Jaden Hair's steamy kitchen. A I @(];)@(/ UJlJIilll WJ®Ji'@ i2)[tciJU;IJ0 (/iilllill f1L?@0 Jil i1®®<fl (l® ~DD[j'GlOil(l0" Gm:B1lil@0il0. Simple cooking, simply Ming Tsai. 2 JUN E 3-1 6, 2011 SPECIAL FOOD ISSUE PACIFlc!!l: CITIZEN PACIRcEcmZEN Special Food Issue: JACL's Top Chefs HOW TO REACH US E·mail pc@padficdtiZ&10'9 Some of the fondest memories I have O1lin s. "f/WW paofioolizen.org let (213) 620-1767 with my lamtty have to do wlh food. Fax' (213) 620-176E1 Waking up early Ctlrl stmas momlng so I Mail: 250 E. First street Suite 301 CQuid help my mom prepare the tu rkey, Los Angeles. CA. 90012 ve ggies and dessert. Oshogalsu was a STAFF big deal at our house too *th my mom ExecutiveEdtcr GarO' in a Y Aoyag-Stom spenCing days prepa ring the IraCitional least. Now with my almost two year old Ass istant Earor son I'm looking forward to passing on Lynda Un th ese same famil y traditions. Report ff For many in the JACL famil y and the larger Asian American Nalea J Ko comrru nil y, foocl plays an integ-a I role. lsol th ere a Iv.ays that one Busin ess Manager person who brings th e best sushi 10 Chapter meetings or bakes the Staa Hi SB)'B9J pies? best Orrulatirn In this Issue we bring you just a sample of JACL's Top Olefs, Eva Lau-Ting some are professiona l co oks bu t most are amateurs wilD have Mile HJACL's been blessed 'oMth culina ry skills. Rea d about their fa \oUrites dshes The Pacific Cilizen newspaper Gladys Kon ishi (I SSN. 0000.8579) IS pub'ished and IMlat makes them a "Top Chel ~. They've also been kind enough (lOp) loves cooking semi·monthly (exC'>9l=t 0103 In De­ to share their Special recipes so this Issue Is de/rlilery a keeper. a:mber and January) by th e Japa­ Japa nese. Chinese, Share It w tll your family and friends. nese Ametican Olizens LeagJe. Ita lian and Mexican Pacific Cirlz8t1, The P.c. staff also Interviewed some of the pros mak.lnga nalne dishes wh ile Wash­ 250 E. 1st Stree( SUite 301. Los for themselves In the food In wstry. Readabout restaur.mteur Alan Anglles. CA SOJ12 in{lon D.G. JACL's Wong, TV celebrity Ming Tsai and lood blogger Jaderr l-tiir. Pefiodcal pillage paid at LA . CA DalJid Inoue (left) POS T MASTER ' ~dad7~ makes ki ller sushI. changes to Natlooai JAa., 1765 c-.."""", A¥f-><­ Sutter St, San Francisoo, CA 94 115 ExecuUve Edllor JAa.. President David Kawamoto National DirectCl"' Floyd Moo SPRING CAMPAIGN PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE PC. EDITCfUALBOARD Judith Amo. challpefSCfl . Paul Niwa, EDC: KeVin Miyazak i. MOe: The Pacific Citizen's Impact A Memorial Day Message Bct:bi Hanada., eeoc: vacant. NC V'MPDC; Hu!tl Burleson. PNv.oc; By David R. Kawamoto Jeff Itaml, IDC; D nd HarbCttl e. Reaches Far and Runs Deep PSVVOC, Sooya Kukl, Youth By GiiAsakawl SUBSCRIBE Tbe last Monday iu May our natin u GEt a me-year subscnfiim of the celebrates Memorial Day which honors Pacific Citizen newspaper at. I was honored to givea pre<>entation and those wbo served in America's military. 11'11'11'. padficabZErl.crg Cf call (800) 968-6157 moderate a panel discussion in April atthe rvta ny, if not most, o f our JACL chapters Japanese American National Museum, ADVERTISE p3n.icipate in annual Memorial Day To advertJse in the Pacific C111z9t1, ''From Newsprint to New Media: The serv ices in lbeircom munities. call (EOJ) 96&61570r 9omaij' Evo lv in g Role of Nikkei Newspapers" How very appropriate th at our pc@paafia::rtIZErl·CI"9 about the history of newspape r.> in the commonities join in tbe remembrance of LEGAL Japanese American commun ity. During No pat d ths ptbtiCCficn may be th e selfless contributions of our natioo 's r~ oouced WlthOJ! the e:.cp roos per­ the event, I was reminded of the impact the true beroes. I tbink pro ud ly of my fatber's missim d the P8Cilic Citizen. Pacific Citizen has had over the decades, serv ice in tbe 100/442 Regimentll Ed~01a l s, news ard the cp ini C(18 eI;­ and the role it has played as a lifeline of pressed b~ ooumnlsts aha- th Er1 the Combat Team duri ng Wo rld War U. This gro up ofvoluuteers served witb nCllcml JAa. presdert cr noilcnal d­ news and information not jnst to JACL unco mmon valo r and became tbe most higbly decornled unit in military recto" do rd n8OESS<J"Uy rE#lect JACL members but to a nyone interested in news about Asia n Americans and br.to ry. And the N ik kei wbo served in tbe Military In telligence Service pdicy EVEflts ard prodJcts ad wrtisal Pacific Isbnders. in 1m Peci!ic Cifizen do rd: carry the had tbe unq uestio nably dangerous task of servin g in tbe Pacific campaign Imp li cit Ef1dOSffTlert d tIIe JAa. CI" The first reflection of tbe P C.'!> impact were the panelists: Gwen when they bad tbe same appearances as the enemy combatants. tills pub'lcanoo We r892(ve th e nghl 10 Muranaka, Englis b editor of tbe Rafu Shimpo in LA., Kenji Thguma, In addition to tbe well-docume nted achievements oftbe Nisei veterans edt erti des. Call I editor oftbe Nichi Be; " ~ek l y in San Francisco, Sbige baru Higasbi wbo of wwn, our community is also very pro ud of tbe military service by Perlodcals paid at Los AngBjes. ru ns the Cultnral News website and month ly newspaper in L.A., and JapaneseAmericans in conflicts before and after WWIl Their devotion to Gallf and mruling dfioa George Job nston, a Rafu columnist who bas lau nc bed a news website onr country and its principles reflect well on them. And, gratefully, re flect ca lled Nikkei Nation. Of these fou r, M uranaka and Jobnston both worked well on our community. JACL MEMBERS for the P.e. Harry Honda, tbe walk ing encyclopedia of JapaneseAmerica, Memorial Day is 3U opportunity for a ll of us to fu rther co nside r the Change of JAQ... and tbe P.C, was in t be audie nce. Many oftbe a udience member.> noble contribu tio ns of our military veterans. I feel the third verse of Address bave been reading tbe P.e. all their li ves. "America tbe Beautifu l" most accurately reflects on th at service and our SEE ASAKAWA/PAGE 7 appreciation. II you've rooved, "0 beautifu l fo r beroes proved please send new In liberatin g strife. information to: Wbo more tha n self their cou ntry lovw Nationa l JACL And mercy more than life! 1765 Sutt er St • Francisco, CA • America! Ame rica! : kAM E 94 11 5 • May God tb y gold refine ADDRESS Till all succes'> be nobleness ~ ad~ " " ;S chan ges. And every gain divine." . (ITY __________ STATE ___ " --- To avOid interrup­ JULY 7·10 tions In delivery, TR ____ • please notify your • postmaster to 0$10) 0 $150 • • include periodicals Ma ~ 10: • in your chan ge of D01H ~ __ • 5 Poci6c Cili::en • address (USPS 250 E. FintSt.ut, Suite 301 • Los An g.ln, CA. 90012 • Form 3575) ,- .. - , -~- ~. ------ .. - .. ------.. ------.. --.------.. ------ -~ .~ .....! PACIFIC is CITIZEN SPECIAL FOOD ISSUE JUNE 3-16, 2011 3 Chef Alan Wong Cooks Up a Plan to Nurture Hawaii's Homegrown Chef Alan Wong (pictured above) picks tomatoes at the Ho Farms in Haooii for a TV shoot. When Chef Alan Wong is off the clock at home things. He says Hawaii imports the majority of its food Restaurants. He is also the 1996 James Beam winner for the he hardly cooks, he says. He enjoys hanging supply from outside of the islands. But if Wong had it his Facific Northwest Best Chef Award. up his chef coat and eating a vegan breakfast way, that would change. The commander in chief has also given Wong's East-West everyday prepared by his other half, Alice. "I have a personal mission for the company, which is to cuisine the stamp of approval. In 2009 Alan Wong was called help effect a 10 percent increase in local food production and in from Hawaii to the White House kitchen, where he crafted consumption," Wong explained. "Here in Hawaii we import the luau menu for the Congressional picnic. ByNaleaJ.Ko over 85 percent of our food supply. We purchase over $3.6 "It was great. It was the president's first year in office," Reporter billion of food coming into Hawaii." Wong said breaking into a laugh. "I was nervous. But it was To effect a 10 percent change, Wong says supporting local also fun." Award-winning chef Alan Wong has held nearly every farmers, ranchers and fishermen is essential. It's a mission In the White House kitchen, Wong worked alongside the position in the restaurant business since his stint as a Wong has been working on fordecades. president's chef Cristeta Comerford, a Filipino American. dishwasher at Hawaii's Don the Beachcomber restaurant. Born in Tokyo, Japan, Wong grew up on the ishnd of Oahu Wong would not divulge any secrets about the first family's The 54-year-old, who hated vegetables as a child and hid in Hawaii. He did not always have a passion to be a chef.
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