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These include, for example, economic, political, currency exchange rate fluctuations, and limited availability of information on international securities. We recommend that you obtain the advice of your Financial Advisor regarding this or other investment in order to conform to your financial resources and risk preference. PSHK (or one of its affiliates) or their officers, directors, analysts, or employees may have positions in securities or commodities referred to herein, and may, as principal or agent, buy and sell such securities or commodities. An employee, analyst, officer, or a director of PSHK, or its affiliates, may serve as a director for companies mentioned in this report. Neither the information nor opinion expressed in this report shall constitute a solicitation to buy or sell any securities. There may be instances when fundamental, technical, and quantitative opinions may not be in concert. This firm (or one of its affiliates) may from time to time perform investment banking or other services for, or solicit investment banking or other business from, any company mentioned on the reports. Editor : Ivan Lau Tel : +852-2277-6678 e-mail : [email protected] Tesla Inc 3 Takeaways from 4Q20 Earnings Call U.S. | TESLA INC | EARNINGS HIGHLIGHTS 3 February 2021 3 Takeaways from 4Q20 Earnings 1. Strong growth in deliveries; momentum to continue. 4Q20 vehicle deliveries grew 61% YoY, Tesla is eyeing 50% growth rates in beating their 44% growth rate in 3Q (Figure 1). This was mainly contributed by rising Model 3 vehicle deliveries and Y deliveries, which accounted for 90% of overall deliveries. Tesla expects vehicle delivery growth to average 50% for multi-years. It expects to “materially exceed this (growth rate) in 2021”. This flags a strong pick-up in deliveries from FY20’s +35.8%. Netflix, Inc. Technical Buy We think Tesla may be able to attain its target, with its new Model 3 upgrades and rollout of ENTRY PRICE US$458.40 Model Y to overseas markets. STOP LOSS US$390.37 TARGET PRICE US$585.00 While sales in the US seemed to have stagnated in the past three years (Figure 2), recent price CLOSING PRICE US$505.87 cuts for Model Y may have improved Tesla’s competitive positioning vis-à-vis peers in the U.S (Figure 3). Tesla has also started to deliver Model Y in China, its second-largest market. Its COMPANY DATA BLOOMBERG CODE NFLX US pricing is on par with competitors such as Nio ES6 and BMW’s X3. O/S SHARES (MN) : 441 MARKET CAP (USD bn / SGD bn) : 235.79 / 320.68 2. Robust pipeline of products and new factories. Tesla expects its factories, Giga Berlin and 52 - WK HI/LO (SGD) : 575.370 / 264.570 More3M Average new Dailyfactories T/O (mn) and : models 7.18 Giga Texas, to start production of Model Y later this year. Volume production should skew towards 2H21. Its Shanghai factory started producing Model Y in late 2020 and is in the process MAJOR SHAREHOLDERS (%) of ramping to full capacity. CAPITAL GROUP COMPANIES INC 14.4% VANGUARD GROUP INC 7.7% BLACKROCK INC 6.6% A battery-cell factory is also being constructed in the Bay Area. This will reinforce its shift to in- house cell production. Tesla reiterated that the idea behind making its own cells is to help it PRICE PERFORMANCE (%) tackle shortfalls in cell output, not disintermediate its cell suppliers such as CATL, Panasonic and 1MTH 3MTH 1YR LG. Instead, it is urging its suppliers to increase production and “we (Tesla) will take as many Netflix Inc (2.0) 2.4 85.4 S&P 500 (1.8) 6.1 16.0 batteries as they can produce”. This points to expectations of strong demand. PRICE VS. S&P 500 Volume production of its Cybertruck is expected to be in 2022. Tesla Semi’s production is restricted by a short supply of battery cells as resources have been prioritised for cars with 0.70 better margins. This again boils down to its current problem of a shortage of battery cells as global demand continues to outpace production. We believe that once supply improves, Tesla 0.20 will be able to ramp up production to meet growing demand. Oct-19 Dec-19 Feb-20 Apr-20 Jun-20 Aug-20 -0.30 3. Improvements in financials expected. Operating margin was 5.4% in 4Q20, with increased NFLX US EQUITY SPX Index expenses in R&D. Tesla expects margins to expand and remain ‘industry-leading’ in the next few Source: Bloomberg, PSR quarters. In the North America region, operating margins for automobile players averaged to KEY FINANCIALS be around 6% as of 4Q20. Bloomberg consensus for Tesla’s operating margins are 8.5% in 1Q21 Y/E Dec (USD) FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 and 9.5% in 2Q21 (Figure 4). Revenue /Bn 8.8 11.7 15.8 20.2 EBITDA /Bn 0.4 0.9 1.7 2.9 Net Income (adj.) /Bn0.2 0.6 1.2 1.9 FCF was US$2.06bn. Management will be focusing on debt reduction. In the latest quarter, it EPS (adj.) 0.4 1.3 2.7 4.1 made an early settlement of US$2bn in convertible notes. With that, debt-to-EBIT improved to P/E 287.9 150.2 99.9 78.4 P/BV 19.9 23.2 22.3 18.7 5.9x from 20.5x in 1Q20. DPS (Cents) Source: Bloomberg With improved liquidity, Tesla can turn its attention to expanding production capacity and investing in infrastructure such as a supercharging network to “get ahead of demand”. Yeap Jun Rong (+65 6212 1856) Research Analyst [email protected] Chua Wei Ren (+65 6212 1857) Research Analyst [email protected] Page | 1 | PHILLIP SECURITIES RESEARCH (SINGAPORE MCI (P) 006/10/2019 Ref. No.: US2020_0003 TESLA INC EARNINGS HIGHLIGHT Round-up We are positive on Tesla. We expect revenue to accelerate in 2021 with its capacity ramp-up and a potential easing of its battery-cell constraints. According to the International Energy Agency, electric cars accounted for only 1% of the global car stock in 2019. Tesla’s share of automobile sales in the US has climbed in recent years, from 0.03% to 2013 to 1.31% in 2019 (Figure 5). We see headroom for further expansion, as the adoption of electric cars is expected to receive a timely boost from the Biden administration’s green drive and policy initiatives from the European Green Deal. Technical analysis Tesla Inc (Current Price: US$872.79) - Technical BUY Buy Spot: 872.79 Stop loss: 727.50 Take profit 1: 964.71 Take profit 2: 1050.00 Source: Bloomberg, PSR Tesla Inc (US: TSLA) had a strong run-up to US$900.40 in January, which broke the top of the CHART LEGENDS pennant resistance (see our report dated 25 January 2021).
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