Activity Report 2016/17 Eurac Research Research is our passion. It is Forschen ist unsere Leiden- La ricerca è la nostra passio- our contribution to addressing schaft. Mit Neugier, Begeiste- ne. È così che diamo il nostro issues closely connected with rung, Mut und Ausdauer contributo a questioni che people’s lives, their health, stellen wir uns den Herausfor- riguardano da vicino la vita and their environment. derungen unserer Zeit: Men- delle persone, la loro salute, We are committed to giving schen brauchen Gesundheit, l’ambiente in cui vivono. concrete answers to complex funktionierende politische Con i nostri studi ci impegnia- questions. We work in teams Systeme, eine intakte Umwelt. mo a dare risposte concrete a to have a wider perspective: Mit dem Ziel vor Augen das domande complesse. Lavo- superseding divisions among zukünftige Leben der Men- riamo in team per avere una disciplines helps to find alter- schen zu verbessern, suchen visione più ampia e perché native solutions. wir Antworten auf komplexe superare le divisioni tra disci- We often develop solutions for Fragen - in Teams und Diszipli- pline aiuta a trovare soluzioni regional problems which can nen übergreifend. Oft entwi- alternative. then be applied around the ckeln wir konkrete Lösungen Spesso, in risposta a problemi globe. As such, we are linked für regionale Probleme, die regionali, sviluppiamo solu- to other research networks dann auch andernorts An- zioni concrete che possono all over the world and have wendung finden. In weltweite essere applicate a livello glo- partners in more than 50 Wissenschaftsnetze eingebun- bale. Abbiamo partner in più countries on five continents. den, forschen wir mit Partnern di 50 paesi sparsi nei cinque We collaborate with European aus über 50 Ländern auf 5 continenti. Lavoriamo con institutions with international Kontinenten. Wir arbeiten eng istituzioni europee, organiz- organisations, such as the mit EU-Institutionen, interna- zazioni internazionali come United Nations Environment tionalen Organisationen wie il programma delle Nazioni Programme (UNEP), as well as dem Umweltprogramm der unite per l’ambiente (UNEP), with several space agencies. Vereinten Nationen (UNEP) e agenzie spaziali di diversi und mehreren Weltraumorga- paesi. nisationen zusammen. Index Inhalt Indice 04 Openness and Interdisciplinarity / Offenheit 43 Making the Intangible Tangible und Interdisziplinarität / Apertura e inter- 44 Biodiversität erheben, erforschen, erleben disciplinarità 45 Irrigare meno per irrigare meglio (Monalisa) 04 Excellence and Collaboration with Companies / 46 Monitoring Ecosystems and their Benefits Wissenschaftliche Exzellenz und Zusammen- (ECOPOTENTIAL) arbeit mit den Unternehmen / Eccellenza e 47 Klimafolgen abschätzen: Beratung des Bundes- collaborazione con le imprese umweltamts 48 Alpi: un book fotografico speciale per controllare come cambiano (SEOM COMMONS) 07 SPECIAL 25 YEARS 49 The Impact of AirBnB on Tourism 50 Innovation und Kooperation in Südtiroler Unternehmensnetzwerken 17 RESEARCH 51 Meno camion nelle Alpi (AlpInnoCT) 52 Energy Retrofits for Shopping Malls 20 Immigration and Collective Identity in Minority (CommONEnergy) Nations 53 Bolzano smart city: comincia la fase operativa 21 Minoranze: proposta per una normativa regionale (SINFONIA) più organica 54 Energieverbrauch historischer Gebäude: ein Atlas 22 Studie für die OSZE: Minderheiten als Brücken- gibt Orientierung bauer in Europas Grenzregionen 55 Reducing Energy Loss in District Heating and 24 Capacity Building in Asia and Africa Cooling (FLEXYNETS) 25 Misurare l’autonomia finanziaria 56 Rete elettrica: uno strumento per predire la 26 Active and Assisted Living Solutions for the Elderly produzione da fotovoltaico (gAALaxy) 27 Frauen in Führungspositionen 28 Quanto costa la politica comunale? 57 FACTS 29 E-Learning for Health and Safety in the Workplace 30 Digitale Infrastruktur für Sprachdaten und 58 Personnel / Personal / Personale –services in Südtirol 61 Finance / Finanzen / Finanze 31 Scuole: più lingue è meglio 62 Participation in EU Research Projects 32 A Genetic Library for Heart Function 64 Partners / Partner / Partner 33 Parkinson-Forschung: Die Rolle der Zellkraftwerke beim Schutz vor Erkrankung 34 Parkinson: nuovo studio sui disturbi del sonno 66 ORGANISATION 35 Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging to Test Parkinson’s Drugs 67 Organigram /Organigramm / Organigramma 36 15 Jahre biomedizinische Forschung 68 Committees / Organe / Organi 37 Blood Coagulation in Hypothermic Trauma 69 Institutes / Istitute / Istituti Patients 38 Schmerzstudie an Skifahrern 39 Respirare sotto la neve (Air Safe) 40 Archaeology of Disease in South Tyrol 41 Atherosklerose in ägyptischen Mumien: Welche Rolle spielen die Gene? 42 Mummie egizie di Torino: Tac e campionamenti (ME Mummy Project) —3 Openness and Interdisciplinarity Excellence and Collaboration with Companies Face to Face with Director Stephan Ortner Face to Face with President Roland Psenner 25 years of Eurac Research, 21 years for you as director. Prior to becoming president of Eurac Research in 2015, From your point of view, how has South Tyrol changed for your career took place at the University of Innsbruck. the research centre, and how has the centre changed South Seen from the outside, how has the research centre changed Tyrol? South Tyrol? When the centre was founded we almost had to apol- From my perspective, the foundation of Eurac Research ogize for doing research and not producing anything marked the beginning of a substantial transformation. in industry or agriculture. Today the value of research Before, the smartest young people were sent to study is recognized by society and in part we contributed to north or south, hoping they would return. Often it did not this change. On the one hand, we have studied complex happen: many gifted young people stayed in the places and relevant issues for the territory. On the other hand, they were trained and where they found interesting job thanks also to the activities for schools and students, we opportunities. Thanks to Eurac Research - and to the uni- have taken science into the living room of almost every versity that sprouted from Eurac Research - today South home. Tyrol is also an attractive destination for researchers. Thanks to the arrival of researchers and their families from abroad, Bolzano has become a more open and col- How do you measure the success of a research centre ourful city. In the meantime, Eurac Research has consoli- like Eurac Research? dated: after years of political distrust, today our skills are Based on the two poles that characterize our work: on especially requested for more sensitive issues. the one hand scientific excellence, on the other the ben- efits for South Tyrol. As for the first point, we operate in international context and we are judged according to the «We have taken science into the same criteria as everyone else. For example, I am very living room of almost every home» happy because three quarters of our articles have been published in the most authoritative magazines. There are What were the highlights of this journey? many areas in which, through our research, we direct the For example, we focused on renewable energies when scientific path. Just to name a few: the CHRIS Study, the the topic was still not fashionable. With foresight we also long-term ecological research in Mazia Valley, mummy recognized the importance of biomedical research for the research, risk management or emergency medicine in South Tyrolean healthcare system. Thanks to the branch the mountains. As for local relevance, our key themes offices we have also put out feelers in other regions. And speak for themselves: minorities, languages, regional de- of course, there are infrastructures, of which now stands velopment, federalism and alpine environment. out the Technology Park. The extreme environment sim- ulator will be our flagship. «Three quarters of our articles Aspirations for the future? have been published in the More interdisciplinarity. The most important issues for our future can be resolved only if we stop thinking in cat- most authoritative magazines» egories. I also hope that Eurac Research will continue to contribute to the development of the local and European Aspirations for the future? society. And that ever more brilliant minds choose South A very important project for South Tyrol is the Techno- Tyrol as their new home. logy Park. Here, the link between research and industry has to spark. Eurac Research is best prepared for this step - I hope that companies are open to collaboration as well. I hope that with time South Tyrol will also be perceived from the outside as an important hub for research. 4— Offenheit und Interdisziplinarität Wissenschaftliche Exzellenz und Im Gespräch mit Direktor Stephan Ortner Zusammenarbeit mit den Unternehmen Im Gespräch mit Präsident Roland Psenner 25 Jahre Eurac Research, 21 Jahre sind Sie Direktor; von innen betrachtet: Was hat sich in Südtirol durch und für das Bevor Sie 2015 Präsident von Eurac Research wurden, verlief Forschungsinstitut verändert? ihre berufliche Karriere an der Universität Innsbruck; Vor 25 Jahren musste man sich hier noch fast entschuldi- von außen betrachtet: Wie hat Südtirol sich durch das gen, wenn man forschte, statt in einem produktiven Be- Forschungsinstitut verändert? reich tätig zu sein. Heute ist Forschung gesellschaftlich Aus meiner Sicht war die Gründung des Forschungsins- anerkannt, dazu haben wohl auch wir etwas beigetragen. tituts für Südtirol der Anfang eines
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