Date: Saturday 30 May 195 BREEDING/STORE CATTLE 28 Cows/Calves,5In Calf Cattle/Cast,4 Breeding Bulls, 36 Bulls, 122 Steers/Heifers BREEDING BULLS Vendor Top (£) Ave Limousine J Shorrock 1660 1660 Simmental R & AJ Haworth 1100 1100 Cows with Bull Calves A Walton 1200 1200 AAX Blond X J Holden 1260 1260 British Blue J Garbutt 1600 1390 Hereford J Smalley 1100 1100 Limousin B & M Slater 1800 1800 Saler X Mr W Tomlinson 1160 1160 Cows with Heifer Calves British J Garbutt 1380 1380 Blue Hereford J Smalley 1040 1040 Limousin P Fletcher 1720 1520 In Calf Cows /Cast Black & D Boardman 350 350 White British Blue AR Maleneffey 1160 1160 Blue Grey RJ Umpleby 730 730 Charolais RJ Umpleby 890 890 Limousin GL Batty & Sons 460 460 Saler X Mr W Tomlinson 730 730 BULLS R Haworth 570 570 AA Black & White Paul Rosbottom 690 477 British Blue MW Harrison 880 739 Limousin JV Aspin & Son 950 724 Simmental R Williams 550 550 STEERS SW Swire 1020 864 AA Black & White H & F Eccles 990 621 Beef Shorthorn G & DP Barnes 770 770 BB SW Swire 880 864 Charolais W Heys 760 760 Hereford J Holden 900 855 Limousin H & F Eccles & Son 1170 883 Montbeliar J & K Heyes 850 850 Pax S Chapman 810 810 Sax H & F Eccles & Son 1040 1040 HEIFERS S Chapman 720 592 AA Beef Shorthorn G & DP Barnes 790 685 Blonde RJ Wilkinson 1040 923 British Blue E & MA Burrow & Son 900 817 Charolais W Heys 760 696 Hereford Barrie Jackson 750 724 Limousin DM & RE Capstick 800 700 Luing RJ Wilkinson 985 985 Montbeliar C Greenwood 620 620 Simmental MA Ibbotson 960 805 Breeding Bulls were good to place today with a nice Simmental in working condition selling well above cull price at £1100 to David Mattinson. Jonathan Shorrock 8 Year old limousin topped the trade at £1660 to John Clarke which reflected the strong and quality of the Bull. Cows and calves met a firm trade with top call coming from Bernard Slater limousin heifer selling at £1800 not far behind was P Fletcher who won First prize with a older cow which sold to Judge David Capstick at £1720 Feeders and Culls run with the bull were good to sell. In the bull section young bulls made to £950 and some good shaped black and Whites to £690. Stores fit to turn out were exceptional, especially light weight Heifers black and white cattle are still in demand but seen to be thin on the ground. 308 BREEDING/STORE SHEEP Sheep & Lambs, , Store Sheep, Cade Lambs EWES/HOGGS WITH LAMBS WITH LAMBS AT FOOT Dutch Ewes with Singles M Williams & Sons 138 138 Dutch Shearling with Singles M Williams & Sons 165 162.50 Dutch Hoggs with Single M Williams & Sons 168 168 Charollais Ewe with Single JD Smith 142 142 Cheviot Ewe with Twins DM & RE Capstick 138 138 Cheviot Ewe with Singles DM & RE Capstick 118 118 Cheviot Hogg with Single B Dibb 90 90 Cheviot Gimmer DM & RE Capstick 72 72 Dalesbred Ewe with Twins S Tidswell 115 115 Gritstone Gimmer B Dibb 74 74 Horned Ewes with Singles E & K Thorpe 122 122 Jacob Hogg with Singles B Dibb 80 80 Jacob Gimmer B Dibb 62 62 Kerry Ewe with Twins DE Graveston 150 150 Kerry Shearlings with Singles DE Graveston 132 130.40 Lonk Ewes with Singles S Tidswell 90 90 Masham Ewes with Twins G Beaumont 142 142 Masham Shearlings with Twins D Drabble 158 158 Masham Shearlings with Singles D Drabble 125 125 Mule Ewes with Twins B Shackleton 185 170.79 Mule Shearlings with Singles S Hodgson 100 100 Mule Hoggs with Singles RG Johnson 180 168.93 Suffolk Shearling with Twins Gareth Davey 178 178 Suffolk Shearling with Singles Gareth Davey 180 180 Suffolk Hoggs with Singles RM Wilson 168 153.22 Texel Ewes with Twins R Cooper 232 189.45 Texel Ewes with Singles R Cooper 190 168.92 Texel Shearlings with Twins M Williams & Sons 150 150 Texel Shearlings with Singles M Williams & Sons 138 138 Texel Gimmers L Sutcliffe 130 102.86 Broken Mouthed Ewes with Twins JS Stephenson 172 146.50 Broken Mouthed Ewes with Singles Gareth Davey 132 95.70 Texel Hoggs with Singles M Williamson & Sons 170 160.66 Zwartbles Ewe with Twins JS Stephenson 150 150 CADE LAMBS Westalls 20 17.33 BREEDING/STORE PIGS 182 forward Weaners J Nuttall 52 26.97 STORE AJ Marsden 92 68.30 GILTS CM Threlfall 106 81.14 FAT M Turner 98 81.50 IN PIG AM Bretherton 210 202.67 GISBURN THURSDAY MARKET REPORT Date: Thursday 28 May 2015 Forward: 206 Total Prime Cattle –42 Young Bulls; 53 Heifers & Steers & 111 Cull Cows Forward: 20 Total Dairy Cattle 186 Rearing Calves Forward: 520 Total Prime Sheep 158 New Season Lambs, 181 Hoggs & 181 Cast Sheep PRIME CATTLE No. Top (p/kg) Ave (p/kg) HEIFERS Top sale price £1409 P Baines Overall Average price 196p/kg Premium 18 290 P Baines 243 Prime 19 214 R Turner, CD Slinger, JE Parkinson 195 & Son Other 9 169 T & C Robinson STEERS Top sale price £11706 YM Akerman Overall Average p/kg Premium 1 229 YM Akerman 229 Prime 3 214 YM Akerman 188 Other 3 144W & O Mitton& Son 126 BULLS Top sale price £1324 JM Townsend Overall average price p/kg Premium 9 206 Frankland Farms 201 Prime 13 196 WI & AM Atkinson & Son 187 Others 18 156 R Miller 134 CULL CATTLE Top Cull Continental Cow sale price £1139 JH & SM Mason Top Cull Continental Bull sale price £1168 E & M Townley & Son Top Cull Dairy Cow £1134 D & E Beresford & Son Overall Cull average p/kg or £ Premium 13 168 JH & SM Mason 148 Prime 43 138 Mrs D Mares; JR Taylor & Son; Ian J 125 Pratt Other 54 123 C Smith & Sons 96 Males 1 133 E & M Townley & Son 133 Dairy 70 134 D & E Beresford & Son 106 Champion Cull Cow RR Foster Best Beef Cull Reserve Champion D & E Foster 1st RR Foster £ 2nd RR Foster 3rd JH & SM Mason £ Best Dairy Cull 1st D & E Beresford & Son 2nd Newhouse Bros 3rd D & E Beresford & Son Show kindly sponsored by Jameson Feeds Genus Breeding & Townson Fuels DAIRY CATTLE Top price (£) Average price (£) Newly Calved Heifers 1600 JG Hall & Son 1285 Newly Calved Cows 1110 Manor House Farm 1105 In Calf Heifers 1250 B Bretton & Sons 1200 The pain of the milk price is really beginning to show and bids were much harder to find today. There were plenty of people ringside but a top price of £1600 for a good heifer from Brian and Lisa Hall just about summed up the enthusiasm. Dispersal cows always buck the trend with Messrs Travis from Lupton selling at £920 and £1110 to Sussex. In calf heifers from Malcolm Bretton and Livestock Exchange sold to £1220. Next weeks sale is the Dugdale Nutrition Dairy show with 30+ milkers entered already and 10 pedigree young stock. Fingers crossed for an improvement in the weather and milk price. CALVES Bulls Top price (£) Ave (£) Heifers Top price (£) Ave (£) AA 452 CF Morton & Son 359 430 CF Morton & Son 275 Black & White British Blue 550 T Davies 391 468 NW & JM Coulthurst & Son 328 Charolais 502 CF Morton & Son 502 452 CF Morton & Son 439 Hereford 310 G & M Dakin & Sons 304 Limousin 510 CF Morton & Son Simmental 495 ES & B Davies 366 370 B & J Hough & Sons 316 Welsh Black 265 D ^ A Blacoe 265 290 D & A Blacoe 285 Continental 378 334 Native 351 280 STIRKS Bulls Top price (£) Ave (£) Heifers Top price (£) Ave (£) Black & White 490 AR Tattersall 365 British Blue 540 KA Purtill 510 770 M Schofield 644 Charolais 700 W Hull 620 Hereford 590 Barrie Jackson 590 Limousin 765 R Nutter 527 Simmental 500 D & E Beresford & Son 500 540 M Schofield 540 NEW SEASON LAMBS Top Sale Price (£) Top Kilo Price (p/kg) Average(p/kg) To 32kgs 68 MJ Gray 213 MJ Gray 183 33-39kgs 85 RJ Lambert 230 RJ Lambert 196 40-45.5kgs 96 GA Hewitt & Son 229 GA Hewitt & Son 181 99 J Shuttleworth & 194 S Bolton & Son 181 46kgs+ Son Overall Lamb Average SQQ 178p/kg Overall Lamb Average Sale Price £71.58 Beltex 96 GA Hewitt & Son 229 GA Hewitt & Son 229 Charollais 89 S Bolton & Son 194 S Bolton & Son 182 Suffolk 84 CR Kippax 179 JF & JAWells 177 Texel 99 J Shuttleworth & 230 RJ Lambert 185 Son HOGGS Top Sale Price (£) Top Kilo Price (p/kg) Average(p/kg) All Weights 88 J Barrett 169 J Barrett 137 CAST SHEEP Top Sale Price Average Price (£) Hill Ewes 68 E Roper & Son 44 Lowland Ewes 95 D & L Coar 66 Rams 110 G & M Dakin & Sons 83 GISBURN MONDAY MARKET REPORT PRIME LAMBS, CAST SHEEP Date: Monday 25 May 2015 Forward: 280 TOTAL PRIME SHEEP To incl 43 NEW SEASON LAMBS 196 HOGGS 41 EWES NEW SEASON LAMBS Top Kilo Price (p/kg) Top Sale Price (£) Average (p/kg) 33-39kgs 184.5 A R Beckerton 71.50 A J Slater 170.0 40-45kgs 189.5 R & J Townson 80.50 H A Bradley & Son 188.0 Breed Top Kilo Price (p/kg) Top Sale Price (£) Average (p/kg) Jacob 179.0 H A Bradley & Son 80.50 H A Bradley & Son 179.0 Suffolk 189.5 R & J Townson 95.00 R & J Townson 177.5 Texel 189.5 B & M Slater 86.50 H A Bradley & Son 186.5 Overall Average New Season Lamb Price: SQQ 178.3 p/kg or £72.71 PRIME HOGGS Top Kilo Price (p/kg) Top Sale Price (£) Average (p/kg) 33-39kgs 165.0 D Ward 61.00 D Ward 140.5 40-45kgs 170.5 D W Conner 72.50 H Simpson 161.0 46-52kgs 160.0 F I Ibbotson 75.00 F I Ibbotson 147.0 53+kgs 150.0 D Ward 81.00 D Ward 143.5 Overall Average Hogg Price: SQQ 152.0 p/kg or £59.500 Top Kilo Price (£) Top Sale Price (p/kg) Average Breed (p/kg) Gritstone 147.5 R Murray 80.50 A R Beckerton 141.0 Herdwick 145.5 F I Ibbotson 61.00 F I Ibbotson 145.5 Jacob 137.5 F I Ibbotson 66.00 F I Ibbotson 137.5 Mule 142.5 F I Ibbotson 74.00 F I Ibbotson 141.5 Swaledale 150.0 T Robinson & Son 59.50 T Robinson & Son 137.0 Texel 170.5 D W Conner 81.00 D Ward 156.0 CAST SHEEP Top Sale Price per head (£) Ave Price per head (£) Lowland 116.00 R & J Townson 94.20 Horned 88.00 A R Beckerton 72.08 Ram 115.00 A R Beckerton 112.50 GISBURN THURSDAY MARKET REPORT Date: Thursday 21 May 2015 Forward: 211 Total Prime Cattle –49 Young Bulls; 45 Heifers & Steers & 117 Cull Cows Forward: 71 Total Dairy Cattle 175 Rearing Calves Forward: 305 Total Prime Sheep 48 New Season Lambs, 156 Hoggs & Cast Sheep PRIME CATTLE No.
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