermediate period — T. Schneider: A theophany of Seth-Baal in the Tempest stele — I. Ziffer: Western asiatic tree-goddeses — A. Ahrens: The scarabs from the Ninkarrak temple cache at Tell cAšara/Terqa (Syria): history, archaeological context, and chronology — F. Breyer: Egyptological remarks concerning Dahamunzu — E. van Koppen: The old to middle babylonian transition: history and chronology of the mesopotamian dark age. 02 Agut-Labordere, D.: Le sage et l’insensé. La composition et la transmis- sion des sagesses démotiques 2011 – 432 pp. € 65,00 03 Albarran Martínez, M. J.: Prosopographia asceticarum aegyptiarum 2010 – 205 pp. € 20,00 PÓRTICO LIBRERÍAS AVANCES 1029 — Egiptología 82 2 04 Allen, J. P.: The Debate between a Man and his Soul. A Masterpiece of Ancient Egyptian Literature 2011 – xii + 311 pp., lám. € 124,00 05 Altmann, V.: Die Kultfrevel des Seth. Die Gefährdung der göttlichen Ordnung in zwei Vernichtungsritualen der ägyptischen Spätzeit (Urk. VI) 2010 – xiv + 227 pp., 24 fig. € 70,75 06 Amat, P. V.: La céramica Black Top. Estudio de cerámica predinástica egipcia 2010 – 95 pp., 18 fig., 14 lám. € 14,56 07 Barca, N.: Prima delle piramidi. Alle origini della civiltà egizia 2010 – 399 pp., fig. € 21,65 08 Betrò, M. / V. Simili: «Sono venuta correndo a cercarti». Canzoni e musica nell’ antico Egitto 2010 – 180 pp., 71 fig., lám.col. € 23,00 ÍNDICE: V. Simini: La musica nell'Egitto antico — V. Simini: Generi letterari dei canti — V. Simini: I canti di festa: le orchestre — V. Simini: L'amore dei congiunti: i canti di speranza — V. Simini: Dalle piramidi all'arpa: la glorificazione — V. Simini: I canti «eretici» degli arpisti — M. Betrò: I «canti per distrarre il cuore»: le canzioni d'amore del papiro Harris 500 — V. Simini: Conclusioni: Una città in musica. 09 Bonnamy, Y. / A.-A. Sadek: Dictionnaire des hiéroglyphes. Hiéroglyphes / français 2010 – 988 pp. € 34,00 10 Borghouts, J. F.: Egyptian. An Introduction to the Writing and Language of the Middle Kingdom, 2 vols. (1: Grammar, Syntax and Indexes; 2: Sign Lists, Exercices and Reading Texts) 2010 – 1.062 pp. € 127,00 11 Bourgon-Amir, Y.: Les tapisseries coptes du Musée historique des tissus, Lyon, 2 vols. 1993 – 387 pp. + 352 lám., fig. € 62,00 12 Bresciani, E. / A. Delattre / P. Heilporn & al., eds.: Narmouthis 2006. Documents et objets découverts à Medinet Madi en 2006 2010 – xv + 173 pp. + 31 lám. € 37,40 PÓRTICO LIBRERÍAS AVANCES 1029 — Egiptología 82 3 13 Budge, E. A. W.: The Mummy. A Handbook of Egyptian Funerary Archaeology 1893, facsím. – 620 pp., 72 fig. € 35,40 14 Cadell, H. / W. Clarysse / K. Robic: Papyrus de la Sorbonne (P. Sorb. III, n° 70-144) 2011 – 240 pp., despl., 1 CD-ROM € 100,00 15 Carter, H. / A. C. Mace: The Tomb of Tut-Ankh-Amen Discovered by the Late Earl of Carnarvon and Howard Carter, 3 vols. 1923-33, facsím. – 1140 pp., fig. € 75,85 16 Cashford, J.: El mito de Osiris. Los misterios de Abidos. Traducción del inglés y del griego D. Riaños Rufilanchas 2009 – 205 pp., fig., lám.col. € 21,00 17 Charron, A., ed.: La mort n’est pas une fin. Pratiques funéraires en Égypte d’Alexandre à Cléopâtre. Exposition, Arles Musée de l’Arles antique, 28 septembre 2002 au 5 janvier 2003 2002 – 223 pp., fig., lám., map. € 33,00 18 Cherpion, N. / J.-P. Corteggiani: La tombe d’Inherkhaouy (TT 359) à Deir el-Medina, 2 vols. (Texte, planches) 2010 – 446 pp., fig., 161 lám.col. € 79,00 19 Coppens, F.: The Wabet. Tradition and Innovation in Temples of the Ptolemaic and Roman Period 2007 – 243 pp., 39 fig. € 59,65 20 Dawson, J. / C. Rozeik / M. M. Wright, eds.: Decorated Surfaces on Ancient Egyptian Objects: Technology, Deterioration and Conservation. Proceedings of a Conference Held in Cambridge, Uk on 7-8 September 2007 2010 – 181 pp., lám.col., fig. € 46,60 ÍNDICE: R. A. Stein / P. Lacovara: Observations on the preparation layers found on ancient egyptian decorated coffins in the Michael C. Carlos Museum — A. Heywood: Lead cladding on a wooden royal figure: an unusual ancient surface reconstructed — M. M. Rifai / N. M. N. El Hadidi: Investigation and analysis of three gilded wood samples from the tomb of Tutankhamun — S. Pagès-Camagna / H. Guichard: Egyptian colours and pigments in french collections: 30 years of physicochemical analyses on 300 objects — D. A. Scott: Greener shades PÓRTICO LIBRERÍAS AVANCES 1029 — Egiptología 82 4 of pale: a review of advances in the characterisation of ancient egyptian green pigments — F. Shearman: Patina and polychromy: reconstructing some technical histories for small egyptian bronze sculpture in the British Museum — P. Parkes / D. Watkinson: Computed tomography and X-radiography of a coffin from dynasty 21/22 — S. Gänsicke: The conservation of decorated organic egyptian surfaces: a literature review — P. Hatchfield / G. Ryan: Selected case studies in the treatment and preservation of middle kingdom polychrome wood in the collections of the Museum of fine arts, Boston — B. Wills / M. Hacke: Ancient egyptian basketry: investigation, conservation and colour — H. Kariya & al.: Treatment of a dynasty 18 painted coffin, 37.47E a-e- (Abbott collection 405A) — S. Rowe & al.: Roman egyptian gilded cartonnage: technical study and conservation of a mummy mask from Hawara — L. R. Spaabæk: Deterioration and damage on encaustic mummy portraits — J. Williams: The conservation treatment of the roman egyptian paintings in the Hearst museum of anthropology, University of California, Berkeley — S. Pagès-Camagna & al.: The new life of Crispina: scientific analyses and conservation of a egyptian painted shroud of the roman period — M. Svoboda / M. Walton: Material investigations of the J. Paul Getty museum’s red-shroud mummy — V. V. Antoniou: Issues in the display of egyptian decorated material — N. Lokma: Emergency stabilisation and removal of the termite-damaged coffins found in tomb KV-63, Valley of the Kings, Luxor. 21 Del Vesco, P.: Letti votivi e culti domestici. Tracce archeologiche di credenze religiose nell’Egitto del terzo periodo intermedio 2010 – 204 pp., fig. € 37,00 22 Dessoudeix, M.: Lettres égyptiennes. La naissance du nouvel empire de Kamosis à Thoutmôsis II 2010 – 415 pp. € 28,00 ÍNDICE: La fin de la deuxième période intermédiaire — Le règne d'Ahmosis Ier — Le règne d'Amenhotep Ier — Le règne de Thoutmosis Ier — Le règne de Thoutmosis II. 23 Diamond, K.-A.: Transporting the Deceased to Eternity: the Ancient Egyptian Term h3í 2011 – vi + 119 pp., 45 fig. € 39,50 24 Dibley, G. / B. Dipkin: A Compendium of Egyptian Funerary Cones 2009 – 302 pp., fig. € 68,00 25 Dodson, A.: Amarna Sunset. Nefertiti, Tutankhamon, Ay, Horemheb and the Egyptian Counter-Reformation 2009 – xxiii + 207 pp., 100 fig. € 27,05 26 Dolinska, M. / H. Beinlich, eds.: 8. Ägyptologische Tempeltagung: Inter- PÓRTICO LIBRERÍAS AVANCES 1029 — Egiptología 82 5 connections between Temples. Warschau, 22.-25. September 2008 2010 – 247 pp., 1 CD-ROM, fig. € 71,00 ÍNDICE: M. Barwik: Sanctuary of the Hatshepsut temple at Deir el-Bahari — O. Bialostocka: Hatshepsut’s regeneration in the royal cult complex of her temple at Deir el-Bahari — I. Blom- Böer: Die Tempelanlage Amenemhets III. in Hawara. Das Labyrinth, seine Rolle und Verbindungen im Fajjum — F. Coppens: Linen, unguents and pectorals. Instruments of regeneration in ptolemaic and roman temples — M. Dolinska: Tempe of Tuthmosis III at Deir el-Bahari after 30 years of research — J. Gee: Execration ritual in various temples — R. Gundlach: Die Chapelle Blanche und das Tempelbauprogramm Sesostris’ I. in Theben — E. Laskowska-Kusztal: Relations between the cult centre of Mandulis at Kalabsha and the religious centres on Elephantine and Philae — E. Meyer-Dietrich: Die Opetprozession – mehr als nur eine rituelle Verbindung von Karnak mit Luxor. Die Verwendung von Schall zur Erzeugung eines symbolischen Raumes bei der Opetprozession — H. Papazian: The temple of Ptah and economic contacts between memphite cult centers in the fifth dynasty — B. A. Richter: On the heels of the wandering goddess: the myth and the festival at the temples of the Wadi el- Hallel and Dendera — Z.
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