The Faculty Reading Lists for Part I papers are revised annually. In designing examinations, setters take into account reading lists operative during a two-year period. HISTORICAL TRIPOS PART I PAPER 12 EUROPEAN HISTORY 776 B.C. - A.D. 69 FACULTY BOOKLIST (2018–19 version) PAPER 12: EUROPEAN HISTORY, 776 BC – AD 69 This paper covers the history of the ancient world in the Mediterranean region over eight centuries. There are two main points of focus: Classical Greece of the fifth and fourth centuries BC, and Republican and early Imperial Rome from the turn of the third century BC to the mid- first century AD. The bibliographies which follow concentrate on key items aimed at providing suggestive and interesting introductions to the various topics and the issues and controversies they involve. They cut across rather than duplicate the division of material that is reflected in the organisation of the lectures. They are unashamedly selective; deliberately not exhaustive. Taken together, they should give some idea of what this paper has to offer, and of the sheer fascinating variety of issues which confront any historian of the ancient world. PAPER 12 - RECOMMENDED READING LIST NB Primary sources are not listed separately in the bibliographies which follow; most are easily available in translation in Penguin Classics, Oxford World Classics, or the Loeb Classical Library; the latter is available on-line, as indeed are many other ancient sources. A GREEK HISTORY A1. General & introductory a) Sourcebooks M. Dillon and L. Garland, Ancient Greece: Social and Historical Documents from Archaic Times to the Death of Socrates, 3rd edn. (London, 2010) M. Crawford and D. Whitehead, Archaic and Classical Greece. A Selection of Ancient Sources in Translation (Cambridge, 1983) C. Fornara, From archaic times to the end of the Peloponnesian War (Cambridge, 1983) P. Harding, From the end of the Peloponnesian War to the Battle of Issus (Cambridge, 1985) P.J. Rhodes The Greek City States (Cambridge, 2007) P.J. Rhodes and R. Osborne Greek Historical Inscriptions 404–323 BC (Oxford, 2003) R. Osborne and P.J. Rhodes Greek Historical Inscriptions 478–404 BC (Oxford, 2017) b) Monographs and papers The Cambridge Ancient History 2nd ed. Vols. 5 and 6, (ed. D.M. Lewis, et al.) (Cambridge, 1992) P. Cartledge ed., The Cambridge Illustrated History of Ancient Greece, (Cambridge and New York, 1998). P. Cartledge, The Greeks: A Portrait of Self and Others, 2nd ed. (Oxford, 2002) JACT The World of Athens Revised edition (Cambridge, 2008) O. Murray and S. Price ed., The Greek City from Homer to Alexander (Oxford, 1990) J. Ober, The Rise and Fall of Classical Greece (Princeton, 2015) R. Osborne ed., Classical Greece (Oxford Short History of Europe, vol.1) (Oxford, 2000) R. Osborne, Greek History: The Basics (London, 2014) A2. Archaic Greece J. Hall, A history of the archaic Greek world: ca. 1200-479 BCE. (London, 2007) O. Murray, Early Greece (London, 1993) R. Osborne, Greece in the Making, c.1200-479 B.C. 2nd edn. (London, 2009) A. Snodgrass, Archaic Greece: the age of experiment (London, 1980) N. Fisher and H. van Wees ed., Archaic Greece: new approaches and new evidence (London, 1998) H.A. Shapiro (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Archaic Greece (Cambridge, 2007) L.H. Jeffery, Archaic Greece. The City-States, c.700-500 B.C. (London, 1976) A3. Athenian Democracy a) Sourcebooks J.M. Moore Aristotle and Xenophon on Democracy and Oligarchy 2nd ed., (London, 1983) R. Osborne Athenian Democracy LACTOR 5 (London, 2014) R. Osborne The Old Oligarch: Ps.-Xenophon’s Constitution of the Athenians LACTOR 2 3rd edn. (London, 2017) b) Monographs and papers C. Carey Democracy in Classical Athens (Bristol, 2000) J.K. Davies Democracy and Classical Greece 2nd ed. (London, 1993) M.I. Finley Politics in the Ancient World, (Cambridge, 1983) ------------- Democracy Ancient and Modern 2nd ed., (London, 1985) ------------- 'The Athenian demagogues' Past and Present 1962 reprinted in M I Finley Studies in Ancient Society (1975) ch.1, and in Democracy Ancient and Modern 2nd ed. S. Forsyke, Exile, Ostracism and Democracy: The Politics of Expulsion in Ancient Greece (Princeton, 2005) M.H. Hansen, The Athenian Democracy in the Age of Demosthenes: Structure, Principles and Ideology (Oxford, 1991) D. Kamen Status in Classical Athens (Princeton, 2013) N. Loraux The invention of Athens (Harvard, 1986) J. Ober Mass and Elite in Democratic Athens: Rhetoric, Ideology and the Power of the People (Princeton, 1989) ---------, Political Dissent in Democratic Athens (Princeton, 1998) ch. 1-2. R. Osborne Demos: The Discovery of Classical Attika (Cambridge, 1985) R. Osborne, Athens and Athenian Democracy (Cambridge, 2010) R. Osborne and S. Hornblower ed., Ritual, Finance, Politics. Athenian Democratic Accounts presented to David Lewis (Oxford, 1994) K. Raaflaub 'Perceptions of democracy in fifth-century Athens' in J. Rufus Fears ed. Aspects of Athenian Society (Copenhagen, 1985) ch.2. K. Raaflaub, J. Ober and R. Wallace (eds), Origins of Democracy in Ancient Greece (Berkeley, 2007) P.J. Rhodes, ed Athenian Democracy Edinburgh Readings on the Ancient World (Edinburgh, 2004) R.K. Sinclair Democracy and participation in classical Athens (Cambridge, 1988) I.F. Stone The Trial of Socrates (London 1988) with S.C. Todd 'The journalist, the academic and the trial of Socrates', Polis 8 (1989) 28-48 R. Thomas Oral tradition and written record in classical Athens (Cambridge, 1989) 196-237 A4. Delian League/Athenian Empire a) Sourcebooks R. Osborne ed., The Athenian Empire LACTOR 1 (4th edition) (London, 2000) b) Monographs and papers P. Low ed., The Athenian Empire (Edinburgh, 2008) P.J. Rhodes The Athenian Empire (Greece & Rome New Surveys in the Classics 17, Oxford 1985) R. Meiggs The Athenian Empire (Oxford, 1972; corrected ed. 1979) J. Ma, N. Papazarkadas & R. Parker (eds.) Interpreting the Athenian Empire (London, 2009). L. Nixon and S. Price 'The Size and Resources of Greek Cities' in O. Murray and S. Price ed.,The Greek City from Homer to Alexander (Oxford, 1990) pp 137-70. P. Brunt 'Athenian Settlement Abroad in the Fifth Century B.C.', in his Studies in Greek History and Thought (Oxford, 1993), ch.5. G.E.M. de Ste. Croix 'The Character of the Athenian Empire', Historia 3 (1954) 1-41 M.I. Finley 'The Fifth-century Athenian Empire: A Balance Sheet', in P.D.A. Garnsey & C.R. Whittaker eds., Imperialism in the Ancient World (Cambridge, 1978) (reprinted in M.I. Finley Economy and Society in Ancient Greece ed. B.D. Shaw and R. P. Saller, (London, 1981) ch.3. G.T. Griffith 'Athens in the Fourth Century', in Garnsey Imperialism ch.4 D.M. Lewis 'The Athenian Coinage Decree', in I. Carradine ed., Coinage and Administration in the Administration in the Athenian and Persian Empires BAR International Series 343 (Oxford 1987) pp. 53-63 T. Figuera, The Power of Money: Coinage and Politics in the Athenian Empire (Philadelphia, 1998) H. Mattingly 'Epigraphy and the Athenian Empire', Historia 41 (1992) 129-38 J. Cargill The Second Athenian League: Empire or Free Alliance? (Berkeley, 1981). A5. Athens and the Ideology of Empire D. Boedeker and K. Raaflaub ed., Democracy, Empire and the Arts (Cambridge, Mass., 1998) L. Burn 'The art of the state in fifth-century Athens', in M.M. Mackenzie & C. Roueché, ed. Images of Authority: Papers presented to Joyce Reynolds on the occasion of her seventieth birthday Cam. Philological Society Supp. Vol.16, (1989) pp. 62-81 D. Castriota Myth, Ethos and Actuality: Official Art in fifth-century Athens, (1992) S. Goldhill 'The Great Dionysia and civic ideology', in J.J. Winkler & F.I. Zeitlin ed., Nothing to do with Dionysus? Athenian Drama in its Social Context (Princeton, 1990), pp. 97-129 E. Hall Inventing the Barbarian: Greek Self-definition through Tragedy, (Oxford, 1989) I. Jenkins The Parthenon Frieze, (London 1994) J. Neils ed., Goddess and Polis: The Panathenaic Festival of Ancient Athens (1992) J. Neils The Parthenon Frieze (Cambridge, 2001) R. Osborne 'Framing the centaur: reading fifth-century architectural sculpture', in S. Goldhill and R. Osborne, ed., Art and Text in Ancient Greek Culture (Cambridge 1994) ch.3 -------------, 'Democracy and Imperialism in the Panathenaic Procession: The Parthenon Frieze and its Context', in W.D.E. Coulson, O. Palagia et.al., ed., The Archaeology of Athens and Attica under the Democracy Oxbow Monographs 37, (Oxford, 1994), pp. 143-50; (reprinted in Osborne Athens and Athenian Democracy (Cambridge 2010) C.J. Tuplin 'Imperial tyranny: some reflections on a Classical Greek political metaphor', in P.A. Cartledge & F.D. Harvey ed., Crux: Essays presented to G.E.M. de Ste. Croix on his 75th Birthday, (London, 1985) A6. Thucydides P.A. Brunt 'Introduction to Thucydides', in his Studies in Greek History and Thought (Oxford, 1993) G.E.M. de Ste Croix The Origins of the Peloponnesian War (London, 1972) 5–34. W.R. Connor Thucydides (Princeton, 1984) S. Hornblower Thucydides (London, 1987) ------------------,'Narratology and narrative technique in Thucydides' in S. Hornblower ed., Greek Historiography (Oxford, 1994) 131–66. L. Kallet-Marx Money, expense, and the naval power in Thucydides' History (Berkeley, 1993) C. Macleod 'Form and Meaning in the Melian Dialogue', Historia 23 (1974) 385–400 (= Collected Essays (Oxford, 1983) No.8) -------------, 'Reason and Necessity: Thucydides 3.9–14, 37–38', Jnl. of Hellenic Studies 98 (1978) 64–78 (= Collected Essays No.10) T. Rood Thucydides. Narrative and Explanation (Oxford, 1998) E. Greenwood, Thucydides and the Shaping of History (London, 2006) A. Rengakos and A. Tsakmakis ed., The Brill Companion to Thucydides (Leiden, 2006) N. Morley Thucydides and the Idea of History (London, 2014) A7. Sparta M.G.L. Cooley ed. Sparta. LACTOR 21 (London, 2017) [Sourcebook] M.I. Finley 'Sparta and Spartan Society', in his Economy and Society in Ancient Greece (London, 1981), 24–40 M Whitby ed.
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