ABCD springer.com Contributing to a better understanding of the contemporary debate A Treatise of Legal Philosophy and General Jurisprudence S 6–8 VOLUME Editor-in-Chief: Enrico Pattaro, CIRSFID and Law Faculty, University of Bologna, Italy Now Available! The fi rst ever multivolume treatment of the issues in legal philosophy and general jurisprudence, from both a theoretical and a historical perspective. A classical reference work that would be of great interest to legal and practical philosophers, as well as jurists and Philosophy of Law-scholar at all levels The entire work is divided into three parts: The Theoretical part (published in 2005) consists of 5 volumes and covers the main topics of contemporary debate. The Historical part consists of 6 volumes and is scheduled to be published during 2006 (volumes 6-8) and 2007 (volumes 9-11) and volume 12 (index). The historical volumes account for the development of legal thought from ancient Greek times through the twentieth century. Vol. 6: A History of the Philosophy of Law from the Ancient Greeks to the Scholastics – 3 Fred D. Miller Jr. E VOLUM Vol. 7: The Jurists’ Philosophy of Law from Rome to the Seventeenth Century – SET Andrea Padovani & Peter Stein Vol. 8: A History of the Philosophy of Law from the Seventeenth Century to 1900 in the Common-Law Tradition – Diethelm Klippel 2006, 1.090 p. (3 volume set), Harcover ISBN 1-4020-4950-1 € 399,00 | £307.00 | $535.00 Easy Ways to Order for the Americas Write: Springer Order Department, PO Box 2485, Secaucus, NJ 07096-2485, USA Call: (toll free) 1-800-SPRINGER Fax: +1(201)348-4505 Email: [email protected] or for outside the Americas Write: Springer Distribution Center GmbH, Haberstrasse 7, 69126 Heidelberg, Germany Call: +49 (0) 6221-345-4301 Fax : +49 (0) 6221-345-4229 Email: [email protected] Prices are subject to change without notice. All prices are net prices. 012262x springer.com/booksellers Springer News 8/2006 Philosophy 117 C. Cheyne , University of Otago, Dunedin, New T. M. Crisp , Biola University, La Mirada, CA, USA; R. F. Duska, The American College, Bryn Mawr, PA, Zealand; J. Worrall , London School of Economics, M. Davidson , California State University, San USA London, UK (Eds.) Bernardino, CA, USA; D. Vander Laan , Westmont College, Santa Barbara, CA, USA (Eds.) Contemporary Refl ections on Rationality and Reality Business Ethics Conversations with Alan Musgrave Knowledge and Reality Essays in Honor of Alvin Plantinga Ronald F. Duska, who began his career as a Alan Musgrave has consistently defended two posi- Th is volume comprises essays presented to Alvin philosopher, has, over the last 30 years, established tions that he regards as commonsensical – critical Plantinga on the occasion of his 70th birthday. himself as one of the leading scholars in the fi eld of realism and critical rationalism. In defence of Plantinga is one of the leading fi gures in Anglo- business ethics. In the past decade, he has concen- critcal realism he argues for the objective existence American metaphysics, epistemology and philos- trated on ethics in the fi nancial services industry of the external world as opposed to idealism, ophy of religion; his work in these areas has been because of his affi liation with Th e American as well as arguing for scientifi c realism against the focus of wide scholarly attention. Th is collec- College in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, an institu- all anti-realist accounts of science. His critical tion of essays, all of which were written specifi - tion that specializes in educating fi nancial services rationalism is drawn from the work of Karl Popper cally for this volume in honor of Plantinga’s 70th professionals. Th is affi liation gives Duska regular and stands opposed to inductivist and irrationalist birthday, ranges broadly over topics in metaphysics interaction with producers, managers, and top methodologies. In defence of these positions, and epistemology and includes contributions by executives in the fi nancial services industry. Th is Musgrave’s writings have covered a wide range of some of the best philosophers writing today. Th e book includes a selection of the articles Duska has topics in epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy volume will be of particular interest to metaphysi- written throughout the years on ethics, business of science, philosophy of mathematics, history of cians, epistemologists, philosophers of religion and ethics, teaching ethics, agency theory, postmod- science, theories of truth, and economic theory. In theologians as it includes important recent work by ernism, employee rights, and ethics in accounting this volume a group of internationally-renowned some of the leading thinkers in these fi elds. and the fi nancial services industry. Th e articles authors discuss themes that are relevant in one way With contributions from William P. Alston, refl ect Duska’s underlying philosophical concerns or another to Musgrave’s work. Th is is not intended Michael Bergmann, Richard Fumerton, Jenann and their application to the real-world challenges as a standard celebratory festschrift but rather as Ismael, Jonathan Kvanvig, Trenton Merricks, of practitioners – an overarching method that a new examination of topics of current interest in Richard Otte, John Pollock, Michael C. Rea, might be called an Aristotelian common-sense philosophy. Eleonore Stump, James Tomberlin, Peter van approach to ethical decision making. Inwagen, Nicholas Wolterstorff , and Keith Yandell. Features Features 7 Contains an interaction of Musgrave’s views Features 7 Articles that are not easily found otherwise with a wide variety of his critics and admirers 7 Contains top-notch essays by some of today’s 7 Written by leading business ethics scholar 7 Brings together diverse aspects of Musgrave’s best philosophers 7 Written for one of America’s 7 Author is expert in fi nancial services industry long-standing defence of realism and rationality most important philosophers and most important 7 Trained as a philosopher, but complemented by 7 Musgrave’s unique perspective on Karl Popper’s philosopher of religion real world experience 7 Approach is informative, epistemology is both developed and scrutinized not didactic 7 Appeal to practitioners 7 Appeal From the contents to common sense From the contents Contributing Authors. Preface. 1. Methodological Rules, Rationality, and Truth.- Acknowledgments.- 1 Actualism and Presentism; From the contents 2. Where Does the Burden of Th eory Lie.- 3. Testi- J.E. Tomberlin.- 2 Properties; P. van Inwagen.- Business Ethics. 1. What is Ethics? 2. Th e Why’s of mony, Induction and Reasonable Belief.- 4. Critical 3 So You Th ink You Exist? In Defense of Business Revisited. 3. Business Ethics: Oxymoron Rationalism and its Failure to Withstand Critical Nolipsism; J. Ismael, J.L. Pollock.- 4 Substance or Good Business? 4. Aristotle: A Pre-Modern Scrutiny.- 5. Th eory-Confi rmation and History.- and Artifact in Aquinas‘s Metaphysics; E. Stump.- Post-modern? Implications For Business Ethics. 6. Why is it Rational to Believe Scientifi c Th eories 5 Epistemology and Metaphysics; W.P. Alston.- 5. Th e Religious Roots of Business Ethics. 6. Life are True?- 7. Th inking about the Ultimate Argu- 6 Historicizing the Belief-Forming Self; Boat Ethics: A problem in Economic Justice. ment for Realism.- 8. Th e Unseen World.- 9. Why N. Wolterstorff .- 7 A Dilemma for Internalism; Alan Musgrave Should Become an Essentialist. M. Bergmann.- 8 Epistemic Internalism, Philo- Field of interest sophical Assurance and the Skeptical Predicament; Ethics Field of interest R. Fumerton. Philosophy Target groups Field of interest Professors and students of Business Ethics, General Target groups Philosophy Management, Philosophy; practitioners in the Philosophers and historians of science, Financial Services Industry epistemologists, general philosophers Target groups Analytic philosophers, metaphysicians, epistemol- Type of publication Type of publication ogists, philosophers of religion and theologists Monograph Contributed volume Type of publication Contributed volume Available Available Due August 2006 2006. X, 337 p. (Studies in History and Philosophy of 2006. XIII, 332 p. (Philosophical Studies Series, 2006. Approx. 310 p. (Issues in Business Ethics, Science, Volume 20) Hardcover Volume 103) Hardcover Volume 23) Hardcover 9<HTMELC=aecagf>ISBN 1-4020-4206-X 7 € 124,95 | £96.00 9<HTMELC=aehdcj>ISBN 1-4020-4732-0 7 € 134,95 | £104.00 9<HTMELC=aejidf>ISBN 1-4020-4983-8 7 € 89,95 | £69.00 118 Philosophy Springer News 8/2006 springer.com/booksellers D. Hitchcock , McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, S. P. Lee , Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva, M. Lobban, F. D. Miller, Jr. , Bowling Green State Canada; B. Verheij , Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, NY, USA (Ed.) University, OH, USA; P. G. Stein , A. Padovani (Eds.) The Netherlands (Eds.) Intervention, Terrorism, and A Treatise of Legal Philosophy Arguing on the Toulmin Model Torture and General Jurisprudence New Essays in Argument Analysis and Contemporary Challenges to Just War Theory Vol. 6: A History of the Phil. of Law from the Evaluation Ancient Greeks to the Scholastics; Vol. 7: The Jurists‘ Phil. of Law from Rome to the Just war theory is the traditional approach taken to Seventeenth Century; Vol 8: A History of the Toulmin’s model has been appropriated, adapted questions of the morality of war, but war today is Phil. of Law from the Seventeenth Century to and extended by researchers in the fi elds of far from traditional. War has been deeply aff ected 1900 in the Common-Law Tradition speech communications, philosophy and artifi cial in recent years by a variety of social and techno- intelligence. Th is volume brings together the best logical developments in areas such as international Assistant editor: C. Khan Biondi contemporary refl ection in these fi elds on the terrorism, campaigns of genocide and ethnic Toulmin model and its current appropriation. cleansing, the global human rights movement, Th e book includes 24 articles by 27 scholars from economic globalization, and military technology.
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