Current Research in Neuropterology. Roceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Neuropterology. BagnBres-deLuchon, France, 1991. Canard, M., Asflck, H. & Mansell, M.W. (Eds). Toulouse, France, 1992. Pp. 291 - 301. Aspects of biogeography and phenology of Chrysopidae from the Republic of Sudan (Insecta : Neuroptera) Peter OHM & Herbert HOLZEL Zoologisches Museum, Kiel, Germany Briickl, Austria ABSTRACT A collection of 1 200 specimens of Chrysopidae, mostly from light-traps on the edges of cultivated areas in the Nile Valley in northern Sudan, was investigated. Together with some additional specimens from different museums, the material contains 16 species in strikingly dif- ferent numbers. The species belong partly to the Afrotropical and partly to the Palaearctic faunas. Some species inhabit smaller areas in the savanna or occur only in northeastern Africa and Arabia. The phenology of some species living in cultivated areas is briefly discussed. Key words : Chrysopidae, Sudan, zoogeography, phenology, catalogue. INTRODUCTION The chrysopid fauna of the Republic of Sudan and the other northeastern parts of Africa is almost unknown. ESBEN-PETERSEN(1915, 1931) recorded only two species from Sudan, Chrysopa geyri Esben-Petersen and Chrysopa congrua Wal- ker. From September 1961 to August 1962, Reinhard REMANEworked at Hudeiba Agricultural Research Station in Sudan on pests of field crops. There he collected the present material of about 1 200 chrysopid specimens comprising 15 species. Chrysopids were mainly collected at Hudeiba Station in the Nile Valley near the mouth of Atbara. Most of these specimens were caught in light-traps. Occasio- nally other places in the Nile Valley were visited, south to Wad Medani on the Blue Nile to collect material. In April and the end of June 1962, expeditions were organized to Erkowit in the Red Sea Hills and into the coastal area of Port Sudan. P. Ohm & H. Halzel In addition to REMANE'Smaterial, other chrysopid specimens from Sudan can be mentioned. The specimens recorded by ESBEN-PETERSENare in the Zoologisk Museum K~benhavn(ZMK) and the Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn (MAK), as well as some other specimens in the same museums, which are listed. We also studied the material collected in 1962 and 1964 in the district of Wadi Halfa by L. KAISILA,M. MEINANDERand S. PANELIUS,which is now in the Zoological Mu- seum Helsinki (ZMH) . LOCALITIES AND HABITATS OF CHRYSOPIDAE IN SUDAN (Fig. 1) 1961/1962, R. REMANEleg. 1. Port Sudan, 19'37'N - 37"13'E. Gardens in the coastal plain. Khor Arbaat, near Port Sudan. Coastal slope of the Red Sea Hills, 100 m. Gallery forests (Tamark, low vegetation) in barren rock formation. 2. Erkowit, Red Sea Hills, 18'49'N - 37"11fE, 1 100 - 1 300 m. Sparse evergreen shrub- and tree vegetation : Acacia sp., candelabra Euphorbia (E. erythraea), grasses ; cloud-moisture. 3. Hudeiba, 17'35'N - 33 "57'E, 380 m, mean annual rainfall 70 mm. Steppe with Acacia shrub and tuft grasses. Agricultural Research Station in the Nile Valley : irrigated fields with peanut (Arachis), wheat (Triticum), Ricinus, Henna (Lawsonia inermis) , durrha (Sorghum), various Cucurbitaceae ; irrigated lawn (Cynodon) ; fruit-, ornamental- and shade trees. Most of the material from two light-traps in agricultural areas : one near the bank of the Nile, another near the border of the steppe. Ed Darner, Aliab, Bauga, near Hudeiba, the same circumstances. 4. Shendi, S Hudeiba, 16'42'N - 33 "25'E, Ricinus field. 5. Khartoum, 15'36'N - 32"31qE,about 380 m. Irrigated parks, gardens and fields, Acacia shortgrass area. 6. Wad Medani, 14"24'N - 33"31rE, about 400 m. Irrigated parks, ornamental and kitchen gardens. 1962 and 1964, Zoological Museum Helsinki 7. Wadi Halfa District : Abka, Artinassi islds, Ashkeit, Dibeira, Farras W, Gezirah Ashkeit, Sharta and Wadi Halfa, all about 22"N - 3 1 "E, leg. J. KAISILA, M. MEINANDERand S. PANELIUS. Atbara, near Hudeiba, leg. S. PANELIUS. 1910 and 1912, Expeditions Alexander Koenig 8. Bahr el Abiad, about 10-lSON- 32"E. 9. Bahr el Zeraf, about 9"N - 31 "E. 10. Bahr el Ghazal, about 7-9"N - 28-31 "E. 11. Nubia, Kasr Ibrim. 12. Northern Darfur, Wadi Howar, about 17"N - 26"E (leg. 1980, in MAK). Chrysopidae of Sudan Fig. 1. Map of localities in the Republic of Sudan. MATERIAL EXAMINED AND SYNONYMY Chrysopa sogdianica McLachlan, 1875 Hudeiba, 4.11.62, 2 spms, 17.11.62, 2 spms, 16.111.62, 1 spm. Chrysoperla congrua (Walker, 1853) Hudeiba, 15-24.VII.62, 34 spms ; Wad Medani, 10-12.IX.61, 7 spms, 1- 3.VIII.62, 3 spms. P. Ohm & H. Holzel Chrysoperla camea (Stephens, 1836) Hudeiba, 654 spms (Fig. 7) ; - swept from wheat, 3.X.62, 10 spms ; ex pupa, 20.1.61, 1 spm ; Bauga, 18.X.61, 2 spms, 13.11.62, 6 spms ; Shendi, swept from Ricinus, 4.X.61, 11 spms ; Aliab, 10.11.62, 1 spm ; Wad Medani, 10.1X.61, 1 spm ; Port Sudan, 18.1.62, 2 spms ; Wadi Halfa Distr. : Abka, Artinassi islds, Ashkeit, Dibeira, Farras W, Gezirah Ashkeit, Sharta, Wadi Halfa : 28.IX.- 9.X.62, 40 spms, 29.111- 13.IV. 64, 117 spms, Atbara, 20.X. 62, 4 spms ; Khar- toum, 13.1V.10, 1 spm (ZMK) ; Nubia : Kasr Ibrim, 4.11.13, 1 spm (ZMK) ; Northern Darfour, Wadi Howar, NE Rabit Wells, XII. 1980, 1 spm (MAK). Chrysoperla pudica (Naviis, 1914) Hudeiba, 84 spms (Fig. 8) ; Shendi, Ricinus field, 4.X.61, 9 spms ; Wad Medani, 10-12.1X.61, 13 spms ; Erkowit, 2.VII.62, 1 spm ; Port Sudan, 18.1.62, 2 spms ; Wadi Halfa Distr. : Sharta, 30-31.111.64, 6 spms. Chrysoperliz mutata (McLachlan, 1898) Wadi Halfa Distr. : Dibeira, 31 .III.64, 1 spm ; Sharta, 30.111.64, 2 spms ; Wadi Halfa, 28.111.64, 3 spms, 30.111.64, 2 spms, 13.IV.64, 6 spms. Brinckochrysa chlorosoma (Navk, 1914) - nov. comb. Chrysopa chlorosoma Naviis, 1914 : 35, holotype d, Kenya, Mbuyuni dans le Pori (Muskum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris - seen). Chrysopa inconspicua Navh, 1914 : 87, fig. 4, holotype d, W-Africa, Kisombo (Zoologische Staatssammlung Miinchen - seen) - nov. syn. Chrysopa geyri Esben-Petersen, 1915 : 85, fig. 7, lectotype 9 hereby designated, Sudan, Bahr el Ghazal, 5.111.1913 (MAK) - nov. syn. Chrysopa michaelseni Esben-Petersen, 1928 : 219, fig. 3, neotype d designated by TJEDER1966. - Namibia : Kaokoveld, Zesfontein. - nov. syn. Chrysopa (Brinckochrysa) michaelseni : TJEDER1966 : 365, figs 1237-46 (nec 1247-53 !). Brinckochrysa michaelseni : CANARD& LAUDEHO1977 : 70 ; HOLZEL1980a : 172. Hudeiba, 280 spms (Fig. 8) ; Ed Damer, 12.X. 6 1, 1 spm ; Shendi, Rkinus field, 4.X.61, 2spms ; Port Sudan, 15.1V.62, 1 spm ; Erkowit, 18, 21 and 22.1V.62, 6.spms ; Wadi Halfa Distr. : Ashkeit, 8.X.62, 2 spms, Dibeira, Sharta and Wadi Halfa, 31.111.-13.1V.64, 4 spms ; Bahr el Ghazal, 1.111.13, 1 Q , 5.111.13, 1 9 ; Bahr el Zeraf, 10-11 .III. 13, 1 d ; Bahr el Abiad : Gebel Achmed Aga, 22.111.13, 1 Q (MAK) ; Bahr el Ghazal : Dabba el Gardega, 7.111.13, 1 9 ; Bahr el Zeraf, 16.111.13, 19 (ZMK). Brinckochrysa phgata (Naviis, 1929) Hudeiba, 16.IX. 61, 5 spms. Chrysopidae of Sudan Brinckochrysa alfierii (Navh, 1926) Hudeiba, 17.11.62, 1 spm; 21-31.111.62, 6 spms, l.IV, 14.V, 19.V, and 3.VI.62, 6 spms ; Aliab, 10.11.62, in grass tufts, 10 spms ; Port Sudan, 12.1V.62, 2 spms ; Khor Arbaat, 23.VI.62, 2 spms ; Erkowit, 23.VI.62, 2 spms, 27.VI.62, 1 spm. Mallada nicolainus (Navh, 1929) Wad Medani, 3 .VIII.62, 2 spms, 10-12.1X.61, 1 sprn ; Khartoum, 9.1X.61, 1 spm. Mallada venosus (Rambur, 1842) Hudeiba, 16-17.11.62, 3 spms ; Erkowit, 18.1V.62, 2 spms. Mallada spadix Holzel, 1988 Hudeiba, 14.11.62, 1 sprn ; Erkowit, 18-21.1V.62, 12 spms. Mallada phlebius (Navh , 1927) Hudeiba, 16.11, 16.111 and 27.VI. 62, 1 sprn each. Suarius caviceps (McLachlan, 1898) Hudeiba, 15.11, 2.111, 5.VI and 6.VII.62, 4 spms ; Erkowit, 23 .VI and 1 .VII.62, 2 spms ; Wadi Halfa Distr. : Sharta, 2.1V.64, Wadi Halfa, 28.111.64, 1 sprn each. Suarius walsinghami walsinghami Navsis , 1914 Hudeiba, 26-30.111.62, 3 spms, 17-28.V.62, 13 spms, 3-6.VI.62, 16 spms, 15- 16.VI.62, 6 spms. Chrysemosa andresi (Navls , 191 5) Hudeiba, 4.11. and 23.111.62, 1 sprn each ; Khor Arbaat, 23.VI.62, 2 spms ; Khartoum, 18.VIII.86 (MAK), 1 spm. Chrysemosa mosconica (Navh, 1930) Erkowit, 18.IV.62, 2 spms, 23 .IV.62, 2 spms, 19.VI-1.VII.62,40 spms. REMARKS ON ZOOGEOGRAPHY The chrysopid fauna of Sudan is composed of different biogeographical ele- ments (Table I). All the species also occur on the Arabian Peninsula. The Nile Valley enables Afrotropical species, which are distributed southward to South Africa, to reach the northern parts of Sudan (M. nicolainus, Fig. 2). On the other hand, species that originate from the Palaearctic eremial zone, may cross the Sa- harian desert belt in the same way (Ch. sogdianica, Fig. 3). The Afrotropical Ch. pudica, extending southward to South Africa, meets the closely related Palaearctic Ch. mutata in the Wadi Halfa district on the northern border of Sudan. Brincko- chrysa plagata (Fig. 4) represents an Afrotropical species which inhabits a more restricted area by living only in the Sahel belt. P. Ohm & H. Holzel Mallada nicolainus 20 LO go Fig. 2. Distribution of Mallada nicolainus (after Hbum & DUELU 1990 ; H~UEL& OHM 1990, 1991 ; Hbum, OHM& STEIZLin prep. ; TJEDER1966 ; coll.
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