Graphic newsweekly serlflng the towns of Bethlehem, New Scotland and nearby communities ®U~llF,\}JJ1E'Wl VOORHEESVILLE \P\\JJIBlUC U{' j' ..,y A new (young) face on the village board Page16 BETHLEHEM A new candidate for school board Page 9 Carnival (7th grade style) coming to town Page 16 Spotlight CALENDAR Welcome Wagon, newcomers or mothers of infants call 785-9640 for No bank in a Welcome Wagon visit. Mon.·Sat. 8:30 B.m.-6 p.m. TrI-VllIage FISH, 24-hour-a-day voluntary service year 'round, offered by residents of Delmar. Els­ New York State mere and Slingerlands to help their neighbors in any emergency, 439-3578. Halt Moon Button Club 01 Albany, pays higher third Wednesday, Bethlehem li­ brary, noon. Information 872-0068. Nathaniel Adams Blanchard Post. American Legion, Poplar Or., Els­ mere, general meeting. first Mon­ rates on savings day, 8 p.m. Bethlehem Youth Employment Ser­ than we do vice, Mon.-Fri. 1-4:30 p.m. 439-2238. at Catskill Editor and Publisher Nathaniel A. Boynton Advertising/ Printing Manager Susan E. Moore Savings Bank. Q[fice Manager Arline M. Holder Staff Reporter Douglas Payne That goes for Certificates of Deposrt and 6-Month Contributing writers: Allison Money Market Certificates. P. Bennett. Perry M. Galt. Judi James. That goes for Day of DeposrttoDayofWrthdrawal Contributing photographers: James Carroll. Cheryl Marks. Savings and Regular Savings. J.w. Campbell. R.H. Davis. Fran Smollar. Carol Gregory. We pay the highest rates ... the maximum Mark Collien. Sales representatives: Jerry interest ... permitted by law. Gordon. James Sullivan. Production: Jeanette Bolanos Winkler. Ann Brink, Pat So, why not save where rt's most convenient, McGlynn. Michelle Bradt. and get the top rate, too ... at Catskill Savings Bank. The Sporlighr is published each Thursda.\' except lhe last ..... eek of February. the first ..... eek of July and the .first week of Sep­ tember by Ne ..... sgraphics. Inc., 414 Kenwood Ave .. Delmar. Get hometown interest.. NY 12054. Second class posr­ ~ ~ ~tsi~ll aKe paid ar Delmar, NY. Ne ..... s and get all your money's worth. ~ ~ I ,J ;::,g" DSS and ad copy deadline: 4 p.m. Friday lor following issue. ~ .. IIaDI( Subscription rates: Albany Count,·. one rear $6, lwO \'ears 341 Main Street. Catskill. Route m. Ravena $10, tlse .... ·htre, one year $7. Send address changes to The Spor/ighr. p.o. Box 152. Del­ mar. NY 12054. Pv'ember FDIC ME\tBEH ~t:w \'OMK PMt:SS ASS:\'. Phone 439-4949 PAGE 2 - March 22. 1979 Bethlehem Memorial Auxiliary to LegIon Auxiliary, Nathaniel Adams Post 3185, VFW, third Monday, Post Blanchard Post 1040, Poplar Dr., Rooms, 404 Delaware Ave., Delmar. Elsmere, third Tuesday, 8 p.m. Onesquethaw O.E.S., first and third 8ethlehem B.P.O.E. 2233, first and Wednesday, Masonic Temple, third Wednesday, Lodge in Cedar Delmar. Hill, At. 144. Ladies Auxiliary sec­ Glenmont Homemakers, third Wed­ ond Wednesday, 8 p.m. nesday, Glenmont Community Church,8 p.m. Bethlehem Lutnm8n Church, Sun­ day 10:30 a.m., Sunday School and Bible Class 9:15 a.m., Bible class The meets Wednesday 10 a.m., junior choir Wednesday 6:45 p.m., senior Willows VISIT OUR choir Thursday 8 p.m., 85 Elm Ave., formerly Delmar. Valhalla Country Club, Rexford Bethlehem Lodge 1096 F&AM, first DINNER THEATER Riverview Road, Art NEW and third Tuesdays, Delmar Ma­ 1 mile east of Rt. 146 sonic Temple. RIVERVIEW PRODUCTIONS Temple Chapter 5 RAM, second presents Mary Chase's and fourth Mondays Delmar Ma­ Pulitzer Prize <;amedy Supplies sonic Temple. Second Mllers. second Wednes­ "Harvey" DEPARTMENT days, Delmar Methodist Church, featuring 12:30 p.m. Reservations, 439-3569. PhyDia Gottung a Jowph KilgaDen TWO WEEKS Bethlehem Women's Republican March 29, 30, 31/April 5, 6, 7 Club, third Mondays at Bethlehem THURSDAY AND FRIDAY Library, Jan. through March, Dinner 7 p.m., Show 8:30 p.m. SATURDAY 7:30 p.m. Dinner 7:30 p.m., Show 9 p.m. Rotary Club of Delmar, Tuesc:!dYs, Dinner, Show. Tax and Gratuity LaCasa Restaurant, Selkirk, 6:15 p.m. '13.95 Delmar Kiwanis Club, Mondays, Thursdays only-SJJ.95 ~APER.Mlll LaCasa Restaurant, 6:15 p.m. Phone 399·2345 for reservalions, group rales DElAWARE PLAZA Bethlehem Jaycees, first and third Wednesdays, Center Inn, Rt. 9W, 43&8123 Glenmont, 8 p.m. 4"+~++~~++++++~+++++O~++++ •••••~+ •••66 •• ~ •••• 66666~6." .....~ PUBLIC NOTICE Bethlehem Video, Inc. has flied a request with the IDiNAPOLI & DiNAPOLI! N.Y. State Commission on Cable Television, Tower NEW YORK STATE GUILD OPTICIANS Building, Empire State i .fi-. Plaza, Albany, N.Y. for a i 'W . Certificate of Conflrma­ lion for the franchise amendments concerning i Providing the Albany area revised rates and parental with professional eyecare for 39 years giving you: control key adopted by the i Bethlehem Town Board on • Professional and courteous service February 28, 1979. Free adjustments on your glasses Anyone oblecllng to Fast service these amendments or to The finest quality frames and lenses available the Issuance 01 said Certif­ • Icate shall file their oblec­ The largest selection of eyewear in the Capital District tlons by certified mall, Very reasonable prices return receipt requested on both the Commission and on Bethlehem Video, Ask about our Second-Pair Plan. Inc., P.O. Box 292, Delmar, + N.Y., 12054 within 20 days after last publication of iy 1 Delaware Plaza, Delmar this notice. i Mon.-Fri. 9am·5:3Opm 457 Madison Avenue, Albany berhlehelll v Tues. eve. 7·8:30pm Mon .. Fri. 9am.5:30pm vi<1('o inc. : Sat. 9am·lpm Sat. 8:30am-l pm ...... Id .... 01 "DAMS-RUSSELl. t 439-6309 439-9191 449-3200 j i Douglas Marone, Manager 439-8141 i Have your eyes examined every 2 years by an ophthalmologist ~.+ •••++++++++O++++++++++++++++++++++++++""99~+++.+++9+O ...... March 22. 1979 - PAGE 3 Bethlehem Lion. Club. first and Glenmont Lions Club, second and third Wednesday, La Cass Restau­ fourth Tuesdays, La Casa Restau­ rant, Selkirk. 6:30 p.m. rant, Selkirk, 7 p.m. Visitors wel­ A HOUSE FULL! come. Information. Ed Hayes. AT SURPRISINGLY LOW PRICES. Bethlehem Sportsmen's Club, first 439-7935. Tuesday, Five Rivers Environment­ al Center, 7:30 p.m. Guests welcome. Albany County Pistol Club. Winne PI. and Maewin Dr .. Delmar. Guests League of Women Votera. Thurs­ welcome at indoor pistol range days, Bethlehem Library, 9:15 a.m, Tuesdays at 8 p.m. Information: Babysitting available. Information Dave Herbach. 439-4372 or Tom 439-5786. Corrigan, 439-3301. World Wa, I Veterans luncheon. second Tuesday, La Casa Restau­ Slingerlands Fire Co. Auxiliary, rant, Selkirk. noon. All WWI veter­ fourth Wednesday, Slingerlands ans welcome. fire hall, 6 p.m. '·-\:if::::--.'" " n! ~l i T- ~ ! 100% RE-ASSESSMENT J and what it means to you. Mr. Hollis Swett, director of the Board of Equal­ ization for New York State will conduct a seminar at the Delmar Public Library, Saturday, March 31 at 1 p.m. Mr. Swett will explain how this radical change will affect the property taxes of every LAMPHOUSE home owner. The public is cordially Beltind Delrn8r Post OHlce on 439-1258 Dellwar. Ave. at Grove SL a.lty 10 to '- Thur1. til , invited by the Bethlehem Senior Citi­ zens and our company. New \fIbration5 Hair Studio Klersy Realty 439-7601 -.---.........-.-.-~ f SA.T.'s 1 • tying • • you in knots? I• Craig I • Johnson = S.A.T. PREP = • SUNDAY SESSIONS I I BEGINNING I formerly of • MARCH 18 FOR MAY 5 EXAM • John's Normanside I LIMITED ENROLLMENT • • Diagnostic Pre-Test I invites you to the opening of his New Salon. • • Vocabulary 20% off your first visit with this coupon! = ~ ~ : ~~~~::: Tests = 323 Delaware Avenue, Delmar II ,~~, THE LEARNING CENTER II 439-2544 459-8500 FREE BROCHURE Tues. & Wed. 8-6; Thurs. & Fri. 8-8; Sat. 8-3 , ..........••....., PAGE 4 - M.rC:.:.h:::.22::..:.:.19:..:.79~ _________________________________ Five Rivers Environmental Educa­ Town of New Scotland Town Board Village of Voorheesville Board OT Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Sun­ tion Center, Game Farm Rd., Del­ meets first Wednesday at 8 p.m .• Trustees, fourth Tuesday at 8 p.m., day 10:30 a.m., Sunday School and mar. open daily during daylight Planning Board !'lecond and fourth Planning Commission third Tues­ Bible Class 9:15 a.m., Bible class hours. Exhibit room open daily 9 Tuesdays at 7 p.m., Recreation day at 7 p.m., Zoning Board second meets Wednesdays 10 a.m., junior a.m.-4:30 p.m. Commission third Tuesday at 7 and fourth Tuesdays at 7 p.m. when choir Wednesdays 6:4t> p.m .. senior Bethlehem Recycling, town garage, p.m., Board of Appeals meets when agenda warrants, Village Hall, 29 choir Thursdays 8 p.m., 85 Elm 114 Adams St. Papers should be necessary. usually Fridays at 7 p.m., Voorheesville Ave. Ave., Delmar. tied, cans flattened, bottles cleaned Town Hall, Rt. 85. with metal and plastic foam re­ moved. Mon.-Sat. 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Delmar Community Orchestra. rehearsals every Monday. 7:30-9:30 You know it's coming. p.m. Delmar Methodist Church. You know you're gonna hate it again. Rotary Club of Delmar. Tuesdays, Albany Motor Inn. Glenmont. 6:15 p.m. Bethlehem Central Board of Educa­ tion, first and third Wednesdays at 8 p. m .• Educational Services Center. 90 Adams PL. Delmar. Glenmont Lions Club, second and fourth Tuesday, La Casa Restau­ rant, Selkirk, 7:00 p.m. Visitors wel­ TO DO come. Information Ed Hayes, 439-7935. AARP, third Tuesdays. First United Methodist Church, Kenwood Ave., IT. Delmar, 12:30 p.m. Albany Chapter Railroad Evang:!l­ Istlc Assn., third Saturday, First Reformed Church of Bethlehem, Humid 7:15 p.m.
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