California State University, San Bernardino CSUSB ScholarWorks Inland Empire Business Journal John M. Pfau Library 4-1996 April 1996 Inland Empire Business Journal Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Business Commons Recommended Citation Inland Empire Business Journal, "April 1996" (1996). Inland Empire Business Journal. Paper 50. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the John M. Pfau Library at CSUSB ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Inland Empire Business Journal by an authorized administrator of CSUSB ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. LAND EMPIRE !, Don t miss the l·j » til&. • l 1 0 May 17,_ 1996 ~ I,, '> e P e JO APRIL 1996 For the next 1 00 years, v. embody all of this and m or ADVERTORIAL omona ir t e eral le a es a ir day A new h1rthday' For Pomona celebrate the h1rth of a new, stronger foundation for a savings and loan and investment serv1ces. and insur~ First Federal Savings and Loan? and better Pl·T Bank & Trust, and assot.:HttJon that grew to serve the ance and non·deposit investment Sure, hut as of April I, make that the promotion rcmforce!'. our com­ mland valley and foothill commum­ products - such as fixed and vari· PFF Bank & Trust mitment to meet the financaal need!-. tles, the San Bernardmo Valley, able annUities and mutual fundo.;., To celebrate a new name of .111 ages'' Orange and L.A count1es, and the which are available through its suh­ cxpantlctl financial services offer­ One of PFF Bank & Trust·, old­ we~tem part of Riverside County. sidiary, PFF ln..,urance Servlce, and ing~ and the inslltutJon \ conversion est customers. Norman Uebcle of PFF Bank & Trust has 22 hranch through Independent FinanCial to a puhlic stock company, PFF Pomona said, "They've treated us offices and will Securities, Inc .• a Bank & Trust " makmg a spec~al really good" He said hiS late father­ open 1ts newest regiStered broker "Tomorrow. Apnl 1st. 1996. Pomona F1rst Federal bec omes gift to five lucky newoorns who in-law was a PFF customer before hranch as the dealer, member enter the world within designated Uehele jmned the institution m official commer­ NASDiSIPC PFF Bank & Trust. areas served by PFF Bank & Trust. 1954, and his daughter IS a current Cial bank of the Kevm Mc­ Wtth a new Inves tment Servtc e s dtvtston With the sponsorship of newspa­ customer. Ontario Mills Carthy, PFF pers in each area- the San Gabnel Uebele fir.;t became a PH cus­ mega-mall. PFF Bank & Trust's New Bus•ness Banking products New Trust Serv•ces. 1'<11/cy Tnbune, In/ami Valley Druly tomer because its Garey Avenue acquired early Executive Vice President and The same one to one serv•ce you know and deserve Bulletin, Ri\:erside Press-Enterprise, hranch was close to home, He said last year its Trust Palm Spnngs Descrr Sun and The Hi he took advantage of a government Department, Director of At PFF we've changed much more than our Desert Star & Trail, the five and m1xed·securities savings pro­ which currently Operations, smd, manages approx­ · w e will con­ v1sual •dent•ty, we' ve tncreased our ab•ltttes to serve bahics each will rece1ve a compli­ gram PFF offered during the 1960s mentary account with an imtial to help fund his retirement. He paid imately $200 tinue to offer all you more completely. From the ground up. you'll find deposit of$1,104. in 10 percent of hiS mcome for IS milhon in assets. the serv1ces that "Why S I, I 04 you ask. year; wh1le workmg as a tool and PFF also has a you expect from more products. better service. the same reasonable ?" "One thousand dollars as a cer­ die maker at General Dynamics in state-of-the-art a community fees and smart adv•ce tdlcate of deposit, and the $104 Pomona. Uebele said he c-dme out loan center m hank." symbolizes 104 years of service to "with ahout $50,000." Rancho Cucamonga. McCarthy said although the PFF has always been a commun•ty bank that knows the community," said Larry M Founded Dec 24. 1892, PFF ·we wlll remain ba.\lcally a traili­ hank is expanding its options avail­ tts customers by thetr ftrst names. Rinehart, PreSident and Ch1ef Bank & Trust has expanded its Honal thrift, a savmgs bank,'" said able to customers, including auto· Executive Officer of PFF Bank & hranch network and product hnes Rinehart, "hut we will offer more com­ mated teller, online and telephone We're still that bank. The only difference ts, Trust (PFI'). since its first home loan was made to mercial banking services. We're now a banking services. "Cu.,tomers can full-service bank <md our customer.; still enJOY the personal attention of you know us by a new name." "Opening the five savmgs a young Walter Knott - founder of accounts for our youngest customers Knott's Berry Fann - for a house don't have to go anywhere else." our tellers. .. You won't have to " the perfect way to celebrate," located on Monterey Street in PFF Bank & Trust prov1des make an appointment unless you Rmehart said. " In thiS way we can Pomona. That $500 loan laid the bu.\iness banking, auto loans, trust want to." PFFB ebut on NASDAQ Exchange in Heavy Trading Price up 1 5/8, or 18 formed during the six-month con­ hoi: PFFB. Dunng the first hours of reported heavy trading volume version period. Nearly $197 million public trading the pnee reached a reflects the interest in the stock that percent, in first hours. was raised during an initial public h1gh of ll 5/8 More than II m1llion we anticipated. We at PFF Bank & PFF Bank & Trust, inagurating offering to depositors of record as of shares were traded on thiS first puh­ Trust are pleased with the level of a name change from Pomona First June 30, 1994. At $10 per share, the hc trading day. subscriptions and the current market LARRY M RINEHART Federal Savings and Loan, converted offer wa.s oversuhscribed. Gregory C Talbott, PFF's activity. PAl ~ IOF NT from a mutually-held association to C HI( f r X[ CUTIVE Off IC£ R PFF Ban corp's stock is now Semor Vice PreSident, Chief "Our feeling is that this reflects a puhlic stock company March 28. being traded on the ASDAQ Financ1al Officer and Corporate confidence in a sound, progres.<ilve The occasiOn was marked by exchange and it is listed by the sym- Treasurer, sa1d, "'The offer pnce and insutution that will be very successful." relatively heavy trading on the stock issue of the bank's holding company. President and Chief Executive PFF Bank & Trust Unvei s ew Logo Officer Larry M. Rmehart said, "The new name more clearly PFF Bank & Trust opted to "reflects the image of a progressive and what we offer in the way of defines PFF's role as a community update its logo during the process of bank and trust, while retaining the financial services." bank, since expanding our product converting from a savings and loan character of our past as a community PFF Bank & Trust's new logo line and acqu1nng the Trust & as.sociation to a bank; Pomona First savings and loan." was designed in-house by the bank's Investment Services Department Federal's familiar shteld was kept to "The six-month conversion Advertising Specialist, Sherry from another institution. The stock reflect the bank's heritage and process enabled us to take another Stanton. She said a stronger blue conversoon will enable us to further strength, but three upward-pointing look at who we were, especially was chosen for the shield and the develop our husiness programs, chevrons were added to signify its since we acquired the Trust uppermost chevron to "show the expand banktng technologies at progress. Department in early 1995," bank's strength and solidity," while PFF, and more effectively compete." PFF's Executive Vice Presodent McCarthy said. the two supporting chevrons signify A holdmg company for the bank and Dtrector of Operations, Kevin "The new logo reflects where "the progressive nature" of the $1 9 - named PFF Bancorp - was McCarthy, satd the new logo we are now - a commumty bank- billion 1nshtution. lif ~ IIIII ~ APRIL 1996 INlAND EMPIRE BUSINESS JOURNAL· PAGE 5 Marcia Clark Speaks Out iNLAND EMPIRE I FRIDAY MAY 17, 1996 bus1ness 1ourna Women & Business Expo VOLUME 8, NUMBER 4 APRIL 1996 $2.00 PRESENTED BY Republicans kick-off Chevron Corp. Sells Real Estate Holdings election campaigns iNLAND EMPIRE I & (Cj i#J In March 1995, the San news here is that money is coming said it was difficult to put a value on bus1ness 1ourna Francisco-based Chevron Corp. back into real estate in California," the land deal because of the varied Presidential candidates Yes, it's time again!! You'll be sure to want to attend the Inland Empire Business announced that the company would said Sanford Goodkin, a real estate holdings, the nearly 6,000 acres stump the Inland Empire. sell all its real estate holdings consultant in La Jolla. being sold in Orange County alone Journal's sixth annual Women & Business Expo! Keynote speaker will be Marcia through its subsidiaries - Chevron "Morgan's timing is excellent!" could be worth $400 billion. The San Bernardino County Clark! Over 4,000 were turned away when M s. Clark spoke recently at the Long Land and Development Co., said Ken Aqid, a real estate consul­ Chevron pulled some properties Republican Party Central Beach Women's Conference sponsored by the Governor's Office.
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