DIRECTORY.] SURREY. UPPER NORWOOD. 2313 Cheek Mary Ann (Mrs.), dressmaker, Davey Ellen (Mrs.), lodging house, Fladder Georg-e R. manager of London Church road 17 St. Aubyn's road & South Western Bank Limited,. Cbittell J ames, fruiterer, W estow street Davies Elizabeth (Mrs. ),lodging house, W e!;ltow hill Chorley, Crawford & Chester, solicitor;~, 26 St. Aubyn's road Flynn Patrick & Son, builders ~ deco- Church road; & 34 k 36 Moorgate DaviesHenry,shopkeepr.George street, rators, 22 Brunswick parade, A.nerley street e.c Gipsy hill road, Anerley Clapham Samuel, bookbinder, Rose Davies Thomas, )odging house, 25 St. Foden Sarah Loui~a (Mrs.), dairy, 2. cottag-e, N orwood New town Aubyn's road St. .James place, Westow street Clarke Thomas, cheesemonger, 2 Royal Davies Waiter, draper, Westow street Ford Charles, plumber, Central hill terrace, Westow hill Davies Ths.J hn.lodging ho.46Palace rd Ford J ames, plumber, W estow street Clarke Thomas, grocer, ll W estow Hill Day Henry J obn, shoeing & veterinary Fox William, builder, plum her & gas- terrace forge, Westow street fitter, I Lulling-ton road, Anerley ClewJow George,bootmaker,Westow st Deacon Caroline (Mrs.), berlin wool Fox William, gnrdener & florist, 3 Lans- Clift Frederick, solicitor, 21 Church rd repository, Alvestoke ho. Church rfi down place, Belvedere road Cobb Frederic WilJiam, linendraper, Dennis William, linen draper, 2 Otway Fox William, jun. nursery, Fox lane Westow road terrace, Westow hill Fowler Wm.refrshmnt.rooms,Anrley.rd' Cockerell & Co. coal merchants, High Dihbins Alec & Sons, dairymen, 3 FrancisFrederick(Mrs.),lodging house, Level road, Westow hill Central hill I Cambridge villas, Tudor road Coe Wm. Chas. gen. dealer, Westow hill Dickinson Geo. furniture dlr. Gipsy hl Freeman Frederick, lodgin~ house, 2' Coke William Charles, bicycle maker, Dickson Waiter, M. D. surgeon, 32 Willow terrace, Woodhmd road 4 Versailles ter. Anerley rd. Anerley Belvedere road French George, glass & china ware- Coldman W. carman. & contractor, Dickinson Geo. shopkpr. Woodland rd house, 8 Ot\\"ay terrace. Westow hill W estow street DixonJolm,physician,MelbournelodgP, French Joseph, dairJman, Westow hill Cole J obn, ironmonger, 1 Percy terrace, Anerley road French Thomas, dairy, Gipsy hill Westow hill Doughty Hannah(Miss),lodginghouse, Fricker James Hunter, auctioneer &; Collins Charles, fly proprietor, Nor­ Norfolk terrace, Gipsy hill stationer, 4 Westow Hill terrace wood New town Doughty John, lodging house, .Alfred Gain David, butrher, lA, Woodside Collins Patrick, lodging house, 9 St. house, Gipsy hill terrace, Gipsy hill Aubyn's road Doughty John, lodging house, 1 St. Galton John Henry, M.D. surgeon, .ollins Varnum D. dentist, Gip~y hill, Aubyn's road Woodside, Anerley road, Anerley ~ & 1 Otway terrace, W estow hill Downe Amelia (Mrs.), lodging house, Gandy Wm. surg-eon, Hill t(lp,Central hl. Collis Thomas, boot maker, Church rd 3 Cambridge villas, Tudor road Garnham J. builder, Westow street & 4 Compton Emily (Mrs.), news agent & Drake William, grocer, Westow hill Camden terrace, Gipsy hill fancy repository, Westow hill Dunhill Frederick, music warehouse, Garnham John William, builder, 1 Compton Wm.ldgng.ho.29St.Aubyn's rd 2 Percy terrace, Westow hill Beulah place, Beulah hill Convent ~· Orphanage of the Faith­ Dnnn Pennison, The Star~ Garter Garnham Waiter, oilman, Westow hill ful Virgin (Madame Desiree Du hotel, Anerley road Garoham William, lodging house, 2 Breuil, lady superioress; Hev. John Eastman & Son, architects & surveyors, Cam den terrace, Gipsy hiJl B. Morel, priest), Central bill 1 Market place, Ridsdale road Gaydon Francis, jun. watch maker &. Cook&Co. fancy repository ,2 Central hi Eccles William Soltau, surgeon, Lynd- jeweller, Westow street Cook Augustus, surgeon dentist, 10 burst, Church road Gennoe Richard, !!tat ion master, Station Belvedere road Edbrook Alfred, Biggin Hill farm, house, Gipsy Hill station Cook Richard, baker, 2 Beulah place, Biggin hill GesseyJhn. Wm.confectionr.4 Central hl Beulab hill Edbrook Alfred, decorator,I3 Church rd Gilbert Frederick George, mantle ware- Cooley John, beer retailer, Westow hill Edmondson Thomas (Mrs.) milliner, 1 house, 5 Westow Hill terra<'e Cooper Alfred, boot & shoe maker, 9 Spa place, Beulah hill Gillingham William,builder& decorator, Otway terrace, W estow hill Edwards M~jor, nurseryman,Church rd 5 Brunswick par. Anerley rd.Anerley Cooper Henry, gardener, Chut"ch road Edwards John,pork butcher, Westow hl Girling Emma (Mrs.), ladies' outfitter,. Cooper John, baker, 6 Church road Edwards William, wardrobe dealer, 18 3 W oodside terrace, Gipsy hill Cooper N tlson, bath chair proprietor, Brunswick par. Anerley rd. Anerley Glass Robert, butcher, Westow hill Victory place, W estow street ElcouxHarryJ ohn,job mastr.Church rd Goodchild Richard, Holly Bush hotel,. CoplandJ as.market gardener,Beulah hi ElliottGilbert, physician,53 Belvedere rd W estow hill Corfe Brothers, tailors, W estow hill ElliottJane (Mrs.),baker,IO Brunswick Goy J ames, hair dres~er, Westow hill Cornaby Henry Wells, berlin wool ware· parade, Anerley road, Anerley GrayEbenzr.&Edwn.dairy,I2Church rd ho. 7 Versailles ter.Anerley rd.Anerley Ellis Betsy (Miss), lodging house, 3 Green Joshua,chimney swpr. Westow hl Comutt Emily (:Mrs.), lodging house, Surrey dllas, Woodland road Green William George, jun. lodgin~t_ b2 Palace road Emms Chas.tailr.4Albert ter.Church rd house, 65 & 63 Belvedere road Cottrell (Misses), fancy repository, End Richard, fruiterer, I Colby road GreeningEdward Frederick,cowkeeper, 16 Brunswick parade, Anerley road, End Richard, fruiterer, 7 Otway ter- Beulah hill Anerley · race, Westow hill Greeves Robert Mollett, bahy linen &~ Covell James, butcher, Westow hill Erhardt Doris (Miss), boarding school, ladies' outfitting wareho. We~tow h1 Cgx John, beer retailer, Gipsy hill 7 Thicket road, Anerley Guthrie Miss,lod~ing ho.45Belvedere rd Cracknell J oh a, grocer, 3Colby terrace, Evans Thomas, greengrocer, 6 Hamlet Haddon Emily (Miss), ladies' school, Gipsy hill terrace, Anerley road, Anerley Dorpat house, Victoria road,Gipsy hi Cragg George, plumber,BChurch road Evens Henry Corni:~h, linen draper, 2 Hale John, beer retailer, Westow street Cre~eld Thomas, baker& confectioner, Bank buildings, W estow bill Hall Whitmore (Mrs.), lodging house, 4 Colby terrace, Gipsy hill Eves Wm. tailor& hatter, Anerleyroad 61 Palace road Crickinay .Mary (Miss), ladies' outfit­ Ewen Thomas, greengrocer, 1 Palace Halley William, baker, "\Vestow street ter, Versailles terrace, Anerley road terrace, George street, Gipsy hill Hammond Michael Saunderson, iron- Croft Charles Chesman,e:rocer, 6 Wood­ Ewen William, job master, South vale, monger, china & glass d~aler, 3 Ham- side terrace, Gipsy hill Central hill let terrace, Anerley road, Anerley Crystal Palace (West front entrance), Farley John, undertaker, 8 Albert ter- Hamsher William, lodging house, Bat- High Level road. W estow hill race, Church road moral house, Gipsy bill Crystal Palace Home (for the assis­ Farmer William, bookseller,3 Church rd Hans Alexander, lodging house, Bow- tants engaged at the Palace), (Mrs. Penning Robert Francis,Pazton Arms, moot, Cintra park Elizabeth Dread on, supt. ), Corstoo Anerley road , Harding Caroline(Mrs.);Iodginghouse, house, Alexandra road Fergusson Joseph, lodging house, 2 The 19 St. Aubyn's road, Westow llill Cullen Edward, carpenter, Victory Terrace, Church road H arding Sidney ,dentist,6Westow HI. ter- place, \Vestow hill Field Andrew, china & glass dealer, 8 Hare Alfred, fly proprietor, 5 Victoria Cureton Caroline (Mrs.), boarding Belvedere road ~illas & Victoria road, Gipsy hill house,13 & U Surrey viis. Woodlnd.rd Fielder William & Co.lir;~en drapers, HarmanHenry,tob~cconist, Westowhl Cutter William, lodging house, 3 St. 2 & 3 The Pavement, Anerley road Harmer John, greenu;rocer, 3 Palace rd Helen's villas, Woodland road Filmer & Son, upholsterers, 22 & 23 Harris Frederick, glass & china ware- Cutting George, shopkeeper, Norwood Church road house, Westow street New town Finch George H. solicitor, !l Gipsy hill Harris John George (Mrs.), lodging- Dakin Henry, silk mercer 8 & 9, &. Finch Hy. Queen's Arms, W estow hill house, 48 Palace road ladies' outfitter 9, Brun1.1wick parade, Fire Brigade Station, High Level HarriiiOn Frederick Stone, artist & pho- Anerley road, Anerley road, Westow hill tographer, I Woodside ter. Gipsy hiU Davenport Walter, Clarendon hotel, Fissi FerrLo, confectioner, 7 Bank Hart John, boot maker,6 Versailles ter- Anerley roa~, Anerley buildings, W estow hill race, Anerley road, Anerley .
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