All events except films (shown in italics) in Concert Hall unless otherwise stated 6th Indian Dance Class 9.30am DATE EVENT TIME 7th & 8th The Mission 6pm& 8./5 pm BLUECOAT ARTS CENTRE 8th Pinski Zoo 8pm January 9th - Feb 13th Pam Skelton & David Gallery Mabb 9th The Wind 6pm& 8.15pm I·N·F·O·R·M·A· T·I·O·N 18th & /9th 84 Charing Cross Road 6pm&8./Spm /Och La Bamba 6pm&8./Spm B'Ox Office: Music & Dance 20th Harlan County, USA 6pm&B./Spm I Ith Book Market 9am - Spm (OSI) 709 S297 (Sandon Room) Film: (OSI) 709 4260 21st Michael Nyman Band 8pm General Enquiries & Room Hire 12th 'Baggages' - All Day (OSI) 709 S297 21st Aguirre, Wrath of God 6pm&8./Spm Bistro Reservations & Enquires (OSI) 709 2179 Performance Bluecoat Gallery 22nd 48Hrs 6pm&8./Spm (OS I) 709 S689 /Ith Three Amigos 6pm&B./Spm Music & Dance Department 23rd Barry Lyndon 3.45pm&7.l5pm (OSI) 708 8877 13th Indian Dance Class 9.30am 25 & 26th Peggy Sue Got Married 6pm&8./Spm Tickets for Music and Dance events are available from the Bluecoat Coffee 14th & 15th The Ballad of Halo Jones 8pm Shop, Monday to Saturday 10 am - 5.0? pm, or at the door. Concessionary 27th Blue Collar 6pm&8./Spm 14th & /Sch Betty Blue 6pm& 8.15pm prices are shown in brackets and are ava1!able to: students, nurses, the unwaged, 28th WR - Mysteries of 6pm&8./Spm and OAPs on production of the appropriate card. 16th Dick Gaughan 8pm The Organism Tickets by post: Please write to Bluecoat Arts Centre, School Lane, Liverpool The Chapel 6pm&8.!Spm 29th The Adventures of 6pm&8./Spm 16th LI 3 BX and make cheques payable to Bluecoat Society of Arts. 17th The Belly of An Architect 6pm&8./Spm Barrie McKenzie Tickets for Films are available from the MFIT Box office between 11 am _ 3 6pm&B./Spm February /st & 2nd The Name of The Rose 6pm & 8.15pm 18th The Big Easy pm and 5.30 pm - 8.15 pm Monday_to Friday and on Saturdays half an hour 8pm 3rd Days of Hope: Episode I 6pm&8./Spm 19th The Kronos Quartet before the first showing._Membership cards must be produced when purchasing 9.30am tickets. Reservation of tickets 1s only pern:11tted on the day of the film. An unpaid 4th Dry Wood/Hot Pepper 6pm& 8.15pm 20th Indian Dance Class Sch Blue Velvet 6pm&B./Spm reserved ticket that is not collected IO minutes before the advertised time will Witness 6pm&8./Spm 2/st&22nd be released for sale. Gallery 6th Record Fair 12 noon .- 6 pm 22nd to 26th Graeme Russell and Resale of Tickets: We regret that we are unable to exchange tickets or refund 8th & 9th Something Wild David Wilkinson: 6pm&8./Spm 'Entrust' monies once tickets have been purchased. /Och Days of Hope: Episode II 6pm&8./Spm 23rd Xala 6pm&B./Spm Party Bookings: One FREE ticket is offered for every 10 tickets purchased. /Ith Ulysses 5.SOpm&B./Spm 24th My Little Chickadee 6pm&8./Spm We are also able to cater for parties wishing to eat before a performance. Why 12th Book Market 9am - Spm Children of A Lesser God 6pm&B./Spm not arrange a party booking and take advantage of our catering facilities? (Sandon Room) 25th 7.30pm 12th Sunday in the Country 26th Orlando Staff 6pm&8./Spm 8pm /Sch & /6th Radio Days 27th Dick Morrisey/ Director: Paul Kelly 6pm&B./Spm Jim Mullen Gallery Director: Bryan Biggs 16th Kenny Wheeler 8pm 27th Indian Dance Class 9.30am Gallery Assistant: Chris Kennedy 17th Days of Hope: Episode Ill Music & Dance Director: Jayne Casey 6pm&B./Spm 28th & 29th The Mosquito Coast 6pm&B./Spm 18th Chronicles of A Death Music & Dance Assistant: Peter Cresswell 6pm&&./Spm Eraserhead 6pm&B./Spm Foretold 30th Administrative Assistant: Sue Williams The Battleship Potemkin 6pm&B./Spm Secretary to the Director: Brenda Dally 19th Bad Timing April 7th 6pm&8./Spm 9 am - S pm Receptionist: Paula Cliffe 19th 8th Book Market Nigel North/ 7.30pm (Sandon Room) Caretakers: Mark Chibber, Kenny Bristow Mark Tucker Leaflet Co-ordination: Brenda Young 8th The Colour of Money 6pm&B./Spm 20th - Mar 19th Stephen Chambers: Gallery Strange Smoke Tony 9th Courtyard Spectacular Evening Rickaby: Incidents and with Urban Jazz & The Goat People "'Q Cityscapes C: Indian Dance Class 9.30am 20th Les Enfancs Du Paradis 3.45 pm & 7.15 pm 10th Aria 6pm&B./Spm ~ 22nd&23rd Prick Up Your Ears 6pm&B./Spm l/ch&/2ch Blue Mountains 6pm&8./Spm 24th Days of Hope: Episode IV 5.30pm&8pm 13th The Missouri Breaks 6pm&8./Spm 25th No End 6pm & 8.15pm 14th The Whistle Blower 6pm&B./Spm 26th Slaughterhouse Five 6pm&8./Spm 15th JAN-APRIL 1988 Dick Gaughan 8pm 29th Heartburn 6pm&8./Spm 16th 17th Indian Dance Class 9.30am March /st Heartburn 6pm&B./Spm 2nd The Round Up 6pm&8./Spm 3rd Peter McRae: 'Avenue of Exchange Flags ALLERY . MUSIC · DANCE · FILM Heroes' 3rd The Shorts of The Brothers gRAFT . LIVE ART · FOOD · BAR Quay, David Lynch & luecoat Arts Centre gratefu!IY ackno~ledges the financial support of Wa/erian Borowczyk 6pm&8./Spm B erseyside Arts, Liverpool City Council, Sefton MBC, Knowsley 4th Brighton Beach Memoirs 6pm&8./Spm ~BC, Wirral MBC, Jazz North West and The Arts Council of Great scHOOL LANE LIVERPOOL L1 3BX Britain. Friday 19th February Membership Friday 5th February Friday March 4th Friday 25th March (expires 30/6/88): £3 .00 WITNESS BAD TIMING BRIGHTON BE ACH MEMOIRS Director: NICOLAS ROEG CHILDREN OF A LESSER GOD Tickets £I . 50 (Members), t:2.00 (Guests) Director: PETER WEIR Director: GENE SAKS Director: RANDA HAINES Great Britain 1980 available Monday - Friday USA 1985 Jonathan Silverman, Blythe Danner William Hurt, Marlee Mair/in Art Garfunkel, Therese Russel, Harvey II am - 8.15 pm Harrison Ford, Kelly McGillis , Lukas Haas Keitel, Denholm Elliot Monday/Tuesday 7th/8th March Monday/Tuesday 28th/29th March Saturday, 30 minutes prior Monday/Tuesday 8th/9th February THE MISSION THE MOSQUITO COAST Saturday 20th February to start of first showing SOMETHING WILD Director: ROLAND JOFFE Director: PETER WEIR 3.45 & 7.15 pm All enquiries 051-709 4260 Director: JONATHAN DEMME Robert De Niro, Jeremy, Irons Harrison Ford, Helen Mirren USA 1986 LES ENFANTS DU PARADIS Jeff Daniels, Melanie Griffith, Ray Liotta Director: MARCEL CARNE Wednesday 9th Mar h Wednesday 30th March France 1942-45 THE WIND c ERASERHEAD Wednesday I 0th February Jean-Louis Barrault, Arletty, Piere Brasseur Director: SOULEYMANE CLISSE Director: DAVID LYNCH All Films are shown at 6 Pm and 8.15 pm DAYS OF HOPE - Episode 2: 1921 unless otherwise stated. Lockout Monday/Tuesday 22nd/23rd February Thursday I 0th Mar h Thursday 7th April LA BAMBA c Director: KEN LOACH PRICK UP YOUR EARS BATTLESHIP POTEMKIN Monday/Tuesday January I 8th/19th Wednesday 27th January Great Britain 1975 Director: STEPHEN FREARS Director: Luis Valdez Director: SERGEI EISENSTEIN Great Britain 1987 84 CHARING CROSS ROAD BLUE COLLAR Friday I Ith Match Thursday I Ith February Gary Oldman, Alfred Molina, Vanessa Friday 8th April Director: DAVID JONES Director: Paul Schrader THREE AMIGOS 5.50 & 8.15 pm Redgrave, Julie Walters THE COLOUR OF MONEY USA 1986 USA 1978 Director: JOHN LANDS rd ULYSSES 1 Director: MARTIN SCORSESE Anne Bancroft, Anthony Hopkins, Judi Harvey Keitel, Richa Pryor, Yaphet Kotto Wednesday 24th February Steve Martin Che Director: JOSEPH STRICK · vy Chase Paul Newman, Tom Cruise Dench DAYS OF HOPE - Episode 4: 1926 Thursday 28th January Great Britain 1967 WR - MYSTERIESOFTHE General Strike Monday/Tuesday 14th/I5th March Monday 11th/I 2th April Wednesday January 20th Milo O'Shea, Barbara Jefford, Maurice BETTY BLUE ARIA HARLAN COUNTY USA ORGANISM Director: KEN LOACH Roeves Director: JEAN-JACQUES BEINEIX Directors: NICHOLAS ROEG, DEREK USA 1976 Director: DUSAN MA KAVEJEV Thursday 25th February JARMAN, JULIEN TEMPLE , KEN RUSSELL, Director: BARBARA KOPPLE Yugoslavia/West Ge~fllany 1971 Friday 12th February Wednesday 16th M NOEND ROBERT ALTMAN , BILL BRYDEN Milena Dravic, Jagoda k.aloper SUNDAY IN THE COUNTRY THE CHAPEL arch Director: KRZYSZTOF KIESLOWSKI CHARLES STURRIDGE, BRUCE , Thursday 21st January Director: BERTRAND TAVERNIER Friday 29th January Poland 1984 Director: JEAN-MICf.,EL TCHISSOUKOU BERESFORD, FRANC RODDAM , JEAN­ AGUIRRE, WRATH OF GOD France 1984 }erzy Radziwilowcz, Maria Pakulnis LUC GODDARD West Germany 1972 THE ADVENTUREsoF BARRY Louis Ducreux, Sabine Azema, Michele Thursday 17th M Klaus Kinski, Cecilla Rivera, Ruy Guerra McKENZIE THE BELLY OF ;tch cHITECT Aumont, Genevieve Mnich Friday 26th February Wednesday 13th April Director: BRUCE BERESFORD Director: PETER G N AR,.,,y SLAUGHTERHOUSE - FIVE BLUE MOUNTAINS Friday 22nd January Australia 1972 Monday/Tuesday I 5th/16th February REENAv•" Director: GEORGE ROY HILL Friday 18th M Director: ELDAR SHENGELAYA 48 HRS Barry Crocker, Barry Humphries A RADIO DAYS Director: WALTER HILL USA 1972 T~E BIG EAS~ch Cook, Spike Mi//igan ' eter Director: WOODY ALLEN Thursday 14th April USA 1972 Michael Sacks, Valerie Perrine Director: Jirn M B Nick Noice, Eddie Murphy, Annecce O'Too/e, Monday/Tuesday 1•!/2nd Feb USA 1987 c RIDE THE MISSOURI BREAKS THE NAME OF Tl-i~ROSE ruary Seth Green, Mia Farrow, Diane Keaton, Monday/Tuesday 29th February/I st Director: ARTHUR PENN James Remar March ~~~:~;~~~~y 21 stfllfld March Director: JEAN JACQlJ Es ANNA Dianne Wiest Marlon Brando, jack Nicholson Saturday 23rd January HEARTBURN Director: DAVID West Germany/Italy/France UD Friday 15th April 3.45 pm & 7.15 pm 1986 Wednesday 17th February Director: MIKE NICHOLS Dennis Ho LY"-lcH .
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