L I B RAR.Y OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AM 1881-85 material is re- The person charging this return on or before the sponsible for its Latest Date stamped below. of books Theft, mutilation, and underlining and are reasons for disciplinary action may result in dismissal from the University. University of Illinois Library IL27 L161 O-1096 152 THE LIBRARY JOURNAL. BOOKS OF VALUE Charles Sumner's Works. Higginson's Works. all his Public Orations and vol- Containing Speeches. 15 ARMY LIFE IN A BLACK REGIMENT. $1.50 umes. Per volume, cloth, $3.00; half-calf, $5.00. Sold ATLANTIC ESSAYS 1.50 only by subscription. Volumes I. to XIII. now ready. OLDPORT DAYS. With 10 Heliotype Illustrations. 2.00 Wendell Phillips's Speeches, MALBONE. AN OLDPORT ROMANCE. 1.50 OUTDOOR PAPERS. Lectures, and Letters.* ,. 1.50 YOUNG FOLKS' HISTORY OF THE UNITED Cloth, $2.50. Illustrated * STATES. 1.50 A new volume may be expected this containing later faljp YOUNG FOLKS' BOOK OF AMERICAN EX- Speeches and Lectures. 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This well-known traveller, who, the age seventeen, walked one thousand miles across South America, and pre- CHARLOTTE VON STEIN. A Memoir. With Portrait. sented the world with a graphic account of his performance, LIFE OF RUBENS. With Portrait now us with one more of the most works presents interesting " ARNOLD AND ANDRE. An Historical Drama. on modern travel and adventure that it is possible to conceive. London Sporting and Dramatic News. WORDSWORTH. A Biographic and ^Esthetic Study. Fine Portrait FOUR MONTHS IN A SNEAK-BOX. A boat voyage of 2600 miles down the and SHAKESPEARE. A Study. With Portrait. Ohio Mississippi rivers, and AND GOETHE. along the Gulf of Mexico. The exploration of Western COLERIDGE, SHELLEY, Biographic and Southern water-courses of the United States made in a .(Esthetic Studies. Barnegat duck-boat, twelve feet in length, built of cedar, and weighing two hundred pounds. With illustrations and Biographical Annals of Williams maps prepared for the work by special contract with the S. and Geodetic Bureau. College. U. Coast Survey Cloth, $2.50. Rev. C. DURFEE. With an introduction by Rev. S. By CAMPS IN THE CARIBBEES. The Adventures and IREN.US PRIME, D. D. Cloth, $5.00. Only a few copies Discoveries of a Naturalist in the Lesser Antilles. remaining. By FREDERICK A. OBER. Many full-page and letter-press il- lustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth, $2.50. History of Paraguay. " The Poet WHITTIER writes : Let me congratulate you on With Notes of under Difficulties. Hon. C. ' Diplomacy By Ober's Camps in the Caribbees.' The writings of naturalists A. U. S. Minister.' With and Illus- WASHBURN, Maps on their travels are rarely dull reading, but I know of nothing trations. 2 vols., cloth, $7.50. in the narratives of Bartram, Wilson, Wallace, and others ot their class which will better repay perusal than this well- Conington's Virgil. written story of the explorations and adventures of our young Massachusetts traveller. I have read it with satisfac- The Complete Works of Virgil, Translated into English Prose. great tion. G. WHITTIER." With an Essay (65 pages) on the English translators of JOHN Virgil, by JOHN CONINGTON. Edited by JOHN ADDINGTON MIDNIGHT MARCHES THROUGH PERSIA. SVMONDS. By Cloth, $2.00. HENRY BALLANTINE, A. M., with an introduction by Pres- ident SEELYE, of Amherst College. 12010, cloth, fully Bacon's Essays. illustrated, $2.50. Annotations. WHATELY. With By Archbishop Containing A clear, vivid, and entertaining account of the wonderful a numerous and a Glossarial Preface, Notes, Index. By march of a thousand miles, made by the author's little caravan F. F. HEARD. $2 50. through the interior of Persia to St. Petersburg, during the summer of 1875. Underwood's English Literature. THE MARVELLOUS COUNTRY; or, Thirty Years in Hand-book of intended for the use A English Literature, of Arizona and New Mexico. Containing an authentic his- and Schools, as a and Guide Colleges High Companion tory of this Wonderful Country and its Ancient Civiliza- for Private Students, and for general reading. Containing tion, with a full description of its immense Mineral Wealth, 200 Sketches of Au- nearly Biogtaphical Distinguished its remarkable Urban Antiquities and magnificent Mount- thors. FRANCIS H. UNDERWOOD, A. M. By ain Scenery, together with a full and complete History ot the Apache Tnbe of Indians. By SAMUEL W. COZZENS. British A uthors, $2.50. American A uthors, $2.50. Illustrated with more than 100 engravings. Cloth, $2.50. Sold by all book-sellers, and news-dealers, and sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of price. Libraries supplied. Catalogues mailedfree to any address on application. PRESS OF FRANCIS HART & Co. N. Y. LEE AND SHEPARD, Publishers, BOSTON. THE Library Journal CHIEFLY DEVOTED TO VOL. 7. Nos. 7-8. JULY AUGUST, 1882. CONFERENCE OF LIBRARIANS AT CINCINNATI. Contents : Page. Page. THE PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS. Justin Winsor . 123 THE CLASSIFICATION OF BOOKS. Lloyd P. Smith . 172 CLASSIFICATION. J. N, Lamed 125 FICTION IN LIBRARIES. /. L. Beardsley 175 ' CATALOGUING. L. E. PROGRESS OF LIBRARY ARCHITECTURE. W.F.Poole. 130 Jones 177 CHARGING SYSTEMS. K~. A. Linderfelt SELECTING AND TRAINING LIBRARY ASSISTANTS. 178 James L. Whitney 136 YEARLY REPORT ON BOYS AND GIRLS READING. Miss C. M. Hewins 182 AIDS AND GUIDES FOR READERS. 5. .S. Green . 13$ THE PROCEEDINGS 191 A NEW CLASSIFICATION AND NOTATION. J. BlBLIOGRAFY 209 Schwartz 148 ANONYMS AND PSEUDONYMS 309 PUBLIC LIBRARIES AND THE PUBLIC. James W. Ward 167 LIBRARY PURCHASE- LIST 210 CLASSIFICATION OF THE BOOK ARTS. C: A. Cutter. 168 GENERAL NOTES 212 NEW YORK: F. LEYPOLDT, Publisher, 13 and 15 Park Row. LONDON : TRUBNER & Co., 57 and 59 Ludgate Hill. YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION, $3.00. MONTHLY NUMBERS, 30 cts. Price to Europe, or countries in the Union, 15*. per annum ; single numbers, is. dd. Entered at the Post-Office at New York, N. Y., as second-class matter. 122 THE LIBRARY JOURNAL. \July-Aug., '82. IMPORTANT NEW BOOKS. " Wine that inaketh glad the heart of man." A HISTOR Y OF CHAMPA GNE. With Notes on the other Sparkling Wines of France. By HENRY " at the Vienna and Paris Exhibitions author of The Wines of the VIZETELLY, Wine Juror ; World," etc. of the Order of Illustrated with One vol- ; Chevalier Franz-Joseph. 350 engravings. elegant 4to ume, appropriately bound in bevelled cloth boards, richly and emblematically gilt. $6. THE TEMPLE: Sacied Poems and Private Ejaculations. By Mr. GEORGE HERBERT. New edition, author of is with an Introductory Essay by J. HENRY SHORTHOUSE, "John Ipglesant." This a fac- simile reprint by typography of the original edition of 1633. No pains have been spared to make it an exact replica as regards size, paper, print, and binding. Small crown. Sprinkled sheep, imitation of original binding. $2. GERMAN CULTURE AND CHRISTIANITY. Their Controversy in the Time 1770-1880. By " JOSEPH GOSTWICK, author of Outline of German Literature," etc. 8vo, pp. xvi-499. Cloth, $6. CONTENTS I. Limitations. II. Deism. III. Rationalism. IV. Lessing. V. Herder. VI. Jacobi and his Friends. VII. Kant's Moral Philosophy. VIII. Fichte's Religious Philosophy. IX. Carlyle. X. Practical Results ; Transition. Goethe. XIII. Schiller. XIV. etc. XI. Poetry; Klopstock ; Wieland. XII. The" Romantic School," XV. Mysticism; Speculative Philosophy. XVI. Schelling ; Hegel. XVII. Schleiermacher. XVIII. Strauss; Baur. XIX. Christian Evidences. HISTORICAL MEMORIALS OF WESTMINSTER ABBEY. By ARTHUR PENRHYN STAN- LEY, D.D., late Dean of Westminster. With illustrations. 8vo, pp. (45) 540. $6. *$* This volume is printed from the copy left by the Dean at his death and containing his final corrections and additions. CHAP-BOOK'S OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTUR Y. With Fac-similes, Notes, and Introduc- tion. By JOHN ASHTON. With numerous fac-similes of the old-fashioned wood blocks, ismo, $2.25. The Same. Large paper, $21. *** This volume contains an interesting account of the curious little chap-books published and sold by chapmen or peddlers in the eighteenth century, and now for the first time given to the public in a collected form. It is copiously il- lustrated with upward of one hundred fac-similes of the rude but characteristic wood engravings, without which the book would be of little value. The original editions of these Chap-books are highly prized by collectors, and fetch high prices whenever the rare occasion happens that they are offered for sale. The author of this volume says that he gave ^24. 13. 6 for nine volumes, containing ninety-nine Chap-books, an average of five shillings each. The books were originally sold at one penny. Considering the price literature of this kind will bring at the present day, they were exceedingly cheap. NEW AND REVISED EDITION. THE M YTHOLOGY OF THE AR YAN NA TIONS. By the Rev. Sir GEORGE W. Cox, Bart., M.A.
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