Proceedings of the American Association for Public Opinion Research At the Third International Conference on Public Downloaded from Opinion Research, Eagles Mere, Pennsylvania, September 12-15, 1948 FOREWORD The third international conference on public opinion research marked the establishment on a permanent basis of two professional societies, one domestic, one international, which had their inception at the first conference at Central City, Colorado, in the summer of 1946. This report of the pro- ceedings of the American Association for Public Opinion Research, severely condensed though it be, documents the progress that has been made during the two years since the first of these meetings was held. Even more than at AAPOR Member Access on March 8, 2016 Williamstown, Eagles Merc showed a responsibleness of mind in appraising problems, methods, and techniques, and in accepting the obligations of com- petence that rest upon professionals whether they arc serving private clients or the public and whether they are interested in the development of abstract knowledge or in practical administrative service. Only such conferences in which theorists, technologists, and practitioners consider their problems with complete frankness and severely critical thoughtfulness will enable any one of these groups to make its maximum contribution. CLYDE W. HART President, American Association for Public Opinion Research, 1947-48 Editorial Note: The following reports repre- many other* who assisted in the preparation sent 1 rather severe condensation, necessitated of this record. For the most part, speakers' by budgetary considerations, of the full pro- remarks are presented in direct discourse, ceeding, of the conference- All remark, have rlther than indirect> j,, order to ^ been compressed considerably, and it has un- , _ ... , , , , . Whenerein r possible, participants have been fortunately been necessary to leave out alto- , , r^ gether many valuable comments from the "ked to check over *<= remlri" »«"»"««> » floor. Thanks are due to the volunteer reporters them. but *•>>* h« not Pr°Ted feasible in a who kept a record of the various sessions and few cases. The editors regret any inaccuracies in many cases wrote up the reports, and to the which may have inadvertendy crept in. 788 PUBLIC OPINION QUARTERLY, WINTER 1948-49 OPENING SESSION OF THE CONFERENCE (Sunday, September 12, 1948) Chairman: Clyde W. Hart, President of the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR). Opening Remarks: Jean Stoetzel, President of the World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR).1 Address: "The United Nations and Public Opinion." Benjamin A. Cohen, Assistant Secretary-General for Public Information, the Downloaded from United Nations. Five-minute Statements on "Frontiers of Public Opinion Research," by: Leif Holbai-Hansscn, Norway; Louis Moss, England; Jorge Mendez Munevar, Colombia; Roy Morgan, Australia; Fred C. Danforth, U.S.A.; and Lawrence E. Benson, U.S.A. The Chairman welcomed those pres- official and working languages for ent, especially participants from foreign WAPOR, which might be taken up countries, and expressed thanks to the more formally at subsequent meetings Rockefeller Foundation, which had en- of the world body. At the suggestion abled many of the foreign delegates to of Mr. Cohen, a personal translator attend. He then outlined the history of was assigned to the member who did AAPOR and WAPOR, from the First not follow the discussion in English. International Conference on Public Dr. Stoetzel then proceeded with his at AAPOR Member Access on March 8, 2016 Opinion Research at Central City, remarks. Colorado, in 1946, through the Wil- liamstown Conference of 1947, down JEAN STOETZEL (French Institute of to the present meeting. Following this, Public Opinion, Paris):' The present he introduced Dr. Jean Stoetzel, Presi- meetings offer a rare opportunity for dent of WAPOR, who, having been members of the opinion research pro- elected to this post in absentia, had been fession all over the world to meet each unable to attend the Williamstown other and to "talk shop"—to satisfy meeting in the previous year. 1 At the Williamstown meeting in 1947 Before proceeding to his opening the name of the world body had been decided remarks, Dr. Stoetzel pointed out that as World Congress for Public Opinion Re- since the meeting included members tearch. At the present meeting the word from all countries, it would be neces- "Congress" was changed to "Association," sary to decide on a working language, and this designation will be used throughout in order to avoid confusion. A report of the and to arrange for translations if nec- meetings which took place under the auspice* essary. After some discussion, it was of the World Association at Eagles Mere will agreed to use English at the present be published separately by WAPOR. meeting, as only one member did not 2 It should be repeated that the remarks understand this language. Dr. Stoetzel attributed to speakers in these Proceeding! represent condensations, not quotations. Direct emphasized, however, that this decision discourse, rather than indirect, is used in the did not prejudice the rules regarding interest of saving space. PUBLIC OPINION RESEARCH CONFERENCE 789 their curiosity regarding many points of media of communication, among in the field. The informal discussions other difficulties, but also because of at Eagles Mere will certainly be as cynicism regarding the work of inter- valuable as the formal discussions. national organizations and the tend- Public opinion research is now a truly ency to emphasize the dramatic dis- international field of endeavor, and is agreements, rather than less sensational being conducted in perhaps more than points of agreement. The UN therefore 20 countries, as well as by some inter- makes a special effort to disseminate national agencies, such as UNESCO. objective and complete facts with re- These studies in various countries have gard to issues arising in it. Without Downloaded from contributed to the awareness that there these, a healthy public opinion is im- are certain common problems which possible. must be faced by all those in the opin- Informational work, such as this, ion research profession. In order to often comes very dose to education. In attack these problems effectively, how- order to understand current reports, ever, further cooperation is needed on people must also know something about two fronts: there must be more and the problem at hand. The UN there- closer international cooperation in pub- fore has frequent occasion to analyze lic opinion research, and there must be the press, radio, books, college courses, more interchange and cooperation etc, in various countries in order to among the various human sciences. find where special informational efforts Both the international barriers dividing are needed in order that the people human scientists and the lines prevent- concerned may form a national opinion ing exchange between the various social on international issues. at AAPOR Member Access on March 8, 2016 studies must be broken down if opin- Development of a national public ion research is to help solve some of the opinion on these issues is important world's pressing problems. It is to be because it is mainly through their re- hoped that this conference will further spective governments that people can both these objectives. have their desires implemented. Fur- thermore, there are cases where UN, by BENJAMIN A. COHEN (Assistant Sec- emphasizing the duty of every individ- retary-General for Public Information, ual to share the responsibility for pre- the United Nations):2 The United Na- serving peace, has helped to bring tions is interested in public opinion about an opinion favoring a change in from two aspects: it is an agency which national policy. Too often people have helps mold public opinion, and at the thought that peace is merely the ab- same time it is vitally interested in sence of war, instead of a dynamic what the peoples of various nations arc state. thinking. International opinion has also devel- In order to play this dual role—of oped which has been strong enough to both leading and following public opin- influence the action of Great Powers. ion, UN must start by seeing that peo- The settlement of the Soviet Union- ple are adequately informed. This is Iran controversy, when expressions particularly difficult at the present time, from almost every country indicated not only because of illiteracy and lack that the public would not countenance PUBLIC OPINION QUARTERLY, WINTER 1948-49 a breach of peace, is a case in point. usefulness of polls is limited, however, Other instances where international by the fact that some of the techniques public opinion came into play involved applied in this country—such as filter the voluntary withdrawal of British questions used to test knowledge on a and French troops from Syria and Leb- given subject—arc not understood by anon, the truce in Palestine, and the respondents abroad. Dutch-Indonesian conflict. The type of international poll which As public opinion can be the most would be of most use to UN would be powerful weapon for peace, UN spends one on current issues, designed to deter- considerable effort in analyzing it. It mine how many people are concerned Downloaded from is the first international organization to with the problem, and in what ways arrange for regular opinion surveys. they think it could be resolved. In other This analysis is carried out at head- words, to detect those imponderables quarters in Lake Success and in the in political thinking which are particu- UN's Information Centers, which are larly decisive with regard to interna- located in Washington, Mexico City, tional issues. Rio de Janeiro, London, Paris, Geneva, In this and other ways public opinion Prague, Copenhagen, Warsaw, Mos- research can help find a solution to cow, New Delhi, and Shanghai.
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