Theatre Is GREAT Guide

Theatre Is GREAT Guide

40 FILM & TV PIC CREDIT OPENING LETTER WELCOME PRODUCER: JUDY CRAYMER KHQZH¿UVWRSHQHG WKDW%ULWLVKVWDJHVKRZVOLNH MAMMA MIA! back in MAMMA MIA!DWWUDFWVXFK $SULOZHUHDOO\KDG KXJHDXGLHQFHV WQRLGHDKRZWKHVKRZ 7KHPXVLFDO¶VVXFFHVVZDV ZDVJRLQJWREHUHFHLYHGDQG IROORZHGLQE\MAMMA QHYHULPDJLQHGWKHJOREDO MIA! The Movie ZKLFKKDG VXFFHVVWKDWZRXOGIROORZ7KH VXFKSKHQRPHQDOVXFFHVV DXGLHQFHVKDYHEHHQGDQFLQJ DURXQGWKHZRUOGWKDWDQ LQWKHDLVOHVHYHUVLQFHDQGWKH Judy is the DOOQHZRULJLQDOPXVLFDO VKRZKDVQRZEHHQVHHQE\ producer of DQGPXFKDQWLFLSDWHG DVWDJJHULQJPLOOLRQSHRSOHLQ MAMMA MIA! VHTXHOMAMMA MIA! She created the stage Here We Go Again ODQJXDJHVDURXQGWKHZRUOG VKRZDQGWZR¿OPV 3URGXFWLRQVVXFKDVMAMMA and has won LVQRZLQSURGXFWLRQ MIA!DUHWKHOLIHEORRGRIWKH QXPHURXV 7KH¿OPRSHQVLQ-XO\ UHXQLWLQJWKHRULJLQDO :HVW(QGDQGKDYHKHOSHG awards MAMMA MIA! VWDUVZLWKDVWHOODUFDVWRI PDNH/RQGRQWKHSRZHUKRXVH VKRZFDVHVDFDVWSDFNHG QHZDGGLWLRQVMRLQLQJWKHP RIFXOWXUHWKDWLWLVWRGD\ ZLWKWDOHQW,W¶VVRWKULOOLQJ LQFOXGLQJ&KHU$QG\*DUFLD $QGZKDW¶VPRUHWKHKXJH WRVHHWKHPUDLVLQJWKHURRI DQG/LO\-DPHV GHPDQGIRUZRUOGFODVVWKHDWUH R̆WKH1RYHOOR7KHDWUHZLWK ,W¶VEHHQDQLQFUHGLEOHMRXUQH\ LQWKHFDSLWDOFRQWLQXHVWR $%%$¶VEULOOLDQWPXVLFQLJKW VLQFHRSHQLQJLQ/RQGRQQHDUO\ JURZDQGJURZ DIWHUQLJKW,WLVDWHVWDPHQW \HDUVDJRDQGVHHLQJWKHMR\ 7KH:HVW(QGLVFXUUHQWO\LQ WRWKHSHUIRUPHUVWKDWWKH MAMMA MIA!DQGRWKHUVKRZV LPSHFFDEOHKHDOWK%R[2̇FH VKRZFRQWLQXHVWRSOD\WR EULQJWRDXGLHQFHVUHPLQGVPH UHFRUGVDUHEHLQJVPDVKHGDQG SDFNHGKRXVHVHYHU\HYHQLQJ RIRQHRIP\IDYRXULWH$%%$ WKHUDQJHRIVKRZVRQR̆HU DQG\RXRXUDXGLHQFHVNHHS O\ULFVIURPWKHVRQJThank You LVVWDJJHULQJ FRPLQJEDFNWLPHDQGWLPH for the Music: ‘Who can live $WSUHVHQWWKHSRRORI DJDLQ,WLVEHFDXVHZHVKDUH without it, I ask in all honesty/ H[FHSWLRQDOWDOHQWRQDQG WKHVDPHSDVVLRQDQG What would life be?/Without R̆VWDJHLVTXLWHLQFUHGLEOH DSSUHFLDWHRXWVWDQGLQJWDOHQW a song or a dance, what are we?¶ PARTNERS FIND YOUR MORRIS VISITOR PUBLICATIONS: Editor Kohinoor Sahota Contributors Jo Caird, Flora Neighbour, Hannah Nepil, Stuart Render, Anna Simmons Sub Editor Anna Frame Art Director Tim Benton Senior Designer Carolyn Bunt Production Melanie Needham, Dave Weeks Sales Director Rob Way Content Director Chris Johnson Publishing Director Stewart Dymock made: Managing Director Jonathan Mountford Senior Account Manager Tom Sanderson Published by Morris Visitor Publications, Samuel House, 6 St Alban’s St, London SW1Y 4SQ. Tel: 020-7242 5222 Printed by Acorn Web Offset Ltd COVER IMAGE © MATT CROCKETT; JUDY CRAYMER COURTESY OF MAMMA MIA! COURTESY CRAYMER JUDY CROCKETT; © MATT IMAGE COVER 3 FAMOUS FACES STARS ON STAGE The West End stage continues to welcome the most famous faces in the world, from Oscar winners to international movie stars Words: Flora Neighbour and Kohinoor Sahota Tell us about taking it from What aspect has been WE MEET... Broadway to the West End. the most challenging? On Broadway, the Lincoln I think conveying the King’s KEN WATANABE sense of loneliness. He needs The star of Inception and Centre is a very particular stage to keep up traditions, customs The Last Samurai is making and a very special venue. I want and government – he is always his West End debut as the King to try an authentic, traditional having to think about things. of Siam in The King and I stage in the West End. (21 Jun-29 Sep). What work are you most What drew you to the story? Do you prefer stage proud of? That’s a tough question to to screen? I can’t really compare the pieces answer. It’s a really cold world right now. Many countries are Well, I started out my career that I’ve done, though I would becoming more narrow-minded. onstage. I went to drama say that The King and I is the school, and always had a great Hostility is growing towards most special to me – this is my feeling whenever I was on stage foreigners, too, from Scotland acting. I can’t really compare ¿UVWZKROHSOD\LQ(QJOLVKDQG wanting independence to stage or screen. Right now, I’m doing it in a foreign country. µ$PHULFD¿UVW¶(YHQ-DSDQ there is a lot of amazing has changed its mindset. technology and CGI in movies I wanted to do something with – but after that goes away, live compassion and understanding acting is the best. – it is very important. Kelli O’Hara and Ken Watanabe in The King and I 4 How is it being a Japanese actor in the West End? When it comes to oriental roles, many people think of The King and I – it has an Asian actor playing a king. I will try to represent Asian feelings, the Asian mind in the 19th century DQGWKHGL̆HUHQWFXVWRPV I need to bring Asian feelings to the character. What are you most looking forward to about bringing the story to London? I like London! The story includes England – it shows an English woman going to Thailand. So I want to capture King Lear the feelings of the English people. Anna is an English woman and the audience will McKellen has said that see the show through her eyes. SIR IAN MCKELLEN the role is his ‘last big There is also a lot of humour in Few actors can boast of Shakespeare part’, but the musical, which an English working for the Royal this is now the fourth time audience may enjoy more than Shakespeare Company that the six-time Laurence the Americans. and then in a blockbuster Olivier Award winner is franchise. Sir Ian McKellen, playing the king. Directed whose illustrious career by Jonathan Munby, this spans decades, also spans version takes the tragic roles, from supervillain lead and turns him into Magneto in X-Men to a military hero as he sees Gandalf in The Lord of the his kingdom and family Rings. The legendary actor divided. If that’s not takes on one of William enticing enough, the Shakespeare’s greatest theatre is removing half of plays when he stars as the its stall seats so the actors protagonist in King Lear can roam freely, letting you (11 Jul-3 Nov) at the Duke see the legend up close. of York’s Theatre. THIS IS MY LAST BIG SHAKESPEARE PART THE KING AND I © PAUL KOLNIK; KING LEAR © MANUEL HARLAN KOLNIK; THE KING AND I © PAUL 5 FAMOUS FACES JUDFLQJRXUVFUHHQVZLWKKHU About TimeLQDQG VANESSA KIRBY ÀDZOHVVSHUIRUPDQFHDV RQVWDJHDV6WHOOD.RZDOVNL If you haven’t been hooked 3ULQFHVV0DUJDUHWLQWKHKLW LQ7HQQHVVHH:LOOLDPV¶ RQ1HWÀL[¶VRULJLQDOVHULHV GUDPDDERXWWKHOLIHRIWKH A Streetcar Named Desire. The CrownZKHUHKDYH\RX 4XHHQ6KHDOVRVWDUUHGLQ 1RZDVKHUWLPHRQ EHHQ"9DQHVVD.LUE\KDVEHHQ 5LFKDUG&XUWLV¶URPDQWLFFRPHG\ The CrownFRPHVWRDQHQG WKH/RQGRQERUQDFWUHVV Julie KDVEHHQFDVWLQWKH1DWLRQDO 7KHDWUH¶VSURGXFWLRQRIJulie 0D\$XJ 7KHSOD\IROORZV WKHZLOGDQGQHZO\VLQJOH-XOLH ZKRWKURZVDSDUW\ZKLFK GHVFHQGVLQWRDVDYDJH¿JKWIRU VXUYLYDO7KH6ZHGLVKSOD\ZULJKW $XJXVW6WULQGEHUJ¶VPDVWHUSLHFH UHPDLQVVKRFNLQJ\HWUHOHYDQW WRGD\DQGKDVEHHQDGDSWHGE\ RQHRIWKH8.¶VJUHDWHVW\RXQJ SOD\ZULJKWV3ROO\6WHQKDP SHE HAS GRACED OUR SCREENS AS PRINCESS MARGARET 3ROGDUN¶VVF\WKHIRU AIDAN TURNER DFXWWKURDWUD]RULQ ,I\RX¶UHQRWVXUHZKR$LGDQ 0DUWLQ0F'RQDJK¶V 7XUQHULVWKHQ\RXPLJKW FULWLFDOO\DFFODLPHG UHFRJQLVHKLVFKHVWZKLFK The Lieutenant of The Lieutenant of Inishmore ZDVYRWHGWKH790RPHQWRI Inishmore -XQ 2015 by Radio Times UHDGHUV 6HS 7KHVDWLUH 6HFXULQJKHDUWWKUREVWDWXV RQWHUURULVPVHHV LQPoldarkWKH,ULVKDFWRUKDV 7XUQHUSOD\0DG GHPRQVWUDWHGDGLYHUVHWDOHQW 3DGUDLFDFDWORYLQJ ZLWKUROHVVXFKDV.tOLLQThe WHUURULVWGHHPHG Hobbit5RVV3ROGDUNLQWKH WRRYLROHQWWREH %%&DGDSWDWLRQRIWKH Poldark DPHPEHURIWKH QRYHOVE\:LQVWRQ*UDKDP DQGKLVVWLQWDVWKHYDPSLUH ,5$LQWKLVKLODULRXV LQWKH79VHULHVBeing Human. REVHUYDWLRQRIYLROHQFH 7XUQHUEHJDQKLVFDUHHU LQFRQWHPSRUDU\FXOWXUH RQVWDJHDSSHDULQJLQPDQ\ 'LUHFWHGE\0LFKDHO*UDQGDJH IDYRXULWHVLQFOXGLQJThe Plough, IROORZLQJKLVSURGXFWLRQRI Romeo and Juliet and A Cry 0F'RQDJK¶VThe Cripple AIDAN SECURED from Heaven±WUHDGLQJWKH of InishmaanLQThe ERDUGVLQ,UHODQGDQG/RQGRQ Lieutenant of Inishmore HEART-THROB 1RZPDNLQJKLV:HVW(QG LVDFRPLFVWUROOWKURXJK GHEXW7XUQHULVVZDSSLQJ DYLROHQWZRUOG STATUS JULIE COURTESY OF THE NATIONAL THEATRE; AIDAN TURNER © JOHAN PERSSON AIDAN THEATRE; OF THE NATIONAL JULIE COURTESY 6 WE MEET... CUBA GOODING JR The Academy Award-winning actor makes his West End debut as suave lawyer Billy Flynn in Chicago The Musical (to 30 Jun) at the Phoenix Theatre. What made you want to come to the West End? When I think of all the roles WKDWUHDOO\D̆HFWHGP\FDUHHU – from Boyz n the Hood to The People v OJ Simpson – they were always the roles that I thought were challenging. When my agents called and VDLGµ<RX¶YHEHHQR̆HUHGD musical,’ it scared me to death. ,IWKH\R̆HUHGPHDPXVLFDO in Los Angeles, I probably wouldn’t have done it. But, Chicago The Musical because it’s in London and it’s so removed from my life, I can EHFRPSOHWHO\VHO¿VKLQWKLV +RZDUH\RX¿QGLQJ Do you have any special character. I can also connect learning the dance routines? memories about London? with an international audience Oh my goodness! Everything :KHQ,GLGP\¿UVW¿OPBoyz – and the easiest way to do that hurts. My pecs, my legs, my n the Hood, they put me up LVVSHFL¿FDOO\LQ/RQGRQ biceps. All dancing starts with at The Dorchester. Now, every core balance and strength. time I go through that lobby, What will you bring to Even though I am a lot older I always think about the start of the role of Billy Flynn? than I was when I was a dancer, my acting career. Even though People have seen Billy Flynn the muscle memory has come I’ve found other hotels that I’ve done before, so what is Cuba back so readily. IDOOHQLQORYHZLWKWKDW¿UVW Gooding Jr going to bring to Dorchester experience stands out LW",WZLOOEHDGL̆HUHQWHQHUJ\ What do you think makes as being very ‘London’ to me. with a little swagger and a certain London special? amount of soul that

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