MASTERFILE Business Jet Traveler’s 6th Annual Readers’ Choice Survey A record-breaking 1,285 BJT subscrib- asked you to tell us how you respond to represents one of the ways that business avia- ers responded to our 2016 Readers’ Choice criticism of business aviation. We also asked tion saves time. survey—a 26 percent increase from last year. you to rate specific fractional-share and As in recent years, readers reported that As promised, we have made a contribution on charter providers, and we received enough their flying frequency remained largely behalf of those subscribers to Corporate Angel response to allow us to publish results for unchanged, with many of you saying you Network, which arranges free flights on busi- some of the larger companies. flew about as much as in the previous ness aircraft to treatment centers for cancer As for the questions that we repeated from 12 months and with the percentage who patients and their families. previous surveys, the results tend to be in flew more about equal to the percentage As in past years, we devoted the bulk of line with what we’ve seen in past years. Once who flew less. Also as in recent surveys, our survey to soliciting your assessments again, for instance, readers ranked “save though, respondents predicted more time of aircraft models and manufacturers. But time” as their number-one reason for flying in the air in the year ahead: only 9 percent our 2016 poll also included some new ques- privately, followed by “ability to use airports expect to fly less while 37 percent anticipate tions. For the first time, for example, we that the airlines don’t serve,” which in fact flying more. 24 BJTonline.com | October/November 2016 FLYING PRIVATELY Which of the following best describes your response to criticism by politicians and the media of private/corporate aircraft use? In the past three years have you... In the past three years have you… In the past three years have you…Flown via air charter, a jet card, Owned a fractional share? or a membership club? Flown via air charter, a jet card, YESOwned a fractional9% share? YESor a membership36% club? YESNO 91%9% YESNO 64%36% 36% NO 91% NO 64% It concerns me 52% In the past three years have you or your company… but doesn't affect my flying. It doesn't In the past three years have you or your company… concern me; In the past three years have you or your company... Owned a business jet or turboprop? my flying habits 3% Owned a helicopter? are my own 10% It causes me to business. YESOwned a 58%business jet or turboprop? YES 10% make less use of Owned a helicopter? private/corporate It causes me aviation. YESNO 42%58% YESNO 90%10% to want to conceal or not talk about NO 42% NO 90% my use of private/corporate aviation. What are the three most important reasons you fly privately? Please indicate the three aircraft features that are most important to you. Save time 523 239 170 Economical operation - 214 148 130 Ability to use airports that airlines don't serve 297 333 184 Range 132 168 168 Ability to work and hold business meetings en route Cabin size 152 174 216 147 171 111 More comfortable flight Most important Aircraft manufacturer 102 188 220 180 84 95 Privacy Second most important Speed 95 161 180 Third most important 90 101 134 Security Age of aircraft 98 98 196 Number of respondents 91 103 101 Cabin amenities and technology 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 70 100 123 Cockpit technology 87 105 78 Aircraft model's accident history 129 69 72 Runway performance Most important 57 101 78 Second most important Product support history 57 69 85 Third most important Baggage space 10 27 60 Number of respondents 0 100 200 300 400 500 Signature Flight Support at Note: Some percentages in this report do not exactly total 100 due to rounding. San Diego International Airport © 2016 AIN Publications. All Rights Reserved. For reprints, go to bjtonline.com/reprints. October/November 2016 | BJTonline.com 25 BJT’s 6th Annual Readers’ Choice Survey OWNED AIRPLANES Excellent Very Good Average Fair or Poor If you or your company owned a business aircraft in the past three years, % % % % please rate the one you used most frequently on each of these factors. Textron Aviation Textron Beechcraft Aviation Bombardier Dassault Embraer Gulfstream Hawker Pilatus Piper & Hawker Cessna Aircraft reliability 484848 404848 4048 4048 11 404848 40 11 40 11 40 11 140 1140 111 111 111 11 1 1 1 1 16565 65 32 65 65 32 65 32 65 32 365 3265 332 323 0323 32 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 30 0 0 0 0 545454 46 54 54 46 54 46 54 46 054 4654 046 460 046 46 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 76 7676 1776 76 17 76 17 76 17 676 1776 617 176 2176 17 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 62 2 2 2 2 56 56 56 345656 34 56 34 56 34 656 3456 634 346 3346 34 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 63 3 3 3 3 96 96 96 96 496 496 496 0964 96 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 39 39 39 39 39 39 3939 3939 1739 39 39 17 39 17 39 17 639 3917 617 176 176 17 6 6 6 6 6 64 64 64 35 64 64 35 64 3564 35 164 6435 135 351 0351 35 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 10 0 0 0 0 58 58 58 34 58 58 34 58 34 58 34 75858 34 734 347 1347 34 7 1 7 1 7 1 7 71 1 1 1 1 Aircraft value for price paid 313131 473131 4731 4731 19 4731 47 19 47 19 47 319 47 19 193 19 3 193 3 3 3 33939 39 34 39 39 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