War Or Peace

War Or Peace

1 Ādi (225) 2 Sabhā (72) युधर उवाच 3 Āranyaka (299) Yu dhis hthira said, 4 Virāta (67) yudhiṣṭhira uvāca 5 Udyoga Parva - 197 chapters 6 Bhīshma (117) 7 Drona (173) 8 Karna (69) 9 Shālya (64) War or Peace: 10 Sauptika (18) Choice or Destiny? 11 Strī (27) Udyoga Parva 12 Shānti (353) 13 Anushāsana (154) Chapter 70-77 14 Ashvamedhika (96) 15 Āshramavāsika (47) 16 Mausala (9) 17 Mahāprasthānika (3) Swami Tadatmananda 18 Svargārohana (5) Arsha Bodha Center तु त े धतराृ य अदानने रायय OKiO Kris hna, you h ave h eard wh at Dhr itarasht ra Withou t re turni ng th e ki ngd om, śrutaṁ te dhṛtarāṣṭrasya apradānena rājyasya सपुय चकषतम ् | शातमास मागित | andhid his son in ten dtd to d o. hkhe seeks peace w ith us. saputrasya cikīrṣitam śāntim asmāsu mārgati एत सकल कृ ण लध पापने मनसा OfO Krishna, all of this is Being greedy, with a sinful mind, etad dhi sakalaṁ kṛṣṇa lubdhaḥ pāpena manasā सया े मा यदवीत ् || चरसममान || as Sanjaya told me. he acts unfairly towards us. sañjayo māṁ yad abravīt (70.6) carann asamam ātmanaḥ (70.8) वाृ े राजा धतराृ प नतात दयता The o ld ki ng Dhr itarasht ra UtUnto us s hou ldbld be gi ven fi ve vṛddho rājā dhṛtarāṣṭraḥ pañca nas tāta dīyantāṁ वधम नानपयितु | ामा वा नगराण वा | dtdtdhidtdoes not understand his duty. villages or t owns. svadharmaṁ nānupaśyati grāmā vā nagarāṇivā पयवा पगु ृवान् न च तानप दााु OfOr if he does understand, due to attachment to his son But the evil-minded paśyan vā putra-gṛddhitvān na ca tān api duṣṭātmā मदयाविते शासनम ् || धातरा ाऽने मयतु े || his leadership is weak. Duryodhana did not agree to give them. mandasyānveti śāsanam (70.11) dhārtarāṣṭro 'numanyate (70.16,17) त न थम कपाे तषाै परमा काा OKiO Kris hna, our mai n int enti on It wou ld be th e great es t tatra naḥ prathamaḥ kalpo tatraiṣā paramā kāṣṭhā यय त े च माधव | राकमै यादयाे | ithtthis that the Kauravas and us oflldtf all destructi titve, terribl ibldde deeds yad vayaṁ te ca mādhava raudra-karma-kṣayodayā शाता समभूता यय कारवाहवाै should be at peace, treated fairly, if we were to kill the Kauravas praśāntāḥ sama-bhūtāś ca yad vayaṁ kauravānhatvā य तानवीमह || तािन रा ायशीमह || and enjoy the kingdom's wealth. and enjoy the kingdom. śriyaṁ tānaśnuvīmahi (70.42) tāni rāṣṭrāṇyaśīmahi (70.43) सवथा वजनृ यु त क मयसे कृ ण IllIn all ways, war iiflis sinful. OKiO Kris hna, wh at td do you thi nk sarvathā vṛjinaṁ yuddhaṁ tatra kiṁ manyase kṛṣṇa का े ितहयत े | ाकालमनतरम ् | Who can kill with out b ei ng kill ed? on this occasi on ? ko ghnan na pratihanyate prāpta-kālam anantaram हतय च षीके श कथमथा धमा And, OfO Krishna, for one who has been killed, From welfare and righteousness, how hatasya ca hṛṣīkeśa katham arthāc ca dharmāc ca समा ै जयपराजया ै || न हीयेमह माधव || victory and defeat are the same. can we avoid straying, O Krishna? samau jaya-parājayau (70.53) na hīyemahi mādhava (70.76) ीभगवानवाचु उभयारे ेव वामथे The Blessed Lord said, FthkFor the sake o f you and dth the Kauravas, śrī-bhagavānuvāca ubhayor eva vāmarthe यायाम कु ससदम ् || I will go t o th e camp of th e Kaurvavas. yāsyāmi kuru-saṁsadam (70.79) शम त लभेय चदे ् न जात गमन त Then, if I succee d i n b ri ngi ng peace GiGoing there can never śamaṁ tatra labheyaṁ ced na jātu gamanaṁ tatra युदथमहापयन ् | भवेपाथ िनरथकम ् | withou t sacr ific ing your we lfare, blObe useless, O Yu dhis hthira. yuṣmad-artham ahāpayan bhavet pārtha nirarthakam पयु म े समहाजश ् अथाि कदाचयाद् O Yudhishthira, for me it will be a great, holy deed Perhaps it will be successful, puṇyaṁ me sumahad rājaṁś artha-prāptiḥ kadācit syād चरत याहाफलम ् || अतता े वायवायता || producing great benefits. or at least we will be blameless (for having tried). caritaṁ syānmahā-phalam (70.80) antato vāpy avācyatā (70.88) भीमसेन उवाच यथा यथैव शात यात् Bhima said, The way to peace bhīmasena uvāca yathā yathaiva śāntiḥ syāt कु णा मधुसूदन | with the Kauravas, OKiO Krish na, kurūṇāṁ madhusūdana तथा तथैव भाषथाे tell them that. tathā tathaiva bhāṣethā मा युेन भीषये || Do not make them fear war. mā sma yuddhena bhīṣayeḥ (72.1) ीभगवानवाचु जासता े ह धमय The Blessed Lord said, Those w ho exami ne dh arma śrī-bhagavānuvāca jijñāsanto hi dharmasya सदधय वृकादरे | whic h i s uncert ai n, O Bhima, saṁdigdhasya vṛkodara पयाय न यवयत cannot arrive at a conclusion about paryāyaṁ na vyavasyanti दैवमानषयाु जे ना || what is due to daiva and what is due to effort. daiva-mānuṣayor janāḥ (75.5) स एव हते भवाू ह अयथा परािन Tha t whi ch i s th e cause Situa tions un derst oo d i n one way sa eva hetur bhūtvā hi anyathā paridṛṣṭāni पुषयाथसष ु | कवभदाषदशे भ | flihilfor accomplishing goals, biby wise ones wh o und dtdblerstand problems, puruṣasyārtha-siddhiṣu kavibhir doṣa-darśibhiḥ वनाशेऽप स एवाय अयथा परवतते can also cause one's destruction. can turn out differently vināśe 'pi sa evāsya anyathā parivartante सदध कम पाषमै ् || वेगा इव नभवत || (The results of) human effort is uncertain. like the changing force of the wind. saṁdigdhaṁ karma pauruṣam (75.6) vegā iva nabhasvataḥ (75.7) समत सनीत च दैवमयकृ त कम EifllEven if well-adidvise d, well -executdted, BtBut w htidhat is due to didaiva, notfftt effort, sumantritaṁ sunītaṁ ca daivam apy akṛtaṁ karma यायतापपादतमे ् | पाषै ेण वहयते | andtdbd supported by reason -- can bttdbfftbe counteracted by effort, nyāyataś copapāditam pauruṣeṇavihanyate कृ त मानुयक कम शीतमणु तथा वष deeds done by people like cold and heat, rain, kṛtaṁ mānuṣyakaṁ karma śītam uṣṇaṁ tathā varṣaṁ दैवनापे वयते || पपास े च भारत || can be opposed by daiva. hunger and thirst, O Bhima. daivenāpi virudhyate (75.8) kṣut-pipāse ca bhārata (75.9) यदयभावय लाकये नायता े वृ Also, o ther things done IthIn the world ldthi, there is no oth er way yad anyad diṣṭa-bhāvasya lokasya nānyato vṛttiḥ पुषय वयतम ् | पाडवाय कमण | bbjttby a person subjectृ to didaiva excepttiOt action, O Bhima. puruṣasya svayaṅ-kṛtam pāṇḍavānyatra karmaṇaḥ तादनवराधे एवबु वतते can be unopposed by that daiva. With this understanding, one should act tasmād anavarodhaś ca evam-buddhiḥ pravarteta वत े त लणम् || फल यादभयावयातु ् || This is the nature (of daiva and effort). and receive results due to both (daiva and effort). vidyate tatra lakṣaṇam (75.10) phalaṁ syād ubhayānvayāt (75.11) य एव कृ तबु सन् ाभे ूत े धतराृ य OithhidOne with such wisdom TtTomorrow, to Dhr itarasht ra 's ya evaṁ kṛta-buddhiḥ san śvobhūte dhṛtarāṣṭrasya कमव ेव वतत े | समीप ाय पाडव | whitiho engages in action palace I w ill go, O Bhima, karmasv eva pravartate samīpaṁ prāpya pāṇḍava नासा ै यथत े तय यितये शम कत will not be disturbed by failure and strive for peace nāsiddhau vyathate tasya yatiṣye praśamaṁ kartuṁ न सा ै हषमत े || युदथमहापयन् || or elated by success. without sacrificing your welfare. na siddhau harṣam aśnute (75.12) yuṣmad-artham ahāpayan (75.15) शम चे े करयत त े चेदभिनवयते If th ey agree t o peace, BtifthBut if they are s tbbtubborn śamaṁ cet te kariṣyanti te ced abhinivekṣyanti तताऽनते यशा े मम | नायुपैयत म े वच | then grea t g lory w ill b e mi ne. anddd do no t agree to my proposa l, tato 'nantaṁ yaśo mama nābhyupaiṣyanti me vacaḥ भवता च कृ त कामस् कु रवा े युमेवा Your desire will be fffulfilled the Kauravas will then bhavatāṁ ca kṛtaḥ kāmas kuravo yuddham evātra तषाे च ेय उमम् || राै कम भवयित || and the greatest good will come to them. engage in a frightful war. teṣāṁ ca śreya uttamam (75.16) raudraṁ karma bhaviṣyati (75.17) अजनु उवाच तव वा त म े वाु AjArjuna said, HiHaving litdtlistened to your s tttatement s, arjuna uvāca tava vākyaṁ tu me śrutvā ितभाित परतप | OKiO Kris hna, it seems pratibhāti parantapa नवै शमम व that peace cannot be gained naiva praśamam atra tvaṁ मयसे सकर भाे || easily in your opinion. manyase sukaraṁ prabho (76.1,2) अफल मयसे चाप ीभगवानवाचु You cons ider to be i neff ecti ve The Blessed Lord said, aphalaṁ manyase cāpi śrī-bhagavānuvāca पुषय परामम् | the e ffort s o f a person, puruṣasya parākramam न चातरेण कमाण but also without efforts, na cāntareṇa karmāṇi पाषै ेण फलादये || nothing is accomplished. pauruṣeṇa phalodayaḥ (76.3) एवमेतहाबाहाे े ह रसव O AjArjuna, thus it is A fer tile, c lean fi e ld evam etan mahābāho kṣetraṁ hi rasavac chuddhaṁ यथा वदस पाडव | कषक े णापपादतमे ् | as you say.

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