FAO/GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT FACILITY PROJECT DOCUMENT Project Title: Support for sustainable food production and enhancement of food security and climate resilience in Burundi's highlands FAO Project symbol: GCP/BDI/040/GFF GEF Project ID: 642896 Recipient Country(ies): Burundi Executing partners: Ministry of Water, Environment, Territorial and Urban Planning; Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Expected EOD (Starting Date): April 2017 Expected NTE (End Date): April 2022 Contribution to FAO’s Strategic Framework: 50% for SO2 “Increase and improve provision of goods and services (Indicate as appropriate) from agriculture, forestry and fisheries in a sustainable manner” Output 2.1.1 Innovative practices for sustainable agricultural production (including traditional practices that improve sustainability) are identified, assessed and disseminated and their adoption by stakeholders is facilitated. 25% for S04 “Enable Inclusive and efficient agricultural and food systems”. Output 4.2.3 Value chain actors are provided with technical and managerial support to promote inclusive, efficient and sustainable agrifood chains 25% for SO5 “increase the resilience of livelihoods to threats and crises” through reducing vulnerability to drought and other impacts of climate change Output 5.2.2 Improving capacities to undertake vulnerability and/or resilience analysis. Country Programming Framework Outcome: The project meets all four axes of the Burundi Country Programme Framework namely: (i) capacity building of Agricultural Producers Organizers; (ii) natural resource management; (iii) management and use of information; (iv) strategic planning and coordination. Contribution to GEF TF Focal Area Strategic IAP – Food Security, LD‐1, Programme 1; LD‐1, Programme 2; Objectives and Programmes: IAP – Food Security, LD‐3, Programme 4; IAP – Food Security, LD‐4, Programme 5; IAP – Food Security, BD‐4, Programme 9. Environmental and Social Risk Classification Moderate risk Gender Marker1 G1 Financing Plan: GEF allocation: GEFTF: USD 7,396,330 Co‐financing: Government of Burundi: i) IFAD loan portfolio, PRODEFI II: USD 21,440,000; ii) World Bank PRODEMA II : USD 6,000,000; iii) World Bank coffee project : USD 14,110,728; iv) MINAGRI : USD 3,000,000, FAO: USD 500,000 1 Throughout this document, the term SLM is used most frequently, but is considered equivalent to INRM. 1 Sub‐total co‐financing: USD 45,050,728 Total budget: USD 52,447,058 Executive Summary Land degradation in Burundi’s highlands is leading to a decline in agricultural production, loss of agrobiodiversity and contributing to food shortages, food insecurity, chronic malnutrition, land and social conflicts, poverty, rural‐ urban migration and increased vulnerability to climate change. The IAP‐FS programme seeks to tackle the major drivers of environmental degradation by advancing a holistic and integrated approach (inter alia pro‐poor and inclusive) to enhance agricultural productivity in smallholder systems where food insecurity is directly linked to agriculture. This approach will ensure that gender and nutrition are mainstreamed throughout the project as critical issues to address the food security challenge. The Burundi IAP‐FS project will address these challenges and drivers through the following components, with the specific objective to “increase adoption of resilient, improved production systems for sustainable food security and nutrition through integrated landscape management and sustainable food value chains”: 1. Strengthened institutional framework and support mechanisms; 2. Improved livelihoods and food security though integrated natural resources/watershed management; 3. Monitoring and assessment of global environmental benefits and socio‐economic impacts. The three expected Outcomes are: 1.1Multi‐stakeholder and multi‐scale platforms in support of policy and institutional reform and knowledge sharing mechanism for scaling out of SLM practices and integrated natural resources / landscape management in place; 2.1 Increased land area and agro‐ecosystems under integrated natural resources / landscape management and SLM best practices and improved market access and value chains leading to enhanced and sustained production and livelihoods; 3.1 M&A framework in place and relevant institutions capacitated, carrying‐out monitoring activities and communicating experiences and results. The project will be implemented on‐the‐ground in eight selected micro‐catchments of Gitega, Mwaro and Muramvya Provinces in the highland agroecosystem east of the Congo: Nile watershed divide with a gender sensitive focus. The project will also catalyse transformational change across a wider area of the country through provision of training and knowledge management products for the partner (co‐financing) projects. At national level, it will support an incremental increase in capacity to realize and monitor the win‐win‐win benefits of integrated natural resource management / sustainable land management (INRM / SLM, note: throughout this document, the term SLM is used most frequently, but is considered equivalent to INRM.). The IAP‐FS is timely as it contributes to the objectives of the Government in improving the livelihoods of people through creating favourable conditions for ensuring food security. 2 Acronyms and Abbreviations Acronym Explanation ACB African Centre for Biodiversity ACCES Climate Change Adaptation for Soil and Water Resources Conservation Project (financed by the Special Fund for Energy and Climate) ACORD Agence de coopération et de recherche pour le développement ADD Duhaguruke Dukore Association ADISCO Appui au développement intégral et à la solidarité des collines ADLP Programme d’appui à la Décentralisation et à la Lutte contre la pauvreté AfDB African Development Bank AGRA Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa ASAP Adaptation for Smallholder Agriculture Programme AVEDEC Association Villageoise d’entraide et de Développement Communautaire BD biodiversity (GEF focal area) BH budget holder BV Bassin versant (French; in English = watershed) CA conservation agriculture CAADP Comprehensive African Agricultural Development Programme CAPAD Confédération des Associations des Producteurs pour l’Auto‐Développement CBD Convention on Biological Diversity CC climate change CCA climate change adaptation CCDC Communal Community Development Committees CDC Cell Development Committees CDF Centre de Développement Familial CCM climate change mitigation CNA capacity needs assessment CNCA National Aid Coordination Committee CNE Commission nationale de l’environnement CNF National Land Commission (Commission National Foncier) CNTA Centre National de Technologie Alimentaire CPPA Cadre de Planification en Faveur des Populations Autochtones CSA climate smart agriculture CSO civil society organisation CSIF country strategic investment framework (for SLM) CSLPII Strategic Framework for the Fight against Poverty II CTB Coopération Technique Belge DATAR Diversity Assessment Tool for Agrobiodiversity and Resilience DG Digital Green DPAE Directions Provinciales de l’Agriculture et de l’élevage DfID Department for International Development (UK) FAO Food and Agriculture Organisation FFS farmer field school FGD focus group discussions FIES food insecurity experience scale (used in HH‐BAT) FISP farm input subsidy programme GEB global environmental benefit GEF Global Environment Facility GHI Global Hunger Index GIS geographic information systems 3 GoB Government of Burundi GSADR Agriculture and Rural Development Sector Group (Groupe Sectoriel Agriculture et Développement Rural) GSEAE Sectoral Group on Water, Sanitation and the Environment HDDS household dietary diversity score (used in HH‐BAT) HEA household economy analysis HH Household HH‐BAT household baseline assessment tool HRBA human rights based approaches IAP‐FS integrated approaches pilot on Food security IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development IGA income generating activity IGEBU Institut Géographique du Burundi ILO International Labour Organization INDC Intended Nationally Determined Contributions ICNEN National Institute for Nature Conservation INRM integrated natural resources management IP Implementing Partner IPC Integrated Food Security Phase Classification IRAZ Institut de Recherche Agronomique et Zootechnique ISABU Institut des Sciences Agronomiques du Burundi ISFM integrated soil fertility management IW international waters (GEF focal area) LADA Land Degradation Assessment (in Drylands) (methods and tools) LCA Green Belt Action LD land degradation LUS Land Use Systems MEA Millennium Ecosystem Assessment MINAGRIE Ministere de l’Agriculture et de l’Elevage (Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock) MEEATU Ministere de l’Eau, de l’Environnement, de l’Aménagement du Territoire et de l’Urbanisme (Ministry of Water, the Environment, Land Management and Urbanisation) [former MINATTE) MSNDPHG Ministère de la Solidarité Nationale, des Droits de l’Homme et du Genre (Ministry of National Solidarity, Human and Gender Rights) MoI Ministere de l’Interieur et de la Formation Patriotique (Ministry of the Interior and Patriotic Education) MTE Mid‐Term Evaluation NAIP National Agricultural Investment Plan NAPA National Adaptation Plan of Action to Climate Change NAP/LCDT National Action Programme to Combat Desertification (Lutte contre la degradation des terres) NBA Burundian Association of Environmental Protection NCCCA National Communication on Climate Change and Adaptation NEPAD New Partnership for Africa’s Development NGO non‐governmental organisation
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