1 Supplementary materials: Figure S1. Coral reef in Xiaodong Hai locality: (A) The southern part of the locality; (B) Reef slope; (C) Reef-flat, the upper subtidal zone; (D) Reef-flat, the lower intertidal zone. Figure S2. Algal communities in Xiaodong Hai at different seasons of 2016–2019: (A) Community of colonial blue-green algae, transect 1, the splash zone, the dry season of 2019; (B) Monodominant community of the red crust alga Hildenbrandia rubra, transect 3, upper intertidal, the rainy season of 2016; (C) Monodominant community of the red alga Gelidiella bornetii, transect 3, upper intertidal, the rainy season of 2018; (D) Bidominant community of the red alga Laurencia decumbens and the green Ulva clathrata, transect 3, middle intertidal, the dry season of 2019; (E) Polydominant community of algal turf with the mosaic dominance of red algae Tolypiocladia glomerulata (inset a), Palisada papillosa (center), and Centroceras clavulatum (inset b), transect 2, middle intertidal, the dry season of 2019; (F) Polydominant community of algal turf with the mosaic dominance of the red alga Hypnea pannosa and green Caulerpa chemnitzia, transect 1, lower intertidal, the dry season of 2016; (G) Polydominant community of algal turf with the mosaic dominance of brown algae Padina australis (inset a) and Hydroclathrus clathratus (inset b), the red alga Acanthophora spicifera (inset c) and the green alga Caulerpa chemnitzia, transect 1, lower intertidal, the dry season of 2019; (H) Sargassum spp. belt, transect 1, upper subtidal, the dry season of 2016. 2 3 Table S1. List of the seaweeds of Xiaodong Hai in 2016-2019. The abundance of taxa: rare sightings (+); common (++); abundant (+++). Distribution of species in the geographical zones (Dg): T − tropical; S − subtropical; M − temperate; Ar − Arctic; An − Antarctic; T,S,M,Ar,An − from tropics to Arctic and Antarctic; T,S,M,An − from tropics to Antarctic; T,S,M − tropics to (cold) temperate zones; T,S − tropics and subtropics of Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans; T,S,(I-P) − tropical and subtropical Indo- Pacific или только Pacific (P). Tidal zone: (i) − the intertidal zone; (m) − the zone between the intertidal and subtidal zones; (s) − the upper subtidal zone. Life forms (Lf): Ep − epiphytic; En − endophytic; Fl − floating; Ar − artificial substratum. Columns in “Years and seasons of samplings”: 16-d (dry season of 2016); 16-r (rainy season of 2016); 17-d (dry season of 2017); 18-r (rainy season of 2018); 19-d (dry season of 2018). Species, varieties and forms Lf Dg Tidal Years and seasons of samplings ID zone i m s 16- 16-r 17-d 18-r 19-d d DIVISION RHODOPHYTA CLASS STYLONEMATOPHYCEAE ORDER STYLONEMATALES Family Stylonemataceae Bangiopsis dumontioides (P.Crouan & H. Crouan) Ar T,S * + + + V. Krishnamurthy Chroodactylon ornatum (C. Agardh) Basson Ep T,S,M * * * + + + Stylonema alsidii (Zanardini) K.M. Drew Ep T,S,M * * + + + + ++ CLASS COMPSOPOGONOPHYCEAE ORDER ERYTHROPELTALES Family Erythrotrichiaceae Erythrotrichia carnea (Dillwyn) J. Agardh Ep T,S,M * * * ++ + + ++ ++ Ar,An Erythrocladia irregularis Rosenvinge Ep T,S,MAr,An * * + + + + + Sahlingia subintegra (Rosenvinge) Kornmann Ep T,S,M * * + + ++ + ++ CLASS FLORIDEOPHYCEAE ORDER HILDENBRANDIALES Family Hildenbraniaceae Hildenbrandia rubra (Sommerfelt) Meneghini HS T,S,M * * ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ Ar,An ORDER ACROCHAETIALES 4 Species, varieties and forms Lf Dg Tidal Years and seasons of samplings ID zone i m s 16- 16-r 17-d 18-r 19-d d Family Acrochaetiaceae Acrochaetium microscopicum (Nägeli ex Kützing) Ep T,S,M * * + + ++ + ++ Nägeli Ar Acrochaetium subseriatum Børgesen♣ Ep T,S, * + + + + + (I-P) ORDER NEMALIALES Family Galaxauraceae Dichotomaria marginata (J. Ellis & Solander) HS T,S * + Lamarck Tricleocarpa cylindrica (J. Ellis & Solander) HS T,S * * ++ ++ ++ + + Huisman & Borowitzka Family Liagoraceae Ganonema farinosum (J.V. Lamouroux) K.C. Fan & HS T,S * * + + + Yung C. Wang Ganonema pinnatum (Harvey) Huisman HS T,S, * + (I-P) Liagora ceranoides J.V. Lamouroux HS T,S * * + + + ORDER COLACONEMATALES Family Colaconemataceae Colaconema daviesii (Dillwyn) Stegenga Ep T,S,M * * ++ + + + + Ar,An Colaconema gracile (Børgesen) Ateweberhan & Ep T,S * * + + + ++ Prud'homme van Reine Colaconema hypneae (Børgesen) A.A. Santos & Ep T,S * * + + C.W.N. Moura Colaconema robustum (Børgesen) Huisman & Ep T,S * * + + + Woelkerling ORDER CORALLINALES Family Corallinaceae Jania adhaerens J.V. Lamouroux HS T,S * * + +++ + + ++ Ep Jania capillacea Harvey HS T,S,(I-P) * * ++ +++ + + + Ep Jania pumila J.V. Lamouroux HS T,S * + Ep 5 Species, varieties and forms Lf Dg Tidal Years and seasons of samplings ID zone i m s 16- 16-r 17-d 18-r 19-d d Jania ungulata f. brevior (Yendo) Yendo HS T,S,(I-P) * * + + ++ + ++ Ep Pneophyllum fragile Kützing HS T,S,M * * + + + Family Hydrolithaceae Hydrolithon boreale (Foslie) Y.M. Chamberlain Ep T,S,M * * + + + + ++ Hydrolithon farinosum (J.V. Lamouroux) Penrose & Ep T,S,M * * * + + + ++ ++ Y.M. Chamberlain Family Lithophyllaceae Amphiroa anceps (Lamarck) Decaisne HS T,S, * + (I-P) Amphiroa beauvoisii J.V. Lamouroux HS T,S * * ++ Amphiroa foliacea J.V. Lamouroux HS T,S, * * ++ + + + +++ (I-P) Amphiroa fragilissima (Linnaeus) J.V. Lamouroux HS T,S * * ++ + ++ + +++ Lithophyllum bamleri (Heydrich) Heydrich HS T,S,(I-P) * + ORDER AHNFELTIALES Family Ahnfeltiaceae Ahnfeltia yinggehaiensis B.-M. Xia & Y.-Q. Zhang HS China * + ORDER BONNEMAISONIALES Family Bonnemaisoniaceae Asparagopsis taxiformis (Delile) Trevisan HS T,S * * + +++ + + ++ [Falkenbergia hillebrandii, Sporophytic stage of Asparagopsis taxiformis] ORDER CERAMIALES Family Ceramiaceae Antithamnion antillanum Børgesen Ep T,S * * + + + + + Centroceras clavulatum (C. Agardh) Montagne HS T,S * * * +++ +++ ++ ++ +++ Ep Ceramium aduncum Nakamura Ep T,S, * + ++ + + + (I-P) Ceramium affine Setchell & N.L. Gardner Ep T,S * + 6 Species, varieties and forms Lf Dg Tidal Years and seasons of samplings ID zone i m s 16- 16-r 17-d 18-r 19-d d Ceramium camouii E.Y. Dawson Ep T,S, * * + + HS (I-P) Ceramium cimbricum H.E. Petersen Ep T,S,M * + +++ + + + Ceramium cingulatum Weber Bosse Ep T,S * * * + + ++ Ceramium macilentum J. Agardh Ep T,S, * + + HS (I-P) Ceramium marshallense E.Y. Dawson Ep T,S, * * * + + + HS (I-P) Ceramium procumbens Setchell & N.L. Gardner Ep T,S, * * + + + HS (I-P) Ceramium tenerrimum (G. Martens) Okamura Ep T,S * * * ++ + + + ++ Ceramium vagans P.C. Silva Ep T,S * * + + + Corallophila kleiwegii Weber Bosse Ep T,S, * * * + ++ + + + HS (I-P) Gayliella mazoyerae T.O. Cho, Fredericq & Ep T,S * * * + +++ ++ ++ +++ Hommersand HS Family Delesseriaceae Taenioma perpusillum (J. Agardh) J. Agardh Ep, T,S * + +++ HS Family Rhodomelaceae Acanthophora muscoides (Linnaeus) Bory HS T,S * + + ++ Acanthophora spicifera (M. Vahl) Børgesen HS T,S * * + +++ Chondria pygmaea Garbary & Vandermeulen Ep T,S * + + Chondria repens Børgesen Ep T,S, * + + + + +++ (I-P) Chondrophycus articulatus (C.K. Tseng) K.W. Nam HS T,S, * + (I-P) Herposiphonia parca Setchell Ep T,S, * + ++ (I-P) Herposiphonia secunda (C. Agardh) Ambronn Ep T,S * * * + + Herposiphonia secunda f. tenella (C. Agardh) M.J. HS T,S * * * + + + +++ + Wynne Laurencia decumbens Kützing HS T,S * +++ + + +++ 7 Species, varieties and forms Lf Dg Tidal Years and seasons of samplings ID zone i m s 16- 16-r 17-d 18-r 19-d d Laurencia pinnata Yamada HS T,S, * * + + (I-P) Leveillea jungermannioides (Hering & G. Martens) Ep T,S, * * + + + + ++ Harvey (I-P) Melanothamnus ferulaceus (Suhr ex J. Agardh) Ep T,S * + + + ++ + Diaz-Tapia & Maggs Melanothamnus pseudovillum (Hollenberg) Díaz- HS T,S * + Tapia & Maggs Melanothamnus savatieri (Hariot) Díaz-Tapia & HS T,S * + Maggs Melanothamnus sphaerocarpus (Børgesen) Díaz- Ep T,S * * * + Tapia & Maggs Palisada concreta (A.B. Cribb) K.W. Nam HS T,S, * * + + (I-P) Palisada parvipapillata (C.K. Tseng) K.W. Nam HS T,S, * + + (I-P) Palisada papillosa (C. Agardh) K.W. Nam HS T,S, * * * + + + + +++ (I-P) Polysiphonia ferulacea Suhr ex J. Agardh f. Ep China * + + implicata C.K. Tseng Polysiphonia scopulorum Harvey Ep T,S * + + Polysiphonia subtilissima Montagne Ep T,S * * + + + Polysiphonia villum J. Agardh Ep T,S * * + + + ++ + Tolypiocladia glomerulata (C. Agardh) F. Schmitz HS T,S,(I-P) * * + + + + +++ Ep Family Spyridiaceae Spyridia filamentosa (Wulfen) Harvey HS T,S * * +++ + ++ + + Ep Family Wrangeliaceae Anotrichium tenue (C. Agardh) Nägeli Ep T,S * * ++ + + + ++ Griffithsia metcalfii C.K. Tseng HS T,S, * * + + (I-P) Wrangelia argus (Montagne) Montagne HSEp T,S * * + + + + ++ Wrangelia hainanensis C.K. Tseng HS China * + 8 Species, varieties and forms Lf Dg Tidal Years and seasons of samplings ID zone i m s 16- 16-r 17-d 18-r 19-d d ORDER GELIDIALES Family Gelidiaceae Gelidium crinale (Hare ex Turner) Gaillon HS T,S,M * * + + An Gelidium pusillum (Stackhouse) Le Jolis HS T,S * * ++ + + +++ ++ Gelidium pusillum var. cylindricum W.R. Taylor HS T,S * * ++ + + + + Gelidium pusillum var. pacificum W.R. Taylor HS T,S * + Family Gelidiellaceae Gelidiella acerosa (Forsskål) Feldmann & Hamel HS T,S * ++ + + + + Gelidiella bornetii (Weber Bosse) Feldmann & HS T,S, * * +++ ++ +++ +++ +++ Hamel (I-P) Millerella pannosa (Feldmann) G.H. Boo & L. Le HSEp T,S * + + Gall Family Pterocladiaceae Pterocladiella caerulescens (Kützing) Santelices & HS T,S * * + + + +++ + Hommersand Pterocladiella capillacea (S.G. Gmelin) HS T,S,M * * + + + Santelices & Hommersand ORDER GIGARTINALES Family Caulacanthaceae Caulacanthus ustulatus (Mertens ex Turner) T,S * + Kützing Family Cystocloniaceae Hypnea cervicornis J.
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