~ . ; .. l ' " REPORT OF THE COUNCIL OF THE UNITED NATIONS UNIVERSITY GENERAL ASSEMBLY OFFICIAL RECORDS: THIRTIETH SESSION SUPPLEMENT No. 31 (A/10031) ,,175 UNITED NATIONS REPORT OF THE COUNCIL OF THE UNITED NATIONS UNIVERSITY GENERAL ASSEMBLY OFFICIAL RECORDS: THIRTIETH SESSION SUPPLEMENT No. 31 {A/10031) UNITED NATIONS New York, 1975 NOTE Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters combined with figures. Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference to a United Nabons document. {Original: Englis~ CONTENTS Paragraphs INTRODUCTION ....... 0 1 - 2 1 PART ONE: FOURTH SESSION OF THE COUNCIL . 3 - 31 2 I. Introduction ... 0 • • 3 - 6 2 11. Adoption of the agenda •. 7 3 Ill. Election of officers .•. 8 3 IV. Work of the fourth session . 9 - 29 4 V. Arrangements for the fifth session .. ~ 30 9 VI. Other questions 31 9 PART TWO: FIFTH SESSION OF THE COUNCIL 32 - 67 10 I. Introduetion ....... 32 10 11. Meetings of the Committees of the Council 33 - 34 10 Ill. Adoption of the agenda . 0 35 10 IV 0 Work of the fifth session 36 - 59 11 Vo Arrangements for the sixth and seventh sessions 60 61 17 VI. Other questions 62 - 67 18 ANNEXES Io A. List of participants in the fourth session of the Council. 20 B. List of participants in the fifth session of the Council 21 11. Composition of the Comnlittees . .. .. .. 23 Ill. Comments of the Executive Director of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research on the relationship between UNITAR and the United Nations University •.•. 24 -iii- CONTENTS (continued) IV. Comments of the Rector of the United Nations University on the relationship between UNITAR and the United Nations University .•..••• . .. 27 V. Rules of procedure of the Council of the United Nations University ••••...•.•. .. .. 28 VI. Resolution adopted by the Council of the United ~ations University at its fourth session 34 -iv- INTRODUCTION l. In accordance with article IV, paragraph 4 (h), of the Charter of the United Nations University (see A/9l49/Add.2), the Secretary-General has the honour to transmit to the General Assembly at its thirtieth session the report of the Council of the United Nations Uni7ersity on the work of the University. 2. The present report covers the work of the Council of the United Nations University at its fourth session, held in Tokyo from 20 to 24 January 1975 (l8th to 25th meetings), and at its fifth session, held in New York from 24 to 26 June 1975 (26th to 30th meetings). -l- PART ON};; Fourth session of the Council ~d (Held lfl 'I'()~:~9_ from 20 to 21+ <lanu.ar.y 197)) I. INTRODUCTION 3. In accordance with its decision of 10 October 1974, taken at the t:1ird session, the Council of the United Nations University held its fourth session in Tokyo from 20 to 24 January 1975, it was attended by 21 members of the Council, three ex officio members and ~IT. James M. Hester, who had been designated as Rector by the Secretary-General, in conformity with article V, paragraph 1 of the Charter of the United IJations University (see A/9149/Add.2), on 22 November 1974. The list of participants appears in annex lA. The secretariat of the session was provided by the United Nations and the staff of the United Nations University Centre in Tokyo. 4. The session was opened with a formal inauguration ceremony (18th meeting) attended by the Prime Minister of Japan. The opening remarks were made by Dr. Roger Gaudry, Chairman of the Council of the United Nations University, followed by a speech by the Prime Minister of Japan. The Chairman announced that a sum of ~US 20 million, representing the first instalment of the contribution of the' Government of Japan, had been pai.d to the United Nations University earlier that day. In his statement the Prime Minister stressed the importance of the United Nations University at a time when international co-operation was urgently required. He als~ emphasized that a stable financial foundation, based on contributions from a number of Governments, was a prerequisite for the University to have a truly international character. Following the Prime Minister's speech the Council observed a minute of silence in memory of the late Secretary-General of the United Nations, U Thant, who pioneered the idea of the United Nations University. Addresses by the Chairman of the Council and the Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) were then delivered. The Under--Secretary--General for Inter-Agency Affairs and Co-ordination read the message of the Secretary-General" followed by statements by the Rector and ":;he Executive Director of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). All these statements reflected high hopes for the future accomplishments of the University and recognized the great contribution made by the Government of Japan in rendering the establishment of the University possible. They also stressed the importance of the fourth session of the Council in its consideration of the actual programme priorities and establishment of criteria concerning the University's future activities. The texts of the above-mentioned statements are repl duced in annex 11 of document A/AC,169/L.2. 5. Following the inauguration ceremony, the members of the Council were received by His Majesty the Emperor at the Imperial Palace. Crown Prince Al~ihito also attei.lded the reception. ,6. In the afternoon (19th meeting), the Chairman introduced a new member of the Council, Mr. Yoshinori Haeda, who had been appointed after the resignation of Mr. Motoo Ogiso. Mr. Maeda will serve for the balance of his predecessor's term. The members expressed their gratitude to I'lr. Ogisofor his important role in the realization of the University and welcomed lftr. Maeda. -2- 11. ADOPTION OF TH~ AGB~DA 7. The Council adopted the following agenda at its 19th meeting, on 20 January 1975: 1. Inauguration ceremony 2. Adoption of the agenda in L, 3. Election of the Chairman and the Vice-Chairrren the ~74. 4. Terms of appointment of the Rector was 5. Report on the financing, operations and planning of the United Nations University 6. Org~nization requirements 7. Programms priorities shat 8. Criteria for establishing research and training centres 1 of 9. Criteria for establishing co-operative links between the University and certain international non-governmental organizations c1y 10. Association of young scholars with the work of the University 3ity ;h 11. Policy considerations for support to institutions and scholars in ral developin0 countries L of 12. Financial statement i 13. Adoption of the report on the fourth session cs by ining 14. Date and place of the next session lIre by 15. Other questions. ible. 3. Ill. ELECTION OF OFFICERS ned 8. In accordance with rule 8 of the rules of procedure of the Council of the United Nations University, the Council then considered agenda item 3 (Election of eived the Chairman and the Vice-Chairmen). The Council unanimously re-elected ~tr. Gaudry as Chairman, and Messrs. Habte, Kaddoura, Lowbeer, Parthasarathi p.nd Urquidi as Vice-Chairmen. the erm. the -3- IV. WORK OF THE FOURTH SESSION Secr cons Q. The representative of the Secretary-General gave a report on the financing New operationa and planning of the University (agenda item 5). He referred with disc gratitude to the contribution by the Government of Japan to the University in c endolv.ment fund in the amount of $US 20 million and expressed appreciation of the the contribution made by the Government of Senegal as an indication of the commitment the of that Government to the purposes and objectives of the University. In this poss connexion he referred to General Assembly resolution 3313 (XXIX) of its c 14 December 1974, in which the Assembly requested the Secretary-General, in 21 J co-operation with the Rector and the Council of the United Nations University, to intensify his efforts to raise the funds required for the dynamic development 13. of the University from Governments and non-governmental sources, including Counc foundations, universities and individuals. He also reported that the Tokyo Centre He e office was opened on 2 December 1974; the plan for it was discussed during the the third session of the Council in October. This office was manned by a short-term and t advance team of administrative personnel to set up the basic personnel, financial high­ and legal operations of the University. He a of t' 10. It was proposed by the representative of the Secretary-General that the limit Council approve the establishment of an endowment fund, the income from which Univ would be used to meet the operating expenses of the University. Several members the of the Council suggested that, in addition to the endowment fund, an expendable modi fund be establishea. to receive com.. ributions which could be used for the operations of the University. The establishment of the endowment fund was unanimously 14. approved by the Council. recr not 11. The Council then took up agenda item 4 (Terms of appointment of the Rector). was ~rr. Hester was absent during the discussion. The Council considered a document prob on the proposed salary and entitlements of the Rector. In the discussion, the recr terms of appointment were examined in comparison with the equivalent posts of furt universities, institutions and international organizations. It was noted that the Secretary-General of the United Nations regarded the grade of Under-Secretary­ 15. General as appropriate for this post. The Chairman reported that in view of the a n high cost of housing in the Tokyo area, wLich is the duty station of the Rector, Vice­ the Government of Japan had decided to make an appropriate financial provision form towards housing for the Rector of the University as a provisional measure until to be permanent housing is provided.
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