SERPSERP NotNot OnlyOnly PageRankPageRank GoogleGoogle ** Yahoo!Yahoo! ** BingBing AlexandraAlexandra Tudorache Tudorache 28 June 2010 28 June 2010 OutlineOutline SEOSEO – – a a webmaster webmaster perspective perspective on on search search engines engines HowHow Search Search Engine Engine See See a a Website Website GettingGetting Indexed Indexed and and Staying Staying on on Top Top UnderstandingUnderstanding SERP SERP SERPSERP Ranking Ranking vs vs PageRank PageRank RankingRanking Function Function GoogleGoogle BingBing Yahoo!Yahoo! ToolsTools GoogleGoogle Webmaster Webmaster Tools: Tools: SiteMap, SiteMap, Link Link and and Keyword Keyword Statistics Statistics GoogleGoogle Zeitgeist Zeitgeist – – Query Query Statistics Statistics SEOSEO -- SearchSearch EngineEngine OptimizationOptimization 11 AA Webmaster'sWebmaster's PerspectivePerspective onon SearchSearch EnginesEngines Q:Q: HowHow toto toptop rankrank aa websitewebsite (for (for givengiven keywords)?keywords)? A:A: TheThe KeyKey toto TopTop RankRank is is toto understandunderstand HowHow SearchSearch Engines Engines Work Work and and their their Ranking Ranking Factors Factors SEOSEO -- SearchSearch EngineEngine OptimizationOptimization 22 TwoTwo viewsviews ofof content:content: peoplepeople vs.vs. botsbots PeoplePeople areare lookinglooking forfor content content, , ergonomicergonomic layoutslayouts and and quality quality graphics graphics.. SearchSearch engines engines see see your your pages pages like like Lynx! Lynx! BotsBots oftenoften indexindex separatelyseparately text,text, mobilemobile content,content, imagesimages and and videos. videos. SEOSEO -- SearchSearch EngineEngine OptimizationOptimization 33 Question:Question: howhow toto toptop rankrank aa websitewebsite (for(for givengiven keywords)?keywords)? PreparingPreparing your your website website for for top top ranking ranking TargetingTargeting keywords: keywords: you you can can rank rank high high onlyonly for for a a limited limited number number of of keywords keywords Content:Content: Title Title text text and and Content Content are are very very important important WriteWrite your your content content for for people people and and not not search search engines! engines! Markup:Markup: Use Use HTML HTML at at your your advantage; advantage; Pay attention to metatags and standards Pay attention to metatags and standards SEOSEO -- SearchSearch EngineEngine OptimizationOptimization 44 GettingGetting indexed indexed PreparingPreparing submission submission – – site site description, description, keywords keywords SubmitSubmit your your website website ItIt takes takes 4-6 4-6 weeks weeks for for search search enigines enigines to to crawl crawl your your site; site; useuse this this time time to to create create backlinks, backlinks, content content and and metatags metatags StayingStaying in in top top UpdateUpdate content content at at a a steady steady rate rate HelpHelp Search Search Engines Engines index index your your new new content: content: Robots.txtRobots.txt SiteSite Maps Maps UnderstandingUnderstanding SERPSERP SearchSearch EngineEngine ResultsResults PagePage SERPSERP RankRank = = (Search(Search EngineEngine ResultsResults Page)Page) isis thethe actualactual orderedordered resultresult returnedreturned byby aa searchsearch engineengine in in response response to to a a keyword keyword query. query. RankingRanking FunctionFunction AA weightedweighted functionfunction of of RankingRanking FactorsFactors (more(more thanthan 200).200). ItIt isis oftenoften updatedupdated toto restrainrestrain blackblack hathat SEO.SEO. PagePage Rank Rank is is only only one one of of many many factors factors for for all all main main searchsearch Engines. Engines. SERPSERP ≠≠ PagePage RankingRanking ScoreScore GoogleGoogle SERPSERP ** ExamplesExamples ** IndexingIndexing StrategyStrategy ** GoogleGoogle OfficialOfficial FactorsFactors ** GoogleGoogle SEOSEO ExpertExpert FactorsFactors Search Results in Google 1 Search Results in Google 1Looking for infos Results diversification Looking for infos SearchSearch for:for: webweb miningmining Wikipedia 20092009 20102010 Definitions Books Images Video SearchSearch ResultsResults inin GoogleGoogle 22 LookingLooking forfor websites/communitieswebsites/communities Title Other Indexed Pages URL Text SearchSearch for:for: linuxlinux forumforum Meta Tags 20092009 20102010 SearchSearch ResultsResults inin GoogleGoogle 22 GoogleGoogle SquaredSquared Information Extraction Name Entity Recognition PreparePrepare sitesite forfor GoogleGoogle SubmissionSubmission ** MarketMarket Analysis Analysis ** KeywordsKeywords StrategyStrategy ** IndexingIndexing andand CrawlingCrawling StrategyStrategy PageRankPageRank WhatWhat GoogleGoogle SaysSays PageRankPageRank reliesrelies onon thethe uniquelyuniquely democraticdemocratic naturenature ofof thethe webweb byby using using itsits vastvast linklink structurestructure asas anan indicatorindicator ofof anan individualindividual page'spage's valuevalue. InIn essence,essence, GoogleGoogle interpretsinterprets aa linklink fromfrom pagepage AA toto pagepage BB asas aa vote,vote, byby pagepage A,A, forfor pagepage B.B. But,But, GoogleGoogle lookslooks atat moremore thanthan thethe sheersheer volumevolume ofof votes,votes, oror linkslinks aa pagepage receives;receives; itit alsoalso analyzes analyzes thethe pagepage thatthat castscasts thethe votevote. VotesVotes castcast byby pagespages thatthat areare themselvesthemselves "important""important" weighweigh moremore heavilyheavily and and help help to to make make other other pages pages “important”. “important”. (http://www.google.com/corporate/tech.html)(http://www.google.com/corporate/tech.html) Hypertext-MatchingHypertext-Matching Analysis Analysis WhatWhat GoogleGoogle SaysSays Hypertext-MatchingHypertext-Matching AnalysisAnalysis: : OurOur searchsearch engineengine alsoalso analyzesanalyzes page page contentcontent. However,However, insteadinstead ofof simplysimply scanningscanning forfor page-basedpage-based texttext (which(which cancan bebe manipulatedmanipulated byby sitesite publisherspublishers throughthrough meta-tags),meta-tags), ourour technologytechnology analyzesanalyzes thethe fullfull contentcontent of of aa pagepage andand factorsfactors inin fonts,fonts, subdivisionssubdivisions andand thethe preciseprecise locationlocation ofof eacheach wordword. WeWe alsoalso analyzeanalyze thethe contentcontent ofof neighboringneighboring webweb pagespages to to ensureensure thethe results results returned returned are are the the most most relevant relevant to to a a user's user's query.query. (http://www.google.com/corporate/tech.html)(http://www.google.com/corporate/tech.html) GettingGetting IndexedIndexed // CrawlingCrawling 11 CrawlingCrawling ≠≠ IndexingIndexing DecideDecide your your crawling/indexing crawling/indexing strategy strategy CrawlingCrawling domain:domain: Decide Decide whichwhich pagespages andand directoriesdirectories dodo you you want want indexed. indexed. InformInform google google about about this this and and keep keep Google Google informed informed CrawlingCrawling rate: rate: depends depends on on how how often often do do you you update update your your content;content; ItIt isis importantimportant toto updateupdate youryour sitesite atat aa steadysteady raterate toto avoidavoid underunder oror overover crawlingcrawling andand tootoo highhigh serverserver traffictraffic ElementsElements that that help help crawling/indexing crawling/indexing Robots.txtRobots.txt – – tells tells google google and and other other search search engines engines what what toto index index and and not not GoogleGoogle SiteMapSiteMap – – XMLXML SiteMapSiteMap formattedformattedaccordingaccording toto GoogleGoogle standards; standards; SubmitSubmit it it directly directly to to google; google; it it uses uses it it to to crawl crawl your your site. site. InternalInternal Links Links – – each each page page should should link link at at least least the the home home GettingGetting IndexedIndexed // CrawlingCrawling 22 GoogleGoogle uses uses two two types types of of Indexing: Indexing: fullfull contents contents indexing indexing (initial (initial crawling crawling and and major major changes) changes) partialpartial indexing indexing (for (for updated updated or or new new content) content) Robots.txtRobots.txt AA robots.txtrobots.txt file file providesprovides crawlcrawl directivesdirectives to to bots.bots. Robots.txtRobots.txt containcontain informationinformation aboutabout whatwhat toto crawl,crawl, sitemapssitemaps locations locations and and most most important important restrictions restrictions - - like like privateprivate oror protectedprotected foldersfolders etc.etc. ThisThis informationinformation cancan bebe personalizedpersonalized for for each each bot bot (see (see User-agent User-agent directive). directive). BotsBots readread firstfirst thethe robots.txtrobots.txt andand thenthen crawlcrawl thethe site.site. IfIf aa robots.txtrobots.txt isis missing,missing, botsbots assumeassume thatthat allall pagespages cancan bebe crawled/indexed.crawled/indexed. User-agentUser-agent: :* * AllowAllow: :/searchhistory/ /searchhistory/ .......................... DisallowDisallow: :/search /search .......................... SitemapSitemap: :http://www.gstatic.com/s2/sitemaps/profiles-sitemap.xml http://www.gstatic.com/s2/sitemaps/profiles-sitemap.xml ............. ............. GoogleGoogle robots.txt robots.txt - -http://www.google.com/robots.txt http://www.google.com/robots.txt
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