\ i CILEIiaS AIID ISLMWS OOLffliT. ": Londe CoiJiiiiioaion Offico, Ooecm lolojid, 4th Jantiary, 1932, Sir, I hava th© honour to apply for the confinaatlon of my appolntiiiont aa Diotx'ict Officer, ooutliern GilbGi*ta, 2« 1 ©ntorod the Qorvloo of the Gilbert and. I'llioo lalonds Colony on the 20th Septerabor, 1929 and ceQaod to be a Cadot on the 22nd I'.arch, 1030, luaving ^.iaaood the. ojcamiiiationa laid dovAi for Gadots in Sootiono (a) and (b) of Rule 1 of the "ibflo.'s for the l^^QaEaination of Cadeta", FroiQ that date Z thex^foro bocoiao oligiblo for ponaonont ai^lntmcnt in the Xhciloriy in accordance \?ith Hnlo 3 of the above- :oationod Raculationo, 3. In GiApport of ray application I would rGopoot- ftilly «r,.o that for elghtoon laonths I have had ooio charge of a largo Piatriot and dnrlng thia tl;ao I have galnod ©yperience covorlng every phase of District Adralniatr.ition and Official Procoduro, inolnding enich axoeptionol oooureaoHNi aa tho <hiotoa Island Aicligioua trotiblos and th© suooiMMfuX invoatigation of murders on UtJamau and Onotoa Islands. 4, Apart from Hie Hsnwr# qftUB Bellident Goraoiiaoioner, Gilbert and Ellic© Islanda Colony, 0a(Mn Xsland, A tj « \ 4. Apazi; frcm aor adiainiatratiro duties I have had char;-tt of tho Conauo of tho Oilhort and IHlico Islands and at tho prooont time ain acting as ITativo Lands Coiamiasionar for tho aottlcanont of tho Eonabon lands, 5, I tmot that njy porfor.Tiauicos in the vai*iouo capaoitioo lontionod in Par tgraphs 3 and 4 aro of a standard v/hich warrants the ooiifiraiation of my appolnt- ^cnt in tho Colony, I have tho honour to bo. Sir, Your Honour*a obodicnt servant. (Signed). H. E. Maude. Acting District Officer, Southern Gilborto, V GILBERT iND ELLICE ISLMDS COLONT. 0. THE RESIDENCY, No. 1. Ocean Island, 12th January, 1932. Sir, I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 4th January, applying 'for eonfirmation of your appointment as District Officer, Southern Gilberts , and to enclose,for your information, a copy of a despatch which I have addressed to the High Commissioner on the subject. I have the honour to be. Sir, Your obedient servant. Edsident Commissioner, H.E. Maude Esq.., Acting District Officer, Southern Gilberts, at Ocean Island. Enclosure. \ COPY. GILBERT AND ELLICE ISLANDS COLONY. Gilbert & Ellice. THE RESIDENCY, No. OCEAN ISLAND. Sir, 12th January, 1932. With re£ejr«aioe to Yotur Exeellenoy* s doepatoh to tho Semtaxy of state 52 of the 3rd llaroh^ X990| and Your EcoeXlenoy*8 doepateh No« 201 of the 6th Hoirvaber, 1930^ X hare the honour to forward a copy of a letter fren Mr. H.iil. MaudOt lotlng Plstrlot officer^ Seathem Gilbert Islands, applying for the oonflrttation of Ms appointment as Blstriot Offleer^ Southern Gilberts . 2* It is stipulated at paragraph 4 of the letter ef iffdlntMkt enelMied in the Seoretary of Staters Aeepaleh Wo. 162 ef the 3rd Angnat. 1929, that the period of prebatiea ef jur. Maude* t appointment as a Cadet be th3^ years tnm the date of hie arriral in the Colony^ This offioer arrived at: Ooeen Island on 16th Heveaber^ 1929. 3*^ X reeewnend aeeerdlAgly that Ur« liende be eenfiiMed in hie probationary appointment as a Cadet, bmt I m unable to support Ms application for promotion to a Distriot OffloeraMp until either (a) Tsm paesee Ms aqcaadnatieniln M^&er etandard Gilberteet •ad ae req^Mred by Snle 4 ef Mee i»r the liiadnatien ef Cadets, or (b) until hs has eonpletsd three yeare ef reeldent serriee, terminating en the Idth iHiTmsber aixt. 4« I His Excellency The High Commissioner, FOR THE Western Pacific, Suva, Fiji. 6x28 \ •r-'/*'-'.;\ :.-Hk'.^-^ '..i"'•>: ^'l." V ."''.I.:" '. • .. '-'u • s . •• .'" V-'Jt ' #• S toUi«r iwwini, slweeww tW NN* MMiii ..• n^J iv ., ^SE; «m««r w mma mmtkrng '•^•^ '• • ^ •infltil •«• fliflrttliii^f aIm l» f^liiUei %t tn# Hi# A#palal#lriil4#B« . ^: ;.^;;-':;.-v: .'^:.-'.^;v .;v- •I lasw# til# tkMiottx to #•• ... .'* /*''••, iv^ I'^ •'•"•• ' *. '. -F*- '."^QjT:.' '"•• ji*'• '^»i•»•" ..." iH|r jiiiiiiiMr*# ###i oMioBt wmnrmtg Isignod) ABTHUR taHMBLK^ •' •-•' •T. -'I;....• -v'.";''.- ••W''' - 'i! •••**. '" •, Jf.' '. 1•••'.:.' '.'K ; ••'•.•r-<--.r,; .- V, :• • • /• ' .' t- . .. • "•! •»"'' •V-"'' ^' ." • • ' ' .' Yi". '-J; ; '-. •• -•.)- :? rgmma-'mm '• 'f .;-• ' Y'. ^ v. ,,,.w'-.•'^ . .Y . • .1. , . "-•-* V fit • •• '••• V•: ' •••' •/• •'// •.• <*•.• •" 'i ; «.•* - •fv, • ,•• ••*•.. ,' ..V-r- . 1'/. • ... :-'7, >, r. .-.t - -^'V '4 .4 ' , .s ..r, •. ^•' \ • ••Iv* '• '• " ' , • ... •':*• 'I •• ~r >*1 i'-!. • •<„.•: .Jf'.' . •'. ' ••.„• I < r.^'^ '.-.Ft' ♦ ..'.•^• „.4 •,»«V.1 '- -'- '•-•'>Tr'-.'iS- ••;• •••. '•'• i I : .,rf .'-.v. I .. '. :• C. •. ... S- • .: I - •*. -.f . I'.-. '. 'V .. ,,,'. •:< • -; i •; . ' .4 " ... Vi ' •'•Jl '!• .: "),•'' '• • •' A . • ' •'' - •^'• }, 'A :;i '"d';' : iV' .yA;. ••• ^i.. •'•• *^• '• • ' • •- , . r*' ., '. y." jV: ••; .... •• •-:•-'•• . •--• -,; '• 5,- ^^ •• •••••.! • ;V./ix ;-', • -•'' '. -, "'•• •• v'^' ' -s- ,. ';•.- -• • - -: '"V; • . • •••••• .•.• • ' Vft •• • •,. • vT . •. "'r.. •- •'? ri. ^.._. -m-i—-it-TY*- '-••• .v;J* O iv V v.,.; "V?'. •' ' • '•"••'•'t'ir''•' •• •' •. K "';. .• : kJ-k^' . .i • • :• ,• ••'. -" •,•'• • •',' •*' -••• ..••• • c :'vr >••;•• ;.; •-•.o;' • , '•.»»<•'" I •, • (/ f i*. »-• •'"«•. r • ...;>- V• •• V r ,. , ' p ;^ 4^ X feurther ireoonnaend, therefore, that Mr. Maude / he eappointed to be a Dietriot Offioer as soon as either -iy, of the oonditions loentioned above is fulfilled. • •V•- .'•• • i; have the honour to be. '• 7' •' Sir, ( . • 4:« • t' 'I- '-' .• . < • - ... v vz-V^v-.' Tour* lii^eileiioy'e most obedi^t ' -1 • • y?- /M *» • * j» j . •' • •*• «• servant, x • • ^•>" '• % V- v'J '• •-•. r>' -•^ .-.-% "A , (Signed) ARTHUR GRIMBLE, •. .% .'tei • ''•"*• . • .\v ,•^7 :. •- fc^ • -v ." •; 'r-'.: Heeldeiit {J^Bss^ealeiier* • -t. •":Z>^.' -L/,. C • • •.;! ..• • v v'"" .'1 , rf.- VW '- '•' ''i'/ -' •'•-' ='' fii- .,V> ' f-•'. •> •• •• ;•• /.I. ' if,a,-. % •.'• I!'-r- ' 'r:- ••••". - •'•• ,Zr •-••'. .• -• .t-,'; ,v.^.': ;•> . ' ' • , -./• •• vi'. •{ t. - • .'.v/ 9w ..I. ... V. -v . -«••- n •• • •••. '..* J--.. • ^ /"VV'- \ t v- A?.;-" '-• .'•5 V .' •*• •, •4*- j-' • fV-e •i< T'V^ -• , • ii- \ »^£J .• •. •zz'l.rr.: I. X \ arrry. -y .• J.i • Xj.iiidu Ju... ^£x'iGOf Ociiai* lj.Laiiu, .. Ir, III n ;«orila^iO •I '/ . 1/ • Xairi :i'or t ' o.r Xa'ictu ill "Lliu Criltiovl; na U .iXiiuc Llolo ,y, I avo Uiu hiniwr to tXi^oXf iToi' c3-jjL/1ii\felou 1ji uloiiiwArd GiXbarfcouo* I t'ij Jionoiu- i^o 'ic'.y Yuur ^ If I •• X'X'ii. au'xVivi'i'> (Signed). H, E. Maude. ActlK^ : .i. '! •, Sovt 'Crj-;1f:. i- .« I'J •"ifU'' ) llifa iY.alfXont Couffniuiilonor, IiallUidu ColOiV/a Oo-'oa loin 0; '4^niMt"liliriB 1111 III MI GILBERT AND ELLICE ISLANDS COLONY. Office of the Resident Commissioner, Ocean Island. 21st January, 1932. 6** No.- Sir, I am directed "by the Resident Commissioner to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 19th January, and to inform you ths-f you will he examined in higher standard Gilbertess Thursday the 4th February, at a time and plac0 indicated later. I aoif Sir» __ obedient serwant. Your ^ ' Secretary to Resident Commissioner. H.E, Maude Esq., Acting District Officer, Southern Gilberts, at Ocean Island, •1 H;.- . •.^• V ,. ; s ••• '-Ay-' •• 'V '•»••• '••••:> v» •- -wr^'"' M' >*• . •»»...• V,:' -f?. • GiL!?EnT iHD. ITILICI'; 'aaoj?r. •-Af . ••/ - .••'! •;•••'- yy. ...• I- -:':, •;• y... -vyy•• %t '^r,t <1.1 ; ;^.;Vi!i-? "SI'-.*-!"!.- . ' >ry-'^--yvOoeaa •:. yt-v. ", • :y .. '••. y •^ y :%i-y•T.V: df?l I-'. ~ "•* • ''J,-- - ^''Ns • "" •'' ..«••• "*i ', Jtlki"- '. •' .•»•..•. ,'• I 'f- \--t •>. I, »s.v.vv . •••^r ? - 7th liaroh, f •• V.' '••' ^ • ^•' fi *.'.>•»•'* J* •• .r •'- <• ^ .*1. -' • • >v -y '. • ••" • y-;.v •'. v ' - • :• -M. '\'- ' Sir, :i'"i '•''y.- ?v.'''.'' i' ,.. ;•'•• y ^ ' • - .. -i • . 5 ••-. y.. •1'-y/> • ':•• •;.• ••: v y-: ,. lo i^prcSlui^ itt$truotion#. "gaacXosqiT^ > I «noXotf& thr<Hr Goplojg o$ jtn 9tr%icle, euitltX8<L in the GSlh«rt whi^h pwhliohedl. In tho •I % .'t 1 ., • • • »>.y y/':. ".Toumnl oS the Joiynoaian iJocloty'' for Deooanbor, 1^>31. ?' y; t ' X h^YQ tli« honour to be. •• .S '"^ ''i Tour' EMfMntr* o*#l>o4iont aerrantj y• ^i.a-'*:' y^-y iiy.,- i;yvyM-.-,, ,-yy-.iw.,,'.,• .. -y y- 'i!-•..:% '• •••.• '••':• .?/ •••••' '••'J (Signed). H. E, Maude, y;. ;ii #y:;5. , h: ^ r -..i . V.y • , ie4iiig;-^-<Xainiatrativ© oyxioer, ;«#• y • ,' .. "*••• L if <• f., •%';. tj •*;.•• •..•, if: •j'.'ixS I; •• h •' • •(••"'' 7 •' 'V-J- '. )^wfttlhorh ailbart XaXarvda. 'f/''■•"•-"'♦ ' . ••• V ,, . '*>;: • t •'^.* •'n- •• •• *. r • ,/ •'y •«' ;r,-\- .••y Hy;;;/, •"'• -5 . ;• • , , y-; , . ,•*»*.•''.' -v. :V. ^ -y-.'',..r -'•••M-MAiivt*! >'• y->- . Ik •'.' . '••» . '•• '• -'A. ' ' • i.»' : yj •;• , -.f" . .y .' • t'' .• •». •• • V-1 <f: ..• r .y '•.• • V*' \ • •• ;•'•'yfi' •••••'il'V'*ii. -. .» , •'.:.'>• -••« V'/. .y •'rt. Ml "••• -s • «t" • '••• '>" fl ^ • '• • y- ' ,,r '. J ,. Jf?'.- y':- i •t y*. •-A ;;••>• '••f^r-y •••riW^mKlXL^*' -m*-^ A' % •- y-y hr - - ,,i.V:y; ,, •-• •'•Ur -••'•: ./ i-.M Extract from desv^atoh 1\0. 317 of th'e 7th July, 1932 from the High Commissiouer to the Secretary of State. 2, I invite attention to the capable manner in which this matter was handled by nr. H.E.LIaude, the Acting District Officer, a^id the careful and thorough manner in,which the inquiry was conducted by nr. S.G.Olarke, the Treasurer, and Ivlr. Maude. bernice: p. bishop museum HONOLULU, HAWAII, OF-F-ICE OF THE DIRECTOR April 14, 1932 H.E. Maude Esq: Ocean Island, Gilbert and Ellice Islands, Central
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