USGA JOURNAL: JUNE, 1950 19 "GolfHouse" and the Talking Putter "Can't you move over a little, and let New York (as yet not selected), which me in?" said the newcomer. will house the USGA Golf Museum and "Who're you?" Library, offices of the USGA and "I'm Macdonald Smith's old putter," perhaps of other golf associations, and replied the aluminum-headed club. "His which, in general, will be a real national brother Alec Smith used me in winning golf center. the 1910 Open Championship." The "Golf House" Fund to buy new "Well, come on in," said the lady-like quarters is being created by hundreds of mashie. "I am a little older than you- contributions by individual golfers, I helped Miss Harriot Curtis win the clubs, associations, and other lovers of Women's Championship back in 1906- the game's welfare. Their names will but if I can stand this crowded cabinet, be inscribed on a permanent roll as the I'm sure you can. So, welcome. It Founders of "Golf House." won't be long before we have a new Donations of any size are cordially home-they're going to call it 'Golf welcome; they should be made payable House'." to "USGA GOLF HOUSEFUND." That's the talk these days among the In the first 11 weeks of the project champions' clubs in the USGA Golf 1,843 gifts had been received totaling Museum and Library. They're all look- $37,293. It is believed that about ing forward to a new home, a place $100,000 will be needed to do the job. where they can at least take a fair The first 603 Founders were listed in stance, and not be jammed together or the last issue of the USGA JOURNAL packed away, as now. The next 854 are named below; others "Golf House" is the answer. That's will follow in later issues. To all of to be the name of a modest building in them, the USGA is profoundly grateful. A O. J. Bischoff Mrs. Lloyd Bissell B. H. Ackles W. E. Batterson Tams Bixby, Jr. Charles W. Adams Warren H. Bean George G. Blaisdell Fort Adoms Mrs. Robert F. Beard Mr. and Mrs. Willis H. Blakely Jock Ahern O. L. Beaudette Ted Bland Louis W. Aldrich Thomas N. Beavers William O. Blaney Robert Z. Alexander Emil Beck Fred M. Blankenship Dr. Newton E. Allen Robert A. Becker Thomas M. Bloch Peter T. Allen Harold D. Beer Lee Blum A. G. Anderson Charles M. Beisse Leonard G. Blumenshine Douglas R. Anderson Mrs. Donald M. Belcher Carleton Blunt Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee Anderson Joseph C. Belden, Jr. Charles R. Blyth Fred L. Andrews Joe Belfore r. Dennie Boardman H. R. Askins E. Floyd Bell K. C. Boggs George H. Atherholt Mrs. Cosmo Kyrle Bellew Robert Stewart Bole Charles A. Atwell Atbert Belshaw Henry Bolesta Charles C. Auchincloss Louis A. Bemecke C. E. Bonnell Edwin C. Austin Henry H. Benedict Mrs. Rodne T. Bonsall L. K. Ayers Robert F. Bensinger R. Bobbie Booth Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Benson Dunbar W. Bostwick B Edwin N. Benson Major Thomas R. Bowen Robert N. Babbish James C. Benson Jackson H. Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Bailey Miss Sylvie Benson Mr. and Mrs. William S. Boyd, Jr. Mrs. Benedict J. Baker W. M. Bergenthal E. J. Brad,ey Mr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Baker Ra:ph O. Bergman Mrs. John D. Bradley Fred G. Bannerot, Jr. Norborne Berkeley H. T. Brady J. Bappert Charles G. Bertenshaw James C. Brady R. C. Barlow Wallace C. Bethea Fred Brand, Jr. Joseph M. Barr E. W. Bettinger E. R. Braun, Jr. Calvin P. Bascom C. Ward Birch Henry C. Breck George A. Bass Robert H. Bird R. Brinser W. O. Batchelder lewis L. Bredin J. B. Bridston 20 USGA JOURNAL: JUNE, 1950 Samuel S. Briggin D Daniel E. Fitzpatrick Charles Brokaw Dr. H. C. Dahl Sherman J. FitzSimmons, Jr. Harold J. Brown William H. Danforth David H. K. Flagg J. W. Brown Charles M. Daniels Frederick J. Flaherty Palmer Brown, III Darsie l. Darsie H. A. Fleager Mrs. Theresa F. Brunner Carl D. Davidson Henry C. Flower, Jr. F. R. Budlong George l. Davis William Forbes Thomas M. Bunn J. Lionberger Davis Henry Ford, " E. H. Burnham Miss Barbara Dawson Mrs. Henry Ford, " Theodore C. Butz Hugh Dean Sherman Ford Walter F. Dean Harold E. Foreman, Jr. c Mr. and Mrs. John de Blois Wack J. Russell Forgan L. E. Coble J. F. Delaney Francis G. Foster Joseph Cairns, Jr. John J. Deluca Randall Foster David R. Calhoun, Jr. Albert A. de Martini Ronald J. Foulis Roy E. Campbell J. Morgan Denison Walter G. Fovargue William C. Campbell Joseph J. Dennison Carl E. Fowler S. C. Canary Dr. Angus J. DePinto Caleb F. Fox Fronk B. Carbone Mrs. Joseph C. Dey, Jr. Mrs. Jean Fox louis J. Cariffe Terrence J. Dillon Julian C. Frankel leo J. Carlin W. S. Dirker William C. Freeman lorry E. Carpenter, Jr. Fronk A. Dixon George P. Frenkel Christopher A. Carr William J. Donahue Herman M. Freydberg Edwin Corter Henry T. Dorrance G. W. Froemke Alfred T. Carton Richard H. Doughty Andrew H. Fuchikami Douglas Cosey Donald B. Douglas C. E. Fuller, Jr. Mrs. James H. Cave James H. Douglas, Jr. Charles G. Chapman Tom Draper G Martin H. Dumler Richard D. Chapman William A. Galbraith, Jr. Wendell W. Duncan Elwood L. Chose William A. Gale Edward Dunn Allen H. Chatterton A. R. Gallenkamp Benjamin Chew, Jr. Edward F. Dunn Clark R. Gamble Gerold F. Child Dr. R. L. Dunton W. Guy Gamble James H. Childs Peter G. DuPy James l. Garard Franklin G. Clement Gil V. Dye Norbert S. Garbisch G. R. "Dick" Clover E Robert A. Gardner William E. Clow, Jr. Homer M. Eagles Mrs. Norbert James Clure Edward I. Garrett Henry A. Earle, Jr. Miss Ann Cochran Henry B. Garrett Cameron Eddy John Garrow Bob Cochran George P. Edmonds Abe Cohen Phil J. Garnett George E. Edmondson Mrs. Robert C. Garvey Harry D. Cole C. J. Edwards Jerry J. Cole Karl W. Gass Frank B. Edwards Cassius E. Gates lester A. Colman Roy G. Elliott Roger B. Conant, Jr. leonard B. Geis John T. Ellis W. D. George, Jr. Samuel D. Conant F. R. Elliott Dr. Paul T. Cook Elbridge T. Gerry C. Erhardt Mr. and Mrs. John M. Gessler J. E. Cookman Charles Evans, Jr. W. F. Corry Victor Ghezzi Max Evans leConte Gibbes E. D. Corson Raymond F. Evans Harvey D. Gibson Harold R. Cossitt Thomas M. Evans William Gilbert, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Eckley B. Coxe, III Vern Evans Donald W. Gill C. W. Evaul Bruce Crone James S. Girmonde Mr. and Mrs. Gordon H. Ewen Robert F. Crone Harry l. Givan John Kennedy Ewing, 3rd Paul F. Glaser Fronk Craven F Charles E. Glendenning Malcolm Cravens Mrs. Linton H. Fallis Bob Goldwater Earl S. Crawford Griffin S. Fallon R. B. Gookin J. R. Ferguson William B. Crawford Kenneth T. Gordon Peter M. Fetterolf Robert E. Gosnell Howard F. Crocker Jimmie Fidler Charles F. Gould Gordon Crouter Robert Finney Charles B. Grace R. Albert Cucinell L. Paul Fiorito Eugene G. Grace Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Curtis T. S. Fitch Eugene G. Grace, Jr. Harold A. Fitzgerald leonard J. Cushing Herb Graffjs Neal Fitzgerald Joe GraHis Paul G. Cushman Miss Sabina FitzGibbon Walter Gramm USGA JOURNAL: JUNE, 1950 21 A Few Ancient Museum Pieces These clubs and feather balls in the USGA Golf Museum date back to the earliest days of the game as it is now played; one club was made about 1780. The club on the left is a "track iron," designed to enable a golfer to play a ball out of a narrow wheel rut; it is the great-granddaddy of the modern niblick. Memorial to Alex A. Gray Erwin N. Heieck Ormond E. Hunt by Mrs. Florence K. Gray Donald G. Heinly Fred L. Hunter Marion R. Gray W. G. Hellar Willie Hunter Mrs. A. L. Green John H. Heminway S. C. Husted Arnold M. Green Gerald Henderson J. C. Huter H. M. Green Mrs. Wellington Henderson William E. Hutton Joshua Green R. A. Henry I E. G. Griggs, II James Herbuveaux James Ingram, III William F. Grimm Mrs. Frederick Herrick Harry A. Irving Fred H. Grosse John D. Hibbard Robert R. Irwin L. Chace Grover Hunter Hicks Oscar D. Guilfoil, Jr. Vincent C. Hickson J Mrs. David Guthrie Mrs. Harley G. Higbie John G. Jackson W. S. Gwynn Harley G. Higbie Thomas S. Jamison Percy V. Hill David M. Janavitz H Ralph J. Hines Benjamin E. Jaques John R. Hackett Henry Hitchcock H. Melvin Jaycox Richard T. Hale Charles H. Hobbs M. K. Jeffords, Jr. Charles W. Hall John D. Hoblitzell, Jr. Joe Jemsek Sheppard Orman Halls C. J. Hochenauer Alfred J. Johannsen Richard E. Hanson Joseph Hodgson Charlc~ i3. Johnson Augustin S. Hardart William Holabird Mrs. Pauline Mackay Johnson Hard Hardin Philip D. Ho!den Mrs. William A. Johnson Claude Harmon Earl Holley Dr. J. Roy Johnston L. G. Harriman Mrs. J. Walker Hoopes Dr. John M. Johnston George B. Harrington H. H. Horner Mr. and Mrs. Jorrett C. Jones Jay S. Harris Mrs. Ernest A. Hooton W. Alton Jones Roberi M. Harriss William Harold Hoover K Mrs. Alfred B. Hartley D. G. Hottmann John Kadel Mrs. George l. Hathaway Fred M. Howell A. F. Kammer, Jr. H. H. Haverstick, Jr. Kenneth E. Hoy Francis J. Kane Mrs. J. Albert Hayes K. W. Huffine Ernest Kanzler W. Alfred Hayes Edwin K.
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