Spring 2019 The General Principles of Alice Bailey’s Esoteric Astrology Maureen Temple Richmond Abstract Introduction his essay penetrates behind the mass of uch interest in the esoteric astrological T information given by the Hierarchy in Al- M doctrine of Alice Bailey and the Tibetan ice Bailey’s Esoteric Astrology to identify the circulates in the metaphysical community to- core principles on which the system articulated day, and rightly so. As expounded in Esoteric in this volume is based. Synthesizing material Astrology and other of the Bailey works, this from Esoteric Astrology, the quintessential A system offers a stunningly enlightened alterna- Treatise on Cosmic Fire, and many more of tive to the sometimes trivial pronouncements the key Bailey works, this discussion points to of the astrological field in general. By contrast three distinct domains of knowledge central to to the treatments of dating and relationship the right comprehension of the esoteric astro- compatibility often featured in popular astrolo- logical doctrine of Alice Bailey: principles of gy, Bailey offers a view of human evolution causation, principles of energy dissemination, which plainly states that the individual can, if and principles of spiritual guidance. Sections willing, scale the heights of spiritual achieve- on each of the three domains detail the basis ment to walk among the stars and help cosmic for this assertion in the Bailey material. A sec- evolution onward. Yet, to do so, the individual tion on principles of causation explains that the needs must become a responsible receiver and basis of analysis in the discipline of esoteric distributor of energy impacts right here and astrology proceeds from the origin of all ener- now, amidst the affairs of life on planet Earth. gies in the one life pervading all space. A sec- The esoteric astrological system of Alice Bai- tion on influence dissemination considers the ley presents a method for doing just that. How- etheric body of space and the many specific ever, this system in its entirety is spread networks composed of stars, signs, and planets, throughout several locations in the Bailey all of which serve to propagate astrological works, presenting a problem for even the sin- influence. A section on spiritual guidance fea- cere student. Further complicating the tures the esoteric astrological concept of varia- _____________________________________ ble response, which posits that all beings re- spond to energy impacts according to their About the Author places within the overall evolutionary scheme, Maureen Temple Richmond is a lifelong as- as expressed in initiatory status. Useful to both trologer and esotericist known for her scholarly beginning and advanced students of the esoter- study titled Sirius, a comprehensive examination of ic astrological philosophy of Alice Bailey, this the teaching on that great star as revealed in the study takes a structured look at a field often works of Alice Bailey. Author of numerous essays, bewildering for its complexity. Readers will poetry, and fiction, Richmond holds a Master of come away with the clear understanding that, Arts in English and Creative Writing from Southern according to the Bailey writings, fixed stars New Hampshire University. She is a native of Ar- activate the Monad, the signs of the zodiac kansas, where she currently makes her home. A speak to the soul, and the influences of the counseling astrologer, Richmond advises Anglo- phone clients around the world. She can be reached planets in the solar system concern the affairs at [email protected]. of the personality. Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly 17 The Esoteric Quarterly situation, details often overwhelm the general- influences emanate from these Greater Lives,3 import. For this reason, it’s important to con- which like all things are constituted of a tri- sider the main features of the system and what plicity of life, quality, and appearance.4 Ac- they imply cording to the esoteric astrological doctrine, astrological influences are constituted of the The Esoteric Astrological System is intimately spiritual purposes, psychic qualities, and ac- related to the essentials of esoteric occult phi- tivities of Great Lives. These radiate outward losophy, upon which it is founded. Concepts as surging waves of energies and qualities, such as the unity of all things, the existence of which impact all the lesser lives within the lesser lives within greater lives, the triplicity, spheres of influence of Greater Lives.5 Such and the septenary appear abundantly in the considerations form the domain of esoteric esoteric astrological system, just as they do in astrological inquiry, which concerns itself with esoteric occult philosophy. the conditioning and governing energies issu- Before considering the specific components ing forth from the Greater Lives in which our which constitute this system (such as the rays solar system and globe find their places.6 distributed by the signs and planets, the multi- As is evident, the esoteric astrological doctrine ple rulership system, and so on), it is therefore is a specific instance of the general occult helpful for students of all levels to have in proposition that all lives exist within greater mind certain general principles underpinning lives and therefore carry out not only their own the orientation of the esoteric approach to as- objectives, but equally those of a greater or- trology. These general principles fall roughly der.7 This arrangement is the basis of the oc- into three categories: cult dictum that correct esoteric astrological 1. Principles of Causation, explaining the analysis must always proceed from universals origin of astrological energies to particulars.8 In other words, when consid- 2. Principles of Influence Dissemination, ering astrological influence, a grasp of the describing the distribution of energies whole situation requires perception of the most inclusive or universal source from which such throughout creation, and influence might be found to arise, if truth is to 3. Principles of Spiritual Guidance, point- be known and revealed. ing toward use of esoteric astrological in- The Tibetan spoke of this notion when he dic- formation as a counseling approach. tated to Alice Bailey that the pouring forth of Principles of Causation energies and vibrations by cosmic, solar, and planetary entities awakens units of conscious- ll energies and astrological influences ness indwelling lesser forms. Ultimately, the A have their origin, according to the esoteric lesser are brought into alignment and close occult teaching, in the fact that the sum total of relation with the greater in this fashion.9 This creation is but the garment worn by a great exciting perspective on astrological energies Creator who holds all within the folds of its 1 emphasizes the potential for upward alignment robe. Thus, “space is an entity.” In other to be made by any lesser unit with its greater words, infinite cosmic space is the body of a inspiring sources. It also distinguishes the eso- purposeful, knowing identity. This identity, teric approach from its exoteric counterpart, one with its creation, pervades it all. Any which is less concerned with acknowledging quality of energy rises out of this context. the consciousnesses behind impinging astro- Thus, the esoteric astrological doctrine holds logical energies, and more concerned with the that all astrological influence has its ultimate resulting impact of those influencing energies. genesis in the life processes of an underlying synthesis or oneness.2 Given the wide horizon that the esoteric disci- pline concerns, it is in keeping that its central Contained within this great body of cosmic focus is the workings of the seven rays, them- space are lives lesser to it but far greater than selves the psychic emanations of the seven the human dimension. All specific astrological 18 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2019. Spring 2019 centers in the body of a great Cosmic Logos their related Labors of Hercules) must be stud- called The One About Whom Naught May Be ied. To gain right management of the personal- Said.10 In fact, the true nature of all astrologi- ity, the influences of the planets inside our so- cal influence is understood to be the seven rays lar system must be examined. To say this is to themselves,11 which originate in the seven cen- say much in few words. Practical application ters of The One About Whom Naught May Be of this notion entails serious study of astro- Said and then pass through the seven stars of nomical and astrological technicalities, but any the Great Bear12 on their way to our solar sys- interested person can open this way of thought tem. These seven rays then flow through the simply by memorizing the equivalences: fixed twelve zodiacal constellations (or visible star stars = Monad; signs of the zodiac = soul; in- groupings in deep space), which are represent- fluences of planets in our solar system = per- ed by the twelve zodiacal signs as defined by sonality. This is one of the most essential keys the Tropical System.13 to the esoteric astrological system. The rays also flow through the solar system Principles of Influence itself, the scheme in which our globe finds Dissemination place, a scheme of opposite polarity to ours, a globe of opposite polarity to ours, and an un- hatever the sources, all astrological and specified planetary triangle,14 all of which have W ray energies begin in the vibrational an effect on our planet. In sum, the rays flow fields of Great Beings and then filter down- through constellations, signs, our own solar ward through the solar systemic planes to system, our scheme and other schemes, and reach our planet, the three planes of normal various planets ultimately to reach and influ- human endeavor, and the other kingdoms in ence the individual. nature.17 Thus, in this descent of energies, as- trological and ray influences first impact the More generally, the esoteric astrological sys- mental plane, then the astral, and finally the tem posits that astrological influence emanates 18 15 physical.
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