6 THE SUN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1915. FULL SKIRTS, ALSO SHORT SKIRTS, SCANTY SKIRTS AND PANTALETTES Mr ki.cwor iiuvr iiihim mi. fur often saves it from being fright- rvr :i tight skirl worn'' Yes, Pantalettes, All Sorts of Fluffy Ones of Net and Lace fully unbecoming, and so the designers WAS so the woman who WON are making great use of this narrow It does not remember It. Silk, Some fur band about the collar top and on There Ik something amazing and and of Them are Fur Trimmed, the sleeves, the sleeve bund being nhout fern. nine adaptability ao fnr as either at the wrist or, as Is often the fsshlnn Is concerned In ull other mat-ter- n While Some Show Gleams of Silver and Gold. case, where a long, close cuff of the she may be headstrong, opinion-- a skirt material goes with the full upper ted, frankly stubborn: but when being drawn In, and a casual fiance velvet and chiffon or velvet and silk copied by the ready to wear nianu-o- r sleeve of aheer atuff at the top of thla Fashion nays "Thumbs up" her would hardly distinguish between the velvet and tulle would be rlilc and facturers to be exclusive or desirable, cuff. thiimlw turn upward of their own voli- hlfu mued garment and a narrow un- less impracticable. but he white Is but the Idea In It la capable of In- A good adjustment of the bretellea tion, and when Fashion says "Thumbs derskirt. lovely. finite modification! and variations, that refuse to be discarded Is shown down" down they (to. A handsome evening frock Illus- A popular dressmaker is copying; and the resulting costumes have In the blue corduroy and chiffon frock So all the feminine wot Id Is wearing trated In one. of our small sketches Is this model ln taupe chiffon and mole practical quality that appeals to many sketched here, and the high collar and full skins, and even those who at first an example of this conservative p.m-talot- skin anil making a chiffon bodice women. sleeves arrangement of the und. most loudly over passing mourned the treatment. The material of the well ns the fur one. An African brown velvet, for In- la simple and practical. The stance, Is with the coat on a dark. brown velvet model shown In another handsome costume, with full, plain sketch would also lend Itself to com- skirt and fur trimmed redingote. bination treatment, though 'here the When the coat comes up, behold the bodice section would perhaps be better en-H- In silk rkirt from the knees up and the is than In chiffon because of Its bodice of peach faille. the ripe, severity of line. The smocked bib and yellow tone and pastel peach color the arrangement of the side' drapery that Is so much liked this autumn make the skirt of this model distinc- and peach chiffon, with a very little, tive and the touches of braiding and spidery embroidery In brown and gold fur on the bodice are cleverly applied. on the chiffon and narrow bands of Bmocklmr Is a revival that Is finding dark fur Joining velvet and ailk, and considerable favor. It has nlways had finishing collar and sleeve edges. Its place on children's clothes and In Another costume turned out by the connection with certain types of blouses same maker RH of fine, soft finished and frocks, but not within many years black cloth, with the frock top of has It been generally used as It Is now. One finds It very deep Ivory, dull finish satin em- on everything from tulle broidered In the finest of black sou- to velvet, though very discreetly ap- tache and occasional gold threads plied and In small quantities. There was a very little dark fur at The silver note so Insistently the wrists of the long wide elbowed sounded throughout the province Of dress strengthens n satin sleeves and around the base of bs the season the high, close collar, from top Instead of lessening. One finds the of It In everything, serge which sides buck col- from trotting at and flared a to lar of Ivory lace. frock tulle evening frock, and silver brocades In A model are great demand. Silver In dark blue velvet and embroideries, galons. rose was too. silver silver laces, soft pretty Coats and silver nil tassels and silver buttons are frocks ln of these differed widely In and line, the forms which this note Is in detail but the same Idea chiefly embodied, and so great was many a has been there, and for that Idea the use of silver lace and banding womnn should call down blessings' that already It ln dlfflcut to find upon Ohertilt, It a good sug- Just for offers what one wants In these trimmings. gestion for madeovers, as well as for practical, new frocks. Embroideries of course one cati al- ways have If one can find the embroid- The velvet skirt with self-ool- chiffon bodice and overbodlce or trim, erer to make them; and as it happens m'.ng of velvet bids most of the modish embroideries Vhlle the fair to be the very costume most effective are not Intricate or elab- afternoon generally so embroidery so worn. All velvet bodices are, orate, does not Inevi- there tably spell costliness as It sometimes of course, and silk Is frequently com- does. Fine thread deslerns of a sketchy bined with velvet In place of chiffon ; variously the chiffon upper sort, bands of separated nnd lnu sleeve and bodice spared short straight lir.es, these arc are too In warm comfortable our types of embroidery most In evi- to be resigned the houses without a dence, and handwork of this sort even struggle, one every- nnd still sees them the average French needlewoman can where, though ' the chiffon of the do, so the embroidery applied to the bod ICC now shows a tendency to climb autumn nnd winter frocks has given in ine eais iiisicau 01 rouinK away ' work to many French Woman in Sm . - ...- i, i I de. 1 l 111.- Ikualtl,iui til- II UIU lf.-- l perate need of work. The French There are still the low cut collars, dressmakers have had the neeils of of course. In fact so fur one sees more their less fortunate sisters much In ollars low in front worn than chokers; mind when planning this season's but the French models are so in-- s. fashion campaign. stent on the high Collar that even There was silver embroidery on the recalcitrant may come around to ' bodice and skirt of a delightful lltt'e it ln time. It isn't comfortable and It ilance frock ln light b.tie soiree and j is fiendishly difficult to adjust well there was embroidery ln color on and becomingly, so perhaps only the the flaring side drapery of the over-skir- women with lone necks and those but the underskirt was not of slavishly subserv.ent to fashion's such lace but of fine cream lace, and Whlmi will take it up; but at any there was cream lace In the demur-I1"- '.' rate here it Is on the tapis, and II tucker and the quaint puff must be reckoned with. A line of aleevea. ECONOMIC TOILET COMFORTS- - woman does not wish to it will final about nnd bit may stick WHAT elegant, does not long ln to ihe body, but they dry .ff on the her secret heart for the little towel and the ek n will be de Ightfollv Frock of brown velvet and one of blue corduroy. luxuries that all WOntall should have " e.ift afterward and Just a t it perfumed Yet one can be egant and have the A plain fluatlng soup that costs i or of the n irrovr skirt are beginning to frs'k Is a lovely and verv supple And, by the way, this sains dress- billet luxuries at small COBt If they will 10 cents a cake Is genera ly beat fur lh admire the fulness that they called white and silver brocade, with silver maker, like many othi ra, has found give a little time nnd thought to it. skin if cne warns u perfumed apraj abominable. There are degrees of en- lace forming the greater part of the inspiration for soma of her most I'.ist comes the bath, ln America with the Perfume 'Sie uses nnd the thusiasm ns there are degrees of ful- - corsage acd nurrow bands of sealskin successful creations In that va ry pop- tin y are not h gniit luxury, therefore scent Will last as long as the soap. Tie MMi but the skirt a tually narrow is lending most effective dark touches of ular model of cheviots Which look like one should be taken everyday, but the powder to be used after the bath la a not to be mi all trie lengths of trimming. The skirt, very short ln a sober, long coated dark street cos- elegejlce of the tmth is the perfumed thing worthy of consideration. Qo "! Wftb. avenue,fnand Kighth avenue and front, runs up still higher at the sides tume when the coat Is worn, but powder, or salts, that aru put Into It. perfumed tollel powders arc expensive Urand street know It not. tu meet a square train, and the open- when the coat Is removed blossoms Prepared salts are expensive, but a A French perfumer make an Most of the smart tailored skirts are ings at the sides seem, when the Into warm color and dressiness.
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