An Introduction: His Divine Grace Qalander Baba Auliya; His divine grace Proclaimer of Reality, Kind Preceptor, TrueServant of God, QALANDBR The Great Sage ofhis time. BABAAULIYA Founder and Imam Silsila Azeemia, ABlessed Soul,a distinct worker ofDivine Administration, a man worthy of respect is introduced by his most able student; Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi in his unique and eloquent style and simple worded narration. Publishers: t\.._ Burkhiya Education Fouudation (Regd) ~,;:~ 2680-Lala Ayub Lane, Peshawar Cantt. lJ1ii:.F Phoue No· 091-52724Z3 Fax: 091-5274238 ,. Email: [email protected] Jfis (j)ivine qrace Qg-{ander CBa6a Jl ufiya: An Introduction • .. 13y: . Khwaj a Shamsuddin Azeemi ©2009 1\1/ rights Reserved 10'1 RST EDITION Dedication Ilik Iks;~n & Printed By: 'To tnat young generation tfiat wouftf6ring (;aJaxy Graphics ,.NII I Ulll 1\) ub Lane, Peshawar calltt. an encf to tne cfark.snacfows ofgriefancffear 111"111 11'/1 ~276568 Cell: 0333-9303787 6y acquainting manfijncfwitn peace ancf I 111111 V"[email protected] tranquifity after equipping itselfwitn tfie teacnings ofQafancfer cBa6a ;f.ufiya ancf Publishers: II1111 111111 1<lucal;on Foundation (regd) man wou{cf 6e a6{e to enter-tfic J{eaven after '"Nil I ulll Ayub lane, Peshawar cantt . redaiming fiis eterna{cfistinction. 1'11"111 Nil 11 111-5272423 Fax: 091-5274238 I IIll1il: [email protected] Translated by: 1)1'. Magsood Azeemi Price Rs.lS0 fl fianaiwor( ofmagic, tfiis worYof ours 15 What to say, wfiat this worUfofours is? Just a woratfiat 6ecame a story Our creation is a eray toy, fl city tumeainto a wiYemess flnatfiis entire worYis a toy oferay rrlme rejfecteef in manyforms, flzeem I tumeainto aust, tfie aust into wine­ cup 28 Cholistan Jungle 41 LIST OF CONTENTS 29 Seeing God in everything 43 around . S.NO CHAPTER Page # 30 Down on the ground 43 I In the Name ofAllah 7 31 Jinns 44 2 Life ofQalander baba Auliya 15 32 Trees also talk 44 0 00 J Qalander 16 JJ Lal Shahbaz Qalander 45 4 Qalanderi Order 18 34 Man·at service 45 5 Introduction 20 35 Annels protect 47 6 Birth 21 36 Lottery Number 47 7 Education 21 37 Looking after the family 48 8 Spiritual Training 22 38 Sapphire ring 48 9 Family 23 39 Prayer of a Qalander 50 10 Livelihood 24 40 Jlm-e-Ladunni 52 II Induction )5 41 Revealing the Future 54 12 Spiritual Position 25 42 25 Bodies Of Auliya . 54 13 Mannerism 28 43 Freud and Libido 55 14 Child hood and youth 28 44 Astral body 56 15 Grcatness 29 45 Saving from operation 57 16 His Children 30 46 Distant Teratment , 58 17 Books Authored 30 47 Hundred thousand Rupees 58 18 Family Tree 32 48 Polio Cured 59 19 . Wonder Workings 35 49 Missing cap 60 20 Pigeon resurrected 36 50 The Scar 60 21 Deaf & Dumb girl 37 51 Rain-Water turning into pearls 61 22 Incessant rai·ning 38 52 Degree OfJapan 62 23 j Li fted the Basket 39 53 Mouthful of Blood 63 24 Amount of alimony. 40 54 Bu Ali Shah Qalander 65 25 Angels 40 55 Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai 66 26 Musk Order 41 56 Water turned bitter 66 27 Love and Sacrifice 41 57 Spiritual treatment of tumor 67 58 Metaphysical or Paranormal 68 59 An article 69 60 Man's Conscious Experience 73 61 Time is the past 75 62 What the senses are? 79 In the name of.JL[fah, tfie most (j3eneficent 63 Self Realization 83 anathe most <.Mercifu[ 64 Knower of the Mysteries of 87 Nature 65 Be! And it was 91 God created Adam and Eve and sent them to 66 A Letter 93 earth for spreading their progeny upon the earth. 67 An Other Letter 106 Creation of man is ever continuing according to the 68 Works 115 will and plan of the Creator. 69 Rubaiyat 124 With the increase in population, needs of 70 Demise 145 man also kept on growing. With the passage of time 71 Khanqah-e-Azeemia 148 Scriptures were sent down upon the Prophets of 72 Death Almiversary (Urs) 150 God. And when tribes and families spread far and 73 Introduction Of Silsila Azeemia 151 widc. the Torah, Old and New Testaments and in 74 Founding Khanwada-e-silasil 156 the last, the holy Quran was sent down to complete 75 Aims and Objectives of Silsila 159 thc Godly Guidance. Azeemia We are told that so far ~ne hundred and 76 Rules and Regulations 160 twenty four thousand prophets of God have come to the world out of which 25-30 have been mentioned ancl cxemplified in the Scriptures and Divine Books. Much has been written about the coming of Iioly Prophet (PBUH) and about the appointment, services and completion of Herculean task of dclivering the message to the people by the last of till thc prophets of God but the people endearing him still wanting to hear more about him. 7 What this all is???? busy in suckling his mother's milk and is embracing the merciful Nature. It is the reverence, humility and love and an expression of one's inaptitude of loving him. God is the One and Only, He is Self­ Passion of his love is overpowering the people. Sufficient, begotten not and begets not. Every Passing' through this path is like sipping some religion has tnunpeted this very Unity of Godhead. divine wine for everyone but for the believing men No religion upon the face ofthe earth has denied the of faith it is like entering into the Gardens of Oneness of God or has declined His Existence. Paradise. One who can lead anvone throuoh these Sufis and Auliya adopted various means and ways . '" paths and could let him have a glimpse of the of understanding and explaining this very Oneness, Beloved (PBUH), he is the worthy mentor. And, thc Self-Sufficiency, Reality and Unity of Godhead. one who is an adamant desirous of achieving his Commonly, Unity of Godhead consists of four goal, is ready to sacrifice all his hopes upon the will things, namely; Shariat (Religious Laws), Tariqqat of his mentor, adopts all his ways with faith, is the (Practicing the Laws), Haqqiqat (Knowing the true disciple and is bound to sllcceed. Reality) and Marrafat (Cognition). Cognition, understandin!! and witnessino the It is the statement of Holy Prophet (PBUH), ~ '" unity of Godhead appears to be an easy task but in "One who recognizes his self, cognizes his Lord," the passing through the insurmountable valleys of The knowing of the self does not mean recognition real cognition. of Divinity, keeping one's beliefs or the desires and lusts, body needs, near and dear intact all along one's advancement on these paths is ones. mother and father, home, town and cities or like making a camel pass through an eye of the country nor is it the cognitioll of the worldly needlc. When a wayfarer passes through some knowledge. It is the appreciation and understanding jungle hc faces fcars and when the same jungle is or the fact that why has the nature created me? trudgcd in the darkness of the night, it ishorrifying. What is the essence of the objective of bringing me Similarly, when one sets upon the journey of dark ;l1to existence from nothingness? What are the waters of reverence and respect he encounters rncultics of wisdom and leadership that I have been terri lying forms of fears, horrors, sorrows, dccoratcd with by the intents of fate? Have I been rcversions and upsets of all sorts. In such a dark crellted only ror the sake of myself? If someone scenario, a mentor is the grcatcst of all blessi ngs 'ould reach down to the core of the purpose of his who allows him to hold his linger and makes him to 'I'cution and could comprehend what is there in his trudge along the paths of Divinity as if an infant It'liC sell', then he is the one 'who finds himself, IIl1derstands himself and believes in himself and a 8 9 Verses of the holy Quran and the sayings of person rising up to an intuitive understanding the holy men are evident upon the fact that cognizes the grandeur of Lhe lordship of his God. understanding the Oneness of Godhead is not as When one's faith grasps the exact truth and easy as it appears to be. Just as the water of an the true reality, he enjoins the true purpose. When ocean cannot be held in by a pond or the water of a the part comprehends the purpose ofthe whole, it is pond carmot be put into a pitcher or the water of the no longer a part, it reaches such a state which is pitcher cannot be put into a goblet likewise the better to be kept secret than lime lighting. human intellect, understanding, thought, perception, senses certitude and intuition cannot grasp the One God has stated about His Oneness and Unity who is known as Allah, the Almighty and who is of His Godhead: "And, thy Lord is the only God, Self Existing from Eternity to Eternity. do not worship anyone except Him, He is the most After the Holy Prophet (PBUH), his Beneficent and the most Merciful." companions and their followers, Auliya Allah Worshiping is for none but One and the provided every assistance and guidance to make us Only One God, Except Him there is no god, He is true believers of God. After Owais Qarni, Shaikh the Ever-Living and Eternal. Mohiuddin Abdul Qader Ji!ani, Ali Hajweri known as Data Ganj Bukhsh, Baba Fariduddin Ganjshakar, The renowned Sufi saint of his times Junaid azamuc.ldin Auliya Mehboob-e-Elahi, Khwaja Bughdadi (RA) says, "Knowledge of Oneness.
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