A critical study of Lope de Vega's Don Lope de Cardona Item Type text; Thesis-Reproduction (electronic) Authors Bork, Albert William Publisher The University of Arizona. Rights Copyright © is held by the author. Digital access to this material is made possible by the University Libraries, University of Arizona. Further transmission, reproduction or presentation (such as public display or performance) of protected items is prohibited except with permission of the author. Download date 03/10/2021 23:15:30 Link to Item http://hdl.handle.net/10150/553382 A Critical study of Lope do Vega’s, Don Lope do Cardona - ' ' t>y Albert william Bork A th esis submitted to the faculty of the Department of Spanish in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts In the Graduate College, University of Arizona 1938 Approved: 7 Major professor rDat5 l - i & r r ■ ' JLlBRkVX <£979/ /93$>. S’ e - ^ . Z - TABLE OF GGMmiTS page Preface.............................................. ..1-111 Introduction Principal editions and criticisms.....................1 Historical Background 1# Cast, general historical backgroundand argument of tLe play...............................4 2. Alfonso IV, in history and In this drama..........1 3 3. Pedro IV, In history and in this drama............2 0 4; Tres Pedros oomos Reyes en un tiempo. as a - dramatic idea............ .......; ................... ...2 3 5. Don Lop® de Cardona:hia identity.................4 8 a. The ballad on Don Lope as a possible source..54 -b. The various crSnlcas as source®..............5 7 Don Lope de Cardona: A Defense of the Duke deSessa.......7 6 Versification and Date of Composition..•..............,.,,9 5 Influence on Other Literatures ; ^ 1. The German im ita tio n .. .........98 2. The English im itation.............................9 9 3. Hotrou*s Don Lope do Cardona.....................1 0 1 Bibliographical Notes................... ................................... ................ 108 Bibliography.. .. .. ......................... ............1 1 8 r ■ V: Geneological Charts . : The Duke de Sessa and the Houses of Cardona ' and of Aragon............. ..........., Frontispiece The Kings of Aragon, Castile, and Portugal................2 4 i i 6 d 3 8 PREFACE When thio study was started in 1835, I had Intended to make it a comparison of the two plays, Don Lopo de Cardona by.Lop*, de Vega, and The Young Admiral by James Shirley. With, th is idea In mind I sta rte d on the t r a i l which has ended with this "Critical study of lope de Vega*s Don Lope de Cardona.“ I found, after a good deal of preliminary search, that Arthur Ludwig Sticfel, tho great German schol­ ar of the last generation, had preceded me in the idea of comparing these two plays* He had done so complete a work, that i, with my limited training, felt it would be foolish even to attempt to undertake a similar one, I teen turned to Jean de Rotrou's play, Don Lope de Gardone. with much the same sort of purpose. Here I was blocked by tee ina­ bility to obtain certain works white he may have used as his sources. At the same time I was attempting a metric translation of Lope de Vega1 s play. This has been .complet­ ed, but it is not in such shape as to warrant its being offered to others as final. -. For this reason I have written only a critical study of Don Lope de Cardona. As far as is possible without the Letters of Lope de Vega, published in several volumes late in 1935, and early in 1936, and the new biographies also published in 1935, I believe this study complete. 1 believe it to be a contri­ bution to the slowly growing body of Information we have on th® great Spanish poet, but th® decision must be made by those with greater knowledge and wider experience than I. ' Because so many of the books used in this study are • z ' - not available in the University Library, I have quoted ' 1 .. • ■ : liberally and at length. I have included at the end of the study a fairly coepletc list of books consulted not only for what appears here, but also for the textual notes which I have made to accompany the tra n s la tio n of Don Lope do ^ardon^# ■ . _ * •. ■ ^ - In the writing of this study 1 am first indebted to Dr. John Brooks for having furnished me a copy of the play. I am also indebted to him for the use of his set of the new Academy edition of Lope*s works and for other books not in the University Library. Even more than for these books, I am indebted to him for his suggestions, encouragement, criticism, and guidance. If I have found anything now, it Is because of those suggestions he has dropped along the way for me to think over and to. work from. To Dr. John D. Fltz-Gerald, I am likewise Indebted for many suggestions and ideas, but chiefly for the use of his 'v valuable private library which has helped me fill In many gaps or guided me to the works which would do so. To the University of Arizona Library and to the staff, especially Mr. R. J. Gjelsness, Mr. William Carlson, and Miss Mabel A. Guild, I owe much for special privileges -iii granted In the use of the rarer works in the library and for their willingness to seek materials from other libraries for my use# In several cases this has necessitated a good deal of correspondence. To the libraries at the Universities of California, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Illinois, to the Harvard College Library, to the Library of Congress, to the New York Public Library, to the Librarian of The Hispanic Society of Americai and to Dr. Frances Douglas DeKalb, for use of books in their collections, I am greatly indebted. To my wife, Nadyne, who has been my faithful typist, • and ®y constant helper, I express my gratitude, and the hope that the small advance I.have so far made along scholarly lines, at the cost of some sacrifice on her part, will not have been in vain. A. TJ. Bork Tucson, Arizona May 14, 1938 *am6n folcm, vnr visconoc de cardona == isabel,hua de armencol. conoe de vroel RAM6n , CONDE DE PALLARS === ANGLESA FOLCH, IA VISCONDESA DE CARDONA GUILLEN FOLCM DE CARDONA V PA LLA RS= GER ARDA DC VORAA v ALCARRAZ OB 1225 RAM dN FOLCM, X. VISCONDE DE CARDONA = . I N * S DE TERROJA OB. 125* SIBILA DE A M PU R IA S*r RAMdN FOLCM, XI. VISCONDE OE CARDONA RAMdN FOLCM^ m aria Alvarez DE CARDONA de maro XI VISCONDE. BERNARDO AMAT CONSTANZA *( L PROMOM# DE CARDONA PlNdS OB 1520 RAMdN OE CARDONA, 1 SOLDAOO DEL PAPA r RAMdN FOLCM = MARIA CARNET BEATRIZ DE MUGO FOLCM a n g l e s o l a , XIV VISCONDE XIII VISCONDE ARTAL = MARTINA JAIME II =_BLANCA IX. BARONESA 0€ CARDONA OE CARDONA OE L UNA I DulRTA DE ARAGdN I DE BELLPUIG OB. 1334 TABLE TO SHOW THE CONNECTION OF DON LOIE ^=VlOLANTE ALFONSO IV R AM '>N = . DE LUNA. DE ARAGdN DE ARAGdN AERENC.UER I LOPE DE VEGA’S PAT RON, THE DUOUE DE i SIXTH DUKE DE SESSA, RAMdN DE CARDONA, IE GO ARE Z BEATRIZ DE [ULRICA PEDRO IV Bl ANCA OE ARAGON = MUOO FOLCM = GOBERNAOOR DE WITH THE LUNA V AHAGdN DE AHA .dk XVVIZCONDC, I. CONOE c e r d e Ra HOUSES OF CARDONA & OF ARAGON DE CARDONA; z X bam6 n m a r Ca * m a r t Tn i REATHiZOECARDONA DE BELLPUIG; LdPEZ DC AHAodN. CONDE SA DE URGfL 06 4 0 0 UNA CONDE DE UHGEL \-------------------------------- 2 GO ------FRANClSGA galcerXn JUAN RAMdN— JUANA DE CARDONA DE PINdS F O l C H, I DE II CONOE DE ARAGdN XI. BA»dN CAHDONA V ViLLENA DE BELLPUIG FADRIQUI Dl a h a ; 6 n JAIME, IN^S. I CONDE INFANTA DE URGEL I DE ARAGdN t CATALINA OE = RAMdN I L BFATRiZ = : INHiQuE » CENTELLAS | DE CARDONA juania, = juan folcm V LUNA F ME‘.TEL AHAGdN CONF'LS A DE CARDONA OB. 1457 ISH -.44S DF F o x DUOUE DE OB .4 66 SEGORBE ELFA DE Ai DONZA Dt : JUAN HUGO DE . CARDONA PERELLdS I Nl<i ,wE f NHlOuEZ.TfA FOLCM [ fc AHAGdN •UlOMAH « F £ RNANDO DE CARDONA CONZALO OB ISO 1445-1 FERNANDEZ = MARIA DC cdRDOBA.EL ! MANRlQuE . ANTONIO GRAN CAP1TAN, / FRAN iSv* = HRNANCO CAST ELL ANA HEQUtSENS DE CARDONa I. DUOUE DC MANRlOUt | DE CARDONA SESSA. OB 1515 DE ^ARA OB 1543 LUIS | I , / LUIS ISABEL FERNANDEZ = ELViFU ALFONSO = . JUANA. - ^ FERNANDEZ = FRANCISCA RAMdN FOLCM r ENRfouEZ DE DE CdRDCBA DE CdRDOBA Dl AHAGdN ououriA DE cdRDCBA, DE cdRDuBA (X CARCCNA l DUOUE DE REOUESENS IV CONDE DE V SIC ILIA DE C A R D O N A II MARQUES DE ZUNIGA SOMA. OB 1523 OE CABRA OR 562 III. LE COMARES T DE LA CERDA JUf VI St '.ORRf GON/A l O JUANA DIEGO FERNANDO OE = BEATRIZ FERNANDEZ = MARIA FERNANDEZ FRANUSCU Dl OE ARAGON CARDONA V 1 OF FIGUEROA DE CdRDOBA MENDOZA aoa za rm • i rOLLH DF DE cdRDOBA, ANGl LSULA : fehna'ndez HI OUw.f M • A Ft AFRICAN© GARDOMA g ^r o o n a , % OF1 I57i DE CdRDOBA 1324-76 ! * vo III. MAR> IE! fa-1 11 N A« 1 JUANA DE — ANTQNIO FfRNAN f Z L VIS Ef rnXndez ANA I RRi'QUEZ = LUIS RAMdN PCX OH CdRDOBA | OE CdRDOBA CARDONA DC CdRDOBA \ DE CARDONA V AR AudN Y REOUESENS CARDONA DE ARAGdN V. DUOUE OE SESSA Y REOUESENS V DE CdRDOBA OB *06 06 1371 OB i5M L_ T 1 1" MARIANA = LUIS fernXnoez OE GONZALO ENHiOUE - i CATALINA FERRANOf Z f DE ROJAS I CdRDOBA CARDONA DC CdRDOBA f« CdRDOBF V M UJfROA FERNANDEZ FOLCM Y ARAGON, V WOVE.
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