--.-H PfUCI 8KVNN C I N fi VOL. LXXXm .NO. 282 (T m H tV -lIO B T P A 6B S-TW 0 SXCTIONg) BIANCH1»TER, (XWN., WEDNUBDAT, JULY 1. 18M E ven ts r ^ I n s t a t e Record- Dempeey Hurries East-West R o a rf’Hits State Again HARTFORD (A P )— The first link of the East-West Highway in downtown Some Relief Hartford,' will be opened July 13, as the result of ef­ Seen Later forts of Gov. Dempsey. ’The governor announced to­ day that the 3,000 foot section In Showers of highway between Bulkeley Bridge and High St. will be opened on that date. WINDSOR LOCKS (Al^ It had been feared that the Record - breaking tempera­ opening would be delayed sev-.| tures continued in Connecti­ eral weeks awaiting delivery of traffic signal equipment. cut again today as hot air 'However, at Gov. Dempsey’s streamed in from the cen­ direction, SUte Highway De- tral portion of the country. partnient ofHt:ials conferred Moisture i" on the increase with Hartford officials and over the area, thd U.S, WealhSr worked out a plan whereby po­ Bureau said. By late this after­ licemen will be assigned to traf­ noon scattered thxmderrtiowere fic duty during peak traffic wUl be developing to the West hours on the new highway sec- ’IT\ey wUl sr read over the stats ’ Uon until the traffic lights are Curing the evening and night­ installed about mid-August. time hours. ■* ' When the highway section is ’I’he leading edge of oooUr opened, westbtmnd traffic com­ and drier air was approac8iing ing from the Bulkeley Bridge the northern New England area area will leave the highway at the Ann St. ramp. Eastbound this mor.iing and will oontinqs traffic will enter the hlglhyay southward over southern NSw from High St. or from the Ann England during the night, .the St. Ramp. Ann St, is one-way I Bureau said. t> northbound and High St. is one- This condition will o<mtlnus way southbound. the threat of scattered thunder­ "This section will do much to showers through most of tb- relieve traffic congestion in tbe night and return temperaturM center of the city especially dur­ to more seasonal levels tomdf- ing peak traffic hours,” the Atty. Gen. Robert Kennedy and his family are shownily are shown with Stefan row. Bface of Beagles Boosting Barry governor said. Natioaal OoHook 7 Cardinal WysZynski, Roman Catholic primate of Poland, during a visit at the ’Thundendwwers brought soato “ We’re beaglerand we don’t like to get our ears pulled,” could be the thought be­ ^ WeUover Headmaster conclusion of their visit yesterday. Tlie Kennedys met the cardinal against the relief today to portlona of the hind these dogs paraded around Cincinnati suburb by young Mary Worrington. XODDLEBURY (AP) — For advice of the Polish government. Painting in the background is th e /‘Black Ma­ country beset several days The Goldwater boosters are owned by Mary’s aunt, Mrs. William Mooney who the first time in more than searing, high t«aperaturss. - donna.” (AP Photofax.) ________________________________ Rain fell in the lo#er Oltts posted the signs. (AP Photofax.) ________ _ three decades, Westover School was under a new headmaster Valley, the southeast stotts, northern Great Lakes today. He is Robert Holt Igle- most Attorney General and Family End Polish Visit of the Great Plains. " j hart, formerly of Choate School. One and one-third inch of nda ’The post had bean held the M l in the WichiU, Kan., a rsf, Goldwater^ C a m p Jubilant past 82 years by Louise Bulk- and more than one inch was re­ toy Dillingham, whose retire­ ported at'Panama City, Fla. ment became effective' yester­ Poles Offer Tearful Farewell; In the East, New Toih teria- day. era asked federal aid to Baa While at Choate, Iglehart counties where the May - JuAe After Victdry^ in Illinois headed the French department, Cold Shoulder from Communists rainfall was tha lowest oa ree- directed scholarship aid, and ord. served as admissions officer and g^.^bertson. a staundta Goldwaterfer Ulinoto atrengtb had been, CHICAGO (AP) — listed, at m v ^ in surveys.by housemaster. He was a former I Twelve^ d e l a t e and. former Oobk Ottoi- headmaster of St. Mark’s WARSAW, Poland (APJtfi'-been «met « ™en his arrival Mlast rSinto 'iJr'’o,‘/MSS'a.*KStears. One klaaed hto hand Barry Goldwatwr*! smash­ ty ^ P chairman. 'The Assoctotan Areas. — Atty. Gen. Robert F. '**'8 10 M fljw M who did not 8ch(>^, Dallas, Tex., and prior Saturday by Ambassador Eu- and he patted her cheek. ing success with the Illinois Robertson and other Gotdwat- to thst of Uie Lancaster Coun­ K en n ey’s visit to Poland genlusz Mllniklei of tha Foreign Kennedy’s departure brou|^ er eapppitses said the strong aiqipori-ttiPwer in ’Tuesday’s delegation prompted his session fSbUned to back any try Day School. l^yoillltfiriL F*- eikis^. todgy with a noisy, Ministry., the first appearance of plclreu Heaviest Demanid. nihlbis vote for the Arisoiia sen­ Westover Is anoTTfiaiJen The government was under­ during his visit. Both at tho ho­ •bakers today to renew pre­ ator would have national impaot candidate. tsarful 'farewell from- hun­ Scranton, although obvioualy secondary (Ntfpini; school for stood to be irritated at Kenne­ tel and beside the plane were InM DCHiftpry dictions of an early ballot Snd "should result in an easy dreds of Poles and a cold men 'with placards in Polish disappoint^ oont#«|t>d ,W» P<>»r girls. dy’s aeriea of : atump-style victory for the Republican first-ballot victory" for him. shoulder from the Commu­ speechea to street crowds and reading "In the name of peace, Hie poll of delegates was tak­ showing iSd not deal a fatal Spurs Water Iftaii presidential nomination. blow to his candidacy. He said nist government. his visit to Stefan Cardinal Wy- don’t give nuclear weapdbs to Goldwater was Jubilant aftet en after Goldwater and Scran­ Girl Hit by Car szynski, the Roman Catholic West Germany” and "W hy ton made separate appearances his decision to address the Illi­ HAR’TFORD (AP) — Lln- Befors iMVinC tor London, en HARTFORD (AP)—The Met­ winning 48 of the 88 Illinois dai- nois delegation was'intended to route to the United States, he primate of Poland, against the doesn’t the government of the before the group at closed-dopr nea A- Llndstedt, S, daughter United States recognise our ropolitan District CommlSMon egates to the Republican Na­ "arouse the public" and not to isined a etatement to newsmen advice of goveriunent officials. tional Convention while Penn­ sessions Tuesday. of Mr. and Mrs. F. T, Llnd­ Several hundred Poles outside frontiers on tho Oder and the (MDC), faced with toe heavtoat gain delegates at this time. stedt of 10 E. Main 8t, Avon, urging “ the reconclllstlon of .water demand in its liistory dur­ sylvania Gov. William W. Sen. Everett M. Dirkken, who He said the overwhelming Eastern snd Western Europe in Kennedy’s hotel repeatsd the Nelsoe?” had been ^uncommitted, started was reported in good condition Kennedy shook hands 'with tbe ing the 24-hour period that end­ Scranton (ailed to pick up a Goldwater support in the Illinois association with the United ovstiooB he has received the single vote. the momentum for Goldwater at Hartford Hospital today sev* past few days. They serenaded ptekete at too airport and gave ed at 6 ajn. today banned imtll delegation "did not surprise me oral hours sftsr she was struck States” ss "the only sure guar­ further notice lawn sprinkling “ This Is the biggest boost for by casting the first vote for antee agatoat nuclear war, him with a chorus of "m ay you one of them a rose. or uock me." by a car nsar hsr boms. Ill hie statement to newsmen between B and 9 p.m. It also Ooldwater's campaign since the him. Goldwater, although elated whether by deaign or accident.” live 100 years’ ’ as he climbed California primary,’” said Hayes Befma the meeting, Ooldwat- Avon Police Bgt. Jamee Mai^ again to the roof of his a^an. Kennedy plugged a theme sharply otntaflnsd sprinUing over the outcome, would not ttno saUl tbe gdrt was hit by a . Except for low-ranking aides during other Imuts. - At the airport, Kennedy got which to a ^ to have attract­ claim the nomination was car driven by Robert C. Stone, and security people, no Polish ed the interest of Foreign Min­ The action was taken, aa wrapped up. 18, of 80 Englewood Ave., West officials saw Kennedy, his wife out of his oar to shake hands MDC apokeaman aaid, aftar with almost everyone standing ister Adam RapacM in a meet­ Goldwater aaid he thought he and three of their children off ing two days ago. MDC eustomen la id Graatar haa “ mmyba *80” delegates, or (See Page Twtoa) at the airport. Although Kenne- in a crowd of ISO outside the Hartford towns uiwd a racord- Lodge Has Confidence 86 more Uuin required for the It was that "Poland has poli­ tical ties with too Soviet Union 73.4 milUon gaUona at water ba- nomination, but added he would tween 6 a.m. yesterday and toa ^ like a bigger insurance m a r ^ . and personal' tlea with toe United States and therefore has same hour toibty. V ie old xa^ "I’d like a few more and than ord, set June 17, 1967, w a a-A -f On Viet Nam Outlook I might say.I'm qver the hump" a unique opportunity to contrib­ Rudi (Topless Suit) Gernreich ute" to European aeeurlty and mUltnm gallons.
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