Index abbott, r. 484 functional cooperation 408–10 abe, S. 139 interventionist policies, differences abrahamian, E. 257 between 409–10 abu Lughod, J. 20, 21 military options 410 acharya, a. 147, 151–2, 164 multilateral cooperation 405, 409 adda, J. 29, 30 and national economic interests 410 africa oECD China-DaC Study Group Democratic republic of Congo 405, 406, 407 (DrC) see Democratic republic Sudan and Zimbabwe sanctions, of Congo (DrC) and China, disagreement over 404–5 and conflict of interests Tibet unrest, effects of 406–7 Forum on China-africa trilateral cooperation 405–7, 408–9 Cooperation (FoCaC) UK Department for International Declaration 414 Development (DfID) historical links with China and EU involvement 408 see historical links between aglietta, M. 49 China, EU and developing agricultural goods import substitution, world, EU, africa and the EU-aSEan and China-aSEan Middle East economic relations 108 Maghreb countries see Maghreb agriculture problem and European countries, economic relations protectionism, Latin america with China 28–9 MENA region see MENA region ahn, C. 69 Sub-Saharan africa see Sub-Saharan aid see development aid africa al-rasheed, M. 243 see also individual countries alden, Chris 374, 375, 381, 386, 394, african development challenges 402–13 402–13 algeria african ownership concerns 405 Chinese FDI 300, 301–2, 303, 305, bilateral cooperation 405 312 China as economic partner, EU Chinese labour 317–18 concerns over 403–4 Chinese trade relations 306, 307, China-Ethiopian-World bank 308–9, 310, 312 Health Initiative 409 and colonialism 39, 40, 240–41 China-EU Comprehensive Strategic Euro-Mediterranean association Partnership agreement 404–5 agreement 248 China-US Joint assessment of European funding 249 Health Cooperation in africa and European neighborhood Policy 408–9 253 EU–China cooperation 403–7 trade with China 276 Eurozone crisis, effects of, and aliboni, r. 358 501 Jan Wouters, Jean-Christophe Defraigne and Matthieu Burnay - 9781783477340 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 09/23/2021 10:50:40PM via free access 502 China, the European Union and the developing world alterman, J. 359 astuto, M. 97 alvstam, C. 96 atanassova-Cornelis, Elena 63–88 amelot, L. 279 attali, J. 421 ames, b. 422 anderlini, J. 52 ba, a. 135, 140 anderson, L. 347 bach, D. 387 anderson, P. 22 bai, G. 49 arab Spring effects 287–8, 319, 345–7, bairoch, P. 20, 21–2 354–5, 361 bandung Conference 113, 205, 271 arahuetes, a. 451 bangladesh relations with India, argentina improvement in 202 Chinese FDI 442, 443, 459, 467, 469 banlaoi, r. 158 Chinese trade agreement 432, 436, barber, Laura 402–13 468 barcelona Process 44, 247 –8, 251–3, EU FDI 450, 452, 453 255 –6, 287, 319, 351–2 EU as trading partner 446, 449–50, barton, benjamin 371–401 479 basave, J. 456 in G20 458 BASIC group (brazil, South africa, import barriers 479 India and China), and climate import-substitution industrialization change 197 26 bassiri Tabrizi, a. 334 portfolio investment 31 bava, Ummu Salma 177–85 privatization reversal pressure 455 baviera, a. 135 aris, S. 125 bean, r. 21 armony, a. 477 beaud, M. 33 arroba, a. 438 bechle, K. 151, 152, 163 aSEan beeson, M. 37, 128 and burma see burma/Myanmar belkaïd, a. 240 and human security, aSEan belligoli, S. 41, 42, 51, 383 and aSEan regional Forum ben Porat, G. 261, 262 (arF) benabdallah, Y. 312 and China 125, 126, 129 bergenäs, J. 333, 335 economic relations with EU and berger, b. 405 China see EU-aSEan and berkofsky, a. 81, 82, 83 China-aSEan economic beurdeley, L. 250, 253, 254 relations beuret, M. 51, 403 regional Forum 136, 139, 198, 205 bhagwati, J. 484 US-aSEan annual summits, China, bianco, L. 44 rise and impact 132 bin, S. 468 asia bisley, n. 131, 132 Central asia see Central asia blockmans, S. 330 engagement, China compared blustein, P. 52 to EU borger, J. 408 and historical links between China, bossuyt, Fabienne 210–35 EU and developing world see bouhou, K. 240 historical links between China, bowker, r. 394 EU and developing world, asia bozdémir, M. 265 see also individual countries bozorgmehr, n. 330 asian financial crisis effects see under bradford, C. 31 financial crises braeckman, C. 41 Jan Wouters, Jean-Christophe Defraigne and Matthieu Burnay - 9781783477340 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 09/23/2021 10:50:40PM via free access Index 503 brainard, L. 32 burma/Myanmar and human security branigan, T. 408 146–73 brant, P. 408, 409 Chinese respect for political braudel, F. 19, 20 independence 153, 160 brautigam, D. 377, 378, 382, 383, 384, drug-trafficking 155, 161–2 385 foreign aid and diplomatic ties, brazil improvements in 167 and brICS membership 181 fuel price protests 154–5 Chinese FDI 442, 443, 444, 459–60, future directions 167 467, 469 human rights record 154, 162 Chinese foreign policy, key role in main political developments since 476–9 independence 153–5 Chinese trade agreement 429, 432, national Human rights 436, 438, 468, 471, 472, 475, 488 Commission 167 climate change 197 non-intervention and anti-colonial EU FDI 32, 450, 452, 453 norms 152 EU as trading partner 446, 447, pro-democracy protests, effects of 449–50, 485, 487 154 FDI in Europe 455, 456 refugee flows 155 in G20 458 sovereignty, divergent views on IbSa Dialogue Forum 200, 206 151–3 import-substitution industrialization burma/Myanmar and human security, 26 aSEan and aSEan regional and Iran nuclear programme 329, Forum (arF) 147–50 339 burma/Myanmar’s entry into bregolat obiols, E. 271 aSEan, effects of 157–8 breman, J. 410 Chinese relations 158–9 breslin, S. 128 confidence-building mechanisms brewster, D. 198 (CbMs) and trust 148, 149 brICS (brazil, russia, India, China conflict resolution measures 150 and South africa) membership counter-terrorism measures and 181, 184, 206 need for cooperation 150 see also individual countries Disaster relief Desk-top Exercises bridges, b. 89, 100, 112, 114 149–50 bristow, M. 478 EU-aSEan Free Trade agreement brunel, S. 40, 41 failure 157 brzezinski, Z. 247 history of 147–8 brzoska, M. 336 peace promotion methods 148, 149, buente, M. 167, 168 150 bull, b. 327, 335 under-institutionalization 148–9 bunyanunda, M. 153, 154, 157, 159, burma/Myanmar and human security, 162, 165, 166 aSEan countries’ policies 161–6 burma/Myanmar aSEan chairmanship 163–4 as Chinese client state 135 aSEan Inter-Parliamentary Caucus Chinese FDI 110 and human rights demands 163 gas pipeline 110 aSEan Intergovernmental loss as substantive Chinese client Commission on Human rights 130–31 (aICHr) 164–5 Myitsone Dam project cancellation ‘asian values’ debate by aSEan 134 states 157 Jan Wouters, Jean-Christophe Defraigne and Matthieu Burnay - 9781783477340 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 09/23/2021 10:50:40PM via free access 504 China, the European Union and the developing world challenges to 165–6 Cabestan, J.-P. 47, 272 drug smuggling concerns 161–2 Calmettes, J. 41 ‘enhanced interaction’ strategy 163 Camarena, a. 492 ‘flexible engagement’ 162–3, 166 Cambodia human rights violations 162 aSEan entry 129 isolationism concerns and as Chinese client state 135 ‘constructive engagement’ Chinese investment 109–10, 117 161–2, 166 EU food security programs 112 and political heterogeneity 161, protected areas and national parks, 165 sold to China 134 burma/Myanmar and human security, Camroux, David 124–45 Chinese relations 158–61 Cannizzaro, E. 183 and aSEan regional Forum Capie, D. 136, 151, 152 (arF) 158–9 Carbone, M. 28 and cross-border crime 160 Carlson, a. 128 regional multilateralism, benefits of Carnegy, H. 288 159 Carranza, M. 473 security and commercial interests Casarini, n. 37 159–60 Castel, v. 305, 318 ‘soft intervention’ policy 160–61 Central america, EU FTa 447–8 and territorial disputes in South see also Latin america China Sea 159 Central asia engagement, China and Un Security Council national compared to EU 210–35 reconciliation call 160 Central asia engagement, China burma/Myanmar and human security, compared to EU, China EU relations 155–8, 166 2000s and emergence of all-round asia-Europe Meeting (aSEM) and player 230–31 Plan of action 156 aid flows 218, 222–5 asian financial crisis, effects of aid flows, perceived benefits of 225 157–8 bilateral agreements 231 ‘asian values’ debate by aSEan confidence-building measures 229 states 157 economic cooperation, increased burma/Myanmar’s entry into 215, 230–31 aSEan, effects of 157–8 energy market 215–16 economic development and capacity- enterprise groups 215 building measures 156 foreign direct investment 217–18 EU and human rights-related norms free economic zones (FEZs), 151–3 establishment of 215 EU Troika visit 157–8 as key security actor 229–30 and EU-aSEan Free Trade preferential loan system 218 agreement failure 157 security considerations 214 food security programs 112 separatist movements in Xinjiang, human rights and democracy clauses containment of 230 and policy of conditionality Shanghai Cooperation organization 156–7 (SCo) 230, 231 and human rights standards 157 Shanghai Five forum 229–30 burnay, Matthieu 1–16, 160 soft loans 223–4 butler-Thomas, v. 24, 26, 27, 28 trade with 213–16 butt-Philip, a. 469 transport infrastructure and buzan, b. 126 extraction industries 218, 225 Jan Wouters, Jean-Christophe Defraigne and Matthieu Burnay - 9781783477340 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 09/23/2021 10:50:40PM via free access Index 505 Central asia engagement, China Cha, v. 36 compared to EU, EU Chagnollaud, J.-P. 264 aid flows 219–22, 223 Chan, S. 109, 124 aid flows, additional funding 222 Chanda, n. 100 aid flows, impact assessment 219–20 Chandler, a. 25 aid flows, USaID comparison 220 Chandy, L.
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