Spt. 20, ] S, I }IJI-STUDIES ON THE AGA .R'ICACEJ'; OF JAPAN II 603 Studies on the Agaricaceae of Japan II'' Lactarius in Hokkaido By Sanshi Imai'' R'cccivcdMarch N, 1.935 In the present paper the writer intends to make a in el.ini.inary report upon species of Lactarius collected in. Hokkaido during his course of the study on the Agaricaeeae of Japan. Lactarius Fa. Genera Ilym. 8, 1836; Epicr. 333, 1835. .Lactaria PERS. rfeilt. Disp. Fung. 63, 1797. Agaricus § Lacti fluus PEas. Syn. Fung. 429, 1801.. Lacli flues If OUssEL, F1. Calv. ed. 2, 16, ].806. Agaricus § Galorrheus FIB. Syst. Myc. 1, 61, 1821. Galorrheus FR. Syst. Orb. Veg. 1, 75, 1825. Lactariella SCIIROET.Pilze Sehles. 1, 544, 1889. Gtoeocwe EARLL,1 ell. N. Y. Pot. Gard. 5, 409, 1909. I. PIPERATES A. Tricholon?oidei 1. Lactarius scrobiculatus FR. Elder. 334, 1838. Agaricus scrobiculatus ScoP. F1. Cars. ed. 2, 2, 450, 1772. Agaricus (Galorrheus) scrobiculatus FR. Syst. Mye. 1, 62, 1821. Hab. on the ground in woods. Sept. Distr. Hokkaido (Kitami) . Europe and North America. Jah. name. K?-karahatsuclake (i1. n.) 2. Lactarius torminosus FR. Epicr. 334, 1838. Agaricus torinin,osus SCIIAEFP. Fung. Bavar. 4, :Ind. 7, p1. 12, 1774. Agaricus (Galorrheus) torminosus FIT. Syst. J\Iyc. 1, 63, ]_821. 1) The first report was published in this Magazine, Vol. 47 (1933), pp. 423-432. 2) The writer wishes to express his sincere thanks to Prof. Erer. K. 117Ivaniiand Prof. S. Imo for their kind advices in various ways, and also to "the T8shhgu-300nensui- kinenkai" for the grant of funds for carrying out the present research. 6 04 THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE [Vol. XLIX, No. 585 :Elab. on the ground in woods. dept.-Uet . Distr. Hokkaido (lshikari, 1.buri) and llonshu (Shinano) . Europe an l North America. Jap. name. Kara-hatsudalre ( KAWAMURA). 11any authors except BRE ADOLAand some authors have reported that Lactarius tor»unosus is poisonous. Iii our country KAWAMURAalso reported in 1909 and 1911 that the fungus produces acute inflammation of the I ln1bs but does not give any injurious effect oni the digestive and nervous systems . but h e recently reported that its identification is somewhat doubtful . The people in our (.listrict are accustomed to eat the fungus without ally ii - jurlous effect and to sell it for food in the market. 3. Lactarius turpis hex. Epier. 335, 1.838. 1lyaricus (Tlactifluss) nacator PERS. Syn, hung. 435 , 1801. it garicus turpis WL1NM. Syll. '1. Nov. 2, 85, 1.828. Lactarius necator KArST. Ilattsv . 1, 179, 1879. Lactarius plunibeus QUEL. Ench. hung . 127, 1886. llab. on the ground in woods. Sept.-Oct . Distr. lokkaido (Isllikar. i) . Europe, North America and Australia . J ap. name. Uguisucha-chichitake (n. n.) 4. Lactarius flavidulus IMM, sp. nov. Gregarius vel solitaries, edulis. Pileo 6-15 cin, lato, convexo , dein con- vexo-llmbilieato, demum lato-in fl.lndibuliformi, erenlicolori,, avellaneo-flavi- d.ul0, vix Zonato, viscidul.o, snbglabro, plus m.innsve asperulo, margine primo pallidiori, 1nvoluto et minute villoso, dein glabrescente; carne alba, erassa, rigida; lacte albo, aeruginescente, sapore odor .eque blando; lamellis decor- rentibilS Vel adnato-deeurrentibus, albis, deiil fulvescentibus , virldo-macll- latis, confertis, utringlle attenuates; stipite 4-6 cm. longo, 1.5-3 cm . crasso, ae(tliali, lacteo-al bo, dein crenli.colorl, primo 1enlter velutinoso, dein glabreS- cente, ciVO; sports iii euillliko albis , subglobosis Vel globosis, echinulatis, 7.5-10 ;; 7-8.5g. llab. on the ground in woods. Sept.-Oct. Distr. lokkaido (.Ishikari) . Jap. name. Ki,-hatsud aloe (ii. n.) The present fungus is related to Lactari us glaucescens CPOSSL., but it is distinguishable by the yellow l)ilel,ls which is minutely Villose at the marginn in young stages, by less crowded ail(1 broad lamellae and by the hollow stipe, as welll as by the mild taste. B. Limacini 5. Lactarius insulsus Pu. Epicr. 336, 1.838. Sept.20,19351 S, IMAI-STUJ)IES ON I'IZE AGARICACE~E OF JAPAN II 605 Agaricus (Galorrheus) insulsus FR. Syst. Myc. 1, 68, 1821. l=Iab. on the ground in woods. Aug.-Sept. Distr. Iokkaido (.Ishikari) . Europe and North America. Jap. name. Karahatsu-inodoki (n. n.) FRIES and others described the lamellae of this fungus as crowded, while BRESADOLAand some others noted them as Subdlstant. Our specimens coincide '\yitll the latter's description in this point. The fungus is so closely allied to L. zonarius that the present fungus is recognized by some authors as merely a variety. For the present, the writer classifies it as a distinct species laying stress on the brighter colored pileus and the hollow stipe. 6. Lactarius zonarius FR. Epicr. 336, 1838. Agaricus zonarius BULL. Champ. Fr. 1)1. 104, 1782. Agaricus (Lacti f1uus) flexuosus PERS. Syn. Fling. 430, 1801. Ilab, on the ground in woods. Sept. Distr. Hokkaido (Ishikari). Europe. Jap. name. Ki-harahatsainodiki (n, n.). rl`he present fungus was described by FRIES and other authors as having crowded lamellae, but our specimens have distant lamellae. The characters of our specimens coincide very well with L. zonarius, except that the lamellae seem to be more widely spaced out than those European specimens. 7. Lactarius trivialis FR. Epicr. 337, 1838. Agaricus (Galorrheus) trivialis FR. Syst. Myc. 1, 65, 1821. flab, on the ground in woods. Sept. Distr. Hokkaido(l.buri). Europe and North America. Jap. name. Kihada-chichitake (n. n.) 8. Lactarius akanensis h1A1, sp. nov. Solitarius vel gregarius. Pileo 4-10 cm. lato, primo convexo, dciii de- 1~~resso,demum convexo-umbiheato, viscosissimo, glabro, levi, dilute pur- pureo-ful.igmoso, prim o leniter zonato, demum azoilato, margin e involnt0, idescente, ; carne alba, crassa ; 1_undoaete albo,sicco flavovirescente vel vir, miti, tarde subacri, copioso; la.mellis subadnatis vel adna.to-decurrentiblls, albidis vel vix flavulis, subdistantibus, bifidis ; stipite 2-5 cm. longo, 1-1.5 em, crasso, basi leniter attenuato, albo vel albido, udo leniter viscoso, sleeC nitldo, solido, dcin cavo; sporls in eumul.o albis, late ell.lpsoldeis voll sub- globosis, echinulatis, 8-10 x 6-8,i. Hab. on the ground in woods. Sept. Distr. Hokkaido (Kushiro). Jap. name. Urnenezu-chichitake (n. n.) . 606 THE BOTAXICJI. JLI GJZIXL' 1'ol. ZLIX. Xo. 'file presentt fluiglls Somewhat resembles LactariUS uviclus Fit. in the general appearance, belt it differ; in the ilatur.e of the latex which changes ill color from white to bluish by exposure to air . From other species it is easily distinguishable by the color of the pileus and latex , as well as by the viscidity of the pileus. 'hhe fungus is ilanled fro m the type locality. Akan, IOVi11Ce of huslliro. 9. Lactarius uvidus FR,. Epicr. 338, 1838. A.garicus lividorubcseefzs PATSC~1[,Elene11. Fung . Cont. 2, 51, 1789. Agaricus (Galorrheus) uvidus FR. Syst. lZyc. 1, 66, 1821. Lactaria lividorubescens PURLING. Lact. U. S. 49, 1908. flab. on the ground in woods. Sept .-Oct. Distr. Ilokkaido(Kushiro, 18hikari and iburi) . Europe anti North America. Jap. name. Tobicha-cliichitake (n. i1.) C. Piperati 10. Lactarius piperatus Fh . Epicr. 340, 1838. Agarieus piperatus Scop. F1. Cam. ed . 2, 2, 449, 1772. Agarieus pergamenus SWARTZ, Vet. Akad. Ilandl . 1809, 90. Agarieus (Galorrh.eus) piperatus FR. Syst, illyc. 1, 76, 1821. Agarieus (Galorrheus) pergciin,enus FR. Syst. Mye. 1, 76. 1.821. Lactarius pergaln,enus FR. Epicr. 340, 1838. IIab. on the ground in woods. Aug .-Oct. Distr. Hokkaido (Ishikarl), Honshu (Rikuzeii, Iwashiro, Ilitachi, Shi- inotsuke, Shimosa, Musasiti, Sllinano , Silruga, Kai, 1naba) and Chosen. Europe, North America and Australia. Jap. name. Tsuchi-fitaburl (KAWAiiURA), Kau%achlc1l,take (YASUDA). Lactarius pergamenus Fig' was established as a distinct species from L, piperatus because of the rugose wrinkled pileus, the lodger stipe , and adnate, horizontal lamellae. In our district intermediate forms between these two species are often observed. Consequently it appears to be appro- priate to treat them as an identical species and L. pergamenus as a form of L. piperatus. 11. Lactarius vellereus Fr: Epicr. 340, 1838. Agarieus Listen Sow. Engl. Fung.. pl. 104, 1797. Agarieus (Galorrheus) vellereus FR. Syst. i\Iye. 1, 76, 1821. Lactarius Listen SACC. Fl. Ital. Crypt., Hymen. 377, 1915.. Hab. on the ground in woods. Aug. Distr. Ilokkaldo (lsllikarl) and Ilonshli (Rikuzeii) . Europe and North America. O. 1933J S , JMLtI-STUDIES OX TILE ~tGARICACE~E OF JAPAN II 607 .Jah. name. lie-slurohatsu(lake (YASUDA). I.I. I)AIETEs 12. Lactarius deliciosus Fr. Epier. 341, 1838. J gaiicus deliciosus L. Sp. Pl. 1172, 1753. Agaricus (Galorrheus) deliciosus Fr. Syst. lVlyc. 1, 67, 1821. Lactarius A1cahatsu TANAKA,Pot. Mag. (Tokyo), 4, 394, pl. 16, 1890. Ilab. on the ground in coniferous woods. July-Oct. Distr. l-ilokkaido (Kushiro, Kitaml, Ishikar1, Ihiii'i. Osllima), Ilonsim. (Rlkuzen, Ilitaclli, 1\Insaslli, Shimosa, Inaba) ai I '1laiwail. Europe and Forth America. Jap, nome. Akahatsu(rI'ANAKA), Akccinomitalce(KAWAatURA). In 1.890, TANAKA described the 1)resel"lt fungus under the name Lactari ics A1caIWtsu, because he believed it to be a different species from L, deliciosus, but after a careful examination the writer has come to the conclusion that the former is nothing other than an identical species with the latter. The present species varies in color from bright orange to pale yellow and in. zonatlon from distinctly zonate to nearly azonate. In general, the color and zonation of the pileus are conspicuous in the younger stage. The color of the context and lamellae changes rapidly to greenish when bruised or wounded and the whole plant often becomes greenish in the older stage. There is also a form without such greening and usually brighter in color. The latter form is collected mostly in Abies woods, while other is in pine or Picea woods.
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