Fiftysomething ACCENT: Alumni Association director Sunny and breezy today with highs in the mid 50s. Clear tonight with lows of 35 to 40. VIEWPOINT: Theological approaches Warmer Friday. VOL. XXI, NO. 117 THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1988 the independent newspaper serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's Student reaction to task force reports being compiled By MARK MCLAUGHLIN government be where it hap­ News Editor pens.” Their plan to collect student Student reactions to the task responses includes: force reports are being chan­ • Meeting with students in neled through student govern­ each residence hall to discuss ment and will be given to Uni­ “all aspects of each report.” versity President Father Minutes would be taken at each Edward Malloy, according to meeting and compiled into a Tom Doyle, student body pres­ report. ident. • Mailing a survey letter to all “I spoke briefly with Monk, students asking for written and he really wants student in­ responses on any aspect of the put (on the reports),” said task force reports. These Doyle. responses would also be com­ piled into a report. MORE TASK • Further advertising in The FORCE REPORTS Observer “so that the most rel­ see pages 4-5 evant and clear responses received” can be published. The means of compiling stu­ The hall meetings and stu­ dent opinions will be discussed dent survey will be managed Friday in a meeting of the Hall by student government com­ Presidents’ Council, class mittees, said Doyle. The com­ presidents, and Student mittees will be coordinated by Senators. Melissa Smith, student govern­ Student government has ment executive coordinator. already “sat down and talked Committees will consist of stu­ about a legitimate plan to col­ dent government members, he lect response on these sensitive said. issues,” said Doyle. Obtaining student response “ It’s essential that every stu­ before final exams might be a The Observer/Patrick Kusek dent have the chance to give problem, said Paese. “We’re Wheelin’ and dealin some input,” said Student Body pressed for time, so unfortun- Junior Andy Stephens of Planner contemplates pur­ held Wednesday night. The promise of low prices Vice President Mike Paese, chasing a bicycle at the Notre Dame Security auction entices many students to attend the bi-annual event. “and it’s essential that student see REPORTS, page 7 $1.25 million grant to assist minority students at ND By SUSY PASQUINELLI admissions office,” said Dean phases, said Hofman. The first special monitoring during the or engineering. They will par­ News Staff Emil Hofman, director of the is a pre-freshman year sum­ freshman year,” said Hofman. ticipate in courses approved program. “The program is for mer program. Participants Participating students will for their upper division pro­ Notre Dame has received a minority students who have come to Notre Dame for a six receive a special advisor un­gram .” $1.25 million grant for the been accepted to Notre Dame week program before their derstanding and sympathetic Balfour Hesburgh Program as incoming freshmen through freshman year. They take to the needs of a minority stu­ A final part of the program designed to attract and assist the normal means, and who three formal courses in com­ dent. includes a University minority students intending to have indicated science or munication, mathematics and A post-freshman year sum­ Headstart project, which will m ajor in m athem atics, science engineering as their college quantitative reasoning. They mer program is the third bring select groups of minority or engineering. program.” About fifteen stu­ will also be offered a basic phase. “This is for students high school students to the “Selection for participation dents will participate as learning skills program and en­ who successfully complete the campus for the pre-freshman is made from those students Balfour-Hesburgh Scholars. richment materials. freshman year and indicate an who have been accepted by the The program has four basic “The second phase involves intention to continue in science see MINORITY, page 5 Threatening caller sentenced Dukakis looks to NYC; By GREG LUCAS The case originated in which were subpoenaed by Se­ Bush meets opponents Copy Editor Bloomington where similar curity in January. Associated Press Dukakis shunned any such calls had been made to Security originally arrested talk, likening the race to a A South Bend man was sen­ Bloomington residents and In­ Jackley on Jan. 8 after question­ WISCONSIN - Michael 15-round boxing match that tenced Monday to six months diana University students, said ing him about several com­ Dukakis basked in the glow will be decided by a decision, in Monroe County Jail in con­ Rakow. plaints received from female of his unexpectedly strong rather than a knockout. “My nection with a series of threat­ According to Rakow, about students at Notre Dame, Wisconsin primary victory job is to go out now and do ening phone calls made to eight student victims from according to earlier state­ on Wednesday as he and his the very best I can in New Notre Dame and Saint Mary’s Notre Dame and Saint Mary’s ments issued by Phil Johnson, Democratic presidential York and Pennsylvania and students earlier in the year, came forward with evidence assistant director of Notre rivals pointed toward New Ohio, and those other very said Rex Rakow, director of earlier in the year. He added Dame Security. York. important primaries...” he Notre Dame Security. that the investigation docu­ Johnson said at the time that From campaign rival said as he campaigned in Donald Jackley, formerly of mented over 200 calls made all Security began investigating Jesse Jackson to party chair­ New York City. 4033 York Road, pleaded guilty over the country. the calls in October. Some­ man Paul Kirk, Dukakis There were political after­ to one felony charge of in­ Rakow said that Jackley was times the caller would phone won accolades on his Wis­ shocks on the Republican timidation, Rakow said. The not charged with the calls the student’s residence and tell consin landslide. “It puts side of the race. Monroe County prosecutor made to Notre Dame and Saint the female student that he was Dukakis in the catbird Vice President George dropped an additional charge M ary’s students because it was holding one of her parents cap­ seat,” said former party Bush, the certain nominee, of intimidation and two felony easier to trace calls to tive, according to Johnson. chairman John White, a charges of crimminal confine­ Bloomington from the Jackson supporter. see RACE, page 7 ment, said Rakow. suspect’s telephone records see THREATS, page 7 page 2 The Observer Thursday, April 7, 1988 Of Interest Procrastination is the fall of Spring “Juniors: Learn How to Fill Out the Profile Form” is the title of a presentation to be given by Paul Reynolds It’s springtime, supposedly, and I can’t even . of the Career and Placement Services office tonight at 7 enjoy the beauty of the season because all the Sandy in 123 Nieuwland Science. Juniors of all majors are strongly work I put off during my prolonged apathy in encouraged to attend. This talk will be repeated on April February has smacked me in the face. Cerimele 11, 12, and 13. -The Observer Sure, it was ironic that you had to look at pictures in the paper of people enjoying them­ Saint Mary’s Editor selves in the blinding sunlight as you used the front page to guard against this .Midwestern A BBC film on the reported apparitions of the Blessed hurricane. It’s wrong. Virgin to six youngsters in the Yugoslavian village of Med It’s like Notre Dame losing to Purdue in 1984. jugorje will be shown in the auditorium of the Hesburgh It’s wrong. Library tonight at 8. The film will be presented by Richard Does it always seem that the rain blows in A (Digger) Phelps. He and three of his players-David your face no matter which direction you are Rivers, Scott Paddock and Joe Fredrick-will speak about walking in or is someone trying to tell you some­ their own experiences when they visited Medjugorje while thing? g j D playing basketball in Yugoslavia last summer.-The Ob­ Why is the drop date for a class just early server enough to be before the test that you are con­ J r - y \ ] / fident about and just too late after you received “Human Rights Now,”an Amnesty International that second ”D?” demonstration for Human Rights, will be held today at 5 Then there are the incidentals, like losing / / at the Fieldhouse Mall. “Ink for Freedom” will be tonight your driver’s license on a really good drink spe­ at 8 in the Notre Dame Room of LaFortune Student Center. cial night, getting a bomb on a ten page paper n j There will be letter writing, prisoner information and a during an electric storm, being allergic to Com­ video-speech of Reverend Farisani of South Africa.-The munion hosts, your roommate’s suicidal ten­ Observer dencies over the lack of marital opportunities, or the reality that the only answer you know ^ M on a Theology exam is Bathsheba. (I"II U;//W\r L Hesburgh Program in Public Service presents Gary Yesterday I ended up face-down in eight B Orfield, Professor of Political Science and Education at inches of muddy w ater when I fell off the planks 11 =1 the University of Chicago, speaking on “Shutting the Door maintenance strategically placed between to College: The Decline of Minority and Low-Income Stu­ LeMans and Haggar so we could get to class But the due dates are no longer months away.
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