October 7, 2005 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 22751 REP. BARBARA LEE HONORED BY Don began his career in 1964 as a graduate love for the music, not for fame or wealth. He THE 100 BLACK MEN OF SILICON teaching assistant at the University of Cali- was a dancer on the original Bandstand tele- VALLEY fornia at Davis. Following a 2-year stint in the vision program, hosted by Bob Horn. He be- Army, he joined Chabot College as an adjunct came a favorite with the viewers and rose to HON. ZOE LOFGREN faculty member teaching political science, the head of the coveted ‘‘Committee,’’ the group of teens responsible for aiding Horn in OF CALIFORNIA while serving as an assistant administrative the direction of the show. Jerry got into radio IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES analyst in the education section of the Legisla- tive Analyst’s Office in Sacramento. In 1970, in 1962 and soon was given the title ‘‘The Friday, October 7, 2005 he became the coordinator of Evening and Ex- Geator With The Heator.’’ He soon coupled Ms. LOFGREN of California. Mr. Speaker, tension Operations at Chabot College. His his growing popularity on the air, which by the California Democratic Congressional Dele- warm, supportive manner was felt throughout 1963 resulted in regional syndication of his gation is proud to recognize the achievements the campus by faculty, staff and students. program on small stations throughout the of our colleague, Rep. Barbara Lee, upon the After 5 years, Don then became the assistant Delaware Valley from Atlantic City to Allen- presentation of the Lifetime Achievement dean of instruction for Evening and Extension town, with appearances off the air at dances, Award by the 100 Black Men of Silicon Valley. Operations at Chabot College’s Valley Cam- clubs and events. It was not unusual for The concept of the 100 Black Men was born pus in Livermore. It was here that Don fo- Blavat to see 5,000 kids a week in person in in New York in 1963, when a group of con- cused his talents on shaping the vision he the mid sixties, nor too much of a stretch to cerned African American men gathered to ex- shared with other college officials: a college say he would remember 3,000 of their names plore ways of improving conditions in their that would serve the Tri-Valley. His hard work, the following week. His appearances became community. These visionaries and industry dedication, and ability to dream helped estab- so frequent that for a time he needed to use leaders included David Dinkins, Jackie Robin- lish Las Positas College. In 1992, he accepted a helicopter just to make it on time from one son, Nathaniel Goldston III, Andrew Hatcher the position of dean of Academic Services at gig to the next. Today the helicopter is gone, and founding President Dr. William Hayling. the College, and in 1994 the position con- but the frantic schedule is still in place. Throughout the year, he can be found some- The mission of the 100 Black Men of Silicon verted to the vice president of Academic Serv- where on virtually any night, and in the sum- Valley is to improve the quality of life of our ices. mer months he is in weekend residence at citizens and enhance educational opportunities Don’s talent and wisdom extend beyond Memories At Margate, the New Jersey Shore’s for African Americans and minorities, through community college curriculum and instruction. hottest night spot which he has owned and its chapters, in all communities—with a par- He has used his skills to create community operated since 1972. ticular emphasis on young African American partnerships to benefit students, the college, Al Martino will celebrate his 68th birthday on males. They do this by focusing on mentoring, and the community. He has been a driving October 7. The son of Italian immigrants, education, health and wellness, and economic force behind the Tri-Valley Educational Col- Martino worked as a bricklayer in his father’s development. laborative, which brings together business and construction business before being encour- It is fitting that Representative BARBARA LEE education leaders to address issues of mutual aged to become a singer by his friend Mario is being honored for her long record of stand- interest. Lanza. After singing in local clubs, and win- ing for youth and family issues such as crimi- Above and beyond his accomplishments at ning Arthur Godfrey’s Talent Scouts, he re- nal justice reform as a member of the Public the colleges of Chabot and Las Positas, Don corded ‘‘Here In My Heart’’ for the small BBS Safety, Sentencing and Incarceration Reform is revered for his compassionate nature, his record label. It shot to No. 1 in the U.S. chart, Caucus. Health and wellness has been at a ability to know when to lead and when to fol- and sold over a million copies. This disc was priority for her in Congress as well. She has low, and his sense of humor. While Don’s also the first ever record to top the New Musi- fought to establish a United States Health skills and knowledge will be greatly missed cal Express UK listings, inaugurated in 1952. Service and provide health coverage for all and will leave a void at the college, it is his He continued his illustrious career on both Americans. The measure, first introduced in love of the college, students, faculty, and staff stage and screen. 1978 by her predecessor, Representative Ron that will be missed the most. Frankie Avalon was the first and most suc- Dellums, has been a priority for her since her Mr. Speaker, I wish Don Milanese the best cessful of the teen idols from Philadelphia. He election in 1998. Representative BARBARA LEE of luck in retirement. I hope he finds joy in this was encouraged to perform from the time he has also been committed to promoting eco- next chapter of his life in equal measure to the was a child, beginning from when he was tu- nomic development and supporting those who joy he has given his colleagues in his working tored on the trumpet by his father. By the time need it most, including working to secure in- life. he was 12, he had joined Rocco and the vestment in housing, transit systems, roads, f Saints, a dance band that featured another clean water, and schools to stimulate the boy from the CR Club, drummer Bobby Rydell. A TRIBUTE TO THE PHILADELPHIA economy and create jobs. The combo played parish bazaars, shows at MURAL ARTS PROGRAM AND We wish to thank the 100 Black Men for the Sons of Italy Hall, weekend sock hops in THE SOUTH PHILLY MUSICIANS their tireless efforts to enhance the quality of school gyms, and weekend dances at teen MURAL life for all citizens, and to Representative BAR- clubs. ‘‘Venus’’ was Avalon’s biggest hit selling BARA LEE for her deeply held commitment to more than a million copies in the spring of the principle of human rights. HON. ROBERT A. BRADY 1959. Three more million sellers in a row, f OF PENNSYLVANIA ‘‘Bobby Sox To Stockings,’’ ‘‘Just Ask Your IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Heart,’’ and ‘‘Why’’ followed. IN HONOR OF DON MILANESE, Friday, October 7, 2005 In 1960, he co-starred with Alan Ladd in VICE PRESIDENT OF LAS ‘‘Guns of the Timberland’’ and appeared in POSITAS COLLEGE, ON THE OC- Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, I John Wayne’s ‘‘Alamo.’’ Appearing in a num- CASION OF HIS RETIREMENT rise to honor the Philadelphia Mural Arts Pro- ber of other films Avalon did not have a star- gram, which will dedicate the new South Phila- ring role until 1963’s ‘‘Drums of Africa.’’ In the HON. ELLEN O. TAUSCHER delphia musicians mural at 9th and Wharton early sixties there was a nationwide surfing OF CALIFORNIA Streets in my district on Saturday, October 8. craze and Hollywood did a number of movies IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES As everyone knows, Philadelphia has long on the subject. Avalon, along with Annette been one of the capitols of popular culture. Funicello, were leading stars in these movies. Friday, October 7, 2005 This mural will honor seven of the icons of Starting in 1963 he appeared in ‘‘Beach Mrs. TAUSCHER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today that culture, Jerry Blavat, Al Martino, Frankie Party,’’ ‘‘Muscle Beach,’’ ‘‘Beach Blanket to honor Don Milanese, vice president of Aca- Avalon, Fabian, Chubby Checker, Bobby Bingo,’’ etc. demic Services at Las Positas College in Rydell and Eddie Fisher. Mr. Speaker, Avalon’s friend, Fabian was an Livermore, who is retiring after 35 years of Mr. Speaker, I am proud that this mural will overnight singing sensation, a film star with service to the Chabot-Las Positas Community include one of the pioneers of rock and roll, over 30 films to his credit and the producer of College District, the Tri-Valley community, and my dear friend Jerry Blavat. Jerry was at- his own concert series. Fabian Forte was ac- thousands of students. tracted to the music business because of his tually discovered at the age of 14 sitting on his VerDate Sep 11 2014 13:16 Mar 29, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00203 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BR07OC05.DAT BR07OC05 ejoyner on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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