International Register and Checklist of Orchid Hybrids (Sander’S List)

International Register and Checklist of Orchid Hybrids (Sander’S List)

QUARTERLY SUPPLEMENT TO THE INTERNATIONAL REGISTER AND CHECKLIST OF ORCHID HYBRIDS (SANDER’S LIST) APRIL – JUNE 2017 REGISTRATIONS INCLUDING NEWSLETTER OF THE ORCHID HYBRID REGISTRatION ADVISORY GROUP (OHRAG) NO. 8 Distributed with The Orchid Review VOLUME 125, NUMBER 1319, SEPTEMBER 2017 NEW ORCHID HYBRIDS APRIL – JUNE 2017 REGISTRATIONS Supplied by the Royal Horticultural Society as International Cultivar Registration Authority for Orchid Hybrids NAME PARENTAGE REGISTERED BY (O/U = Originator unknown) × Aeridovanda Birac Aer. multiflora x V. coerulea KnK Orchids (R.Kishor) x Aliceara Gualaceo Spring Alcra. [Bak.] Samurai x Onc. [Oda.] George McMahon Ecuagenera x Aranda Malcolm and Lucy Turnbull Arach. hookeriana x V. [Ascda.] Rockhampton Gold Singapore Bot.Gdns Brassavola Myakka Stars B. reginae x B. subulifolia [cordata] Florida SunCoast (Jim Roberts) Brassia Mindo Lindo Brs. [Brsa.] Mivada x Brs. [Brsa.] Orange Delight D.O.G. (R.Janke) x Brassocatanthe Graf’s El Tumbador Bsn. [Bc.] Maikai x C. Landate Plantio La Orquidea Playa Caribe Bsn. [Bc.] Maikai x C. Tiffin Bells Plantio La Orquidea Playa Cuyagua Bsn. [Bc.] Maikai x Ctt. [Lc.] Gold Digger Plantio La Orquidea Playa Todasana Ctt. [C.] Portia x Bsn. [Bc.] Maikai Plantio La Orquidea x Brassocattleya Memoria Paul Orth Bc. Memoria Sylvia Lee x C. [L.] purpurata Henington Farms Playa Camuri C. [Lc.] Aloha Case x B. nodosa Plantio La Orquidea Playa Paparo C. [Lc.] Dorothy Fiene x Bc. [Bl.] Morning Glory Plantio La Orquidea x Bullara Kyoguchi Gold Gcy. [Epc.] Kyoguchi x Rth. [Pot.] Gold Medallions F.Clarke Peggy Ann Gcy. [Epc.] Kyoguchi x Bul. Kyoguchi Gold F.Clarke x Cahuzacara Graf’s Cuaima Rby. [Blc.] Apache Sunrise x Bsn. [Bc.] Maikai Plantio La Orquidea Graf’s Talisman Bsn. [Bc.] Maikai x Rth. [Pot.] Bill Bates Plantio La Orquidea Playa Mochima Bsn. [Bc.] Maikai x Rlc. [Blc.] Eva’s Entre Vista Plantio La Orquidea Playa Morrocoy Rlc. [Blc.] Chinese Bronze x Bsn. [Bc.] Maikai Plantio La Orquidea Catasetum Cecilia Lee See See Ctsm. Jessie Ang x Ctsm. Valerie Chamorro R.Ang Chee Soong Dr M Majumder Ctsm. Helen Lim x Ctsm. Yum Yum Golden Sun R.Ang Chee Soong Cattleya Aurora’s Carboneli C. J. A. Carbone x C. [Lc.] João Antonio Nicoli Machado-Neto (O/U) Bryon Rinke C. [S.] briegeri x C. [L.] crispata [flava] F.Clarke Cosmo-Interroebling C. [Lc.] Cosmo-Roebling x C. intermedia Kokusai Emilio Blushing Boy C. [Slc.] Diamond Girl x C. warscewiczii A.Millet Emilio Petrillo C. Rosa de Corrientes x C. [Slc.] Million Kiss A.Millet Fire Walker C. [Slc.] Fire Lighter x C. walkeriana B.Oliveros Graf’s Pepiada C. [L.] tenebrosa x C. Motte Spot Plantio La Orquidea Great Spotted Cat C. Fort Motte x C. aclandiae S.J.Pratt (O/U) Holdenii Beauty C. Holdenii x C. [Lc.] Berlin Beauty L.Andreasen Kaylee Brantner C. Tripp Johnston x C. [L.] purpurata J.Grezaffi Memoria Esther Hooper C. lueddemanniana x C. [Lc.] Ecstacy Henington Farms Memoria Federico Sanchez C. [Lc.] Okarche x C. [Lc.] Rolf Altenburg Sanchez (O/U) Nettles at Thurloe C. [Lc.] Easter Bunny x C. [Lc.] Warsilee Chadwick & Son (L.Fetzer) Remar’s Imp C. [Slc.] Sun Circle x C. Fire Imp R.& M.Gerber Ruth Sherwood C. Enid (1898) x C. [Lc.] Ecstacy Henington Farms Senne Pontus C. rex x C. walkeriana Roellke Orch. Skypoldii C. [Lc.] Sky Dreams x C. tigrina [leopoldii] L.Andreasen Summer Mystery C. lueddemanniana x C. [Lc.] Mysterious Night Suwada Orch. 40 ORCHID REVIEW SUPPLEMENT VOL. 125 NAME PARENTAGE REGISTERED BY Summer Sweetheart C. percivaliana x C. aclandiae Brookside (M.Pendleton) Teipels Optima C. Jillicoc x C. [L.] harpophylla P.Teipel Tiawan Ing-Wen C. [Lc.] Taiwan Beauty x C. [Lc.] Mildred Rives Orchis Flor. TIDC Passionate Dancer C. Peckhaviensis x C. [Lc.] Button Top Taiwan LDC Via Dolosa C. violacea x C. dolosa L.Andreasen Weymouth Bay C. [Slc.] Gold Hill x C. milleri R.G.C.Russell x Cattlianthe Aurora’s Kodama Velvet Ctt. [C.] Chocolate Drop x C. velutina Machado-Neto Bridal Beauty Ctt. [Slc.] Japanese Beauty x Ctt. [C.] White Bridal Leroy Orch. Denna Suzanne Methmann Ctt. [C.] Portiata x C. [Lc.] Schilleriana grex (1898) Methmann Eric Lee C. Loretta x Ctt. [Lc.] Crystal Star Eric Lee Graf’s Guayoyo Ctt. [Lc.] Sagarik Wax x C. [L.] tenebrosa Plantio La Orquidea Karen Henington Gur. [C.] deckeri x Ctt. [C.] Porcia Henington Farms Matthew Chong Yean Tan C. [Lc.] Canhamiana x Ctt. [Lc.] Blue Boy E.M.K-A.Chew Sonia Trinidad Ctt. [Slc.] Tutankamen x C. bicolor Plantio La Orquidea Star Eyes C. [Slc.] Princess Pelu x Ctt. [Slc.] Petitpetit Candy Sanwa Youranen (T.Kuroyanagi) x Clowesetum Leprechaun Cl. [Ctsm.] Grace Dunn x Ctsm. denticulatum F.Clarke Cycnoches TIDC Purple Frilled Lizard Cyc. Anne-Kathrin Berger x Cyc. barthiorum Taiwan LDC Cymbidium Alfredo Kraus Cym. Parish Green x Cym. Memoria Amelia Earhart A.Easton Amelian Doll Cym. Hungarian Doll x Cym. Memoria Amelia Earhart A.Easton Anna’s Valley Cym. Anna Szabo x Cym. Choc Valley B.Jayne (T. Burian) Annie Laurie Cym. Parish Laird x Cym. Phyllis Hebrard A.Easton Atlantes Dream Cym. Dream Therapy x Cym. Atalanta A.Easton Atlantic Gold Cym. Atlantes Dream x Cym. Gateway to Gold A.Easton Bad Moon Rising Cym. Emerald Dream x Cym. Coratea A.Easton Bunga Bunga Cym. Bunyip x Cym. Parish Cherry A.Easton Carlos Segrera Cym. Coraki x Cym. Carmen Segrera A.Easton Cecile Stassen Cym. Plum Crazy x Cym. Cape Sunrise Duckitt Cinnamon Girl Cym. Pacific Sparkle x Cym. Hoosailum A.Easton Clean and Green Cym. Falling Passion x Cym. Hoosailum A.Easton Crimson Falls Cym. Space Tango x Cym. Phar Lap J.Santy Daniël Stassen Cym. Valley Zenith x Cym. Waylands Duckitt Darren Galea Cym. Ruby’s Gem x Cym. Last Tango R.Clement (R.J.Wells) David Allen Cym. Annie Kelly x Cym. Parish Peter A.Easton Doctor Who Cym. Lee Cooke x Cym. Hoosailum A.Easton Elf Dance Cym. Snow Elf x Cym. Minuet A.Easton Emilia Fernandez Rodriguez Cym. Bluenose x Cym. Devon Parish A.Easton Ensigold Cym. Chian-Tzy Mascot x Cym. Green Santa A.Easton Fall Rhapsody Cym. Hungarian Rhapsody x Cym. Valerie Absolonova A.Easton Feodor Chaliapin Cym. Jan Poland x Cym. Paul Robeson A.Easton Georges Thill Cym. Florida Cracker x Cym. Golden Bean A.Easton Giacomo Aragall Cym. Gateway to Gold x Cym. Pumilow A.Easton Gil Dech Cym. Devon Parish x Cym. Golden Tiger A.Easton Golden Dragon Cym. Psychotic x Cym. Highland Advent P.R.Pujol Heinjus Valley Cym. Red Valley x Cym. Motor Mouth B.Jayne (T. Burian) Here Comes the Sun Cym. Coraki x Cym. Monterey Sunset A.Easton Hidden Treasure Cym. Topless Karen x Cym. Mighty Sensation J.Santy (A. Easton) Jan Peerce Cym. Pee Wee x Cym. Phyllis Hebrard A.Easton Jo Ann Shimabukuro Cym. Via Lady Carisona x Cym. Lila B.Chan (K.Mimura) Jungle Memory Cym. Memoria Amelia Earhart x Cym. Golden Tiger A.Easton Jussi Bjorling Cym. Carlos Gardel x Cym. Memoria Amelia Earhart A.Easton Karin Kaserer Cym. King Arthur x Cym. Valley Zenith Duckitt Katherine Merewether Chase Cym. Langleyense x Cym. Carlos Gardel A.Easton Kati’s Beauty Cym. Tathra x Cym. Kati Dix J.Santy King Arthur’s Emerald Cym. King Arthur x Cym. Royal Emerald Orchidpeople Langley Liberty Cym. Yamanashi Liberty x Cym. Langleyense A.Easton Leon Davies Cym. Key Largo x Cym. Golden Tiger Plantae (New Horizon Orch.) Linum the Juggler Cym. King Arthur x Cym. Valley Smoke Duckitt Neil Shicoff Cym. Marian Banks x Cym. Golden Rule A.Easton Pakkret Chameleon Cym. Valerie Absolonova x Cym. canaliculatum Plantae (Pakkret Flor.) ORCHID REVIEW SUPPLEMENT VOL. 125 41 NAME PARENTAGE REGISTERED BY Cymbidium (continued) Parish Jean Cym. Parish Green x Cym. Sarah Jean A.Easton Phar Connection Cym. Kiwi Connection x Cym. Phar Lap J.Santy Piotr Beczala Cym. Emerald Dream x Cym. Pumilow A.Easton Richard Leech Cym. Radiant Fire x Cym. Minuet A.Easton Rose Linn Schiff Cym. Lady Spring x Cym. Rolf Bolin R.Tucker SCAU Celebrating Spring Cym. Frigdaas Green King x Cym. sinense S. China Agric. Univ. (Z-S Zhang) SCAU Embracing Spring Cym. Frigdaas Green King x Cym. Lovely Valley S. China Agric. Univ. (Z-S Zhang) Spotted Valley Cym. Khan Flame x Cym. White Valley B.Jayne (T. Burian) Strath Sunset Cym. Victor Harbour Ashbourne x Cym. Arunta B.Jayne (T. Burian) Tango Fantasia Cym. Len Southward x Cym. Last Tango E.Caughlan Tavatchai Thongprasert Cym. insigne x Cym. bicolor A.Easton Thomas Starzl Cym. Tom Petty x Cym. Rosanna Easton A.Easton Tito Schipa Cym. Glad Ian x Cym. Valerie Absolonova A.Easton Wild And Free Cym. Neil Pagano x Cym. erythraeum A.Easton William Crawford Cym. Hetherington Heritage x Cym. Oiso A.Easton Cypripedium GPH Olympic Promise Cyp. Ursel x Cyp. segawai R.Burch Hannes Cyp. Uta x Cyp. parviflorum var.pubescens W.Frosch x Cyrtocidistele Belvedere Cil. [Oda.] La Hougette x Onc. [Oda.] Bas du Mont E.Young O.F. De Brebant Onc. [Oda.] Mont Cambrai x Cil. [Oda.] Tyneville E.Young O.F. Des Poitrons Cil. [Oda.] La Hougette x Onc. [Oda.] Mont Cambrai E.Young O.F. Les Sauvages Cil. [Oda.] La Hougette x Onc. [Oda.] Ruaudiere E.Young O.F. Petite Nichette Ctd. [Oda.] Devossiana x Rst. [Odm.] bictoniensis E.Young O.F. Petite Piquere Cil. [Oda.] La Hougette x Onc. Chemin des Landes E.Young O.F. Pres de Douet Ctd. [Oda.] Le Grouet x Cil. [Oda.] Tyneville E.Young O.F. x Cyrtocidium Noirmontaise Ctd. [Oda.] Devossiana x Onc. [Oda.] Teighmore E.Young O.F. Cyrtorchis Hendrik van der Hoven Cyrtcs.

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