Congregation Bnai Yeshurun Weekly Shabbat Announcements November 2-9, 2018 Shabbat Chayei Sarah Mevarchim HaChodesh Shabbat Times CBY Welcomes Israel’s Chief Rabbi HaRav David Lau shlit”a Candle lighting 5:30 pm Israel’s Chief Rabbi HaRav David Lau shlit”a will spend this Mincha and Kabbalat Shabbat 5:40 Shabbat, Parshat Chayei Sarah, November 2-3, with Congregation Bnai Yeshurun. He will speak at a Friday night Moroccan mincha 5:40 Oneg, at Shabbat morning’s 9 o’clock minyan and following Kids Mishna Shiur 8:15 mincha. (Please see page 2, column 1 for details.) Oneg Shabbat w/R’ Lau (SH) 8:45 When Rav Lau was appointed Chief Ashkenazai Rabbi of the State of Israel in 2013, at the age of 47, he was the youngest ever Latest Shema 9:04 am to be elected to that office. Born in Tel Aviv, Rav Lau is the son of former Chief Rabbi HaRav Yisrael Meir Lau shlit”a. Hashkama 7:00 am Rav David Lau studied at Yeshivat Yishuv HaHadash, and later Ashkenaz–Social Hall 8:30 at Yeshivat Beit Matityahu and the Ponevezh Yeshiva. He was Sefard–Beis Medrash 8:30 the first rabbi of the town of Shoham in the Central District of Ashkenaz–New Main (Rav Israel. When the city of Modi'in was established, Rav Lau was 9:00 Lau drasha in English) chosen as its Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi alongside the Sephardi Chief Rabbi Eliyahu Alharar. Together, they established Torah Moroccan–Ogden Building 9:00 classes in the city; their subjects Ashkenaz–Old Main 9:15 included kashrut, eruvim, and Teen Minyan 9:00 Jewish weddings. Rabbi Lau is a Jr. Congregation (SH Stage) 9:25 reserve major in the Intelligence Corps. Youth Supervised Play 9:00 Youth Groups (N–4th grade) 9:20 Rav Lau was the first rabbi in Israel to teach responsa over the internet. Mommy & Me-Nursery Wing 10:15 Since 2006, he has appeared every Friday on the show, Ask the Rabbi 7:30 am, Daf Yomi-Manny Adler on HaArutz HaRishon, a program 4:30 pm which deals with a wide range of Mishna Yomit (Kiddushin) 8:15 am halakhic issues. Since 1999, he has Ramban al Haparsha-R’ broadcast the daily program Jewish 8:40 am Pruzansky Point on the radio station Kol Chai. Gemara Shiur-R’ Frank After 8:30 Having published articles in journals such as Tchumin, Rav Lau Breslau & Dr. Joey Bench am also edited a book of his father's responsa and he edited and Minchas Chinuch– After published a book in memory of his grandfather, Rabbi Yitzchak R’ Yosef Weinberger Sefard Yedidya Frankel. In 2008, Rav Lau published his book, Maskil Manny Freed z”l LeDovid, on issues of genealogy, conversion, military law, and 4:30 pm Parent Child Learning other matters. Rav Kook-Josh Notkin 5:00 pm The Shabbat with Rav Lau is sponsored by Rochel & Alan Feld, Sandi & Steve Grodko, in memory of Sandi’s mother, Breindel Shabbat Mincha 1:45 pm bat Eliezer Yaakov a”h, Chanie & Len Grunstein, Tammy & Moroccan Mincha 5:10 David Katz, and Jamie & Dan Schwartz. Mincha & Rabbi’s Shiur: 5:30 pm R’ Lau’s shiur (in Hebrew), “Yitzchak & Rivkah” after mincha Ma’ariv 6:34 TURN CLOCKS BACK ONE HOUR Next Shabbat Candles 4:23 Mincha 4:35 Congregation Bnai Yeshurun Phone (201) 836 – 8916 Page 1 of 4 641 West Englewood Ave. Teaneck, NJ 07666 www.bnaiyeshurun.org Congregation Bnai Yeshurun Weekly Shabbat Announcements November 2-9, 2018 Shabbat Chayei Sarah Mevarchim HaChodesh Special Events Chanukah Toy Drive. We are collecting new & unwrapped toys & gifts for children & young adults going through trying ▪ CBY joins Shuls across Northern NJ in Solidarity Shabbat; times. Please drop off your donations at Marla Friedman’s- encouraging everyone to come to shul this Shabbat as a 693 Northumberland Rd. from now until Nov. 23rd. Help united expression of strength. share the excitement of Chanukah. This is a great ▪ Shalom Zachor at the Schlusselberg home, 654 S. Forest opportunity to involve your children in the mitzvah of Drive at 8:15 pm. tzedakah! ▪ Welcome to HaRav David Lau, Chief Rabbi of Israel. ▪ Join us for a CBY Seudah Shlisheet on Shabbat Nov. 10th. Mazal Tov Sponsor for $100. Contact Dovid Weinstein or the shul office in interested in sponsoring. ▪ Moish Ackerman on his engagement to Pearl Isaac of Toronto. ▪ Join us for a screening of Heading Home: The Tale of Team ▪ Ellen & Morris Bienenfeld on the birth of a grandson, a Israel. The story of the Israel National Baseball Team & its son to Jessica & Avidan. successful play in the recent World Baseball Classic & their visit to Israel. Remarks from Jordy Alter, Team Equipment ▪ Itzhak Schlusselberg on the birth of a grandson, a son to Manager & VP of the Israel Association of Baseball Sat. night, Jenny & David Schlusselberg. Nov. 10, at 7:30 pm in the Social Hall. Sponsored by Adult ▪ Nicole Victor & Family on the bat mitzvah of her Ed Committee, Teen Department, & David Frohlich a”h granddaughter, Rachelli, daughter of Danielle & Larry Youth Department. Kossove. ▪ The Teaneck Orthodox Retiree Association (TORA) will hold ▪ Mona & Itzy Weinberger and Rabbi Solomon Weinberger its next lunch & lecture on Nov. 13 at 12:00 pm. Elozor Preil, on the birth of a granddaughter and great granddaughter will speak on "How to Win the Retirement Marathon". $12 if to Naomi & Dani Weinberger. you register by 11/8, & $15 after 11/8. Register online at: ▪ Judy & Michel Werblowsky on the bar mitzvah of their www.bnaiyeshurun.org/tora. grandson, Eli Meir, son of Devora & Chaim. Men’s Club ▪ Risa & Ephraim Prince on the bar mitzvah of their ▪ The next Men’s Club Kiddush will take place on Nov. 24th. grandson, Tzvi Aryeh, son of Gila & Zev Prince. To sponsor, contact Neal Landerer or the shul office. Condolences BNOT Avi Dahan on the loss of his beloved mother, Mazal ▪ ▪ Nov. 6 at 8:30 pm at CBY: 16th Annual Yahrzeit Rachel (Marcelle) Dahan a”h. Imeinu Video "Bringing the Geula: With the Power of Our ▪ Marsha Stamler on the loss of her beloved mother, Erna Chessed”. Introduction by HaRav Shmuel Kamenetsky, Frolow a”h. shlita. Presented by BNOT & the Beth Abraham CBY Notes Sisterhood. For women & girls only. ▪ CBY is privileged to host the Chief Rabbi of Israel, HaRav David Frohlich z”l Youth Department David Lau shlit"a. Friday night Oneg Shabbat at 8:45 pm: ▪ Join us next Shabbat, Nov. 10th for a surprise Kislev Rav Lau will discuss (in English) "The Chief Rabbinate: Kiddush for K-6th grade! Accomplishments & Challenges". Shabbat morning: Rav Lau will deliver the drasha (in English) in the New Main New Shul Safety Policy: Starting this Shabbat, Nov. 3rd, Shul. Shabbat afternoon, after Mincha: Rav Lau will give a with the guidance from the President & the Executive Board, shiur (in Hebrew) on "Yitzchak & Rivkah". Sponsored by we are implementing a new safety & security policy regarding Rochel & Alan Feld, Sandi & Steve Grodko, in memory of children playing in the hallways of the Shul (&/or simply Sandi’s mother, Breindel bat Eliezer Yaakov a”h, Chanie & hanging out in the hallways) or around the Shul property. Len Grunstein, Tammy & David Katz, and Jamie & Dan Parents & grandparents are asked to please help make sure Schwartz. that all children & grandchildren who come to Shul are either in our youth groups or sitting next to a responsible party ▪ Monday, November 5, at 8:00 pm CBY presents Jon quietly in Shul. We need your help to make sure that our Medved, Founder & CEO, OurCrowd, “Turning Curses children in & around the Shul are safe, being supervised, & into Blessings: How Israeli Startups are Meeting Global accounted for at all times. Parent volunteers will be Challenges,” in the Social Hall. Refreshments & Israeli monitoring the hallways. To help with this effort, please wine tasting available. contact Naomi Davidson or the Shul Office. Thank you very much for your understanding. ▪ CBY is participating in the 26th Annual Bergen County Congregation Bnai Yeshurun Phone (201) 836 – 8916 Page 2 of 4 641 West Englewood Ave. Teaneck, NJ 07666 www.bnaiyeshurun.org Congregation Bnai Yeshurun Weekly Shabbat Announcements November 2-9, 2018 Shabbat Chayei Sarah Mevarchim HaChodesh Weekly Davening Schedule Earliest tefillin – 5:35 am Sun Nov. 4 Mon. Nov. 5 Tue. Nov. 6 Wed. Nov. 7 Thu. Nov. 8 Fri. Nov. 9 Latest Shema – 9:04 am Mincha Gedola - 12:10 pm Daf Yomi 7:00 am 5:30 am 5:30 am 5:30 am 5:30 am 5:30 am Shacharit – New Main 5:55 5:55 Shacharit - Old Main 6:05 6:15 6:15 Shacharit - Beis Medrash 6:25 6:20 6:30 6:30 6:10 6:10 Shacharit - Old Main 7:30 7:00 7:00 6:45 6:45 Shacharit - Beis Medrash 7:20 7:30 7:30 7:10 7:10 Shacharit - Old Main 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 Shacharit - Old Main 8:50 8:50 8:50 8:50 Shacharit – New Main 7:00 7:00 (Bris) 8:50 8:50 8:00 9:15 Mincha - Beis Medrash 12:45 & 1:45 pm 1:45 pm 1:45 pm 1:45 pm 1:45 pm Mincha – New Main 4:35 pm Mincha - Old Main 4:35 pm 4:35 pm 4:35 4:35 Ma’ariv - Old Main 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 9:00 9:00 9:00 9:00 9:00 Ma’ariv - Beis Medrash 10:01 10:01 10:01 10:01 10:01 11:00 11:00 11:00 11:00 11:00 Beis Medrash Program Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Yitzchak Yaakov Kollel Boker 6:20-7 am 6:20-7 am 6:20-7 am Daf Yomi 7 am 5:30 am Mishna Yomit 8:30 am 7:45 am Kids Mishna Shiur 8:15-9:00 pm Daf Yomi B’Halacha Chavurah 8:30 pm R’ Meir Shalem 9:35-10:45 am Night Seder Open Learning 8-10 pm Rav Elkin (Moroccan minyan) 8-9:30 pm Rav Goldwicht – Parsha 8:30 pm Senior Lunch & Learn - R’ Taubes 1-2:30 pm Tzurva Merabanan – R’ Pruzansky 8:15 pm Rambam’s Mishneh Torah – R’ Meier 8:00 pm R’ Sobolofsky- Halacha 9:15 pm Hilchos Shabbos -R’ Yosef Weinberger 8:30-9 pm Navi Chavurah-R’ Schachter-Sefer Shoftim 8:15-9 pm Mishna Torah Chavurah-R’ Jason Finkelstein 8:15-9 pm Pearls of Chassidus on the Parsha-R’ Jason Finkelstein 9:15-10 pm Parsha with R’ Moshe Tzvi Weinberg 8:15-9 pm Semichat Chaver Program-R’ Schachter 8:45 pm Parsha & Halacha w/ R’ Taubes 10:15 pm Congregation Bnai Yeshurun Phone (201) 836 – 8916 Page 3 of 4 641 West Englewood Ave.
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