Adventist Review General Organ of the Seventh-day Adventist Church March 22, 1979 Christ forgives Page 3 The Friday hassle Page 11 The drive to amend the U.S. Constitution Page 13 Surgeons restore beauty of young Yugoslavian Page 15 Leo Ranzolin, General Conference associate youth director, met these children on their way to school in Roorkee, Uttar Pradesh, India. For the story of his visit with young people in the Southern Asia Division, see the article on page 16. THIS WEEK Adventist Review (ISSN 0161-1119) Contents Dr. Gane's major field for his nicht's past writing experience 1111111® General Articles Pages 3-10 doctoral study at the University includes authoring the Prayers Columns of Nebraska was Renaissance- From the Parsonage section that For the Younger Set 10 Reformation. appears regularly in Ministry 129th Year of Continuous Publication Especially for Women 12 Readers will be interested in magazine. EDITOR Family Living 11 the unique first-person account The General Conference Kenneth H. Wood From the Editors 13 Ellen Kristin Thompson shares Women's Auxiliary recently ASSOCIATE EDITORS Newsfront 15-23 with us in her article "No raised $1,500 to help "Esther," Don F. Neufeld, Leo R. Van Dolson News Notes 22 Grumblers in My Home Zvjezdana Plesko, meet the ex- ASSISTANT EDITOR Back Page 24 Church" (p. 9). In the little penses of plastic surgery to take Jocelyn Fay Erwin R. Gane, author of the white church on the bank of the away terrible burn scars on her ASSISTANT TO THE EDITOR four-part series Christ and Sal- Bogna River she "became con- neck and part of her face. John Eugene F. Durand vation (part 1, p. 3), is professor vinced once and for all, that the Hancock, General Conference ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY Corinne Russ of religion at Pacific Union Col- Lord still has a people who have Youth director, first met Esther lege, Angwin, California. His not bowed their knee to grum- four years ago in her parents' EDITORIAL ASSOCIATE Aileen Andres Sox previous service includes ten bling, faultfinding, greed, pride, home in Belgrade, Yugoslavia. years' teaching at an Adventist and all that self requires." Elder Hancock was instrumental EDITORIAL SECRETARIES Pat Alden, Chitra Barnabas high school and Avondale Col- Cherry Habenicht, author of in arranging for Esther's surgery, lege in Australia, and another ten this week's Family Living arti- which was done free of charge by ART Director, Byron Steele years teaching Bible at Union cle, "The Friday Hassle" (p. a plastic surgeon in Los Angeles. Designer, G. W. Busch College in Nebraska. He also 11), teaches French at Broad- You won't want to miss his ac- CONSULTING EDITORS served as pastor and evangelist in view Academy, La Fox, Illinois, count of this saga of international Neal C. Wilson, Charles E. Bradford, W. the North New South Wales having received the Alliance love (on p. 15 of this issue). Duncan Eva, W. J. Hackett, Richard Ham- mill, C. D. Henri, Alf Lohne, M. S. Nigri, G. Conference and as a pastor in the Francaise diplomas from the Art and photo credits: Pp. 4, Ralph Thompson, Francis W. Wernick Michigan Conference. His fa- French Adventist Seminary in 5, Paul Remmey; p. 7, Harry SPECIAL CONTRIBUTORS ther, E. Roy Gane, was formerly Collonges, France. Her husband, Anderson; p. 9, Terry Crews; all C. 0. Franz, K. H. Emmerson, R. R. Figuhr, Robert H. Pierson, B. L. Archbold, W. T. the publishing department secre- Richard, is the academy pastor other photos, courtesy of the re- Clark, R. S. Lowry, Edwin Ludescher, M. L. tary of the Australasian Division. and Bible teacher. Mrs. Habe- spective authors. Mills, Enoch Oliveira, K. S. Parrnenter, W. R. L. Scragg, C. D. Watson EDITORS, NORTH AMERICAN UNION EDITIONS Columbia, Franklin W. Hudgins LETTERS Southwestern, George Schram EDITORS, SPANISH EDITIONS Inter-America and North America, Humberto Letters submitted for publication should once a week, and almost all other given to fallen, sinful human M. Rasi, Wanda Sample, Raul Villanueva contribute ideas and comments on articles or South America, Gaston Clouzet material printed in the ADVENTIST REVIEW. Adventist hams I know use it beings the high honor and privi- They should be brief, not exceeding 250 regularly. lege of being the ones to help EDITOR, PORTUGUESE EDITION words, and must carry the writer's name, R. S. Lessa address, and telephone number (although this This list helps us locate friends vindicate His character. We can number will not be printed). Letters must be who have become operators, become involved in helping His EDITORS, AFRO-MIDEAST EDITION legible, preferably typewritten, and double- Jack Mahon, Jean Thomas check net schedules, and arrange side. spaced. All will be edited to meet space and CORRESPONDENTS, literary requirements, but the author's mean- for messages to and from over- True, we have many trials ing will not be changed. Views expressed in WORLD DIVISIONS the letters do not necessarily represent those seas workers. During the past here, but the rewards and com- Afro-Mideast, Jack Mahon; Australasian, of the editors or of the denomination. Gordon A. Lee, Robert H. Parr; Euro-Africa, several years I have visited sev- pensations we will receive are E. E. White; Far Eastern, M. G. Townend; eral missions where there were utterly fantastic! First, God has Inter-American, Tulio R. Haylock; Northern "New" church paper Europe-West Africa, Paul Sundquist; South amateur operators, and in each given His only Son to the human American, Arthur S. Valle; Southern Asia, Please let me join other place I found the list being used. race throughout eternity to be A. M. Peterson; Trans-Africa, P. J. Salhany readers in telling you how much I JOHN B. TAYLOR one of us and belong to us in a CORRESPONDENTS, like the new format of the AD- Louisville, Kentucky way He does not belong to other NORTH AMERICA UNIONS: Atlantic, Geraldine I. Grout; Ca- VENTIST REVIEW. I particularly beings. Second, when the earth nadian, A. N. How; Central, Clara Ander- like the listing of the articles on Vindicating God is made new He and His throne son; Columbia, Franklin W. Hudgins; Lake, Jere Wallack; North Pacific, Morten Juberg; the cover. Although I read each Re "Dear Lord . I Desire will be here with us. Our world Northern, Halle Crowson; Pacific, Shirley issue from cover to cover, I usu- Thy Leash" (Feb. 8). will thus be greatly honored. We Burton; Southern, Oscar Heinrich; South- western, George Schram ally turn to these articles first— Some people have the idea that cannot imagine the many things they set the tone for the rest of it is unfair for our world to have He has prepared for the re- UNIVERSITIES: Andrews, Ray Minuet; Loma Linda, Richard Weismeyer my reading. I am neither a new had to endure sin and its results. deemed to enjoy throughout reader of the REVIEW nor a They wonder why God permitted eternity. CIRCULATION Manager, Edmund M. Peterson young one, but it seems to me Satan to come here and they go ELLEN CROSBY Associate Manager, Robert Smith that our "new" church paper so far as to wonder whether the McDonald, Tennessee Editions in English, French, Portuguese, would be appealing to everyone. world was predestined to sin. Spanish, and Braille are available. I should be sad indeed to re- When Lucifer fell the great Undaunted by criticism TO CONTRIBUTORS ceive a "We have some unhappy controversy between good and In "Jonestown in Retrospect" Unsolicited manuscripts are welcome, but news for you" letter (see "To evil began. In His wisdom God (Jan. 11) the editor mentioned notification as to acceptance or rejection may be expected only if accompanied by a Avoid 'Unhappy News' . decided to let Satan carry out his that some readers express "dis- stamped, self-addressed envelope. editorial, Feb. 22). If the price kind of government so that in the may" over warnings against An index is published in the last Review of must go up, so be it. Just don't end God's character would be people "who advocate extreme June and December. The Adventist Review is let us miss our REVIEW! vindicated before the universe. positions on various matters." indexed in the Seventh-day Adventist Period- ical Index. CHERIE B. GRIFFIN This world became the "labo- I am most thankful that the Portland, Tennessee ratory" and "teacher." Adam editors of the REVIEW are un- The Adventist Review is published every Thursday. Copyright © 1979 Review and and Eve did not have to sin, but daunted by such criticism. Herald Publishing Association, 6856 Eastern Ham writes they did, thus involving the en- Through the years I have read the Avenue NW., Takoma Park, Washington, D.C. 20012. U.S.A. Second-class postage I appreciate very much the tire human race. Even though editorials in each issue, and have paid at Washington, D.C. Subscriptions: one yearly listing of Adventist Ama- this was a tragedy, God has been grateful for their steadfast- year, US$15.95. Single copy, 45 cents. teur Radio Operators in the RE- found a way to bring great good ness and for their fidelity to the Vol. 156, No. 12. VIEW. I refer to my list at least from it for humanity. He has Continued on page 14 2 (290) ADVENTIST REVIEW, MARCH 22, 1979 Christ and salvation-1 "I can never be baptized. I have committed too many serious sins. God can't forgive them all," a young man sadly told his friends after a baptismal class. Christ forgives Gently appealing to him, they responded, "Certainly God can forgive. What about the dying thief, Mary Magdalene, David, Moses, and myriads of others whom The Sinless One was made sin the Lord forgave and used in His service! And God will for the human race, that all who will, forgive you, too.
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