HE AIRPOST JSURN1\L FEBRUARY 1935 Ttit= First Airmails in Packets The New Way to buy First Air Mails is in Packets. This sav es the ov er ­ head exPenses of sending out moderately priced covers on approval and ensures tb.e collector obtaining unsurpassed value. If you have not sampled a Packet. try one on our strong recommendation. Money refunded if you are not completely satisfied. No duplicates .sent. Packets may be ordered again and again. The Cheapest Way to Build an Airmail Collection FIVE VARIETIES for $1.00 10 for $2.00 15 for $3 20 for $4 BRITISH INLANDS. From the 1st (G.W.R. 1933) to the 10th (Hillman 1934). ......... .........- ......................................... .From 25c to $250 New complete Priced Check List Free on Request AUSTRALIAN AIR RACE. 1st. signed Scott & Black ...........'" ........... : . .....: .......$35 2nd. The Flying Hotel ................................................$ 5 3rd, Turner-Pangborn .......: .. .............................; ........ $15 AUSTRALIAN NEW AIR SERVICE. Imperial Airways and Quantas Souvenir Covers. Full coverage. Also all other Imperial Airways ..........................................................Fro m soc Am MAIL SOCIETY. Have you joined? Particulars Free Am LABELS. 5 Varieties lOc 10 for 25c 25 for soc A.. f) ti I LLI f) S~ Air Mail Specialist Eet. 1896 Four & Five Dock Street NEWPORT MON ENGLAND MENTION A.J.3 and if your order totals $1 or more We will send a superb First Air Mail Free. SLASHING COSTS A SPECIALIZED 25 dl.fterent listed• First Flight AUCTION CAM Covers for ..........................., .... ....$2.15 50 Different _ .........................~- ..- · ~ -.$4.00 SERVICE 100 Different ................................;. ... .....$7.50 100 Dlferent Special Event Air Covers (including CAM's. D edicationc. Air • Meets. Night Flights, etc............... .$4.00 AND THE MORE INTERESTING 200 Different ..; ... _ ........ _ ..; .............. ...$7.50 ·-- THINGS FROM OTHER FIELDS 300 Different ........................................$11.00 OF PHILATELY. 10 DtJrerent - Plloi=Autoi:-i:ai>hed- covers. SI.!ill Naturally. these prices can't last. Do­ You'll Save Money ing this mere1Y to sell surplus dupli­ cates. First come. first served. Please by Spending It at state which routes or years preferred, etc.. to guide me in satisfying you. Any lot returnable if unsatisfactory Auction Note: I will accept in payment any A Postcard Brings mint U .S. commemoratives not on the Catalogs philatelic agency list (such as Bicen­ tennials. Byrd (perf), Red Cross, etc.) at double face value. in payment for • • • any lot. This applies to offers in any of my advertisements of the past eight iss4es of the Airpost Journal. Donald E. Dickason PERHAM C. NAHL WOOSTER, 0. 6043H Harwood Ave., Oakland, Calif. A .A.M.S. - A.P.S. - S.P.A. - A.S.D .A . AAMS 218 WCAMS 21 TRANSPORTATION FOR MINING has made the airplane the chief factor in the recent development of Canada's vast Northland riches. Photo at Carcross. Yukon Territory: --Courtesy Canadian Airways, Ltd. CCke Ofklf for NEW CANAD IAN FLIGHTS service of the States. of which even al1 by W. R. PATTON Canadians are very. familiar. Winnipeg. Man itoba Turn to Canada. The Air mail Serviet. Canadian Editor ot the A.P.J. D OES NOT mean fast transportation be­ tween the large cities. Far from that, a~ ALKING with several Americans re· Toronto is the largest city in the Worla cently as well as having quite a without airmail service. and Montrea. Tnumber of inauiries in connection wit!> slightly larger. is practically as badly . or::. the Canadian Air Mail Services, leads one Their only service is from Montreal tc.. to imagine that few, even in Canada, un­ derstand the present Canadian service:.. M N N G This article is to "ssist better under­ standing. as well as to reply to severa. i~auiries lately received. First. In the United States the air man service is to connect the larger citle:. with each other by the best and fastest service for the delivery of mail. In­ cluded In this connection Is Express ser­ vice for the rapid transportation of smalt parcels. That briefly sets out the airmail • OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE • AMERICAN AIR MAIL SOCETY Tl-IE AIRPOST JOURNAL • FEBRUARY 1935. VOL VI. NO. 5. • ISSUE 58 lOc PER COPY [ 3 ] THE AIRPOST JOURNAL Albany and New York. The Airmail ?t< Governmei:it has behaved fairly with ah, Canada is not in connection or oppositiot. and permitted any person to get the""' ·with the Railways as over 90% of ttt.. covers without having to depend on tn<. mileage is where no Railways exist, not dealers scooping these flights and sellln,,; ever will exist. Canada is the only larg" at a nice profit. True, in the case of tn.. country in the World where this serv:rcc: Winnipeg Emergency flight to Bissett ana does not compete with the railroa~. Wadhope on Nov. 3rd pretty nearly an Again in the U. S. the mail rates are 11c were left in the cold. That however wa,. per ounce, whereas in Canada 97% of th., not the Government's fault. The weathe1, Airmail is carried at the ordinary posia. instead of staying as usual at that tirne rate. of year: suddenly changed, and flying ha<> Some countries claim their airmail to be resumed for a few days. Thw. service is the lowest-priced in the· Woria, making another sudden cover, or rathe1 but Canada goes one better. Canada ha,, covers. But in the main, the Governmen? the lowest airmail rate in the who•e has gven all a decent chance to get ii. World, and not only that, carries the · on all flights. largest volume of mail in the World a~ Some Canadians claim there are too a lower rate than half of the rate l'h many flights. All right. let us look over other countries. Figuring by population in the last flights of these new December the territory served, Canada also ca.. routes. Winnipeg-Bissett-Wadhope-Beres­ boast that the airmail service to the mlr1- ford Lake-Diana. The first flight carried ing areas is the heavtest mail in the whote 957 pounds of mail. As the population is World as no other country can compe?.. , almost that figure. 957. the flight appears even remotely, with the loads carried im justified by mail carried. Next, Kenora­ Canada, it beilg very common to carry Red Lake-MacKenzie Island. 411 pounds. a ton upwards ~ places having a popu­ The population is less than that figure lation of much less than 1.000. at Red Lake and MacKenzie Island. Then Few, even Canadian, realize the in1· we have Sioux Lookout-Gold Pines-Jack­ mense importance the airplane has haa. son Manion-Narrow Lake-Casummit Lake. in developing Canada's mining, and t .... The poundage was 2.758 pounds, over one enormous increase lately. Here are r­ ton. The population being slightly over cent examples of just what the airplane 1.000 this route appears also to be justi­ means in mail alone. Some collectors say, fied. Casummit Lake alone received 678 why so many new flights in Canada, a .. pounds on the first flight. For these three we had 14 new covers around Decemo= routes 4.126 pounds on the first flights. 10th to 12th alone, as well as many more That just works out to about 2¥, pounds to come durng the first seven weeks o:!' for every man. woman and child in these 1935. Well, what should the Governmen-. points. We hear one of the companies do? Just commence these services with.­ between New York and Chicago saying out letting the collector in on them .. they are pleased they never had to fly What a swell scoop for those dealers llv· that weight of mail in one day as the ing around Winnipeg. No, readers, tn.. New York mail would be about 15,000,- CANADIAN AffiWAYS BASE AT FORT McMURRAY-Through Summer and Winter the planes of the Airways "hop off" from this busy base for Great Bear and the northern posts. On this particular day six; planes "took off" with mail. express and passengers. [ 4 1 FEBRUARY 1935 000 pounds in relation to the total popu­ judged by the fact that a plane is sched­ lation. That settles the question of uled to leave, Winnipeg Wednesdny and whether these routes are or Saturday with express and passengers. not. About 50.000 letters for Last Wednesday only two planes left, but collectors. on Saturday there were three machines, However. we must point out this dif­ with 13 passengers and over a ton ar?u ference between U. S. and Canadian air a half of express. Yes.. and pa~o;E>ngers mail service. In the U. S. letters only pay $35.00 each. with the -=xpress rate are carried, while in Canada the bulk of 20c per pound. AND. the companies do the mail is parcel post. The rate being not have to go out aft"lr business. All 15c per _pound up to 10 pounds, and irom they worry about is-will we have en­ 10-Hi pounds the charge is $1.75 per ough machines. parcel. Then in the U.S. the airpl:me C<lL­ Pickle Lake. Ont, is going to be a Post ries mail between cities only. In Canada Office shortly with airmail service, likely the largest point served !n the mining from Collins. You will get a notice district is Bissett. which has a population from Ottawa shortly. And the people in of 800. All other points o<mallel', these districts are kicking that Post as some places only have people. Offices and new routes are not open!ns:­ These smaller points seldom receive a fast enough. By the way, re'.iders are mail much over 400 pounds at a time, not to get the idea that with all this de­ whereas at Bissett the iriail ex· velopment.
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