Gity of Grandview Municipal Services Building Grandview, Missouri 64030 www.grandview.org Board of Aldermen Agenda September 25,2018 - 7:00 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF AGENDA IV APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Regular Session - September 11 ,2018. V AWARDS, PRESENTATIONS, AND ORGANIZATIONAL BUSINESS B. Recognition of Grandview students who won the NBA Jr. Championships v PUBLIC COMMENTS Individuals will be permitted to address the Board of Aldermen only once on any given subject and are limited to 3 mínutes per speaker. Individuals speaking must stand at the public microphone, give their names and addresses in an audible tone of voice and sign the City Clerk's log for recording in the minutes. These rules also apply to individuals addressing the Board during Public Hearings. VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS C. A public hearing for the approval of the Grandview Village Community lmprovement Dístrict. VIII. CONSENT ITEMS D. Purchasing Manager's Report. E. Collector's Report. F. Treasurer's Report. G. Historic Preservation Commission Meeting Minutes-August 8,2018. H. Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes-August 2,2018 l. Approval of payment to the Kansas City, MissouriWater Services Department for sanitary sewer services for the months of July and August, 2018. J. Award of bid to Precision Roofing, for $221,245.00 for the installation of a TPO roof and related roofing materials at the Municipal Services Building. K. Approval of purchase for Body Worn Cameras and associated hardware/software for the Police Department. L. Approval of purchase for one Ford Transit F250 Van from the Mid-America Regíonal Council Cooperative Purchasing Agreement. M. Approval of the purchase of two Ford Explorer staff/investigations unit vehicles from the Mid-America Regional Council Cooperative Purchasing Agreement. N. Approval of the purchase of two Ford lnterceptor SUV Police vehicles from the Mid-America Regional Council Cooperative Purchasing Agreement. O. A Resolution establishing a Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee in the City of Grandview for the Comprehensive Plan Update. P. Schedule of Bills. Q. No closed meeting called tx. ORDINANCES R. An Ordinance authorizing a contract with TRS for the construction of the Grandview Shooting Range. S. An Ordinance authorizing a contract with Mega for the construction of the Splash Park. T. An Ordinance authorizing a contract with Precision Roofing for the lnstallation of a new TPO roof and related roofing material at the Municipal Services Building, and authorizing payment. U. An Ordinance authorizing a one-year extension to the Metropolitan Area Regional Radio System (MARRS) user agreement with the City of Kansas City, Missouri, and authorizing payment. V. An Ordinance authorizing a one-year software support agreement with PSSI for the Response CAD, lClS, Mobile and lnterface Software, and authorizing payment. W. An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1387 as amended by providing new charges for ambulance services to resident and nonresidents. X. An Ordinance authorizing the approval of a provider agreement for the Ground Emergency Medical Transportation (GEMT) uncompensated cost reimbursement program. Y. An Ordinance levying GeneralAd Valorem Property Taxes for general, debt retirement, and park maintenance purposes for the City of Grandview, Missouri, for the 2018 Tax Levy Year. Z. An Ordinance authorizing a change order for additional work on the 2018 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project, and authorizing payment. AA. An Ordinance authorizing the execution of a project cost participation and road relinquishment supplemental agreement with the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission for the two-way conversion of l-49 Outer Roadways. BB. An Ordinance authorizing the execution of an STP-Urban Program Supplemental Agreement with the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission for the utilization of federal funds toward the l-49 Outer Roadway Two-Way Conversion Project. CC. An Ordinance authorizing the acceptance of a statement of work, and use of an electronic grant management system with the Federal Railroad Administration for the Blue Ridge Boulevard Overpass Replacement Project. DD. An Ordinance approving a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) application filed by Teague Lumber for a wholesale lumber operation at 15201 South US 71 Highway. EE. An Ordinance approving a petition to establish the Grandview Village Community lmprovement District; making finding of blight; establishing the CID; and appointing directors to the Board of Directors for the ClD. FF. An Ordinance adopting the Fiscal Year 2019 Classification and Compensation Plan and Establishing the Basis for Employee Pay Raises GG. An Ordinance Authorizing an agreement between Grandview Parks and Recreation and Healthy Contributions. x. OTHER BUSINESS XI ADJOURNMENT Posted at 3:16 pm September 21,2018 Grandview, Missourr September I l, 2018 The Board of Aldermen of the City of Grandview, Missouri, met in Regular Session on the above date at 7:00 p.m., in the City Hall, 1200 Main Street, Grandview, Missouri. Present: Mayor Leonard Jones; Aldermen Sandra Kessinger, Damon Randolph, Annette M. Turnbaugh, Brian Hochstein, James N. Crain, John Maloney; City Administrator Cemal Umut Gungor, City Clerk Becky Schimmel StaffPresent: Community Development Director Chris Chiodini, City Planner Dave McCumber, Police Chief Charles Iseman, City Engineer Jaclyn White, Inspector/Planner Billie Hufford, Sergeant Gabe Gilbert Absent: The meeting was called to order by Mayor Leonard Jones, roll was called and a quorum was declared present. Mayor Jones led in the pledge of allegiance. The agenda was approved as amended to add Item D-l and change Item I to Calling a Closed Meeting. The minutes of the August 28,2018 Regular Session were approved as written. ITEM V. A\ilARDS. PRESENTATIONS, & ORGANIZATIONAL BUSINESS Item V.-8. - of a Promotion within the Police Police Chief Charles Iseman presented MPO Brian Poynter's promotion to the rank of Sergeant. Item V.-C. - A Proclamation Declaring the Week of September l7-23r 2018 as Constitution Week. Mayor Jones read the proclamation and presented it to the Little Blue River Chapter of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Item V.-D. - Recognition of Yards of the Month for August,20l&. Mayor Jones presented the Yard of the Month awards for August,2018 to the following individuals. Each was awarded a gift bag from The View community center and a gift card from Price Chopper. o Cano Roberto, 12900 Manchester Avenue, Ward I o Douglas Workman,13525 Parker Avenue, Ward II . Roger and Marcia Rumans, 14810 Pine View Drive,Ward III Item V.-D-l. - A Proclamation to Recognize Xavier Williams, a Grandview High School Graduate and Current Kansas City Chiefs Player, by Declaring September 1 2018 as Xavier Williams .l Regular Session -z-- September 1 1, 2018 Mayor Jones read the proclamation and presented it to Mr. Williams. ITEM VI. PUBLIC COMMENTS No one addressed the Board. ITEM VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS Item VII.-E. - Public Hearing on the Conditional Use Permit Application Filed by T Lumber for a \ilholesale Lumber at 15201 South US 71 City Planner Dave McCumber deferred to the applicant's representative and owner, Mr. Don Margritier, who posted a visual aid of the proposed site plan showing structural changes requested and compliance with all requirements for zoning and a Conditional Use Permit (CUP). He stated that Teague Lumber had been operating in Grandview for 16.5 years, and for four years at the 2nd Street location. The Business had become too large to stay at the 2nd Street location and needed a larger space such as the property at 15201South US 71 Highway. He explained that the proposal included 80 percent of the structure to be demolished, keeping the former ballroom space for offices. In response to Alderman Maloney, Mr. Margritier said they had bought the property around the first part of August and he preferred to be completed with construction by December 1't, excluding the landscaping. Alderman Crain inquired about any new information on the water flow rate. Mr. Margritier indicated that a test was done yesterday showing2,l60 gallons per minute and the report was sent to the City's Fire Marshal. He said he believed the number was within the limits. City Planner McCumber recommended that once they meet the water flow testing requirements, then the CUP should be approved. Alderman Maloney, the Board of Alderman liaison for the Planning Commission, said that the Planning Commission had recommended moving forward pending the flow rate test compliance, and mentioned that the applicant would need to work with staff regarding any possible scheduling restraints. Mayor Jones closed the public hearing. ITEM VIII. CONSENT ITEMS Approved as follows on motion of Alderman Crain, second Alderman Maloney by voice vote: 6-0. a Regular Session -J- September I l, 201 I -F. Purchasing Manager' s Report. -G Bid of Willey Disposal for the Fall2018 and Spring 2019 Clean Up ($41,375.00). -H Schedule of City's bills. -I. Calling a Closed Meeting - pulledfor separate consideration. Item vIIr - I. - Calling a closed Meeting for Tuesday, september 25,2018, at 6:00 Motion by Alderman Hochstein, second Alderman Kessinger, to call a Closed Meeting to be held Tuesday, September 25, 2018, 6:00 p.m. in the Municipal Offices, Mayor's Conference Room, 1200 Main Street, Grandview, Missouri. The Closed Session will have closed record and will be scheduled for the purpose of discussing the following item: (1) Legal actions, causes of action or litigation and any confidential or privileged communications between the City or its representatives and its attorneys. Roll Call: Aye: Aldermen Kessinger, Randolph, Turnbaugh, Hochstein, Crain, Maloney Nay: None ITEM IX. O INANCES Item IX.-J. - B¡ll No. 7341 - An Ordinance Amending Section 6-102,6-103, And 6- 104 Of The Code Of Laws Of The City Of Grandview, Missouri, Regarding n Of Residential Rental Properties. Bill No.
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