Notes 1 A LINCOLNSHIRE BOYHOOD 1. J. 0. Hoge, ed., 'Emily Tennyson's Narrative for her Sons', Texas Studies in Literature and Language XIV (1972), 96. 2. H. D. Rawnsley, Memories of the Tennysons (1900), p. 225. 3. See C. Tennyson and C. Ricks, 'Tennyson's "Mablethorpe"', Tennyson Research Bulletin II, iii (1974), 121-3 [hereafter TRB]. 4. A. Pollard, 'Three Horace Translations by Tennyson', TRB IV, i (1982), 16. 5. H. D. Paden, Tennyson in Egypt (1942), p. 103. 6. C. Tennyson and C. Ricks, 'Tennyson's "Mablethorpe"', p. 121. 7. This painting is still at Farringford. I am grateful to Dr Christopher Brown, Chief Curator of the National Gallery, for the attribution. 8. A. G. Weld, Glimpses of Tennyson (1903), p. 12. 9. J. Kolb, ed., The Letters of A. H. Hallam (1981), p. 457. 10. R. B. Martin, Tennyson: The Unquiet Heart (1980), p. 48. 11. E. A. Knies, ed., Tennyson at Aldworth: The Diary off. H. Mangles, (1984), p. 122. 2 CAMBRIDGE 1. C. Tennyson, Alfred Tennyson (1949), p. 55. 2. E. A. Knies, ed., Tennyson at Aldworth: The Diary of f. H. Mangles, p. 97. 3. S. T. Coleridge, Aids to Reflection, ed. D. Coleridge (7th edn, London, 1854), p. 155. 4. Arthur Hallam visited Coleridge at Highgate, but Tennyson, although invited, never went. Coleridge's rude remarks on Tennyson's han­ dling of metre would not have encouraged him. 5. Shelley's Adonais: A Critical Edition, ed. A. D. Knerr (New York, 1984), pp. 445-6. 6. H. B. Bryant, 'The African Genesis of Tennyson's "Timbuctoo"', TRB, III v (1981), 200. 7. J. Kolb, ed., Letters of A. H. Hallam (1981), p. 319. 8. H. Hallam, ed., Remains in Verse and Prose of A. H. Hallam, (1863 edn), p. 24. 9. H. Allingham and D. Radford, eds, William Allingham: A Diary (1907), p. 295. 10. Kolb, Letters of A. H. Hallam, p. 245. 11. P. J. A. Clark, Henry Hallam (Boston, 1982), p. 23. 12. Kolb, Letters of A. H. Hallam, p. 261. 13. Ibid, pp. 243 and 249. 14. Ibid, p. 257. 200 Notes to Chapter 3 201 15. Hallam, Remains of A. H. Hallam, p. 78. 16. Several of Tennyson's friends asked for an explanation of the final line of this passage, and, recognising the difficulty, Tennyson explained that Michaelangelo, like Hallam, had 'a broad bar of frontal bone' over his eyes. 17. Kolb, Letters of A. H. Hallam, p. 343. 18. Ibid, p. 538. 19. Ibid, p. 365. 20. 'Alfred Tennyson's Bildungsgang: Notes on his early reading', Philo- logical Quarterly, LVII (1978), 93-5. 21. I. Armstrong, Victorian Scrutinies (1972), p. 71. 22. Ibid, p. 109. 23. Ibid. 24. H. Tennyson, Materials for a Life of A. T. (privately printed), II, 69. 25. H. D. Rawnsley, Memories of the Tennysons, p. 101; Allingham and Radford, William Allingham: A Diary, pp. 293-5; C. Tennyson, Alfred Tennyson, p. 451. 26. Armstrong, Victorian Scrutinies p. 85. 27. Ibid, p. 122. 28. F. Brookfield, The Cambridge 'Apostles' (London, 1906), p. 8. 3 ARTHUR HALLAM 1. A. Sinfield, Alfred Tennyson (1986), p. 32. 2. J. Kolb, ed., Letters of A. H. Hallam (1981), p. 401. 3. Ibid, p. 780. 4. Ibid, p. 375. 5. J. C. Hixon, 'Cauteretz Revisited', TRB, II, iv (1975), p. 146. 6. Although Tennyson imples that he lay under the waterfall, he must have done this from a considerable distance, as the area at the base of the fall is both very wet and rock-strewn. 7. Kolb, Letters of A. H. Hallam, p. 375. 8. Ibid, p. 377. 9. Ibid, p. 379. 10. Ibid, p. 613. 11. Ibid, pp. 613-14. 12. Ibid, p. 616. 13. Ibid, p. 770. 14. Ibid, p. 616. 15. F. Brookfield, The Cambridge 'Apostles' (1906), p. 268. 16. Kolb, Letters of A. H. Hallam p. 618. 17. TRB I, i (1967), 12. 18. C. Tennyson and H. Dyson, The Tennysons: Background to Genius (1974), p. 81. 19. Kolb, Letters of A. H. Hallam p. 482. 20. Ibid, p. 508. 21. Ibid, pp. 601-2. 202 Notes to Chapter 4 22. Ibid, pp. 509 and 537. 23. A. D. Culler, The Poetry of Tennyson (1977), p. 72. 24. Kolb, Letters of A. H. Hallam p. 697. 25. E. F. Shannon Jr, Tennyson and the Reviewers (1952), pp. 18-19. 26. J.D. Jump, Tennyson: The Critical Heritage (1967), p. 66. 27. Ibid, p. 74. 28. H. Tennyson, Manuscript materials for memoir, I, 143, Tennyson Re- search Centre, Lincoln [hereafter TRC]. 29. Jump, Tennyson: The Critical Heritage, p. 86. 30. Ibid, p. 93. 31. Ibid, p. 95. 32. Kolb, Letters of A. H. Hallam pp. 748 and 746. 33. Tennyson: Interviews and Recollections, ed. N. Page (1983), p. 125. 34. Kolb, Letters of A. H. Hallam p. 768. 35. Ibid, p. 767. 36. Ibid, p. 785. 37. J. 0. Hoge, ed., Letters of Emily Tennyson, (1974), p. 249. 38. E. A. Knies, ed., Tennyson at Aldworth: The Diary off. H. Mangles, (1984), p. 83. 39. R. W. Rader, Tennyson's Maud: The Biographical Genesis (1963), pp. 11-19. 40. A. M. Terhune and A. B. Terhune, eds, The Letters of Edward Fitzgerald, (1980), I, 140. 41. 'Tithon' was later extended and published as 'Tithonus'. 4 THE UNSETTLED YEARS 1. W. Wordsworth, 'Preface to Lyrical Ballads', Wordsworth's Literary Criticism, ed. W. J. B. Owen (London, 1974), p. 81. 2. H. Hallam, ed., Remains in Verse and Prose of A. H. Hallam (1863 edn), p. 215. 3. N. A. Rupke, The Great Chain of Being (1983), p. 193. 4. Ibid, p. 227. 5. Ibid, pp. 225-30. 6. SeeR. W. Radar, Tennyson's Maud: The Biographical Genesis (1963). 7. H. D. Rawnsley, Memories of the Tennysons (1900), p. 68. 8. C. Ricks, Tennyson (1972, rev. edn 1989), p. 137. 9. R. B. Martin, Tennyson: The Unquiet Heart (1980), p. 219. 10. M. B. Raymond and M. R. Sullivan, eds. The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning to Mary Russell Mitford, (1983), III, 214. 11. Martin, Tennyson, p. 219. 12. The first line quoted here was not included when Tennyson published the poem in 1885. 13. Raymond and Sullivan, E. B. Browning to M. R. Mitford, IlL 220. 14. A. Sinfield, Alfred Tennyson (1986), p. 131. 15. J. Kolb, ed., Letters of A. H. Hallam (1981), p. 600. 16. M. Timko, "'The Central Wish"; Human Passion and Cosmic Love in Tennyson's Idyls', Victorian Poetry XVI (1978), 3-4. Notes to Chapter 5 203 17. W. E. Fredeman, "'The Sphere of Common Duties": The Domestic Solution in Tennyson's Poetry', Bulletin of the John Rylands Library LIV (1972), 365. 18. J. D. Jump, Tennyson: The Critical Heritage (1967), p. 268. 19. John Spedding, Mirehouse (Norwich, 1988), p. 7. 20. Tennyson's Maud, ed. S. Shatto (1986), p. 19. 21. W. F. Pollock, Personal Reminiscences (1887), I, 113. 22. Terhune and Terhune, Letters of Edward Fitzgerald (1980), I, 211. 23. T. Wemyss Reid, The Life, Letters and Friendships of Richard Monckton Milnes (London, 1890), I, 221. 24. Sinfield, Alfred Tennyson, pp. 11-56. 25. H. Tennyson, ed., Tennyson and his Friends, (1911), p. 131. 26. C. R. Sanders, 'Carlyle and Tennyson', Proceedings of the Modern Lan­ guage Association of America LXXVI (1961), 84 [hereafter PMLA]. 27. Ibid, p. 88. 5 THE POET OF THE AGE 1. H. Tennyson, ed., Tennyson and his Friends, (1911), p. 408. 2. A. M. Terhune and A. B. Terhune, The Letters of Edward Fitzgerald (1980), I, 258. 3. H. Tennyson, Tennyson and his Friends, p. 408. 4. Terhune and Terhune, Letters of Edward Fitzgerald I, 408. 5. H. Tennyson, Tennyson and his Friends, p. 143. 6. W. F. Pollock, Personal Reminiscences (1887), I, 186. 7. J. 0. Waller, A Circle of Friends (1986), pp. 99 and 108. 8. J. 0. Hoge, ed., 'Emily Tennyson's Narrative for her Sons', Texas Studies in Literature and Language XIV (1972), 101. 9. Terhune and Terhune, Letters of Edward Fitzgerald I, 239. 10. M. House, G. Storey and K. Tillotson, Letters of Charles Dickens, Pilgrim Edition, (Oxford, 1974), III, 213. 11. P. Kelley and R. Hudson, The Brownings' Correspondence, (1986), IV, 408. 12. Ibid, IV, 385. 13. C. Ricks, Tennyson (1972; rev. edn 1989), p. 147. 14. Terhune and Terhune, Letters of Edward Fitzgerald I, 312 and 315. 15. Ibid, I, 327. 16. J.D. Jump, Tennyson: The Critical Heritage (1967), pp. 113-14. 17. E. J. Shannon, Tennyson and the Reviewers (1952), p. 77. 18. Jump, Tennyson: The Critical Heritage, p. 136. 19. I. Armstrong, Victorian Scrutinies (1972), p. 145. 20. M. Raymond and M. R. Sullivan, The Letters of E. B. Browning toM. R. Mitford (1983), I, 415. 21. House, Storey and Tillotson, Letters of Charles Dickens, III, 306. 22. B. R. Clark, 'Tennyson across the Atlantic', TRB, V, i (1987), 3. 23. Kelley and Hudson, The Brownings' Correspondence, VI (1988), 32. 24. Terhune and Terhune, Letters of Edward Fitzgerald, I, 315. 25. C. A. Marchand, ed., Byron's Letters and Journals, (1976), V, 100. 204 Notes to Chapter 6 26. K. Tillotson, ed., The Letters of Charles Dickens, Pilgrim Edition, (Ox­ ford, 1977), IV, 610. 27. C. R. Sanders, 'Carlyle and Tennyson', PMLA LXXVI (1961), 86. 28. C. E. Norton, ed., Correspondence of Carlyle and Emerson, (1883), II, 158-9. 29. W. Ward, Aubrey de Vere (1904), p. 87. 30. D. Patmore, Coventry Patmore (1949), p. 91. 31. Ward, Aubrey de Vere, pp. 73-4. 32. C. B. Stevenson, 'Tennyson on Women's Rights', TRB, III, no 1 (1977), 25. 33. Ibid, p. 23.
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