' ' ' ' ' ' ' THE' ' ' ' ' ' LEADER' ' ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ " ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' • ¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦ - ¦ • : . ¦ . - . .. - AND . ; SATURDAY ANALYST; A REVIEW AND BECOBD OP POLITICAL, LITERARY. ARTISTIC, AND SOCIAL EVENTS. " ^&£VJ : • January 14th , I860. { s£™?U " ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ' ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ • . ¦ . CONTENTS. .. Shall we make Friends with Disgraceful Economy. New' Members of Parlia- China and Japan . France ? Lord Macaulay. — The ment. The Art of Dining. The President's Message. Author. Rifle Clubs. Recent Novels. Mr. Bright at Birmingham. Reform .—The Claim of Caricatura. Proverbs. The Spanish. Crusaders; Chelsea. Letter from Germany. How to Get a Place. Musketry Teaching and M. Bastiat. The Russian People and The Earl of Dundonald. Army Reform. The Schoolmaster Abroad . Socialism. " Record of the Week. European Assurance Union Fire and Life ESTABLISHED 1 838. The Law INSURANCE COMPAN Y. "\7ictoria aj&d Legal and SOCIET Y, » COM- Chief Offices , . COMMERCIAL LIFE ASSURANCE Empowered by Specia l Act of Parliame nt. PANY, 18 , KING WILLIAM STR ' EET , CITY. ' 126, CHANCERY LANK , Lond on. AV.C. ASSURANCE - OF LIVES; ANNUI- Birmingham Branch , 47, UNION PASSAGE. The Business of the Compan y embraces every descrip- FOR THE tion of risk connected ( with Life Assurance. TIES , AND THE GUARANTEE OF FIDEL ITY Cap ital, ONE MILLION STERLING. Credit allowed of one-third of the Premiums till IN SITUATIONS OF TRUST. death, or half the Premiums tor five years , on i>olicies taken but for the whole of life. ¦ . .. Chief Office— The Fire and Life Departments are unde r one Man - 2 WATERLOO PL-ACE, TA LL MALL , LOND ON. but with separate funds and accounts * Advances in connexion with Life Assurance are . , agement , made on advantageous terms , either on real or per- exceeds Cluiirman , sonal security. WILLIAM RATUAY , Actuary. The existing Revenue.from. Premium s Sir William Foster , Bart. .; ONE iiUfrDRED THO USA ND POUNDS. Vice-Chairman, NOTICE OF DIVIDEND. -J/ames Parker , Esq. , Baddow House , Chelmsib rd. r , , President — . k of Deposit—^(Esta- The Itiglit Hon . T. Milner Gibson , M.P. Banblished x.r» . 38f4)—No. 3, PALL MALL KAST . FIRE DEPARTMENT. for Chairman of the Board of Directors^-ltenry Wickham Cap ital responsible for Losses, £750,00 ). LONDON , S.W.^rTk e Warrants the- -Half-yearl y Wickham , Esq., M.P. The business is conttned to the best classes of insur ance. Interest , at the rate of 5' per cent, per annum , on De- . The discount allowed by the Government on the duty posit account? , to the 3lst December , are ready tor de- 1 - ' :' BOA RD OF BIRECTOR9U is in all cases given to the insured. i very, and payable daily betw-een the.hourri of JO and 1. : Stiilybridge , Claims settled with promptitude and liberality. PETE R MOR RISON , Managing¦ Directo r.. J ohn Cheetham , Esq., 1S00. " '¦ ¦ ¦ Barne s Davidson , Esq.. Broad-street Buildings , ,10th January , . Joh n Field. Esq., Warnford Court , City. LIFE DEPARTMENT. Pa rties desirous ofinVesting money are reqiiested to. Bank of Dejj o.sit. ¦ ' Charles For»ter , Esq., M.P. for Walsa ll, Capital responsible for -losses, £250.000, ¦examine the. plan of the . -. Rtchard Francis George , Esq., Bath. A Bonus .every five years ,—next Bonus in 186-4. Prospectuses and forma sent free on app lication . Esq., Hamilton-place , Saint Moderate rates of Premium. Henry -II. Har rison , ¦ John 's Wobd . ' ' Annuities¦ granted on favourable terms. Thomas C. Hayward, Esq., Jklinprio s and Hlghljury. Prospectuses , foran s of proposal , copies of annual rrhe District Savings Bank John Mcdtdns, Esq., Cavendish Club. ¦ ¦ reports *, and every information, on app lication to- J- (Limited)s 67, FLEET . -STREET. LONDON . Barrister for the City T. Y. MoCliriatie , Esq.,¦ Revising FRANK McGEDY , Secretary , 126, Chan cery-lane. E .C.—The experience which has atte nded the opera- of London. , - . ' . tions of savings banks and loan societies is such as to ' James Edward McConne ll, Esq., Wolverto ri. ESTABLISHED 1811. make it evident that an extension of their principles , John Mpga , K sq , Litchurch , Derby. upon a liberal yet sound basis, will prove highly ad- Charles William Reynolds , Esq., Eaton-p lace, Bel- Medical, Inralid j and Gene- vantageous both to the proprietary and tho public. graviu. 25, PALL MALL , The District Sayings K-:mk Kteei ve.s deposits (paid in Esq., M.P. for Warwicks hire. RAL LIFE OFFIC E , ' Richard Spooner , LONDO N.—Empowered by special Act of Parliament. atjone time) from One -Penny to Tun Pounds , the ag- 11. W. Wickham. Esq., M.P. for Bradfo rd. held on thcSlth gregate amount to be unlimited, aiid .siibjeiT lo the Gresham Club , and Can On- At the Eighteenth Annual Meetin g, Thos. Winkworth , Esq., ¦ Nov., 18,r)9, it was shown tha t on the 30th June last— usual arrangements , on withdrawal , of ordiijary sav- bury. ' ings banks. JOH N SHERIDAN ,.Vciuary. J. P. Brown-Weathead , Esq., M.P. for York . The nuniber of policies in force was . 0,110 The amount insured was . *2,¦ 60J ,925 10s. 8d. Income was . £121 ,263 7s. 7d. INVENTORS' ASSISTANCE COMPANY, The Guarantee Policies of this Society ar e au thori zed The Ann ual . (LIMITED ). to be accepted by Government. Poor Law Board , and Tho new buaines's transacted during the last five years other Public Departments. The lendin g London and amounts to ^2,482 ,798 10s. lid., showing an average Large and Small Capitalists Provincial Joint Stock and private Banks , the prin ci- yearly amount of new business of near ly are invited to investigate the merits of thirt pal Railway Companies , Life and Fire Offices, Public " Company ns an investment -, nnd Philanthrop ists as iv Companies , Inn titution ,fi , and Comm ercial Firms HALF A MILLION STERLING. genius. Policies of this means of assistance to humble throughout the Kingdom , accept the The Society, has paid for claims by death , since its From the variety of inventions dully yubmittod fur Society as Security for their Emp loyes. establishment in 1811, no less a .nmi than JCr >03,G10. inspect ion , It will be evident tliat iniu«u:il ncjvan- Imin cdintc Annuities , payabl e during the >vhole of HEALTHY LIVE S.—Assuranc es are oflectod at tapes are j>ossof!sed , of selecting such us nrn of a usi't'ul Life, may be purchased on the following scale :— hom o or abroad at as moderate rate s as the mlost recent andc onimercial character , some of great pnnuitio being Annuit ies (/ranted at the undermen tioned Ages for every da ta will allow. now under the consideration of tho Directors. £\00 of Purchase Money. INDIA. —Officers in the Army and Civilians proceed- A working model of a Kelf.fuel supplying , coal nnd '" ' ing to India may insure their live? on tho moat favou r- labour saviiig, an d smoko-con. sHming.furnuco , is now able terms , and every possib o facility is nlloruud for on exhibition at tho Manul 'nctoi'y. all ordurs tor Ages. 60 65 CO 05 70 the transac tion of business in India. which are to be addressed to th« Secretary oi' tho NAVAL M EN AND MASTE R MARINE RS nro Company. , This patent la interesting to the engi- neer , and ' n ationally and commercioHy im|>nrtiint, A assured at equitable rates for.life, or for a, voyage. £1 17 0 8 10 8 10 3 4 12 1 3 14 10 . 2 ' ersona frqm the saving it effects (00 por cent ) in the con- ab {o yottrlp. } VOLUNTE ERS.—No extra charge for p sumption of coal , by tho entire combustion of ito servin g in any Volunteer or Rifle Corps within tho Hinoke , and other important advantages As the Lists of Shareholder s, Pr pspootuscs ,-nnd A gency ap- * United Kin gdom. ti lDcioncy of this furnaco has bt'en proved 1 bvyr.nd plioatioiiB , m ay bo obtained on application to the RESIDENCE AnROAD. -Groator fac ilities given question, un inspection of the m^lel i.s earnestly re- MANAGEH. for residence in the Colonies , &c , than by most other ques t ed .. which will oxph(ii) tho principles of tho in- Com panies. ven tion , na well as by seulng the turnnco in operation , INVALID LIVES aaaured on scientifically oon- Al so, a b ciiullfu l spccliiioii of Pliotu grtipliy ' on wood, aw, Property, and Life atruo ted tables based on extensive data , an d a reduc- by wliich a grout saving in d irected , Ih now to bo aeon I -J ASSURANCE SOCIETY , tion in tho premium is made when tho causes for un at th o Offlecd , where tenna tor the aalo of the patent 30, ESSEX STREET, STRAND, L ONDON , Inoroiis od rnto of premium have oeaacd. can ) >o had. A pplications for Shares , nnd Prosp eotiws giving Capital—•¦£260,000.. STAMP DUTY. -7- Policies lasued free of every char ge but the premiums. th e fullest information , to be inndo at ih u (ionvj mny 'd PIukot oiis, O /Ilced, 1 , 8, and 3, Oough-atro et , north , Urny ' a-inn- Ral ph T. Brpokman , Ea q.. Folkestone Kvory information may be obtained at the chief road, London. Edw ard Wm. Cox. Esq., 36, Russell-square . offlot? or on application-to nny of tho Society's agents. ¦WILLIAM A I>DISON , Secretory Goargo Frederick Fox, Esq., Brlt ttol. Q DOUGLAS SINGlfl R , Scor etury . 13. M. P. Kclsoy, Esq., Sallabury . J. Mead, ICHq., 2. ICing 'a Bench Wtilk , Tem plo. r*\porto. —r- An old bottled II, Paull , Esq., M.P., 83, Devonahircplaoo , Port- London Chartered J3ank of V_^ P< >K T of IiJp rlt oliuraotor , 4Bs. por dozen onnh . huid-plac c. AUSTRALIA. Thin Qfunuiiui wlno will bo niuoh approved ,—II UNUY Eigh ty pur Cunt , of the Profits dtrlded among tjio Incor porated by Royal Charter.
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