THE PRIMARY SOURCE The Journal of Conservative Thought at Tufts University SM Volume XVI Number 1 VERITAS SINE DOLO August 27, 1997 Tufts 2001 A Jumbo Odyssey INSIDE: A HISTORY OF P.C. ON THE HILL COLLEGE AND YOUR WALLET BLACK AND WHITE AT TUFTS CAMPUS WHO’S WHO DIVERSITY-MAN: THE LEFT’S NEWEST SUPER-HERO YOUR REAL ORIENTATION TUFTS 2001 Don’t Just Join the Crowd THE SOURCE Join THE PRIMARY SOURCE RECRUITMENT MEETING: Tuesday, September 9, 8:45PM Zamparelli Room (112 Campus Center), or call Keith at 391-2466 Please feel welcome to visit our production office in Curtis Hall the weekend of September 6 Parents: What’s 30 bucks after 30 grand? Everything You Always Wanted to Know About * *But*But EveryoneEveryone ElseElse WasWas AfraidAfraid toto TellTell YouYouSMTufts Celebrating 15 years Get the finest (not to mention most forthright and telling) account of affairs at Tufts and elsewhere delivered to your doorstep. For a tax-deductible contribution of $30 or more you can receive a full academic year’s subscription (13 issues) via first class delivery. YES, I’ll gladly support Tufts’ Journal of Conservative Thought!SM Enclosed is my contribution in the amount of $ . Name Make checks payable to: THE PRIMARY SOURCE Address Mayer Campus Center Tufts University Here’s to 15 more City, State, ZIP Medford, MA 02155 2 THE PRIMARY SOURCE, AUGUST 27, 1997 THE PRIMARY SOURCE The Journal of Conservative Thought at Tufts UniversitySM Vol. XVI No. 1 August 27, 1997 D E P A R T M E N T S From the Editor 4 Why we’re here. Letters to the Editor 5 Correspondence from a SOURCE favorite. Commentary 6 What two Tufts profs have in common with We’re Talking Vulva. Fortnight in Review 8 A PC speech guide, a felon with a pleasant manner, and “Labor’s Back!” Notable and Quotable 24 page 12 A R T I C L E S Cajones, Por Favor 10 by Jeff Bettencourt Jesse Helms or Bill Weld? There’s only room enough for one in this country. The Leaning Tower of PC 15 by Jessica Schupak Political correct, academic neglect— learning in a multi-culty land. A Vision Beyond Your Wallet 17 by Micaela Dawson How will students benefit from Tufts’s long-overdue wasteful-spending cuts? Green Capitalism— Fantasy or Reality? 19 by Ananda Gupta THE SOURCE’s resident libertarian finds strange bedfellows in the Sierra Club. Straight Talk on Race 21 page 15 by Colin Kingsbury Tufts has a race-relations problem? And beware of that falling sky. SPECIAL SECTION Who’s Who and What’s What at Tufts University 11 Bumbling around aimlessly through Orientation? We’ve conveniently crammed everything you need to know about Tufts onto one page. The Wild and Correct Adventures of Diversity-Man 12 Swinging from the basement of Eaton with a firm resolve to vanquish dissent and free thought, The left’s latest and greatest super-hero! Re-Orientation 1997 14 Trust us: college is only like summer camp for the first couple of days. Here’s the schedule right from the President’s wastebasket. page 21 THE PRIMARY SOURCE, AUGUST 27, 1997 3 THE PRIMARY SOURCE FROM THE EDITOR THE JOURNAL OF CONSERVATIVE THOUGHT AT TUFTS UNIVERSITY on’t expect to hear too many chal- American Center Director Linell Keith Levenberg Dlenging questions tossed at panel- Yugawa and African-American Center Editor-in-Chief ists on “Many Stories, One Commu- Director Todd McFadden were fabu- nity.” And don’t think any attendees of lous caricatures of leftist-academic “Why ‘No’ Means ‘No’: Respecting gobbledygook. Ms. Yugawa kind- CAMPUS ISSUES Choices” will tell Womyn’s Collective heartedly reassured the student that it Colin Kingsbury / Editor Director Peggy Barrett that they are was okay to be white while graciously quite capable of understanding snappy offering a pamphlet on “the formation NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL ISSUES answers to stupid questions without the of white racial identity.” Audience mem- Micaela Dawson / Editor help of the PC Sex Police, thank you bers looked on in befuddlement. Some very much. In fact, expect to see the other challenging questions were majority of freshmen observing the asked— most of some substance, none ARTS AND GRAPHICS administration’s unwritten Orientation particularly probing— until the panel- Ian Popick / Editor rules: “Sit down. Shut up. And don’t ists seemed to declare a minor victory think.” and conclude the ordeal. Yet even these PRODUCTION Walnut Hill’s PC contingent is bank- leaders- and advisors-to-be were hesi- Jeff Bettencourt / Manager ing on the fact that the Class of 2001 will tant to question the diversity gods; stu- be too dazed by its sudden entrance into dents hand-picked by the University to the ivory tower to put up much of a fight. introduce college life to freshmen had BUSINESS Nobody feels comfortable making not yet mastered the fine art of free Ananda Gupta / Manager waves— much less raising hell— im- inquiry. mediately after being thrust into an un- The multicultural mavens are well CONTRIBUTORS familiar environment. But year after year aware of the power they wield and the the Correct mistake silence for compli- intimidation that accompanies it. They Julie Rockett / Tracey Seslen ance, assuming that each class passively know that if this lackluster resistance is Michael Beethan / Aimee Peschel accepts their programming just because the most subversive behavior they elicit Nathan Holtey / Naveen Malwal nobody— except, of course, THE from an audience of highly motivated Paul Krieger SOURCE— stands athwart Orientation upperclassmen, they need not fear dis- yelling, “Stop!” sent from wary freshmen. It is this But it doesn’t sink in quite so easily. Orwellian mastery of authority that en- Even moderate-to-left-leaning Jumbos abled the PC pack to conclude its hostile Jessica Schupak / Editor Emerita who accept the core tenets of takeover of the university, entrenching multiculturalism have trouble convinc- themselves in the administration and ing themselves of the doctrine’s more faculty of virtually every elite institu- FOUNDERS Brian Kelly / Dan Marcus radical implications. This almost-sub- tion in the nation. conscious resistance manifested itself at Students that dare oppose the PC this year’s diversity panel for Explora- agenda know they are not merely going THE PRIMARY SOURCE IS A NON-PROFIT, STUDENT tions and Perspectives leaders, in which against the grain but uttering a funda- PUBLICATION OF T UFTS U NIVERSITY. THE OPINIONS EXPRESSED student after student cautiously poked at mental blasphemy that undermines the IN ARTICLES, FEATURES, PHOTOS, CARTOONS, OR ADVERTISE- the fragile ideological bubbles surround- core tenets on which leftism— and our MENTS ARE SOLELY THOSE OF THE INDIVIDUAL AUTHOR(S) OR SPONSOR(S) AND DO NOT NECESSARILY REFLECT THE VIEWS OF ing Tufts’s cultural-separatism czars. modern culture— are based. THE EDITORS OR THE STAFF. OPINIONS EXPRESSED IN EDITORI- Witnessing the spectacle, I was reminded THE SOURCE is proud to do just that ALS ARE SOLELY THOSE OF THE RESPONSIBLE EDITOR. THE PRIMARY SOURCE WELCOMES ALL LETTERS. WE of Friedrich Nietzsche’s observation that every other week throughout the school RESERVE THE RIGHT TO EDIT OR TO DENY PUBLICATION TO ANY one may long stand in the shadow of an year. We do it out of respect for what the LETTER BASED ON ITS LENGTH AND/OR CONTENT. EACH AU- idea without fully grasping it. academy used to be. We do it because no THOR IS REQUIRED TO INCLUDE HIS NAME AND PHONE NUMBER. ANY LETTER TO AN INDIVIDUAL STAFF MEMBER CONCERNING One girl noted, “The theme of our ideology is so sacred that it should be WORK PUBLISHED IN THE PRIMARY SOURCE MAY BE PUB- freshman diversity panel was being dif- accepted blindly without question or LISHED ON THE LETTERS PAGE. LETTERS OF 400 WORDS OR FEWER HAVE A GREATER CHANCE OF BEING PUBLISHED. ferent, that different is good.... But you dissent. We do it because the blasphemy PLEASE DIRECT ALL CORRESPONDENCE TO: don’t acknowledge that it’s okay not to is often the very kernel of truth for [email protected] or THE PRIMARY SOURCE, be different.” Responses from Asian- which we search. —KL MAYER CAMPUS CENTER, TUFTS UNIVERSITY, MEDFORD, MASSACHUSETTS, 02155. ©1997. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 4 THE PRIMARY SOURCE, AUGUST 27, 1997 Letters THE PRIMARY SOURCE, AUGUST 27, 1997 5 Commentary students can look forward to attending another high-profile lec- Colorblind at U. Cal. ture, this one by former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Thatcher’s Downing Street record stands on its own merit, but Two years ago, the California Board of Regents took a giant some of her greatest triumphs should be highlighted here. As leap forward in the battle for true equality when it ruled that state- maverick capitalist, she spearheaded Britain’s transition from the operated professional and graduate colleges must disregard race, dark ages of socialism to a period of unprecedented free market sex, and ethnicity in admissions policies. Predictably, the new growth, privatizing countless state-controlled operations and slash- merit-based process reduced the amount of minority applicants ing cumbersome tax burdens by as much as 40%. As Iron Lady, she admitted this fall, especially at Berkeley, Davis, and Los Angeles took on Argentina in the Falklands War and withstood an IRA law schools, where the number dropped from 946 to 685. Of the assassination attempt, proving that peace through strength is not 304 blacks who applied to Boalt Hall, fourteen were offered an exclusively American success story. And as steward of a once- admission, down from 75 the previous year. None of the fourteen faltering Conservative Party, she carried an eleven-year long chose to attend Boalt, with the sole black student in last year’s coalition until stepping down in 1990.
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