nnhtntnns Bulletin Spring / Summer 1991 ALMAE MATRIS CROATICAE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF ALUMNI AND FRIENDS OF CROATIAN UNIVERSITIES CANADA - U.S. GAUDEAMUS THE NEWSIfTTER FOR GRADUATES AND FRIENDS OF THE CROATIAN UNIVERSITIES Voiumel, Number 3 Spring/Summer 1991 PERSPECTIVE EttwhOM KiaSlezic MlwUAsdsiMi SponmibiPanc WdcofiK to the third edition of Gaudeamus, the Almae CMlrikrttai Utmt SojeaMo Ftonetowc Matris Croaticae Alumni ( AMCA), newsletler. Between the qeHia Debush Sncb Kerelonc changes in our association, many constants remain provid­ Art CMMUMI NevenCanic ing a sense of continuity with the past and a positive attitude Uvisary CMMM** Višnja Bicic about the future. hnHnoic Davot Gwnwold Our venture with its new look has broadened to encom­ EAwM CMsdrntf June Engel pass the whole North American continent and will form a UnrvenUyofToiDnto bridge with students and graduates of all Croatian universi­ Trygve Bmtteteig ties, in the U.S. as well as in Canada. The ultimate aim is to Scorbcrough PuUic Ubraiy becomeaunited organization spanning the continents rather rroJKÜM IMS Cieot'ive Conmuoications than consisting of dispersed, individual chapters. We are UniveisitY of Toronto Piiitkf MC Reproductions acutely asvaie that there is still avery longway to go. But there Printed in Canada is a new air of hopefulness about ourprospects and a willing­ ness to admit past mistakes, which augurs well for the future. GMJCOM« is pubkbed four times a year by HM Mnm Motr's Cnaficoe Alumni Associotioii of olunni ond We also hope to participate in affiliated institutional affairs frimds of Gaotbn UMWuitits, Canada ond tti« U.S. and form a Mason with international academic organiza­ tions, in order to strengthen our University's academic The bulletin addresses itself to political developments Gfoduotes and friends of Hi« Croolion uninnities mceiv« Hie profile. and views in Croatia, during this era of the struje for newsletlcf free of diaige. Croatian trained professionals have played their part in denxxracy. Otben who wish to subsub may do so: many professions in Canada and the U.S. Numerous gradu­ Our contacting editors from other AMCA chapters pro­ $25.00 (Canodo and U5Jl); ates of Zagreb University came to this continent and made vided articles to cover topics from their own academic com­ $30.00 (obrood) their careers here. Within the pages of this issue, you will find munities. Pleose make clie<|uej payable to: the profiles of some eminent 20th century Croatian scientists I would like to invite people to contribute to the section Goudeanus who have succeeded here and abroad. It is always a joy to 3-l7S00ueenswoy,Sulte31i entitled Letters to the editor, which reflects the views and Etobicoke, Ontorio, Conoda acknowledge talented individuals. concerns d our alumni on current events. M9C 5HS The University itself is neither con^lacent nor inward Al otiier coirespondence: AMCAAssociotbn looking, bulopen to criticism and denxxnatic views. Alack of 3-1750Queensway,Su'le316 deiTOcratic tradition explains why the path to democracy is Etobicoke, Ontorb, Canada M9CSH5 proving so bumpy for our country. The re-unificaüon of Tel. 416/763-8505 graduates and other people with our universitywillbringour country together. Our perspective must be wide-ranging in Cover Photograpti: Gomp grod (Old town). Zogreb, Crootb the interests of the University. The University will continue FfioToby: Tiygve Bmtteteig to prosper long after individual members and governments are gone. Manuscripts, photogroplis, news rtems, letters to ttie editor. welcome: Goudeomus letters Gaudeamus is nowintrtxlucing the section, ffeomeRti^ 1256 Stovebank Rood Readings. There are virtually no publications \rfiere our Mississougo. Ontario, Canada L5G2V2 people can find information about books dealing with our Fax416/271-2752 cultural history, visual arts, scientific endeavours, ethno­ Tel. 416/278-3002 graphical facts and finally a listing of fiction works. EdHoriol copy deodlne for the Foil ,1991 Esue: Owing to current concerns, future issues of Gaudeamus AVAILABLE - A BIBLIOGRAPHY 15 August 1991 will include a new section entitledZa^e^ D^est, highlight­ OF CROATIAN DICTIONARIES We reserve the right to abridge the letters ond orticles that are ing events and comments from Zagreb University and other unduly bng and lepetitive n content, os wel as to edit for BY PROFESSOR Croatian universities. If the newsletter is to succeed as abridge cfatity. We regret thot submissions will not be returned. Branko Franolic between the AMCA chapters and its community, it must be presently visiting Prrfessor at York University, open to two way traffic. Please odir'tse us of o change b oddress on the form entitled JOIN NOW on the bock of this newsletter. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Call 416-650-5082 RinaSlezic Fee: $1500 Editor in chief CROATIA IN DEFENSE OF FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY The Almae Matris Croaticae Alumni, Toronto chapter, has Under normal drcumstances, organizations such as agreed to forward the plea for help, received from the several ours do not involve themselves in political activi­ chancellors of the universities of Croatianamely: ProfessorM. ties si nee thei r goals are more of an academic and Sunjic, University of Zagreb, Professor A. Sole, the University social nature. However we, Canadians of o\J^ of Osijek, Professor E. Kuljanic, University of Rijeka, and >* ,0^^¾ Croatian ori ginandformerstudents of Croatian Professor J. Lovric, University of Split, to the heads of all universities feel thai it is our duty to inform Canadian universities as vwll as to all of the Mem­ ..iöäss^- the Canadian Government, the Canadian «« ¢^^ bers of the Federal Parliament of Canada JX\»^' public and our Canadian colleagues that and to all important consu­ the drcumstances in Croatiiarefordng lates in Toronto us to take every possible action in order to defend the freedom and democracy which the Croatians have finally c\jS^o t*.s;.?is*^'<s^^r:^^^m^.^- „*.^*s^»^*r>s*o-^^u.^«*! " ^0^^. gaine d after suffering for45 years o\ under communist dictatorship. We would like to thank the €^B^^^J^^'--^~i^T^^ followin g individuals, who lave taken the time and ^^^¾¾¾^¾¾^°^^^ .Äl?'°"^"'^„».».<^.v^^Äö*^^-' ' effort to show us their ^''z:.^^^S^ ^i> concern, support and ^Jf£^^Z^i^^^r^^ syn^athy; from and em­ bassies in V^o' Mr. Robert S. Ottawa, to ^^^isSS^r^^- Prilchard, University 4«« defend free­ if Toronto, Mr. dom, democ­ KenethL.Ozmon, racy and pros- Saint Mary's peri tyinEuropeby 1t»mP^=\^' : Iniversily, defending Croatia. Halifax, Just about ten days after the mailings »*s<>°ü.rf«js>^:so>!^*f:**is«^«>^' ^^^:2¾¾¾½^^^^¾^ ^ took place, we received the first positive response to our action. We expect ,¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾^^ many more to come. It is ^gzÄSz^ÄSS^^::.^^^ encouragin g to knew that our ^'^Zh^'^Z^^ people in Croatia are not left iC»016^ * \^ JW alone in their efforts to protect the ^^^^m^t:<:s^-- ^^5:^^:¾¾^^¾¾^\i^^ ^ freedom and democracy of their ss\<^' ,**^!Ä^>" --'<>^ ^S^:!^«^^ ^^^<S.^fS:,.^!S>i-^e« \\\e " country. We sincerely hope that, be­ <ö*^*!:>*'°:ro>4tf^^\7^ov!N*;rotfve< ^ .Ä^ ^*r.^Ä^o^ lOÜ^ ^w cause of such support from the free Ä\4 A^o^ *«*«ÄS«'!r>-!f>!;S'*^° Mr.HairyW. world, Croatia will be able to grow and <**?S*S>?S,>^>Ž:>*^ Arthurs, York University, prosper as a fully fledged member of the North York, Mr. Jake Epp, Minister of world's community of free nations. AV\^' \^ Energy, Mines and Resources, Mr Jean Corbeil, The following declaration and appeal ^^¾¾ \oV Minister of Transport, Mr. Bill McKnight, Minister of Agricul­ for solidarity was addressed to our academic ^¾¾.4\^^ ^ ture, Members of the Parliament Mr. Sergio Marchi, Mr. Lee «(* ^ \c.\We\^ colleagues and friends and the entire world Clark, Jean Mark Robitaille, Mr. JimHawkes, MrTom SIddon, community. Mr. Jack Shields, Mr. Alan Redway. n¾o^^« \eü Almae Matris Croaticae Alumni Association Toronto Chapter ASSCX3AI10N JOURNAL - AT THE CHAPTERS sor Vranesic) of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering Funds University of Zagrd). A symposium on that theme will beheld TORONTO CHAPTER are provided by the U of T and our honorary member, Mr. I. at Yale University, New Haven, on the 5th and 6th of July this Zdunic. We also have an exchange of two students of the year. University of Waterioo with students of the University of They were also very concerned with the situation in PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Zagr^, organized by Professor Grublsic. Croatia, ^^4lere totalitarian forces organized by the last com­ In February we organized an important first meeting of munist stronghold in Yugoslavia have for some time w^ed the AMCA chapters of North America and Switzerland in war against the democratic system of Croatia with waves of Dear Colleagues, Toronto. A continental coordinating committee has been terrorism, threats of army takeover, and other "scenarios". formed, Gaudeamus has become a shared bulletin for all The role of our association in this precarious situation is to Our association is now well into its second year d exist­ North American chapters. Our relations with the University of inform Canadian andAmerican authorities, andthepublic at ence. During thepast 15 months the Board of Directors (if not Zagreb and plans for further activities have been discussed. large about the true situation in Croatia, andto fight miscon­ the whole membership) was very active. Monthly meetings of TheCroatianculturalcircleMrillbeamechanismforbringing ceptions, misinformation, and ignorance about Croatia, its the board produced elaborate programmes for each of the over prominent
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